Russia probe lawyers think Mueller could indict Trump

The Big Russian Conspiracy Crackpots just can't give it up LOL

Wrong....not about Russian anything. It is about a King wannabe obstructing a legitimate federal investigation. Trump us a criminal.
So the original scope of mewler was bullshit and now you’re moving on. Let me tell you what mewler is going to do. Not a damn thing. The memo showed the entire investigation was demorat fraud. If he does anything now the flood gates open on him and his entire demorat team.

Flynn has given up the goods on Trump and he knows it. He is desperate to stop the investigation. Mueller will not only find obstruction of justice, but he will find additional criminal acts to charge many people in the Trump regime.

Nunes is just another Trump Hack. I expect he will continue to attack the integrity of the FBI. How a person who served on the transition team of Trump ended up as Chairman of a committee investigating the Trump campaign....I will never know.

Mueller will methodically continue his work. The Orange Clown will continue to attack multiple American institutions. Mueller needs to be allowed to complete his work and let the cards fall as they may.

And all all the Russian trolls and Bots on here need to be identified and removed.
You’ve lost your mind. This entire Russia thing is a joke and now it’s being proven. Mewler is one step away from screwing his dem buddies and money machines. He’ll never do it.
You see this is where you are so wrong. Shepherd Smith is about as left as they come. Next is Chris Wallace, third is Brett Baier. I know there are a few more. Oh! Juan Williams and some other new ones. So don’t go claiming they are all right, because they aren’t. You are welcome to get news from them in their allotted times, and it won’t be filled with screaming such as the other stations prefer.
There was a thread on this yesterday. Lawyers involved in the probe releasing such info would be fired for malfeasance. This is another fake story.
Lawyers involved in probe: Mueller may indict Trump

The lawyers know what Mueller has and they have spoken with attorneys on Mueller's team. Here is the Donald trying desperately to discredit the Dossier and all the is the very effort he and his Repub conspirators are staging that is sinking him. The more distractions they throw out there, the more Mueller has in his case of obstruction of justice.

The way Mueller sees it, even if the indictment is challenged, and certainly it will be, it will doom the Donald for another term and will send the matter to the court to decide. If the court throws it back to Congress, then either the present congress puts on their "big boy pants" and impeaches him or the next Democratic congress impeaches him.

Sorry Donald, you may win a few battles in the short game, but Mueller is playing the long game. And personally, I feel Mueller has more evidence against Trump or his family in the areas of money laundering and/or collusion.

So, Nunes, keep pumping out the distractions! Each one puts another nail into the coffin of your boy.

It's more unnamed sources. I would put this in the same bin as all the BREAKING - Comey and/or Hillary being perpwalked somewhere.
Really? Can you point to reputable news sources citing multiple sources for the credibility of those claims you mentioned? I doubt it.

The source for this is MSNBC and it's well known to swing strongly to the left.

But the Trump News Network...otherwise known as FOX never swings FAR to the right. They may as well be changing Donnie's diaper.
Your going to indict on obstruction of justice over what his firing of Comey? If so good luck selling obstruction of justice over the President doing something he has the legal authority to do also good luck selling obstruction of justice for an investigation that has been going on for over a year.

You been on Mars? Mueller has a whole list of items in his case log.
Firing Comey
Writing the fraudulent memo on the Junior Russian meeting
Asking multiple Justice officials for loyalty
Asking Comey to let Flynn go
Getting Sessions to dig up dirt on the investigators
and of course Tweets out his ass that attempt to obstruct Mueller

I am sure there are many, many more and it is entirely possible that Flynn has given up the entire dirty story by now.
Do you really think that a lawyer is going to come out and say that?
Why not? They're not talking about their own clients.

Hang in'll eventually catch on.
In other words, you pulled that out of your ass and can't really explain it. Not only do lawyers say these things, they are saying them a lot.

The stupidity on display.....
I hate to ask but doesnt your mental acuity exposed to the general public embarrass you?
Whenever you are done soothing yourself out loud, explain to us why lawyers would never say things like this.
He has zero to get an actual conviction

Most prosecutors hate to look foolish
So the original scope of mewler was bullshit
Uh...hey professor....the original scope was Russian interference and collusion between the trump campaign and russia.

Both have been established as fact. Where ya been?
LMAO! When? Where’s the evidence?

To begin with....the meeting with Junior and the Russians was collusion. It is hard to tell where it went from there and who was involved. But I expect Mueller knows a lot by now.

DONALD...YOU NEED TO SPEED UP THE OBSTRUCTION! Mueller is breathing down your back
You see this is where you are so wrong. Shepherd Smith is about as left as they come. Next is Chris Wallace, third is Brett Baier. I know there are a few more. Oh! Juan Williams and some other new ones. So don’t go claiming they are all right, because they aren’t. You are welcome to get news from them in their allotted times, and it won’t be filled with screaming such as the other stations prefer.
There was a thread on this yesterday. Lawyers involved in the probe releasing such info would be fired for malfeasance. This is another fake story.

It's more unnamed sources. I would put this in the same bin as all the BREAKING - Comey and/or Hillary being perpwalked somewhere.
Really? Can you point to reputable news sources citing multiple sources for the credibility of those claims you mentioned? I doubt it.

The source for this is MSNBC and it's well known to swing strongly to the left.

But the Trump News Network...otherwise known as FOX never swings FAR to the right. They may as well be changing Donnie's diaper.

And Hannity has his nose planted in Donald's fat ass. So what is your point?

When Murdoch finally dies, the liberal sons are going to take FOX back to reality. They will get rid of Hacks like Hannity and put real news people in there.
In order to have obstruction, you have to prove a crime was committed. You can't "obstruct justice" without a known crime.

Fake news.
I don’t think people see it that way.

I think 2020 will be the people who didn’t show up for democrats but wish they did.

And if they don’t screw it I’ll be ok. I’m daring the masses to show up and take back the country before Ruth b Ginsberg and Kennedy retire!

2020 is over, your party is done. Pretending otherwise won't change a thing.

Trump was elected by the Blue Collar workers.

The democrats cared only about illegal aliens, welfare recipients, and the Jeff Bezos ruling elite. democrats demand that anyone not a billionaire be on welfare and dependent on the state.

It makes no difference though, the Maoist party of democrats is over.

Some socialist party will arise from the ashes, but the democrats are a thing of the past, even if you haven't caught on yet.

You deranged NaziCons are whistling past your political graveyard. It's funny to watch. Fox News goons like Hannity are feeding you bullshit. However, I enjoy watching you eat it up.
It’ll be interesting to see trump debate the democratic nominee. My moneys on trump especially if the economy is good

Only low information voters will buy into that argument. Trump is still riding President Obama's coattails on the good economy. Trump just juiced it up a little with deregulation and tax cuts. This ignores the national debt and the environment. Any idiot could juice the economy with deregulation and tax cuts - but at what future cost?
The Big Russian Conspiracy Crackpots just can't give it up LOL

Wrong....not about Russian anything. It is about a King wannabe obstructing a legitimate federal investigation. Trump us a criminal.
So the original scope of mewler was bullshit and now you’re moving on. Let me tell you what mewler is going to do. Not a damn thing. The memo showed the entire investigation was demorat fraud. If he does anything now the flood gates open on him and his entire demorat team.

Flynn has given up the goods on Trump and he knows it. He is desperate to stop the investigation. Mueller will not only find obstruction of justice, but he will find additional criminal acts to charge many people in the Trump regime.

Nunes is just another Trump Hack. I expect he will continue to attack the integrity of the FBI. How a person who served on the transition team of Trump ended up as Chairman of a committee investigating the Trump campaign....I will never know.

Mueller will methodically continue his work. The Orange Clown will continue to attack multiple American institutions. Mueller needs to be allowed to complete his work and let the cards fall as they may.

And all all the Russian trolls and Bots on here need to be identified and removed.
Your going to indict on obstruction of justice over what his firing of Comey? If so good luck selling obstruction of justice over the President doing something he has the legal authority to do also good luck selling obstruction of justice for an investigation that has been going on for over a year.

You been on Mars? Mueller has a whole list of items in his case log.
Firing Comey
Writing the fraudulent memo on the Junior Russian meeting
Asking multiple Justice officials for loyalty
Asking Comey to let Flynn go
Getting Sessions to dig up dirt on the investigators
and of course Tweets out his ass that attempt to obstruct Mueller

I am sure there are many, many more and it is entirely possible that Flynn has given up the entire dirty story by now.
None of what you just posted is illegal or a crime nor does it change the fact the Mueller investigation has been going on for over year. There are very few that can match your partisan idiocy like I said good luck trying to sell obstruction of justice.
You see this is where you are so wrong. Shepherd Smith is about as left as they come. Next is Chris Wallace, third is Brett Baier. I know there are a few more. Oh! Juan Williams and some other new ones. So don’t go claiming they are all right, because they aren’t. You are welcome to get news from them in their allotted times, and it won’t be filled with screaming such as the other stations prefer.
It's more unnamed sources. I would put this in the same bin as all the BREAKING - Comey and/or Hillary being perpwalked somewhere.
Really? Can you point to reputable news sources citing multiple sources for the credibility of those claims you mentioned? I doubt it.

The source for this is MSNBC and it's well known to swing strongly to the left.

But the Trump News Network...otherwise known as FOX never swings FAR to the right. They may as well be changing Donnie's diaper.

And Hannity has his nose planted in Donald's fat ass. So what is your point?

When Murdoch finally dies, the liberal sons are going to take FOX back to reality. They will get rid of Hacks like Hannity and put real news people in there.

And Jim says reality is fabian socialism!!!! LMAO!!!!!!
Trump says he has been "totally vindicated" by the Nunes memo. So, is Mueller's investigation over?
and presenting them to a judge as fact to get a warrant to survaile your political opponent is justified...

Since Page was a "PRIVATE CITIZEN" and NOT working for the fuck is THAT "surveilling a political opponent."

Page was NOT working for the Trump administration....

My advice is for you to check with hannity about how to be less of a moron in your talking points.
check with hannity ? The biggest ass on tv ,,,next to limp paw?
Trump says he has been "totally vindicated" by the Nunes memo. So, is Mueller's investigation over?
Not a chance. The investigation will go on as usual.

trump is a lying dickhead. He wouldn't know the truth if it ran him over in a bus.
Lawyers involved in probe: Mueller may indict Trump

The lawyers know what Mueller has and they have spoken with attorneys on Mueller's team. Here is the Donald trying desperately to discredit the Dossier and all the is the very effort he and his Repub conspirators are staging that is sinking him. The more distractions they throw out there, the more Mueller has in his case of obstruction of justice.

The way Mueller sees it, even if the indictment is challenged, and certainly it will be, it will doom the Donald for another term and will send the matter to the court to decide. If the court throws it back to Congress, then either the present congress puts on their "big boy pants" and impeaches him or the next Democratic congress impeaches him.

Sorry Donald, you may win a few battles in the short game, but Mueller is playing the long game. And personally, I feel Mueller has more evidence against Trump or his family in the areas of money laundering and/or collusion.

So, Nunes, keep pumping out the distractions! Each one puts another nail into the coffin of your boy.

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