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Russia Switches to Focus of Liberating the Donbass.

Mariupol is finished. Putin congratulates the special operations forces.

2022 marta 27 Putin's Congratulations
'Podrazdeleniia Rosgvardii proiavliaiut myzhestvo, reshitel'nost' i besstrashie s spetsoperatsii Rossii po zashchite Donbassa
Putin noted the national pride of the employees of the Russian Guard: Units of the Russian Guard show courage, determination and fearlessness from the special operation to protect the Donbass.

"Vsia nasha ogromnaia strana po pravu gorditsia kazhdym iz vas.
Our entire country is rightly proud of each of you.

Kochu skazat' vamspasibo.
I want to thank you.

Spasibo za stoikost' i bezuprechnuiu sluchby Rossii.
Thank you for your preserverence and impeccable service to Russia.

Za vernost' Otechestvu, prisiage i dolgu.
For loyalty to the Fatherland, oath and duty.

Eshche raz pozdravliaiu boitsov i kommandirov, bes' lichnyi sotav i, konechno veteeranov Rosgvardii s professional'nym prazsnikom!
Once again, I congratulate the fighters and commanders, all of the personnel and, of course, the veterans of the Russian Guard on a professional holiday!

Zhelaiu vsem vam, vashim sem'iam zdorov'ia uspekhov, udachi.
I wish you all, your families health, succcess, good luck." '
Well, I do wonder if that poster is even an American. There are about four people on this thread that I'm reasonably sure are Russian, that moron being one of them.
Yes because only really true Americans want nuclear war that mass murders millions, over a country on the other side of the world.
I don't get

what you're trying to say, but welcome to the discussion. I'm not familiar with the term 'glowbully'. Are you capable of understanding my previous post?
Netrix Android

Quit pretending. Why should anyone believe that you can't understand that "glowbully" means "Globalist bullies"? Why should I believe that just because you don't agree they are bullies or even that they exist at all, that opinion makes you believe that the opposite point of view, that this predatory elite, including the bipartisan American ruling class, does exist and does seek to turn the whole world into impoverished colonies of a wealthy one-world ruling class, is too far out to even object to?
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The Russians certainly forced the Ukrainian military to focus a lot of their resources on their capital city of Kiev. even though the Russians didn't seem to bring nearly enough forces there to actually occupy Kiev.

Their proven hydrocarbon resources (coal, natural gas, crude oil) are primarily in eastern Ukraine and around the Crimean peninsula. If you look at the regions of Ukraine where the Russians are focusing on and taken over, they are the regions with natural resources.

That's the grand prize. The spoils of war. Anything else they take is just a bonus.

And I'm sure that Putin would like Zelensky's head delivered to his office in a box. Zelenski used to produce comedy TV shows that really made fun of Putin. And Putin doesn't seem like the type of guy who has much of a sense of humor.
The Russians are going easy on Kiev/Kyiv because it is a historical former capital of Russia. It’s a cultural heritage site.
You just unknowingly exposed your as an idiot. Crimea was part of Russia since Catherine the Great…ops history always screws up the uninformed. Kruschev gave the Crimea to Ukraine by dictate. Crimea is predominantly Russian and voted to stay with Russia, after O’s coup in Ukraine in 2014…ops history again. Sorry.
hey moron. Does Italy have the right to invade the UK now since it was part of the Roman empire? Does Russia have the right to invade the Baltic states since they were part of the Russian empire? History is not as simple as you simpletons believe.

Kiev was never the capital of Russia, jackass.

Cultural Capital. Dumbass. Of the Rus people. As such it is a city of particular cultural import to the Russians. A cultural treasure.

The first Rus capital
About 882 Oleg (Oleh), the ruler of Novgorod, captured Kyiv and made it his capital, the centre of the first East Slavic state, Kyivan (Kievan) Rus.

Cultural Capital. Dumbass. Of the Rus people. As such it is a city of particular cultural import to the Russians. A cultural treasure.

The first Rus capital
About 882 Oleg (Oleh), the ruler of Novgorod, captured Kyiv and made it his capital, the centre of the first East Slavic state, Kyivan (Kievan) Rus.

Perhaps I should have been more specific…
People like Tonto who don’t address US hegemony are either truly ignorant of US hegemony, willfully ignorant of US hegemony, or supportive of US hegemony. There are no other options. And there really is no way to address it in a way that makes Russia's position look unreasonable. It's simply not legitimate to claim Moscow has no right to even the slightest degree of any sphere of influence while the US empire exerts a sphere of influence the size of Earth.
This Is What Happens When Whites Become Yellow

This is not American "hegemony." Ours is in our own hemisphere; this extension indicates that our ruling-class traitors want to make us merely a colony of the United Nations and also entangled in an alliance with its other colonies, the European Union and its weak and dependent military branch, NATO.

Treason runs wild
What's the reason?
Treason wins only when

Kiev was never the capital of Russia, jackass.
And given the age of the two cities… Kiev was the capital city for the Rus people long before Moscow existed.

Capitals: Kyiv is one among the oldest cities in Europe and was founded in 482, while Moscow was founded in 1147 by Yuriy Dolgoruky, the son of Volodymyr Monomakh. So, Kyiv is older than Moscow by 665 years
And given the age of the two cities… Kiev was the capital city for the Rus people long before Moscow existed.

Capitals: Kyiv is one among the oldest cities in Europe and was founded in 482, while Moscow was founded in 1147 by Yuriy Dolgoruky, the son of Volodymyr Monomakh. So, Kyiv is older than Moscow by 665 years
"Rus"≠ Russia, moron.

Kiev has never in history been the capital of Russia.

fuck off, dumbass.
And as usual, you're too stupid to understand what I said and so I'll try again in slightly different words.

An aggression by one is an aggression by all is also implied. And so if Poland enters the war then Russia will understand that Article 5 applies when Russia kills Polish people.

Then Russia is provided the cause it needs to nuke America back into the stone age.
And vice versa of course. I warned that few would be able to understand.
Because of the Weakness Caused by Its Top-Heavy Social Structure, Poland Has Been a Tempting Doormat for Centuries

And how did the same kind of comforting but empty alliance help Poland during World War Two?

Because of Russia's temporary weakness, NYETO violated an agreement not to absorb any Warsaw Pact nations. If any of those nations are attacked by Russia, NYETO can wriggle out of a costly war outside of its Western European base by declaring that the original non-aggression pact canceled its later Napoleonic salami tactics.
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Cultural heritage… it’s a thing. Especially to the Russians in regard to this particular city. If you don’t like it. Take it up with them.
WTF are trying to pretend to be? Vanilla Ice?
Google translate sucks.
Dons bass is what it meant.
Free from that damned filthy water !
Bi-Den's Taxonomy Cut

Does Google inform us what species of bird is a ewe crane? What county in Ireland do people named O'dessa come from? Whose mother does Ma's cow belong to? Why do ewe cranes sing in Key F?

"Marry? Ooh, Paul! He's cute enough for girls to want to marry through Google Date Bait."
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Tonto look…

With respect to the latter, the sheer facts are overwhelming. So we repeat them with an added total for the respective military budgets: To wit, the economic might of NATO is 29X that of Russia and its combined defense budgets are 18X greater, which tells you all you need to know about the “Russian threat”:

  • NATO: $42.78 trillion of GDP; 945 million population; $45,130 per capita income; $1,200 billion defense budget;
  • RUSSIA: $1.46 trillion of GDP; 144 million population; $10,300 per capita income; $67 billion defense budget.

Washington Is Delirious With War Fever - LewRockwell
Chop Suey Commandos

My proposal that a non-American alliance of all the Asian states threatened by China also suffers from an imbalance in wealth and population. But Japan alone before Pearl Harbor proved that is meaningless.

The Chinese manufacture shoddy products; their fall-apart junk tells us what kind of military they have. Its last big demonstration was its pathetic performance in the Korean War: 400,000 dead, while the United States lost only 36,000. There was no patriotic reason to surrender North Korea to their allies. Nuking them would have killed fewer Chinese than they had lost by their suicide charges, but it would have ended the war and freed North Korea.
This Is What Happens When Whites Become Yellow

This is not American "hegemony." Ours is in our own hemisphere; this extension indicates that our ruling-class traitors want to make us merely a colony of the United Nations and also entangled in an alliance with its other colonies, the European Union and its weak and dependent military branch, NATO.

Treason runs wild
What's the reason?
Treason wins only when
There it is AGAIN. Either you're with us or you're a traitor. It happens in every war like clockwork. The feeble minded statist knows nothing else. You’d think after all the lies and failed wars our government has gotten us into, they’d know better.

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