Russia probe lawyers think Mueller could indict Trump

You tell us what they were found guilty of.

Don jr already busted themselves. Now we just need to see how high up it goes. Don jr isn’t high enough

What we need is a cum stained dress
"What we need is a cum stained dress"

You mean trump is a cross-dresser...?

Well, anything's possible with that ...thing.

Would the stains be donated by Putin? LMFAO!!!
Nope, you can thank bill Clinton.
Spying on political opponents does seem like weaponizing.

Here's WHO is the "political opponent" that was being spied upon....Do you want to attack the FBi for doing its job???

Russian spy released from prison and deported

Russian spy Evgeny Buryakov who belonged to a spy ring that attempted to recruit Trump associate Carter Page has been released from a US prison and deported to Moscow. (it'd be interesting to learn why the Trump administration released this Russian spy.)

Russian spy released from prison and deported - CNN Video -

The FBI suspected Carter Page was working as an agent for Russia ...

Russian spies tried to recruit Trump campaign aide Carter Page in 2013

Based on forged documents...

I think at this point everyone knows you can't be reasoned with. Finding spying on political opponents acceptable is something I thought even you would have not accepted.

Then again, I do expect the worst from people like you. What would you not do for free stuff...
Based on forged documents...

"Based on forged documents"??????

What the fuck are you talking about......So early in the morning to be so damn drunk.........Go back to
for what crime?

Gee, perhaps "obstruction" or "money laundering"???

Remember when Trump told his Russian handlers ......

“I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job,.....
I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.”

Remember when the left wanted Comey fired for meddling in an election?
for what crime?

Gee, perhaps "obstruction" or "money laundering"???

Remember when Trump told his Russian handlers ......

“I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job,.....
I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.”
Nothing related to the official reason for Muellers witch hunt.... And you think manufacturing lies and presenting them to a judge as fact to get a warrant to survaile your political opponent is justified...

You guys think the ends justifies the means and that is very Hitler-esque of you!
Remember when the left wanted Comey fired for meddling in an election?

So, moron, Trump fired Comey because he meddled in an election....OR did Trump fire Comey because he wouldn't let Flynn, "off the hook"?????

Which is it, nitwit?
and presenting them to a judge as fact to get a warrant to survaile your political opponent is justified...

Since Page was a "PRIVATE CITIZEN" and NOT working for the fuck is THAT "surveilling a political opponent."

Page was NOT working for the Trump administration....

My advice is for you to check with hannity about how to be less of a moron in your talking points.
Many legal scholars doubt a U.S. vs. Trump case is possible, but two attorneys who have dealt with special counsel Robert Mueller's team disagree. One expects Mueller to move as early as this spring.

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation has gathered enough steam that some lawyers representing key Donald Trump associates are considering the possibility of a historic first: an indictment against a sitting president.

While many legal experts contend that Mueller lacks the standing to bring criminal charges against Trump, at least two attorneys working with clients swept up in the Russia probe told POLITICO they consider it possible that Mueller could indict the president for obstruction of justice.

Neither attorney claimed to have specific knowledge of Mueller’s plans. Both based their opinions on their understanding of the law; one also cited his interactions with the special counsel’s team, whose interviews have recently examined whether Trump tried to derail the probe into his campaign’s Russia ties.

“If I were a betting man, I’d bet against the president,” said one of the lawyers.

Much More: Russia probe lawyers think Mueller could indict Trump

My money is on Mueller! There is plenty of evidence that has already been made public - which is only the tip of the iceberg of what Mueller knows.
Many legal scholars doubt a U.S. vs. Trump case is possible, but two attorneys who have dealt with special counsel Robert Mueller's team disagree. One expects Mueller to move as early as this spring.

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation has gathered enough steam that some lawyers representing key Donald Trump associates are considering the possibility of a historic first: an indictment against a sitting president.

While many legal experts contend that Mueller lacks the standing to bring criminal charges against Trump, at least two attorneys working with clients swept up in the Russia probe told POLITICO they consider it possible that Mueller could indict the president for obstruction of justice.

Neither attorney claimed to have specific knowledge of Mueller’s plans. Both based their opinions on their understanding of the law; one also cited his interactions with the special counsel’s team, whose interviews have recently examined whether Trump tried to derail the probe into his campaign’s Russia ties.

“If I were a betting man, I’d bet against the president,” said one of the lawyers.

Much More: Russia probe lawyers think Mueller could indict Trump

My money is on Mueller! There is plenty of evidence that has already been made public - which is only the tip of the iceberg of what Mueller knows.
:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Don’t mind the Washington redskin... he gets into the firewater far too often
Read the entire OP. There is no settled law on indicting a sitting president. Mueller may make history.

Do seriously think Mueller's "investigation" is going to continue very long after today's bombshell? Keep in mind, the memo only revealed 10% of what we know about high-level Obama officials did to interfere with the election. There is more to come, and Mueller is sitting right in the middle of it. It was after all Rosenstein who appointed Mueller, and things aren't looking very rosy for Rosenstein right now.
That was no "bombshell" it was more like a silent fart.

There is much more to come, and it's all bad...for trump.


Yeah, you can lie yourself out of the biggest scandal in US History...

No doubt, dumbfuck.....
The only dumbfuck around here, is you. You and other gasbags who voted for the Orange maggot.
Orange maggot is kinda harsh. I prefer Tangerine Tyrant. Probably the most appropriate though is Red Don.
Want to make a wild guess of what Nunes would say if Trump asked him for a "loyalty oath"?????....................LOL

Thank you Daddy may I have another? :D

Want to make a wild guess of what Nunes would say if Trump asked him for a "loyalty oath"?????....................LOL

Thank you Daddy may I have another? :D


Actually, its quite amazing how Nunes can hold his breath for so long while kissing Trump's fat orange ass.....I mean, let's give "credit" when credit is due.
Read the entire OP. There is no settled law on indicting a sitting president. Mueller may make history.

Do seriously think Mueller's "investigation" is going to continue very long after today's bombshell? Keep in mind, the memo only revealed 10% of what we know about high-level Obama officials did to interfere with the election. There is more to come, and Mueller is sitting right in the middle of it. It was after all Rosenstein who appointed Mueller, and things aren't looking very rosy for Rosenstein right now.
That was no "bombshell" it was more like a silent fart.

There is much more to come, and it's all bad...for trump.


Yeah, you can lie yourself out of the biggest scandal in US History...

No doubt, dumbfuck.....
The only dumbfuck around here, is you. You and other gasbags who voted for the Orange maggot.


he House Intelligence Committee has released its controversial memo outlining alleged abuses of secret surveillance by the FBI and Justice Department in the Trump-Russia investigation. Here are some key points:

* The Steele dossier formed an essential part of the initial and all three renewal FISA applications against Carter Page.

* Andrew McCabe confirmed that no FISA warrant would have been sought from the FISA Court without the Steele dossier information.

* The four FISA surveillance applications were signed by, in various combinations, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Sally Yates, Dana Boente, and Rod Rosenstein.

* The FBI authorized payments to Steele for work on the dossier. The FBI terminated its agreement with Steele in late October when it learned, by reading an article in Mother Jones, that Steele was talking to the media.

* The political origins of the Steele dossier were known to senior DOJ and FBI officials, but excluded from the FISA applications.

* DOJ official Bruce Ohr met with Steele beginning in the summer of 2016 and relayed to DOJ information about Steele's bias. Steele told Ohr that he, Steele, was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected president and was passionate about him not becoming president.}

House Intelligence memo released: What it says

Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada will slink into the shadows in shame.

Indictments will flow alright, McCabe, Strzok, Comey, and a host of lesser conspirators in this attempted coup.

Mewler will be lucky to escape an indictment himself.
The Nunes memo has totally backfired - leaving Trump and all his NaziCon goons looking like fools. I almost feel sorry for Hannity. Almost. I also heard that Shep Smith is being considered for a big promotion at Fox News - which would also make him Hannity's boss.




You desperate Communists are a hoot.

You're never so funny as when you're panicked.

You traitors didn't lose a battle here, you lost the war. You'll be decimated in November and your evil cesspool of a party will go the way of the Nazis you so closely resemble (right down to your JOOOOOO hatred)
Aren't you the guy who is constantly calling others morons when it more aptly describes yourself?

So you think that proof that the Obama DOJ in concert with the Hillary campaign tampered with the election in an attempt to derail the opposition candidate is bad for Trump?

You think that proof that the FBI in conjunction with the Hillary campaign bugged the opposition party based on fabricated evidence obtained through a British spy who worked closely with handlers in Moscow is bad for Trump?

You think proof that the FBI deliberately fabricated and falsified evidence in order to remove a sitting president based on the partisan hatred of the leadership of Comey and McCabe is bad for Trump?

Son, you ARE a moron.
Aren't you the guy who is constantly calling others morons when it more aptly describes yourself?

So you think that proof that the Obama DOJ in concert with the Hillary campaign tampered with the election in an attempt to derail the opposition candidate is bad for Trump?

You think that proof that the FBI in conjunction with the Hillary campaign bugged the opposition party based on fabricated evidence obtained through a British spy who worked closely with handlers in Moscow is bad for Trump?

You think proof that the FBI deliberately fabricated and falsified evidence in order to remove a sitting president based on the partisan hatred of the leadership of Comey and McCabe is bad for Trump?

Son, you ARE a moron.
Yep Obama and Hillary are responsible for all problems. Shame trump is too dumb to fix them.
Hey, moron. what does the dossier have to do with Trump's firing Comey over Flynn's little schemes which got Mueller's appointment to investigate the orange buffoon???
trump is beating your side senseless...since the Nov. 2016 election you have done nothing but lose ground to him and cry about it...he is killing you on this russia probe as well
No, he won one election after 8 year of democratic rule and he won barely. Record number of republicans are not running for re election and Alabama went blue.

This tax break is the only thing trump has to run on. It may be enough we’ll see
Yep Obama and Hillary are responsible for all problems. Shame trump is too dumb to fix them.

Shame on Trump for not "fixing" the Obama administration tampering with a presidential election?

Shame on Trump for not fixing a corrupt FBI? In fact he did, he fired Comey, which is when you Communists lost your shit.

Hey, I get it. The floor has been pulled out from under you and you're desperately clawing for something to hang on to.

But the filthy and evil party that you blindly serve has been caught red handed. What your party has done is only rivaled by the civil war your same party started a century and a half ago.

We have proof of corruption to the very top levels of power in your party.

No, Obama won't go to prison, but THIS is his legacy. He will go down in the history books as the president who used the FBI to rig an election. Comey may very well go to prison. And Mueller, far from succeeding with his coup is now discredited beyond repair.

You Communists will be slaughtered in November. Rather that gain the house and the Senate, you'll suffer massive losses in both. Those democrat who remain will be marginalized as members of the party that tried to rig our election and engaged in treason with their coup attempt base on fraudulent "evidence" cooked up in Moscow, paid for by the party.

While this is the biggest political crime in American history, I do understand your shock in seeing your entire party fall virtually overnight.
No, he won one election after 8 year of democratic rule and he won barely. Record number of republicans are not running for re election and Alabama went blue.

This tax break is the only thing trump has to run on. It may be enough we’ll see

Had the Obama administration NOT rigged the election, would Trump have won easily?

We'll never know. But we DO know that Barack Obama joins Benedict Arnold in villainy. Obama now takes his place in history as the president who rigged an election, and still failed.

See, that's the thing. The arrogance of Obama was that he could be sloppy because the party would crush Trump. It never occurred to the arrogant little prick that he better cover his tracks.

Now we are here, and the democrat party goes the way of the Nazis and USSR, another evil group that is a stain on humanity forever.

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