Russia probe lawyers think Mueller could indict Trump

mueller doesn't indict, moron....

damn, you're one of the stupidest least informed people I've ever seen....
Hey Jills....Your post would more aptly apply to the OP who not only claims mueller can indict but will, and he put it in the title in big bold print, he may be more entitled to a civics lesson based on your information than anyone else, he is certainly more entitled to the titles you handed
“The four page memo released Friday reports the disturbing fact about how the FBI and FISA appear to have been used to influence the 2016 election and its aftermath....The FBI failed to inform the FISA court that the Clinton campaign had funded the dossier....the FBI became a tool of anti-Trump political actors. This is unacceptable in a democracy and ought to alarm anyone who wants the FBI to be a nonpartisan enforcer of the law....The FBI wasn’t straight with Congress, as it hid most of these facts from investigators.” - Donald Trump quoting the Wall Street Journal quoting the Nunes memo
Lawyers involved in probe: Mueller may indict Trump

The lawyers know what Mueller has and they have spoken with attorneys on Mueller's team. Here is the Donald trying desperately to discredit the Dossier and all the is the very effort he and his Repub conspirators are staging that is sinking him. The more distractions they throw out there, the more Mueller has in his case of obstruction of justice.

The way Mueller sees it, even if the indictment is challenged, and certainly it will be, it will doom the Donald for another term and will send the matter to the court to decide. If the court throws it back to Congress, then either the present congress puts on their "big boy pants" and impeaches him or the next Democratic congress impeaches him.

Sorry Donald, you may win a few battles in the short game, but Mueller is playing the long game. And personally, I feel Mueller has more evidence against Trump or his family in the areas of money laundering and/or collusion.

So, Nunes, keep pumping out the distractions! Each one puts another nail into the coffin of your boy.
You are the biggest lying traitor here.
There was a thread on this yesterday. Lawyers involved in the probe releasing such info would be fired for malfeasance. This is another fake story.
Lawyers involved in probe: Mueller may indict Trump

The lawyers know what Mueller has and they have spoken with attorneys on Mueller's team. Here is the Donald trying desperately to discredit the Dossier and all the is the very effort he and his Repub conspirators are staging that is sinking him. The more distractions they throw out there, the more Mueller has in his case of obstruction of justice.

The way Mueller sees it, even if the indictment is challenged, and certainly it will be, it will doom the Donald for another term and will send the matter to the court to decide. If the court throws it back to Congress, then either the present congress puts on their "big boy pants" and impeaches him or the next Democratic congress impeaches him.

Sorry Donald, you may win a few battles in the short game, but Mueller is playing the long game. And personally, I feel Mueller has more evidence against Trump or his family in the areas of money laundering and/or collusion.

So, Nunes, keep pumping out the distractions! Each one puts another nail into the coffin of your boy.

It's more unnamed sources. I would put this in the same bin as all the BREAKING - Comey and/or Hillary being perpwalked somewhere.
There was a thread on this yesterday. Lawyers involved in the probe releasing such info would be fired for malfeasance. This is another fake story.
Lawyers involved in probe: Mueller may indict Trump

The lawyers know what Mueller has and they have spoken with attorneys on Mueller's team. Here is the Donald trying desperately to discredit the Dossier and all the is the very effort he and his Repub conspirators are staging that is sinking him. The more distractions they throw out there, the more Mueller has in his case of obstruction of justice.

The way Mueller sees it, even if the indictment is challenged, and certainly it will be, it will doom the Donald for another term and will send the matter to the court to decide. If the court throws it back to Congress, then either the present congress puts on their "big boy pants" and impeaches him or the next Democratic congress impeaches him.

Sorry Donald, you may win a few battles in the short game, but Mueller is playing the long game. And personally, I feel Mueller has more evidence against Trump or his family in the areas of money laundering and/or collusion.

So, Nunes, keep pumping out the distractions! Each one puts another nail into the coffin of your boy.

It's more unnamed sources. I would put this in the same bin as all the BREAKING - Comey and/or Hillary being perpwalked somewhere.
Really? Can you point to reputable news sources citing multiple sources for the credibility of those claims you mentioned? I doubt it.

And I think most people in this thread are confused. The lawyers mentioned dont claim to know what info Mueller has, or what actions he will take. They are speaking from their knowledge of legal procedure and the actions they have witnessed, speculating as to the possibility of the indictment of Trump.
There was a thread on this yesterday. Lawyers involved in the probe releasing such info would be fired for malfeasance. This is another fake story.
Lawyers involved in probe: Mueller may indict Trump

The lawyers know what Mueller has and they have spoken with attorneys on Mueller's team. Here is the Donald trying desperately to discredit the Dossier and all the is the very effort he and his Repub conspirators are staging that is sinking him. The more distractions they throw out there, the more Mueller has in his case of obstruction of justice.

The way Mueller sees it, even if the indictment is challenged, and certainly it will be, it will doom the Donald for another term and will send the matter to the court to decide. If the court throws it back to Congress, then either the present congress puts on their "big boy pants" and impeaches him or the next Democratic congress impeaches him.

Sorry Donald, you may win a few battles in the short game, but Mueller is playing the long game. And personally, I feel Mueller has more evidence against Trump or his family in the areas of money laundering and/or collusion.

So, Nunes, keep pumping out the distractions! Each one puts another nail into the coffin of your boy.

It's more unnamed sources. I would put this in the same bin as all the BREAKING - Comey and/or Hillary being perpwalked somewhere.
Really? Can you point to reputable news sources citing multiple sources for the credibility of those claims you mentioned? I doubt it.

The source for this is MSNBC and it's well known to swing strongly to the left.
There was a thread on this yesterday. Lawyers involved in the probe releasing such info would be fired for malfeasance. This is another fake story.
Lawyers involved in probe: Mueller may indict Trump

The lawyers know what Mueller has and they have spoken with attorneys on Mueller's team. Here is the Donald trying desperately to discredit the Dossier and all the is the very effort he and his Repub conspirators are staging that is sinking him. The more distractions they throw out there, the more Mueller has in his case of obstruction of justice.

The way Mueller sees it, even if the indictment is challenged, and certainly it will be, it will doom the Donald for another term and will send the matter to the court to decide. If the court throws it back to Congress, then either the present congress puts on their "big boy pants" and impeaches him or the next Democratic congress impeaches him.

Sorry Donald, you may win a few battles in the short game, but Mueller is playing the long game. And personally, I feel Mueller has more evidence against Trump or his family in the areas of money laundering and/or collusion.

So, Nunes, keep pumping out the distractions! Each one puts another nail into the coffin of your boy.

It's more unnamed sources. I would put this in the same bin as all the BREAKING - Comey and/or Hillary being perpwalked somewhere.
Really? Can you point to reputable news sources citing multiple sources for the credibility of those claims you mentioned? I doubt it.

The source for this is MSNBC and it's well known to swing strongly to the left.
Wrong. The source is Politico.
There was a thread on this yesterday. Lawyers involved in the probe releasing such info would be fired for malfeasance. This is another fake story.
Lawyers involved in probe: Mueller may indict Trump

The lawyers know what Mueller has and they have spoken with attorneys on Mueller's team. Here is the Donald trying desperately to discredit the Dossier and all the is the very effort he and his Repub conspirators are staging that is sinking him. The more distractions they throw out there, the more Mueller has in his case of obstruction of justice.

The way Mueller sees it, even if the indictment is challenged, and certainly it will be, it will doom the Donald for another term and will send the matter to the court to decide. If the court throws it back to Congress, then either the present congress puts on their "big boy pants" and impeaches him or the next Democratic congress impeaches him.

Sorry Donald, you may win a few battles in the short game, but Mueller is playing the long game. And personally, I feel Mueller has more evidence against Trump or his family in the areas of money laundering and/or collusion.

So, Nunes, keep pumping out the distractions! Each one puts another nail into the coffin of your boy.

It's more unnamed sources. I would put this in the same bin as all the BREAKING - Comey and/or Hillary being perpwalked somewhere.
Really? Can you point to reputable news sources citing multiple sources for the credibility of those claims you mentioned? I doubt it.

The source for this is MSNBC and it's well known to swing strongly to the left.
And I think most people in this thread are confused. The lawyers mentioned dont claim to know what info Mueller has, or what actions he will take. They are speaking from their knowledge of legal procedure and the actions they have witnessed, speculating as to the possibility of the indictment of Trump.
There was a thread on this yesterday. Lawyers involved in the probe releasing such info would be fired for malfeasance. This is another fake story.
Lawyers involved in probe: Mueller may indict Trump

The lawyers know what Mueller has and they have spoken with attorneys on Mueller's team. Here is the Donald trying desperately to discredit the Dossier and all the is the very effort he and his Repub conspirators are staging that is sinking him. The more distractions they throw out there, the more Mueller has in his case of obstruction of justice.

The way Mueller sees it, even if the indictment is challenged, and certainly it will be, it will doom the Donald for another term and will send the matter to the court to decide. If the court throws it back to Congress, then either the present congress puts on their "big boy pants" and impeaches him or the next Democratic congress impeaches him.

Sorry Donald, you may win a few battles in the short game, but Mueller is playing the long game. And personally, I feel Mueller has more evidence against Trump or his family in the areas of money laundering and/or collusion.

So, Nunes, keep pumping out the distractions! Each one puts another nail into the coffin of your boy.

It's more unnamed sources. I would put this in the same bin as all the BREAKING - Comey and/or Hillary being perpwalked somewhere.
Really? Can you point to reputable news sources citing multiple sources for the credibility of those claims you mentioned? I doubt it.

The source for this is MSNBC and it's well known to swing strongly to the left.
Wrong. The source is Politico.

The link took me to MSNBC....

Politico is good though.
It’ll be interesting to see trump debate the democratic nominee. My moneys on trump especially if the economy is good
trump is a sick, sorry, joke. He is in NO way fit to be in the White House - in ANY capacity.

Oh come on, be kind......Trump would make an excellent usher at the know, one of the guys who opens car doors and maybe parks the limos?
Okay, you're right. I'll try to be more helpful.

trump might qualify to serve as a mat on which visitors can wipe dogshit off their shoes.
So the original scope of mewler was bullshit
Uh...hey professor....the original scope was Russian interference and collusion between the trump campaign and russia.

Both have been established as fact. Where ya been?

I think if Mueller is allowed to do his work, everyone is going to be surprised what he comes up with. It could be:

Violation of US election laws
Money Laundering
Lying to the FBI
Adultery....wait that is a give me with Trump

And many other serious crimes. As a matter of fact, several members of the Trump crime family may be either indicted, charged, or impeached.
Do you really think that a lawyer is going to come out and say that?
Why not? They're not talking about their own clients.

Hang in'll eventually catch on.
In other words, you pulled that out of your ass and can't really explain it. Not only do lawyers say these things, they are saying them a lot.

The stupidity on display.....
I hate to ask but doesnt your mental acuity exposed to the general public embarrass you?
There was a thread on this yesterday. Lawyers involved in the probe releasing such info would be fired for malfeasance. This is another fake story.
Lawyers involved in probe: Mueller may indict Trump

The lawyers know what Mueller has and they have spoken with attorneys on Mueller's team. Here is the Donald trying desperately to discredit the Dossier and all the is the very effort he and his Repub conspirators are staging that is sinking him. The more distractions they throw out there, the more Mueller has in his case of obstruction of justice.

The way Mueller sees it, even if the indictment is challenged, and certainly it will be, it will doom the Donald for another term and will send the matter to the court to decide. If the court throws it back to Congress, then either the present congress puts on their "big boy pants" and impeaches him or the next Democratic congress impeaches him.

Sorry Donald, you may win a few battles in the short game, but Mueller is playing the long game. And personally, I feel Mueller has more evidence against Trump or his family in the areas of money laundering and/or collusion.

So, Nunes, keep pumping out the distractions! Each one puts another nail into the coffin of your boy.

It's more unnamed sources. I would put this in the same bin as all the BREAKING - Comey and/or Hillary being perpwalked somewhere.
Really? Can you point to reputable news sources citing multiple sources for the credibility of those claims you mentioned? I doubt it.

The source for this is MSNBC and it's well known to swing strongly to the left.

But the Trump News Network...otherwise known as FOX never swings FAR to the right. They may as well be changing Donnie's diaper.
Do you really think that a lawyer is going to come out and say that?
Why not? They're not talking about their own clients.

Hang in'll eventually catch on.
In other words, you pulled that out of your ass and can't really explain it. Not only do lawyers say these things, they are saying them a lot.

The stupidity on display.....
I hate to ask but doesnt your mental acuity exposed to the general public embarrass you?

Move along Trumpette. When the level of the conversation bottoms out to standards that you can understand, we will rattle your cage.

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