Russia probe lawyers think Mueller could indict Trump

Do you really think that a lawyer is going to come out and say that?
Why not? They're not talking about their own clients.

Hang in'll eventually catch on.
In other words, you pulled that out of your ass and can't really explain it. Not only do lawyers say these things, they are saying them a lot.

The stupidity on display.....
I hate to ask but doesnt your mental acuity exposed to the general public embarrass you?

Move along Trumpette. When the level of the conversation bottoms out to standards that you can understand, we will rattle your cage.

Bottoms out?
I feel dirty responding to your level of discourse.
You have the intellectual equivalent of a chimpanzee on acid.
Do you really think that a lawyer is going to come out and say that?
Why not? They're not talking about their own clients.

Hang in'll eventually catch on.
In other words, you pulled that out of your ass and can't really explain it. Not only do lawyers say these things, they are saying them a lot.

The stupidity on display.....
I hate to ask but doesnt your mental acuity exposed to the general public embarrass you?
Whenever you are done soothing yourself out loud, explain to us why lawyers would never say things like this.

Oh my mental midget....
Ask would a lawyer continue practicing law if he did as you suggest?
Why not? They're not talking about their own clients.

Hang in'll eventually catch on.
In other words, you pulled that out of your ass and can't really explain it. Not only do lawyers say these things, they are saying them a lot.

The stupidity on display.....
I hate to ask but doesnt your mental acuity exposed to the general public embarrass you?

Move along Trumpette. When the level of the conversation bottoms out to standards that you can understand, we will rattle your cage.

Bottoms out?
I feel dirty responding to your level of discourse.
You have the intellectual equivalent of a chimpanzee on acid.

You are nine years old, right?
Why not? They're not talking about their own clients.

Hang in'll eventually catch on.
In other words, you pulled that out of your ass and can't really explain it. Not only do lawyers say these things, they are saying them a lot.

The stupidity on display.....
I hate to ask but doesnt your mental acuity exposed to the general public embarrass you?
Whenever you are done soothing yourself out loud, explain to us why lawyers would never say things like this.

Oh my mental midget....
Ask would a lawyer continue practicing law if he did as you suggest?

The lawyer is not commenting on his client. They are commenting on the impressions they got from the Mueller team.
Hang in'll eventually catch on.
In other words, you pulled that out of your ass and can't really explain it. Not only do lawyers say these things, they are saying them a lot.

The stupidity on display.....
I hate to ask but doesnt your mental acuity exposed to the general public embarrass you?

Move along Trumpette. When the level of the conversation bottoms out to standards that you can understand, we will rattle your cage.

Bottoms out?
I feel dirty responding to your level of discourse.
You have the intellectual equivalent of a chimpanzee on acid.

You are nine years old, right?

If it makes you feel better being owned by a nine year old...?
I'll pretend I am.
Hang in'll eventually catch on.
In other words, you pulled that out of your ass and can't really explain it. Not only do lawyers say these things, they are saying them a lot.

The stupidity on display.....
I hate to ask but doesnt your mental acuity exposed to the general public embarrass you?
Whenever you are done soothing yourself out loud, explain to us why lawyers would never say things like this.

Oh my mental midget....
Ask would a lawyer continue practicing law if he did as you suggest?

The lawyer is not commenting on his client. The are commenting on the impressions they got from the Mueller team.

How many convictions are based on impressions?
You've fallen for some fake bullshit because you're a partisan asshole who wants to believe.
Bottom line...Trump knows Flynn has given up the goods on him and if desperate to stop the investigation. If the gutless GOP allows him to win, they will lose both houses in November.
Bottom line...Trump knows Flynn has given up the goods on him and if desperate to stop the investigation. If the gutless GOP allows him to win, they will lose both houses in November.

So easily directed....
Do you have the capability to think on your own anymore?
Bottom line...Trump knows Flynn has given up the goods on him and if desperate to stop the investigation. If the gutless GOP allows him to win, they will lose both houses in November.

Nope, I stay in contact with Flynn's son........nothing could be further from the truth. Now McCabe? He has been singing like a canary and it's gonna get really ugly for the Barrypuppet, Hildebeast, Comey and Mueller......wait and see.
He has zero to get an actual conviction

Most prosecutors hate to look foolish
He has three choices right now.

One, throw out an indictment and turn over all of the evidence for scrutiny.

Two, call the whole thing off and look like he wasted a year and millions on bullshit.

Three, hope to hell this all quiets down and he can just sit there like an idiot hoping nobody will notice.

If I were Trump I’d start taunting him at this point. Do something asshole, let’s see what you have. Turn all of your files and communications over and let’s see it.
Bottom line...Trump knows Flynn has given up the goods on him and if desperate to stop the investigation. If the gutless GOP allows him to win, they will lose both houses in November.
Is that why he’s delaying charging Flynn? Flynn and Trumps lawyers are using this memo to demand more evidence from mewler and there’s no way he can let it get out.
mueller plays by the rules, and the doj policy has always been that one doesn't indict a sitting president.
What rule says you can conduct espionage on your political opponent in a presidential campaign?

mueller plays by the rules, and the doj policy has always been that one doesn't indict a sitting president.
What rule says you can conduct espionage on your political opponent in a presidential campaign?
Trump wasn't Obama's political opponent.
But, for your information, Trump was being watched for years before we ever heard of Obama.
Lawyers involved in probe: Mueller may indict Trump

The lawyers know what Mueller has and they have spoken with attorneys on Mueller's team. Here is the Donald trying desperately to discredit the Dossier and all the is the very effort he and his Repub conspirators are staging that is sinking him. The more distractions they throw out there, the more Mueller has in his case of obstruction of justice.

The way Mueller sees it, even if the indictment is challenged, and certainly it will be, it will doom the Donald for another term and will send the matter to the court to decide. If the court throws it back to Congress, then either the present congress puts on their "big boy pants" and impeaches him or the next Democratic congress impeaches him.

Sorry Donald, you may win a few battles in the short game, but Mueller is playing the long game. And personally, I feel Mueller has more evidence against Trump or his family in the areas of money laundering and/or collusion.

So, Nunes, keep pumping out the distractions! Each one puts another nail into the coffin of your boy.
If that's what he really believes than that's what he really believes. I can see how someone would make such an argument, I can also see how some will believe this entire process was deeply tainted from the start and they are desperately trying to help a Democratic Party that is broke, on life support, and in my opinion not very popular with the average American citizen right now (outside of two or three states).

Worse, details of the abuses by Obama in efforts to ensure she won, regardless of what laws or violations needed to take place. Nunes says it is just Stage One, Stage Two and more are coming forward. How much did Obama operate the U.S government like a Tinpot Dictatorship? Time will tell...
Mr Canadian, could you provide a list or at least an example of the abuses you claim Obama provided to ensure a Democratic victory, or am I supposed to take your word for it? And as an aside, if Stage Two and more of Nunes 'memos' are anything like Stage One, you are destined for a great disappointment. It is little more than a collection of maybes and hypotheticals pulled together by staffers, not to mention skewed timelines.

When I say Obama, I mean his administration.

Let's see.

Call the investigation a "matter" not an investigation.

Call gross negligence "extreme carelessness"

No interview under oath of Clinton

No consequences for lost emails, sharing of classified information, destroying evidence. To put it mildly, she was above the law as long as he was president. He and his DOJ were pulling strings, not abiding by the strict Rule of Law

No consequences for foreign government donations to the Clinton Foundation without any ethics review as they agreed to in 2008 (check out Algeria and Haiti, one of MANY you can be sure).

This one speaks for itself:

RODRIGUEZ: Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens -- and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country -- are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?

OBAMA: Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself. And there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, et cetera. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for. If you have a family member who maybe is undocumented, then you have an even greater reason to vote.

Then of course, there is the arming of his administration to pursue Trump and his entire campaign team if they wished, based on a false dossier paid for by the Democratic Party and provided by a British spy (does it get much worse than that?)

These off the top of my head. You can just imagine if this is what we know about, there are 1000 times more situations of abuse that went on, undetected.

We already had Conservative groups accuse them of unfair abuse by the IRS, for which they apologized and Fox journalist Rosen being targeted. If Trump did ANY of these things, let alone all of them and much more, he would be destroyed in the media.

You have to be blind to not see how much power he was wielding and that he seemed to have a global agenda that would cause great harm to the U.S republic. it's hardly even debatable at this point and the greatest details haven't even been in the mainstream who fawned over him. To this day they still protect his legacy.

It would appear looking back that he thrived on throwing his weight around against his own citizens, but, Internationally he was a lightweight, sheepish and apologizing for American success.

It's sad because I supported him as president. It's never until after one is gone that the veil is drawn back
Mr Canadian, thank you for supporting your claims. It validates your attitude, to me at least, for whatever that is worth. I would point out that if you appear as a witness before Congress, you are under oath. And that your belief that THE Dossier is THE source of the investigation is straight from a conservative playbook. There is no official indication that this 'memo' has been proven, but neither has it been dis-proven. There is NO word from the investigation, only speculation by both sides. I don't know if there is evidence Steel was paid, but he denies that. So we disagree a lot, but I am sincerely grateful for your response, proving to me you are not a bot.
Yeah, let's see Mueller indict Trump, and then watch it blow up in his face.

Someone said that another civil war has already started and that the only thing missing is bullets. They might be right. This Russian-collusion witch hunt is looking more and more like a coup attempt by Democrats to undo the election that Trump won with an Electoral College landslide.
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Yeah, let's see Mueller indict Trump, and then watch it blow up in his face.

Someone said that another civil war has already started and that the only thing missing is bullets. They might be right. This Russian-collusion witch hunt is looking more and more like a coup attempt by Democrats to undo the election that Trump won with an Electoral College landslide.
Mueller and Comey are republicans.

You deranged NaziCons are whistling past your political graveyard. It's funny to watch. Fox News goons like Hannity are feeding you bullshit. However, I enjoy watching you eat it up.

Yes shittingbull. nothing happened, you Communists are in swell condition.

Besides, Rachel Maddow told you that treason actually helps you... :eusa_whistle:
Don’t republicans want to know if trump colluded with Russia?

We know for a fact that democrats colluded with Russia. We know for a fact that the Hillary campaign paid Russia to create slander to rig the election with.

We know for a fact that James Comey and Andrew McCabe obstructed justice to boost the Hillary campaign. We know that Loretta Lynch used the laughably named "department of justice" to aid the Hillary campaign and coordinated her efforts through an alias of “Elizabeth Carlisle” on a private server to avoid detection of her actions rigging the election (on behalf of Obama)

The ones who don't want to know things are you Communists, who cringe as each new fact is revealed and is another nail in the coffin of your now defunct party.

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