Russia should be in G7

so , my point of , there is no such thing as Friends Forever is an accurate observation Ladies and Gents !!
But you have to go with the cards you're dealt and right now our allies are winners,,,been with us thru thick and thin Russia CAN NOT be trusted either can Trump who's only thoughts are how he can increase his wealth
-------------------------------------- well , thats your opinion . I say that the Trump is a 72 year old billionaire with capable kids , a nice wife and any material thing that he wants . I trust the Trump concerning money as i figure that he doesn't need any more money Edward .
Ever look up his history? 3 marriages with 1 wife calling rape cheating on all Screwing 100's of workers ,racism There is nothing good to say about him and won't show his taxes so I'd bet he isn't a billionaire either
Russia’s economy is only 10th in the world, so no they don’t belong there.
Ok........point taken............So do they get to go to the G12 meetings................or does the world put them on ignore and Caller I.D. block............

Unless and until Putin stops meddling in elections, invading our allies, and murdering citizens in G7 countries, the answer is NO!!!
Should we do the same.............We have a history of doing the same thing............And yet again.............did they really change this election........I think not.

Two wrongs don’t make a right. Yes, the US has propped up dictators who did terrible things to their people. That doesn’t excuse abandoning your friends, Allies and trading partners who YOU have screwed over for decades, in trade.
More like the other way around. We import 3.6 TRILLION in goods and we have been getting screwed by their policies. High time for Fair Trade. And in the Sanctions if you remember Europe was screaming bloody hell as they had contracts with Russia. What about Merkle.............she caught us spying on her under Obama. Want to talk respect......caught in the act.

Even with that............our countries spy on each other...........try to influence elections............and so on............It has been going on forever.
We import so much because we can get it CHEAPER overseas than if it was made here Who do you blame for that?
Ok........point taken............So do they get to go to the G12 meetings................or does the world put them on ignore and Caller I.D. block............

Unless and until Putin stops meddling in elections, invading our allies, and murdering citizens in G7 countries, the answer is NO!!!
Should we do the same.............We have a history of doing the same thing............And yet again.............did they really change this election........I think not.

Two wrongs don’t make a right. Yes, the US has propped up dictators who did terrible things to their people. That doesn’t excuse abandoning your friends, Allies and trading partners who YOU have screwed over for decades, in trade.
More like the other way around. We import 3.6 TRILLION in goods and we have been getting screwed by their policies. High time for Fair Trade. And in the Sanctions if you remember Europe was screaming bloody hell as they had contracts with Russia. What about Merkle.............she caught us spying on her under Obama. Want to talk respect......caught in the act.

Even with that............our countries spy on each other...........try to influence elections............and so on............It has been going on forever.
We import so much because we can get it CHEAPER overseas than if it was made here Who do you blame for that?
Trade is a 2 way street.........Tariff too much hose yourself........Tariff 2 little you lose your jobs...........There is no perfect formula. But we have a 1 way street now. And they are abusing us................So we negotiate to stop the negatives as much as possible.
Unless and until Putin stops meddling in elections, invading our allies, and murdering citizens in G7 countries, the answer is NO!!!
Should we do the same.............We have a history of doing the same thing............And yet again.............did they really change this election........I think not.

Two wrongs don’t make a right. Yes, the US has propped up dictators who did terrible things to their people. That doesn’t excuse abandoning your friends, Allies and trading partners who YOU have screwed over for decades, in trade.
More like the other way around. We import 3.6 TRILLION in goods and we have been getting screwed by their policies. High time for Fair Trade. And in the Sanctions if you remember Europe was screaming bloody hell as they had contracts with Russia. What about Merkle.............she caught us spying on her under Obama. Want to talk respect......caught in the act.

Even with that............our countries spy on each other...........try to influence elections............and so on............It has been going on forever.
We import so much because we can get it CHEAPER overseas than if it was made here Who do you blame for that?
Trade is a 2 way street.........Tariff too much hose yourself........Tariff 2 little you lose your jobs...........There is no perfect formula. But we have a 1 way street now. And they are abusing us................So we negotiate to stop the negatives as much as possible.
Sure we need a fairer deal but getting this trump swine to get it is asking all our allies to unite against us
Our country has a higher gdp than all 6 of their countries combined.
They tariff the shit out of our goods, it's time to even the scales.

You haven’t the vaguest clue what you’re talking about and neither does Trump.

It would be different if Trump had the vaguest clue but he doesn’t. The USA has a trade surplus with Canada. You sell us more than we sell you.

Trump has put a tariff on Canadian steel and aluminum even though we buy more steel from you than you sell us.

Why should Trudeau bend over for Trump? Because he asked him too?

Go fuck yourself and learn more than your asswipe of a President.
Canada tariff's american dairy at 270%'
U.S. dairy processors want to increase sales to Canada but high tariffs of nearly 300 percent stand in the way.

All major political parties say they support supply management because it stabilizes incomes for dairy farmers. Producers in other countries have suffered from volatile price swings.
Probe finds PG&E power lines sparked deadly 2017 California wildfires
If we did that they would call it protectionism. You liberals don't like Protectionism remember.

Canada uses supply-management systems to regulate its dairy, chicken, turkey, and egg industries. The regime involves production quotas, producer marketing boards to regulate price and supply, and tariff-rate quotas (TRQs) for imports. Canada’s supply-management regime severely limits the ability of U.S. producers to increase exports to Canada above TRQ levels. Under the current system, U.S. imports above quota levels are subject to high tariffs (e.g., 245 percent for cheese, 298 percent for butter).

Wine, Beer, and Spirits
Canadians face high provincial taxes on personal imports of U.S. wines and spirits upon return to Canada from the United States.

Most Canadian provinces restrict the sale of wine, beer, and spirits through province-run liquor control boards, which are the sole authorized sellers of wine, beer, and spirits in those provinces. Market access barriers in those provinces hamper exports of U.S. wine, beer, and spirits to Canada. These barriers include cost-of-service mark-ups, restrictions on listings (products the liquor board will sell), reference prices (maximum prices the liquor board is willing to pay or prices below which imported products may not be sold), labeling requirements, discounting policies (requirements that suppliers offer rebates or reduce their prices to meet sales targets), and distribution policies.

British Columbia
British Columbia (BC) has implemented a measure that allows only BC wines to be sold on grocery store shelves. Imported wine in grocery stores can only be sold in a “store within a store” that has controlled access with separate cash registers.

Canadian Content in Broadcasting
The Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) imposes quotas that determine both the minimum Canadian programming expenditure (CPE) and the minimum amount of Canadian programming that licensed Canadian broadcasters must carry (Exhibition Quota). Large English language private broadcaster groups have a CPE obligation equal to 30 percent of the group’s gross revenues from their conventional signals, specialty, and pay services.
In March 2015, the CRTC announced that it will eliminate the 55 percent daytime Canadian-content quota. The CRTC is maintaining the Exhibition Quota for prime time at 50 percent from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. Specialty services and pay television services that are not part of a large English language private broadcasting group are now subject to a 35 percent requirement throughout the day, with no prime-time quota.

Canada - Import Tariffs |

Have you looked at the reasons for the dairy tariffs? Even dairy farmers in Minnesota have agreed that the tariff is fair.

Canadian Dairy farmers work on a “quota” system. They buy a license to produce a certain quantity of milk through the Milk Marketing Board. The tariff American Farmers pay is for access to that quota system. If American farmers don’t pay a tariff, the Canadian farmers are at a disadvantage. The tariff levels the playing field because US farmers don’t have to otherwise buy quota.
President Trump Proposes ZERO Tariffs, ZERO Barriers, and ZERO Subsidies at G7 Summit (VIDEO)
The solution.

That’s not a solution. What about all of the subsidies paid to US farmers? Do you honestly think that American Farmers are ready to give up their subsidies.

The destruction of the Canadian Milk Marketing Board quota system would destroy the dairy business and a stable and successful supply/management system.

Trump is an idiot. You have a TRADE SURPLUS WITH CANADA!!!

Trump is lying. He hasn’t a clue about what he’s talking about and he’s pulling “facts” out his ass.

Trump’s entire strategy is to so alienate his NATO Allies, that he drives them into the waiting arms of Vladimir Putin. That’s also why he wants to get out of the Middle East, save Isreal.
No subsidies to anyone.
FAir Fucking Trade!
Should we do the same.............We have a history of doing the same thing............And yet again.............did they really change this election........I think not.

Two wrongs don’t make a right. Yes, the US has propped up dictators who did terrible things to their people. That doesn’t excuse abandoning your friends, Allies and trading partners who YOU have screwed over for decades, in trade.
More like the other way around. We import 3.6 TRILLION in goods and we have been getting screwed by their policies. High time for Fair Trade. And in the Sanctions if you remember Europe was screaming bloody hell as they had contracts with Russia. What about Merkle.............she caught us spying on her under Obama. Want to talk respect......caught in the act.

Even with that............our countries spy on each other...........try to influence elections............and so on............It has been going on forever.
We import so much because we can get it CHEAPER overseas than if it was made here Who do you blame for that?
Trade is a 2 way street.........Tariff too much hose yourself........Tariff 2 little you lose your jobs...........There is no perfect formula. But we have a 1 way street now. And they are abusing us................So we negotiate to stop the negatives as much as possible.
Sure we need a fairer deal but getting this trump swine to get it is asking all our allies to unite against us
What did the past presidents do about it...................China is making concessions............even before the tariffs he managed to get beef sales to China which had been banned for 12 years.............
Last I heard this wasn't a NATO meeting..............And in that meeting Russia is most definitely not allowed there. In regards to Economics they are a player on the world and Europe whether we like it or not. And the Europeans negotiate and do deals with them all of the time. So yes I believe they should be invited.

And...............gang up on Russia behind the scenes for pressure against them regarding Ukraine and Crimea..............Coordinated effort...........then if Russia gets butt hurt they leave on their own. Or they concede when the other countries show unity on those positions regarding Ukraine and Crimea.

Russia’s economy is only 10th in the world, so no they don’t belong there.
Ok........point taken............So do they get to go to the G12 meetings................or does the world put them on ignore and Caller I.D. block............

Unless and until Putin stops meddling in elections, invading our allies, and murdering citizens in G7 countries, the answer is NO!!!
Should we do the same.............We have a history of doing the same thing............And yet again.............did they really change this election........I think not.

Two wrongs don’t make a right. Yes, the US has propped up dictators who did terrible things to their people. That doesn’t excuse abandoning your friends, Allies and trading partners who YOU have screwed over for decades, in trade.
------------------------------------------[abandoning friends eh} [chuckle] sounds like you are crying for mercy and consideration as you beg for the Trump to continue to be 'NICE' and just go along to get along . Thats what previous American Presidents did and which Trump noted that previous American Trade Negotiaters were the problem in his speech at the 'g6' summit this morning before he left the summit early . Trump may be a different kind of cat and tell the socalled civilized world to get fecked DragonLady .
I'D be fine if it was the 'G2' made up of Russia and USA to begin with . Then we can invite Japan , the Eastern Europeans , S.Korea and many others and exclude these W. euro wankers EDward .
With the Russian sanctions in place, the/a G2 can't happen.
Congress will pass more sanctions if the Great Douche tries to do that.
All Russian got to trade...

At the more granular four-digit Harmonized Tariff System code level, the most valuable Russian export product is crude oil followed by refined petroleum oils.

  1. Mineral fuels including oil: US$173.3 billion (48.5% of total exports)
  2. Iron, steel: $18.8 billion (5.3%)
  3. Gems, precious metals: $11 billion (3.1%)
  4. Machinery including computers: $8.5 billion (2.4%)
  5. Wood: $7.9 billion (2.2%)
  6. Cereals: $7.5 billion (2.1%)
  7. Fertilizers: $7.2 billion (2%)
  8. Aluminum: $6.7 billion (1.9%)
  9. Copper: $4.7 billion (1.3%)
  10. Electrical machinery, equipment: $4.3 billion (1.2%)
View attachment 197502

Russia NOTHANG in the Bigger Picture of thangs!
------------------------------------------------------ well Russia was big enough or powerful enough to have been in the 'g7 plus Russia' which made it the 'G8' until 'mrobama' . And knowing the TRUMP as i do there is also the possibility that the Trump is just messing with YOU People by mentioning Russia Baz .
It's possible to have a nice....


Without Russia in it
big deal , so 'merkle' the destroyer of Germany is mad or trying to intimidate , silly stuff as the TRUMP will do as he decides Baz .
big deal , so 'merkle' the destroyer of Germany is mad or trying to intimidate , silly stuff as the TRUMP will do as he decides Baz .
The Great Douche is mad at our allies because they won't pay to play.
Won't commit FRAUD! Sending Money to DrumpF LLC!
FOR Gefälligkeiten /favours from the great Douche! Like how Russia cuts deals.
Last I heard this wasn't a NATO meeting..............And in that meeting Russia is most definitely not allowed there. In regards to Economics they are a player on the world and Europe whether we like it or not. And the Europeans negotiate and do deals with them all of the time. So yes I believe they should be invited.

And...............gang up on Russia behind the scenes for pressure against them regarding Ukraine and Crimea..............Coordinated effort...........then if Russia gets butt hurt they leave on their own. Or they concede when the other countries show unity on those positions regarding Ukraine and Crimea.

Russia’s economy is only 10th in the world, so no they don’t belong there.
Ok........point taken............So do they get to go to the G12 meetings................or does the world put them on ignore and Caller I.D. block............

Unless and until Putin stops meddling in elections, invading our allies, and murdering citizens in G7 countries, the answer is NO!!!
Should we do the same.............We have a history of doing the same thing............And yet again.............did they really change this election........I think not.

Two wrongs don’t make a right. Yes, the US has propped up dictators who did terrible things to their people.
if PRESIDENT Trump decides that there in no need for new or existing Sanctions i think that thats HIS decision Edward .
And you will bow down to all his decisions? I think he's rarely right and now he's looking for a devastating trade war
-------------------------------------------- devastating trade war for WHOM . USA is All that matters to me . As The TRUMP says , the USA is like the piggy banks that is always being robbed and he is correct Edward . [MAGA]

Call it “enlightened self interest” but you’d better rethink what that means. While Trump is putting tariffs on steel and aluminum which has the potential to create 40,000 US jobs in the steel industry, could cost up to 200,000 in US jobs in manufacturing.

Does it make sense to punish Canadian and Mexican manufacturers for supplying your shortfall? There’s a trade surplus with Canada. Why are tariffs being levied against a country you have a surplus with.

Again it’s US jobs that will be lost. We’ll be buying our stuff elsewhere.
Last I heard this wasn't a NATO meeting..............And in that meeting Russia is most definitely not allowed there. In regards to Economics they are a player on the world and Europe whether we like it or not. And the Europeans negotiate and do deals with them all of the time. So yes I believe they should be invited.

And...............gang up on Russia behind the scenes for pressure against them regarding Ukraine and Crimea..............Coordinated effort...........then if Russia gets butt hurt they leave on their own. Or they concede when the other countries show unity on those positions regarding Ukraine and Crimea.

Russia’s economy is only 10th in the world, so no they don’t belong there.
Ok........point taken............So do they get to go to the G12 meetings................or does the world put them on ignore and Caller I.D. block............

Unless and until Putin stops meddling in elections, invading our allies, and murdering citizens in G7 countries, the answer is NO!!!
Should we do the same.............We have a history of doing the same thing............And yet again.............did they really change this election........I think not.

Two wrongs don’t make a right. Yes, the US has propped up dictators who did terrible things to their people.
if PRESIDENT Trump decides that there in no need for new or existing Sanctions i think that thats HIS decision Edward .
And you will bow down to all his decisions? I think he's rarely right and now he's looking for a devastating trade war
-------------------------------------------- devastating trade war for WHOM . USA is All that matters to me . As The TRUMP says , the USA is like the piggy banks that is always being robbed and he is correct Edward . [MAGA]

Call it “enlightened self interest” but you’d better rethink what that means. While Trump is putting tariffs on steel and aluminum which has the potential to create 40,000 US jobs in the steel industry, could cost up to 200,000 in US jobs in manufacturing.

Does it make sense to punish Canadian and Mexican manufacturers for supplying your shortfall? There’s a trade surplus with Canada. Why are tariffs being levied against a country you have a surplus with.

Again it’s US jobs that will be lost. We’ll be buying our stuff elsewhere.
as will our used to be allies ,,we're not the only soybean producing country etc etc
and you know what , i'm 68 and i grew up in a time where the talk of the economy that seems to always be on the minds of [especially] the younger people in the USA but was never a concern of mine . Last thing i ever consider when i think about the USA is some thing called the Economy . It was the same for my Grandfather , Father and ME and its not because any of us were very rich . And nowadays we have married couples working and worrying about some economy that they can't do anything about and its funny Baz. -------------- just a comment about this nebulous thing called the economy Baz .
and you know what , i'm 68 and i grew up in a time where the talk of the economy that seems to always be on the minds of [especially] the younger people in the USA but was never a concern of mine . Last thing i ever consider when i think about the USA is some thing called the Economy . It was the same for my Grandfather , Father and ME and its not because any of us were very rich . And nowadays we have married couples working and worrying about some economy that they can't do anything about and its funny Baz. -------------- just a comment about this nebulous thing called the economy Baz .
We did just fine back then without Free Trade Agreements..............Yes times have changed but all negotiation was done on a Country to country basis without a Foreign Court dictating our agreements.
Last I heard this wasn't a NATO meeting..............And in that meeting Russia is most definitely not allowed there. In regards to Economics they are a player on the world and Europe whether we like it or not. And the Europeans negotiate and do deals with them all of the time. So yes I believe they should be invited.

And...............gang up on Russia behind the scenes for pressure against them regarding Ukraine and Crimea..............Coordinated effort...........then if Russia gets butt hurt they leave on their own. Or they concede when the other countries show unity on those positions regarding Ukraine and Crimea.

Russia’s economy is only 10th in the world, so no they don’t belong there.
Ok........point taken............So do they get to go to the G12 meetings................or does the world put them on ignore and Caller I.D. block............

Unless and until Putin stops meddling in elections, invading our allies, and murdering citizens in G7 countries, the answer is NO!!!
Should we do the same.............We have a history of doing the same thing............And yet again.............did they really change this election........I think not.

Two wrongs don’t make a right. Yes, the US has propped up dictators who did terrible things to their people.
if PRESIDENT Trump decides that there in no need for new or existing Sanctions i think that thats HIS decision Edward .
And you will bow down to all his decisions? I think he's rarely right and now he's looking for a devastating trade war
-------------------------------------------- devastating trade war for WHOM . USA is All that matters to me . As The TRUMP says , the USA is like the piggy banks that is always being robbed and he is correct Edward . [MAGA]

Call it “enlightened self interest” but you’d better rethink what that means. While Trump is putting tariffs on steel and aluminum which has the potential to create 40,000 US jobs in the steel industry, could cost up to 200,000 in US jobs in manufacturing.

Does it make sense to punish Canadian and Mexican manufacturers for supplying your shortfall? There’s a trade surplus with Canada. Why are tariffs being levied against a country you have a surplus with.

Again it’s US jobs that will be lost. We’ll be buying our stuff elsewhere.
---------------------------------------- its President Trump that will decide Trade Policy and most everything else . We Trust the Trump and thats why we elected him DLady . ------------------------------- coulda had 'illary' !!
Russia’s economy is only 10th in the world, so no they don’t belong there.
Ok........point taken............So do they get to go to the G12 meetings................or does the world put them on ignore and Caller I.D. block............

Unless and until Putin stops meddling in elections, invading our allies, and murdering citizens in G7 countries, the answer is NO!!!
Should we do the same.............We have a history of doing the same thing............And yet again.............did they really change this election........I think not.

Two wrongs don’t make a right. Yes, the US has propped up dictators who did terrible things to their people.
if PRESIDENT Trump decides that there in no need for new or existing Sanctions i think that thats HIS decision Edward .
And you will bow down to all his decisions? I think he's rarely right and now he's looking for a devastating trade war
-------------------------------------------- devastating trade war for WHOM . USA is All that matters to me . As The TRUMP says , the USA is like the piggy banks that is always being robbed and he is correct Edward . [MAGA]

Call it “enlightened self interest” but you’d better rethink what that means. While Trump is putting tariffs on steel and aluminum which has the potential to create 40,000 US jobs in the steel industry, could cost up to 200,000 in US jobs in manufacturing.

Does it make sense to punish Canadian and Mexican manufacturers for supplying your shortfall? There’s a trade surplus with Canada. Why are tariffs being levied against a country you have a surplus with.

Again it’s US jobs that will be lost. We’ll be buying our stuff elsewhere.
---------------------------------------- its President Trump that will decide Trade Policy and most everything else . We Trust the Trump and thats why we elected him DLady . ------------------------------- coulda had 'illary' !!
Without his election the TPP would have ratified submitting us to more foreign courts. So much so that companies and corporations could challenge countries laws and demand payment.

Without this election the abuses of China would remain unchallenged.........and that of NAFTA. While some complain daily this needed to be done............It's not pretty but it is leading to results and forcing them to the table. Should have already been done. But not when our elected officials are in bed with those against us to line their own pocket book.
and you know what , i'm 68 and i grew up in a time where the talk of the economy that seems to always be on the minds of [especially] the younger people in the USA but was never a concern of mine . Last thing i ever consider when i think about the USA is some thing called the Economy . It was the same for my Grandfather , Father and ME and its not because any of us were very rich . And nowadays we have married couples working and worrying about some economy that they can't do anything about and its funny Baz. -------------- just a comment about this nebulous thing called the economy Baz .

Now the Great Douche is off to a new money-making adventure for DrumpF LLC!


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