Russia on its way to the U.S. East Coast?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
According to Litwin Russians are Papuans and Mongols.
Also, the highly armed 'Mongols' guided missile frigate "Admiral Gorshkov" is in the Atlantic and has surprisingly changed course.. "Admiral Gorshkov" has separated from the accompanying tanker "Kama" in the Bay of Biscay and is now 1300 kilometers west of the Atlantic. Both ships were scheduled to participate in a joint naval maneuver called "Mosi II" with the Chinese and South African navies off the coast of South Africa in February, where they were to remain for up to a year. The reason for the current change of course is not known.
Admiral Gorshkov is equipped with 16 vertical launch tubes, each of which could theoretically be armed with nuclear-capable Zircon hypersonic missiles capable of traveling 1,000 kilometers in less than 10 minutes. 'Mongols' would thus be able to use a single ship to fire 16 nuclear-armed hypersonic missiles at the United States in a matter of minutes, which not only could not be intercepted by anything in the U.S. arsenal, but would also hit their respective targets before an evacuation could be carried out.
At the same time, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists' Science and Safety Committee decided to move the so-called "doomsday clock," which reflects the risk of nuclear conflict, forward by ten seconds. A statement announcing the decision reads, "A time of unprecedented danger: It is 90 seconds to midnight."

Russians can't even get out of the Donbass, ain't no way they're making it to the U.S. and winning.

The proposal of the war isn't to defeat Ukraine but to lead the world into nuclear WWIII
Putin, Zelensky, Biden & Co work together and make nuclear annihilation possible
All of them are satanists and traitors of their peoples

The article says its unusual for a Russian ship to venture into the western Atlantic Ocean. Yet US warships venture into all the seas surrounding Russia. Black Sea. Baltic Sea. Etc….
Why not ?They know they have little if anything to fear from the US

Perhaps the AI computers have offered this to Uncle P as his master gambit .,

Discovered check . Mate in four .
So Russian oligarchs worth billions want to risk global turmoil and risk to their own lives? Unless Putin is truly insane this isn't their objective, or anyones.
The article says its unusual for a Russian ship to venture into the western Atlantic Ocean. Yet US warships venture into all the seas surrounding Russia. Black Sea. Baltic Sea. Etc….
Today we`re holding joint exercises with Israel in an attempt to provoke a shooting war with Iran. It worked well for Reagan in Libya until they blew up an airliner over Lockerbie Scotland.
Oh, well.
At the same time, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists' Science and Safety Committee decided to move the so-called "doomsday clock," which reflects the risk of nuclear conflict, forward by ten seconds. A statement announcing the decision reads, "A time of unprecedented danger: It is 90 seconds to midnight."
Ah, it's like being young again, but this time I don't feel like I'd fit under a desk!
Today we`re holding joint exercises with Israel in an attempt to provoke a shooting war with Iran. It worked well for Reagan in Libya until they blew up an airliner over Lockerbie Scotland.
Oh, well.
No doubt they’ll be doing provocative military exercises off the coast of China too.

An Ohio Class Submarine has been on their ass for a while ...
What else are you going to do ... :auiqs.jpg:

As Russia continues to get its ass kicked in Ukraine and can only send Iranian supplied drones into schools, hospitals, and apartments, it must somehow threaten its own existence by trying to threaten the existence of the U.S..

This is what happens when you let dictators rule over millions of people. For some reason, millions of Americans would like the same in this country. Mind boggling.
As Russia continues to get its ass kicked in Ukraine and can only send Iranian supplied drones into schools, hospitals, and apartments, it must somehow threaten its own existence by trying to threaten the existence of the U.S..

This is what happens when you let dictators rule over millions of people. For some reason, millions of Americans would like the same in this country. Mind boggling.

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