Russia prepares new wave of mobilisation in Donbas, mainly of minors – National Resistance Center


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
The Russians plan to start a new wave of mobilisation in the occupied parts of Luhansk and Donetsk Oblasts in the spring – the "core" of the new wave will be young men born in 2006.

Details: The National Resistance Center reports that the Russian military enlistment offices called on educational institutions to provide lists of all young men born in 2006.

According to the Resistance, they will become the "core" of the new mobilisation wave, because now almost no unemployed people left in the region that are subject to mobilisation.

If Russia hasn't been suffering very high casualties, why is there a new mobilization?
If Russia hasn't been suffering very high casualties, why is there a new mobilization?
Ivan dont want to die for czar and his buddies anymore

The Russians plan to start a new wave of mobilisation in the occupied parts of Luhansk and Donetsk Oblasts in the spring – the "core" of the new wave will be young men born in 2006.

Details: The National Resistance Center reports that the Russian military enlistment offices called on educational institutions to provide lists of all young men born in 2006.

According to the Resistance, they will become the "core" of the new mobilisation wave, because now almost no unemployed people left in the region that are subject to mobilisation.

If Russia hasn't been suffering very high casualties, why is there a new mobilization?
If Russia hasn't been suffering very high casualties, why is there a new mobilization?
I'm sure they're talking about the Spring conscription. It begins April 1st and runs to July 15th. since the annexed territory is now "part of Russia" and these kids have Russian citizenship, they will have to show up at the registration office like Russian kids.

They will be assigned to L/DPR units, the so-called 1AC and 2AC of the L/DPR are being incorporated into the Russian MoD. Shoigu already replaced one high-ranking LNR official.

Plus I think they've already mobilized everyone they can in the occupied areas- Mobiks from Russia are complaining about their units being disbanded, and they get re-assigned to L/DPR units immediately on entry to Ukraine.
What a bunch of ignoramuses you silly youngsters are .

Up to 500 , 000 Russian reservists ready and you produce this laughable nonsense .
The photos of the SU's with Kinzhals mounted underneath was exquisitely timed so that NATO would be forced to think twice.

NATO knows it would get screwed in an air war over Ukraine, just like Russia did to the nazis in WWII with the sheer number of tanks, whose life expectancy was only 15 minutes. A Kinzhal ('Dagger') can mount under the plane in 60 seconds. Russia is now mass-producing Kinzhals.


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