Russia selling children the parents in the United States


Senior Member
Sep 27, 2012
I was unaware of this atrocity going on in Russia and United States, I am American, but I have always had a very high opinion of Russians in general ................ until now.
Russia is threatening to cut off adoptions of children to Americans, as this should not be allowed in the first place to sell children to other countries or at all.
I take this as a sign of bitch like behavior coming strait from the top of the Russian government itself. I am curious as to how this will end, if Russia continues to bitch out to money in exchange for there own children, then the entire Russian country itself has an opening to be exploited, and someone somewhere is going to exploit them, so it might as well be me and American interests.

p.s. If a Russian post in this topic that we just cant afford to take care of them and they can have a better life in America, then .............................. I just will want to choke you to death.

The real parents are the best parents, regardless of money or intellect.
This travesty brought to you by another failure of obama's foreign policy.

Since you are unaware that American families have been adopting foreign children for years now, then you need to just be educated as Americans have been adopting children from around the world, African, Chinese, Polish, Romanian, children from all over.

We have so many abortions that we don't have enough children to adopt. Sometimes childless couples are able to get "snowflake" children which are unwanted embryos to be discarded. Americans would rather these embryos made it into the garbage than into loving families. Spare us the erzatz emotionalism.
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Yes, another sign that the reset button was defective from the start! Well, look at it this way folks! Russians got that long awaited tour of our top secret nuclear facilities and their locations are now known. ( 1st time in American history an SOS has taken Russians behind scenes to give such tours ) They also have been inside NORAD. Don't think so? Google it. I've got bad news for all of you. The Russians are not our friends.
Shhhh democrats think the reset button was one of Hillary's finest moments.

Terminating these adoptions is in retaliation for the Magnitsky Act. In his quest for more and more money, obama got the Magnitsky act which permitted the United States to freeze and seize assets of Russians. Since Russia was already investigating the deaths of several adopted Russian children they just banned adoptions completely.

Russia has put Sergei Magnitsy on trial, posthumously, for violating Russian laws by giving information to the US. He will be found guilty of violating Russian law and his cooperation be held to be illegal.

Russia has outfoxed our inept regime one more time.
Putin has already signed it. It is done. You are behind lol

Are you saying that Russia does not have a set of balls and Putin already signed it to sell children to the United States, or are you saying that Russia does indeed have a set of balls and love there children and will no longer sell them to the United States?
Putin has already signed it. It is done. You are behind lol

Are you saying that Russia does not have a set of balls and Putin already signed it to sell children to the United States, or are you saying that Russia does indeed have a set of balls and love there children and will no longer sell them to the United States?

I am saying Americans can no longer adopt Russian children. I think it starts in 2014?
Putin has already signed it. It is done. You are behind lol

Are you saying that Russia does not have a set of balls and Putin already signed it to sell children to the United States, or are you saying that Russia does indeed have a set of balls and love there children and will no longer sell them to the United States?

Putin has banned all adoptions of Russian children by American families. Loving Russian children has nothing to do with it. These children will languish in Russian orphanages which are not known to the places of love and compassion. The ban is retaliation for the Magnitsky Act.

From your confusion, I take it that you really don't know very much about this issue. Perhaps that's where you should start. Russian children aren't being taken from loving Russian homes, or even from loving Russian adoptive families, and sold to Americans. They are unwanted children who presently live in orphanages.
Putin has already signed it. It is done. You are behind lol

Are you saying that Russia does not have a set of balls and Putin already signed it to sell children to the United States, or are you saying that Russia does indeed have a set of balls and love there children and will no longer sell them to the United States?

I am saying Americans can no longer adopt Russian children. I think it starts in 2014?

It already started. American famlies whose adoptions were in process have now had those processes terminated.
Putin has banned all adoptions of Russian children by American families. Loving Russian children has nothing to do with it. These children will languish in Russian orphanages which are not known to the places of love and compassion. The ban is retaliation for the Magnitsky Act.

From your confusion, I take it that you really don't know very much about this issue. Perhaps that's where you should start. Russian children aren't being taken from loving Russian homes, or even from loving Russian adoptive families, and sold to Americans. They are unwanted children who presently live in orphanages.

1. Russian orphanages are like any other orphanages: some are bad, some are good.

2. The "Act of Dima Yakovlev" constitute only a fraction of Russian answer to Magnitsky Act. Most of "Act of Dima Yakovlev" is about stringent control over US financing of non-governmental organisations in Russia.

3. Actually, some children were taken from loving relatives. Dima Yakovlev, for example, had a sister who was adopted by grandparents; but because US citizens paid for Dima, his grandparents were refused his adoption; Dima was sold to US where his new "father" forgot him on a seat of a car like an unbrellar, and Dima died.
Putin has already signed it. It is done. You are behind lol

Russia does indeed have a set of balls and love there children and will no longer sell them to the United States?

That's correct.

But if you want to get outraged about something, check this out: Finland opened commercial tenders for resale of children. Many of these children were "withdrawn" from their loving families by the state to be sold.
As the Finnish “children’s” minister reminds -- demand defines the market.
This is not about politics, or money, this is about what is right and wrong, but politics will defiantly be involved in securing the safety of the Russian family, all I can say is that I hope that Vladimir Putin will stand strong on this issue and use all the political power at his disposal and might of his very soul to fight these child brothel vermin to the death. Yea as an American I see Vladimir Putin as someone who is taking resources away from Americans for the benefit of Russians, but from what I have studied about him, he is a strong leader, and has never shown any true signs of BITCH like behavior in his life, hence Russia can't be fucked with by the United States as long as he remains in power continuing to show no signs of BITCH like behavior, as for us Americans this sucks to have to go against someone standing strong like this, as we can only wish he was an American working for us.
I will be watching this issue closely, as an American I am also a predator, and before we make a move against our pray, we will make or force the pray to exhibit BITCH-ness, before we move in *******
I think the fate of Russia itself will be determined by this issue.
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In the UK children are removed from adoptive homes and given to gay couples who will provide a more inclusive environment. Drop the fake moral outrage. This is America where children aren't adopted but murdered. Yes the death of that Russian child is one of the reasons cited to ban American adoption and that wasn't the only dead kid. Americans like to kill children is a fact becoming more widely known.
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The people of the UK were FUCKED a long time ago, right about when they tried to collect taxes from the people of the United States of America, there is no hope for them, this tactic of taking children away and putting them in GAY foster homes is a way to lay down the law and keep the people under control, the bitched people of the UK are not armed, but you still need to remind them WHO IS IN CHARGE, and that is the United States of America !!!
We are a long way from using this tactic on the Russian people, but depending on the behavior of Vladimir Putin we may be very close, or even further away.
This is all political and has nothing to do with children. If we would repeal the Magnitsky Act the adoptions would resume no matter how many children died.
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Maybe if americans can't buy foreign children the will do something about the disgraceful american practice of killing children.
The people of the UK were FUCKED a long time ago, right about when they tried to collect taxes from the people of the United States of America, there is no hope for them, this tactic of taking children away and putting them in GAY foster homes is a way to lay down the law and keep the people under control, the bitched people of the UK are not armed, but you still need to remind them WHO IS IN CHARGE, and that is the United States of America !!!
We are a long way from using this tactic on the Russian people, but depending on the behavior of Vladimir Putin we may be very close, or even further away.

What a remarkably ignorant post , lodged in the backwaters of times that many hoped had disappeared .
Perhaps you live in Hilly Billy Land , which would explain a great deal ?

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