Russia to be mortally wounded by Dokka Umarov


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2013
The Russian Tsar ( Vlad the Bad ) has only one real enemy left who worries Gazprom HQ ( the real seat of Russian Mafia power), and in the near future he might bring it into serious trouble.

This is Dokku Umarov, the leader of Caucasian militants, associated in Russia with al-Qaeda , but actually just simple freedom fighters demanding independence from their oppressors.

He is the Caucasus Emir. In 2007, Dokku Umarov proclaimed the State of Caucasus Emirate. He coordinates freedom fighting action in the Caucasus, and also took responsibility for the Moscow attacks in 2011.

He allegedly promised to carry out attacks in order to prevent the Olympic Games being held in Sochi in 2014 In actual fact , Dokku did not give such promise.He just warned that the Olympic gathering would actually take place in a war zone, and therefore the Caucasus Emirate does not bear any responsibility for the safety of participants and visitors to this Russian propaganda show . Just to be accurate .
Sochi has been the Russian Mafia's showcase city for over a century and Puitin has more palaces and millionaire properties here and in the immediate surround than I have fingers , thumbs and toes .
What an insult to the world that the IOC let the Dwarf bribe the honour of hosting this event . Let's hope any freedom fighting does not produce too much civilian involvement of an unfortunate sort .
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I wish I knew enough about the state of affairs in the former USSR to comment, BC.

I know that what's happening in those lands is critical to the world, but there's only so many hours in the day, and just trying to keep up with the news in this nation is more than a full time job.
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1. Putin can no longer be associated with Gazprom, and Gazprom with Russian power structure.
2. Doku Umarov does have connection to other Saudi Arabia, UK and US financed Islamic militants many of whom are currently "freedom fighting" in Syria, but how can he threaten Gazprom?
3. Doku Umarov is SA, UK and US paid terrorist.
4. Sochi is a very beautiful city that will hold Winter Olympic Games despite all efforts by US and UK to boycott them (like they did with Moscow Olympics in 1980). Of course, Islamic terrorists will be given extra finances for that purpose, but there is no doubt the Games will take place.
5. The most interesting thing is: FBI, MI6, CIA spent years trying to find "Putin's fortune"; recently FBI even interviewed Abramovich on the subject -- still no result! And YOU, blackcherry, knew all along that Putin keeps his wealth in Sochi! Maybe you need to inform FBI or MI6 of your findings?! :cuckoo:
6. I did not hear your indignation at Britain staging Olympics despite the fact UK hasn't stopped invading and destroying nations since 1991!
Hypocrisy at its worst!

Nice to have you attending my news class .
1 You clearly are not aware of the list of Boardroom Directors . The company is stuffed with family members and friends from his past including his old judo coach .
Putin's main source of his personal fortune --- a minimum $60 Billion -- is in his Gazprom shares . If you think he has divested his huge holding you are more naive than I thought .
2 Gazprom has been the hub of power for over a decade and the Duma is just a rubber stamp for the Family who have swollen the ranks of the United Russia MPs with their own . Gazprom uses the Duma as its play toy and I use it figuratively to represent modern Russia .
3 He will be amazed to hear of your nonsense . And amused .
Of course he gets help . He is facing the might of Russia .
But he is still basically an Emirate Freedom Fighter , whoever gives him running expenses.
Just as Russia helps out Iran , Hizbollah and Hamas to name but a few .
4 Yes I know Sochi well and it is a lovely city . But with that amount of Mafia money in it , that is not surprising . It is the number one Mafia city and should not have been allowed to bribe for the Winter Olympics .
5 Most expert commentators know exactly where the bulk of Putin and the Family's money is .
And nobody quizzed Roman on the matter . One of Putin's two adopted sons is never going to reveal anything about his " Father" . He has wealth of his own to hide and we also all know what the FSB does to judged traitors --- see Mister Berezovsky .
6 Far too complex to debate here and far too difficult for you to understand the fundamental differences . But to keep you motivated I will award you half a point here for what could be an interesting academic discussion -- if you were an academic !!

Anyhow , well done and a spirited first attempt . In your shoes I would get back to your FSB propaganda officer and ask for somebody better versed in matters .
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1. & 2. You are an incredible idiot. Russia has OLIGARCHIC CLANS in power! It means everyone there knows everyone else, that's how US "economic advisers" created it after the fall of the USSR. But as any live power system it is not rigid, it is changeable. And the current changes clearly flew over your head. Just stop posting digest from out of date media mantras.

"Putin's fortune of a minimum $60 Billion" -- so, you did find it! Well done! Why don't you share your knowledge with FBI or MI6, because THEY are still looking for "Putin's fortune"!

3. Really? you think he doesn't know that his activities are financed by Saudi Arabia, US and UK?!

"Emirate Freedom Fighter" without emirate! But of course, US and UK would LOVE to see Russia destroyed even at the price of establishing militant Islamic "states" around the world. That's the whole point of Western "war on terror" -- to instil instability and religious radicalism, and control it sitting away from the war zones... Only this latest Western project (like all the previous ones) is already backfiring with militant Islamists drifting into Europe bringing their ideas with them. I am sure it will end with Russia being forced to save Western stupid asses, as it happened in 1940-s with Anglo-French pet project "Hitler".

4. And the West lives on blood money it makes from destroying nations from Yugoslavia to Syria! So, shut up with your moralising attempts!

5. "Most expert commentators know exactly where the bulk of Putin and the Family's money is" -- this sentence alone betrays you as infantile spotty teen, despite your efforts to present yourself as university educated teacher. Even a novice in politics knows that "Family" expression relates to Yeltsun and Berezovsky, not to Sobchak and Putin.

And who the fuck these "expert commentators" are that know what FBI and MI6 are so desperately eager to find?

6. Piss off, you fundamental twat... You may pass for edumacated teacher by American standards, but in my opinion, you are a teenager who is desperate to look more clever than he is.

Don't take it all to heart so much . I did give you a crumb of comfort with a half mark for effort .
But you have let yourself down with your reply --- tied up in factual knots , you thrash around like a cornered person with only name calling left in your arsenal .
I gave up taking you seriously when you trotted out the old conspiracy myth of the US having created the Oligarchs for their own later manipulation .
You are so out of the loop and brain washed that I see no value in continuing .
Incidentally , there are many families within the Russian elite and when Putin and the Tambov gang took over the reins of Moscow power they morphed from the Yeltsin era to the current one with Sobchak being just one of several links between the two Families .
You have so much to learn , but presently you are filled with youthful arrogance and you have forgotten the value of listening and absorbing .
Return in a few years and we will see what you have grasped .
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Here is the peaceful Chechnya and North Caucasus that Me Meme imagines exists . I see such reports go over my desk on at least a weekly basis . Idyllic isn't it Me Meme ?
No such reports in any Russian or Western media . Yet I gat them at least weekly.

At least 11 Russia military intelligence GRU troops have been killed in an ambush on Saturday, April 6, near the village of Bamut in Achkhoi-Martan district of the Caucasus Emirate province of Chechnya, KC sources report citing relatives of Russian puppets. The eliminated Russians were a detachment of a larger invaders' reconnaissance unit.

The Mujahideen unit, consisting of 13 warriors of Allah successfully fought the combined forces of Russian invaders and their puppets. The Russians indiscriminately bombarded purported positions of the Mujahideen in forests by their aircraft, artillery and heavy mortars.

Large enemy forces were sent to Bamut. 1,500 puppets from different groups were also engaged against the mobile Mujahideen group to support the Russian army.

Meanwhile on Sunday, the mobile Mujahideen unit numbering 13 fighters escaped from the encirclement after four days of fierce fightings in the area between the settlements of Bamut and Arshty.

5 Mujahideen martyred, Insha'Allah, during the escape. The martyrs engaged the Russians in fighting, making it possible for the rest of the group to escape. The enemy assembled more than 2,000 invader and puppet troops to fight the Mujahideen.

The remaining group of 8 fighters reached, safe and sound, a reserve base.

Earlier on Wednesday, April 3, the Mujahideen attacked a puppet police unit near the village of Bamut, killing and injuring several hirelings. At least 4 puppets were killed, according to their relatives.

The Russian army started its retaliatory operation near Bamut on Friday by heavy mortar and artillery fire on woodlands near the village of Bamut at about 10 pm on Friday, April 5, after a reconnaissance squad of invaders found an abandoned Mujahideen base near Bamut. The roads leading to the village were reinforced by enemy checkpoints with total control of civilian vehicles. Russian military helicopters circled over the village and its outskirts.

In other developments, a battle between the Caucasian Mujahideen and Russian troops has been recently reported in Sunzha district of the Caucasus Emirate province of Ingushetia. However, the actual number of Russian troops killed and wounded could not be determined.

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