Russia probe lawyers think Mueller could indict Trump

No, he won one election after 8 year of democratic rule and he won barely. Record number of republicans are not running for re election and Alabama went blue.

This tax break is the only thing trump has to run on. It may be enough we’ll see

Had the Obama administration NOT rigged the election, would Trump have won easily?

We'll never know. But we DO know that Barack Obama joins Benedict Arnold in villainy. Obama now takes his place in history as the president who rigged an election, and still failed.

See, that's the thing. The arrogance of Obama was that he could be sloppy because the party would crush Trump. It never occurred to the arrogant little prick that he better cover his tracks.

Now we are here, and the democrat party goes the way of the Nazis and USSR, another evil group that is a stain on humanity forever.
Right wing rant
No, he won one election after 8 year of democratic rule and he won barely. Record number of republicans are not running for re election and Alabama went blue.

This tax break is the only thing trump has to run on. It may be enough we’ll see

Had the Obama administration NOT rigged the election, would Trump have won easily?

We'll never know. But we DO know that Barack Obama joins Benedict Arnold in villainy. Obama now takes his place in history as the president who rigged an election, and still failed.

See, that's the thing. The arrogance of Obama was that he could be sloppy because the party would crush Trump. It never occurred to the arrogant little prick that he better cover his tracks.

Now we are here, and the democrat party goes the way of the Nazis and USSR, another evil group that is a stain on humanity forever.
Right wing rant

Maybe you can migrate to Venezuela?

You're done here forever.
No, he won one election after 8 year of democratic rule and he won barely. Record number of republicans are not running for re election and Alabama went blue.

This tax break is the only thing trump has to run on. It may be enough we’ll see

Had the Obama administration NOT rigged the election, would Trump have won easily?

We'll never know. But we DO know that Barack Obama joins Benedict Arnold in villainy. Obama now takes his place in history as the president who rigged an election, and still failed.

See, that's the thing. The arrogance of Obama was that he could be sloppy because the party would crush Trump. It never occurred to the arrogant little prick that he better cover his tracks.

Now we are here, and the democrat party goes the way of the Nazis and USSR, another evil group that is a stain on humanity forever.
Right wing rant

Maybe you can migrate to Venezuela?

You're done here forever.
Get through the 2018 midterms first. Remember Alabama went blue because the best you got was a pedophile
Special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation has gathered enough steam that some lawyers representing key Donald Trump associates are considering the possibility of a historic first: an indictment against a sitting president.

While many legal experts contend that Mueller lacks the standing to bring criminal charges against Trump, at least two attorneys working with clients swept up in the Russia probe told POLITICO they consider it possible that Mueller could indict the president for obstruction of justice.

My money is on Mueller! There is plenty of evidence that has already been made public - which is only the tip of the iceberg of what Mueller knows.

The answer to this is actually simple. When Ken Starr was independent prosecutor, he wrote that he had the power to indict a sitting president, which I agree is true. But Starr was an independent prosecutor, which means he was bound only by the constitution and the laws. He was independant of the DOJ.

Robert Mueller is a special counsel, who works for the DOJ, and has to follow DOJ rules and regulations. And one of those rules / regulations is that they are not allowed to indict a sitting president. So Mueller will not violate the no indictment rule.

A Sitting President’s Amenability to Indictment and Criminal Prosecution | OLC | Department of Justice

Date of Issuance:
Monday, October 16, 2000
The indictment or cnminal prosecution of a sitting President would unconstitutionally undermine the capacity of the executive branch to perform its constitutionally assigned functions.

No, he won one election after 8 year of democratic rule and he won barely. Record number of republicans are not running for re election and Alabama went blue.

This tax break is the only thing trump has to run on. It may be enough we’ll see

Had the Obama administration NOT rigged the election, would Trump have won easily?

We'll never know. But we DO know that Barack Obama joins Benedict Arnold in villainy. Obama now takes his place in history as the president who rigged an election, and still failed.

See, that's the thing. The arrogance of Obama was that he could be sloppy because the party would crush Trump. It never occurred to the arrogant little prick that he better cover his tracks.

Now we are here, and the democrat party goes the way of the Nazis and USSR, another evil group that is a stain on humanity forever.
Right wing rant

Maybe you can migrate to Venezuela?

You're done here forever.
Get through the 2018 midterms first. Remember Alabama went blue because the best you got was a pedophile

Even before this, you Communists had lost the midterms.

You're going to lose seats in both houses.

I ran the numbers and the Republicans can NOT win a super majority in the Senate, but they WILL have a significant majority. My prediction is 56. California will elect a democrat even if the party starts raping and murdering small children on live TV every night, so no way to turn that seat.Of course a federal investigation into California elections might reveal WHY the Maoist democrats have such a stranglehold on the state. Free and fair elections are not a feature of the state.
Get through the 2018 midterms first. Remember Alabama went blue because the best you got was a pedophile

Even before this, you Communists had lost the midterms.

You're going to lose seats in both houses.

I ran the numbers and the Republicans can NOT win a super majority in the Senate, but they WILL have a significant majority. My prediction is 56. California will elect a democrat even if the party starts raping and murdering small children on live TV every night, so no way to turn that seat.Of course a federal investigation into California elections might reveal WHY the Maoist democrats have such a stranglehold on the state. Free and fair elections are not a feature of the state.

Special Elections So Far Point To A Democratic Wave In 2018

Special Elections So Far Point To A Democratic Wave In 2018
No, he won one election after 8 year of democratic rule and he won barely. Record number of republicans are not running for re election and Alabama went blue.

This tax break is the only thing trump has to run on. It may be enough we’ll see

Had the Obama administration NOT rigged the election, would Trump have won easily?

We'll never know. But we DO know that Barack Obama joins Benedict Arnold in villainy. Obama now takes his place in history as the president who rigged an election, and still failed.

See, that's the thing. The arrogance of Obama was that he could be sloppy because the party would crush Trump. It never occurred to the arrogant little prick that he better cover his tracks.

Now we are here, and the democrat party goes the way of the Nazis and USSR, another evil group that is a stain on humanity forever.
Right wing rant

Maybe you can migrate to Venezuela?

You're done here forever.
Get through the 2018 midterms first. Remember Alabama went blue because the best you got was a pedophile

Even before this, you Communists had lost the midterms.

You're going to lose seats in both houses.

I ran the numbers and the Republicans can NOT win a super majority in the Senate, but they WILL have a significant majority. My prediction is 56. California will elect a democrat even if the party starts raping and murdering small children on live TV every night, so no way to turn that seat.Of course a federal investigation into California elections might reveal WHY the Maoist democrats have such a stranglehold on the state. Free and fair elections are not a feature of the state.
Don’t worry the rich will sink a lot of dark money into those races for your candidates. And you have the Supreme Court.

I’ve recently given up caring about poor people when I heard 80% of them don’t even vote. My family is all rich or upper middle class.

Don’t vote don’t matter
Get through the 2018 midterms first. Remember Alabama went blue because the best you got was a pedophile

Even before this, you Communists had lost the midterms.

You're going to lose seats in both houses.

I ran the numbers and the Republicans can NOT win a super majority in the Senate, but they WILL have a significant majority. My prediction is 56. California will elect a democrat even if the party starts raping and murdering small children on live TV every night, so no way to turn that seat.Of course a federal investigation into California elections might reveal WHY the Maoist democrats have such a stranglehold on the state. Free and fair elections are not a feature of the state.

Special Elections So Far Point To A Democratic Wave In 2018

Special Elections So Far Point To A Democratic Wave In 2018
Will the masses get out and vote? I’ll believe it when I see it
Had the Obama administration NOT rigged the election, would Trump have won easily?

We'll never know. But we DO know that Barack Obama joins Benedict Arnold in villainy. Obama now takes his place in history as the president who rigged an election, and still failed.

See, that's the thing. The arrogance of Obama was that he could be sloppy because the party would crush Trump. It never occurred to the arrogant little prick that he better cover his tracks.

Now we are here, and the democrat party goes the way of the Nazis and USSR, another evil group that is a stain on humanity forever.
Right wing rant

Maybe you can migrate to Venezuela?

You're done here forever.
Get through the 2018 midterms first. Remember Alabama went blue because the best you got was a pedophile

Even before this, you Communists had lost the midterms.

You're going to lose seats in both houses.

I ran the numbers and the Republicans can NOT win a super majority in the Senate, but they WILL have a significant majority. My prediction is 56. California will elect a democrat even if the party starts raping and murdering small children on live TV every night, so no way to turn that seat.Of course a federal investigation into California elections might reveal WHY the Maoist democrats have such a stranglehold on the state. Free and fair elections are not a feature of the state.
Don’t worry the rich will sink a lot of dark money into those races for your candidates. And you have the Supreme Court.

I’ve recently given up caring about poor people when I heard 80% of them don’t even vote. My family is all rich or upper middle class.

Don’t vote don’t matter
You see the light, it does not take a fucking village and we are not all in this together. Socialism is a fuck up. LOL
Get through the 2018 midterms first. Remember Alabama went blue because the best you got was a pedophile

Even before this, you Communists had lost the midterms.

You're going to lose seats in both houses.

I ran the numbers and the Republicans can NOT win a super majority in the Senate, but they WILL have a significant majority. My prediction is 56. California will elect a democrat even if the party starts raping and murdering small children on live TV every night, so no way to turn that seat.Of course a federal investigation into California elections might reveal WHY the Maoist democrats have such a stranglehold on the state. Free and fair elections are not a feature of the state.

Special Elections So Far Point To A Democratic Wave In 2018

Special Elections So Far Point To A Democratic Wave In 2018

It's not December 2017 anymore.

The new poll's 49% Democrat to 44% Republican margin among registered voters is almost identical to Democrats' standing in January of 2006, the last midterm election year in which they made significant gains in the House of Representatives.
But it represents a large shift from CNN polls conducted in the past three months, in which Democrats held double-digit advantages over the Republicans. Preferences among all adults have shifted less dramatically, but are also tighter than last fall, with Democrats currently 10 points ahead of Republicans among all Americans.}

Further, the SOTU made the democrats reveal their bitter hatred of America.

Now the Memo.

The democrats are done.
and presenting them to a judge as fact to get a warrant to survaile your political opponent is justified...

Since Page was a "PRIVATE CITIZEN" and NOT working for the fuck is THAT "surveilling a political opponent."

Page was NOT working for the Trump administration....

My advice is for you to check with hannity about how to be less of a moron in your talking points.
Page was not being survailed until he was again working for TRUMP you ignorant fuck!
Had the Obama administration NOT rigged the election, would Trump have won easily?

We'll never know. But we DO know that Barack Obama joins Benedict Arnold in villainy. Obama now takes his place in history as the president who rigged an election, and still failed.

See, that's the thing. The arrogance of Obama was that he could be sloppy because the party would crush Trump. It never occurred to the arrogant little prick that he better cover his tracks.

Now we are here, and the democrat party goes the way of the Nazis and USSR, another evil group that is a stain on humanity forever.
Right wing rant

Maybe you can migrate to Venezuela?

You're done here forever.
Get through the 2018 midterms first. Remember Alabama went blue because the best you got was a pedophile

Even before this, you Communists had lost the midterms.

You're going to lose seats in both houses.

I ran the numbers and the Republicans can NOT win a super majority in the Senate, but they WILL have a significant majority. My prediction is 56. California will elect a democrat even if the party starts raping and murdering small children on live TV every night, so no way to turn that seat.Of course a federal investigation into California elections might reveal WHY the Maoist democrats have such a stranglehold on the state. Free and fair elections are not a feature of the state.
Don’t worry the rich will sink a lot of dark money into those races for your candidates. And you have the Supreme Court.

I’ve recently given up caring about poor people when I heard 80% of them don’t even vote. My family is all rich or upper middle class.

Don’t vote don’t matter

The rich? Like Jeff Bezos? Mark Zuckerburg? Harvey Weinstein?

Bezos bought himself a governor in Kim Jong Brown, he is the majority owner of the party in California; but I wonder if Zuckerburg will cut his losses
Right wing rant

Maybe you can migrate to Venezuela?

You're done here forever.
Get through the 2018 midterms first. Remember Alabama went blue because the best you got was a pedophile

Even before this, you Communists had lost the midterms.

You're going to lose seats in both houses.

I ran the numbers and the Republicans can NOT win a super majority in the Senate, but they WILL have a significant majority. My prediction is 56. California will elect a democrat even if the party starts raping and murdering small children on live TV every night, so no way to turn that seat.Of course a federal investigation into California elections might reveal WHY the Maoist democrats have such a stranglehold on the state. Free and fair elections are not a feature of the state.
Don’t worry the rich will sink a lot of dark money into those races for your candidates. And you have the Supreme Court.

I’ve recently given up caring about poor people when I heard 80% of them don’t even vote. My family is all rich or upper middle class.

Don’t vote don’t matter

The rich? Like Jeff Bezos? Mark Zuckerburg? Harvey Weinstein?

Bezos bought himself a governor in Kim Jong Brown, he is the majority owner of the party in California; but I wonder if Zuckerburg will cut his losses
Harvey Weinstein is the hero of progressives everywhere
Trump tweets that memo "vindicates" him. What an idiot.

In what way? The memo proves that Obama bugged Trump tower, just as the President had said, and proves that the FBI tampered with the election on behalf of the Hillary team based on information team Hillary cooked up in collusion with Moscow.

Yeah, it vindicates Trump and devastates the FBI/Obama team.
Right wing rant

Maybe you can migrate to Venezuela?

You're done here forever.
Get through the 2018 midterms first. Remember Alabama went blue because the best you got was a pedophile

Even before this, you Communists had lost the midterms.

You're going to lose seats in both houses.

I ran the numbers and the Republicans can NOT win a super majority in the Senate, but they WILL have a significant majority. My prediction is 56. California will elect a democrat even if the party starts raping and murdering small children on live TV every night, so no way to turn that seat.Of course a federal investigation into California elections might reveal WHY the Maoist democrats have such a stranglehold on the state. Free and fair elections are not a feature of the state.
Don’t worry the rich will sink a lot of dark money into those races for your candidates. And you have the Supreme Court.

I’ve recently given up caring about poor people when I heard 80% of them don’t even vote. My family is all rich or upper middle class.

Don’t vote don’t matter

The rich? Like Jeff Bezos? Mark Zuckerburg? Harvey Weinstein?

Bezos bought himself a governor in Kim Jong Brown, he is the majority owner of the party in California; but I wonder if Zuckerburg will cut his losses
The masses who are poor and don’t vote tend to identify with the democrats so bezos and Soros don’t matter. The poor and blue collar historically vote democratic.

If the gop wins over these groups great. And if it doesn’t and they don’t vote I don’t want to hear them complain.
The masses who are poor and don’t vote tend to identify with the democrats so bezos and Soros don’t matter. The poor and blue collar historically vote democratic.

If the gop wins over these groups great. And if it doesn’t and they don’t vote I don’t want to hear them complain.

You might want to go back and look at the last election, sploogy. Your now defunct party has waged war on blue collar workers and does nothing but spew hatred at the working class. Trump held the working class vote across the board.


The face of evil and insanity.

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