Ukraine will push Russia back to pre-invasion borders by New Year

"Russia will continue to freeze and starve Ukrainian civilians until Zelensky raises the white flag."

That is what the Kremlin has been reduced to since its ground forces are in steady retreat from the AFU, but despite Russia's best efforts to kill large numbers of Ukrainians, relatively few are being killed by the Russian bombs and the others are neither starving nor freezing but are merely inconvenienced. Ukraine has been able to restore the damage to essential infrastructure within a few days.

Meanwhile, Russian troops are protesting because Russia is unable to pay their salaries. It is likely it will be Russian troops who will be starving and freezing in Ukraine this winter. By spring, the last vestiges of he Russian occupation will be gone, and whoever is running Russia by then will be more concerned with internal turmoil than foreign conquest.

I wonder who will starve and freeze first, his soldiers or Ukrainian citizens. Russian soldiers are literally sleeping on the wet freezing ground right about now, in their regular uniform, and it's going to get much worse.
Russian soldiers are literally sleeping on the wet freezing ground right about now, in their regular uniform, and it's going to get much worse.
Russian army soldiers are fully outfitted with winter clothing and winterized equipment.
Who are we? QAnon loons?
All the authors in badger's head. Do you and your low IQ have a problem with that? As Deleuze and Guattari say of their collaboration, "Since each of us were several, there was really quite a crowd."

Have you thought about seeking help for your narcissism?
Ukraine will push Russia back to its pre-invasion border by the end of the year and retake Crimea next summer, a retired US general has predicted.

Ben Hodges, former commander of US forces in Europe, believes Ukraine is capable of re-taking thousands of square miles of territory in the south and east within the next two months before pushing into Crimea - the crown jewel of Putin's 2014 war.

General Hodges, speaking in Westminster on Monday at an event hosted by the Council on Geostrategy, admitted his vision is 'optimistic' but confidently predicted that 'Ukraine will win.'

In the meantime, he expects Putin to continue shelling Ukrainian power plants and cities with the aim of driving 'hundreds of thousands of refugees' into Europe with the aim of breaking Western support.

He said: 'It is too early to plan victory parades, there is still months and months of hard fighting ahead, Russia will continue to kill innocent Ukrainian civilians, but there is no doubt in my mind that Ukraine has achieved irreversible momentum.

'Thousands of years of war has taught us that war is a test of will, and it is a test of logistics...

'It is indisputable that Ukrainian soldiers have superior will over the Russian soldiers... [and] it is clear that after eight or nine months of war Russia's logistical system is on the verge of collapse.'

Eight months ago, hardly anyone thought Ukraine could win this war, but now hardly anyone doubts it. The only real dispute is about how long it will take.
all this sounds like 1917 N2 for Moscow empire, i expect czar pootler to be killed very soon

Russia's withdraw from (K)herson mirrors this development:

12 Nov 2022 Ex-CEO of Russia's ROSCOSMOS Says Plan Mass Production of Drones for Troops in Donbas
'...."It's not about buying commercial drones....but about creating and testing....reconnaissance and light attack drones that could have a serious impact on the situation on the front," Rogozin said....'

Russia has much experience with production of tanks against the nazis, and now that it controls the most important resources and industrial sectors of Ukraine, Kherson is not much of a loss.

Suggesting reading: von Laue T., Sergei Witte and the Industrialization of Russia.
Russia has much experience with production of tanks against the nazis, and now that it controls the most important resources and industrial sectors of Ukraine, Kherson is not much of a loss.
good luck with it ivan :

Russia's withdraw from (K)herson mirrors this development:

12 Nov 2022 Ex-CEO of Russia's ROSCOSMOS Says Plan Mass Production of Drones for Troops in Donbas
'...."It's not about buying commercial drones....but about creating and testing....reconnaissance and light attack drones that could have a serious impact on the situation on the front," Rogozin said....'

Russia has much experience with production of tanks against the nazis, and now that it controls the most important resources and industrial sectors of Ukraine, Kherson is not much of a loss.

Suggesting reading: von Laue T., Sergei Witte and the Industrialization of Russia.
There is a pattern here; Russia continues to bomb Ukrainian civilians and civilian infrastructure and the Russian army continues to retreat from the AFU.
If this below is a Ukr psy-op, it would mesh with the ROSCOSMOS news, above. Remember that Zelenskiy the CIA-coke addict (cocaine that is relied upon in London clubs) is now overshadowed by MI6, and both agencies are working screenal space as if they too were coke addicts going out of style.

@ 6 Nov: 'written to the governor of Primorskye Krai....the letter is either a Ukr psy-op or a of racist nonsense....'

Primorskye Krai is certainly close to ROSCOSMOS. A well-known Russian military figure certainly comes from the Primorskye Krai.
Ukraine will push Russia back to its pre-invasion border by the end of the year and retake Crimea next summer, a retired US general has predicted.

Ben Hodges, former commander of US forces in Europe, believes Ukraine is capable of re-taking thousands of square miles of territory in the south and east within the next two months before pushing into Crimea - the crown jewel of Putin's 2014 war.

General Hodges, speaking in Westminster on Monday at an event hosted by the Council on Geostrategy, admitted his vision is 'optimistic' but confidently predicted that 'Ukraine will win.'

In the meantime, he expects Putin to continue shelling Ukrainian power plants and cities with the aim of driving 'hundreds of thousands of refugees' into Europe with the aim of breaking Western support.

He said: 'It is too early to plan victory parades, there is still months and months of hard fighting ahead, Russia will continue to kill innocent Ukrainian civilians, but there is no doubt in my mind that Ukraine has achieved irreversible momentum.

'Thousands of years of war has taught us that war is a test of will, and it is a test of logistics...

'It is indisputable that Ukrainian soldiers have superior will over the Russian soldiers... [and] it is clear that after eight or nine months of war Russia's logistical system is on the verge of collapse.'

Eight months ago, hardly anyone thought Ukraine could win this war, but now hardly anyone doubts it. The only real dispute is about how long it will take.
Guess this guy lost his Nostradamus badge.
OP proved as stupid as it sounded two months ago .

Hurry up and freeze .
The sooner it does , the sooner dear Uncle Ps boys obliterate the US led Ukey remnants.

As top analysts report , there is zero chance of a Ukey victory .
Actually it's a pretty common opinion among western military experts. The world has been astonished by how poorly the Russian military performed in Ukraine.
That guy said that Ukraine would have Russian occupied territory back by Dec. -- If you haven't noticed, it is January. He proved that opinions are like assholes--everyone has one, some are just shittier than others. Do you want to pass him the Charmin.
That guy said that Ukraine would have Russian occupied territory back by Dec. -- If you haven't noticed, it is January. He proved that opinions are like assholes--everyone has one, some are just shittier than others. Do you want to pass him the Charmin.
He is off by a few months, but all the planning among western military and political leaders is for a major Ukrainian offensive that will push Russia back to its borders and liberate Crimea. The Russians are digging into defensive positions and withdrawing airfields and ammo depots out of range of Ukrainian artillery and drones, and the Ukrainians are setting conditions for a major offensive.
He is off by a few months, but all the planning among western military and political leaders is for a major Ukrainian offensive that will push Russia back to its borders and liberate Crimea. The Russians are digging into defensive positions and withdrawing airfields and ammo depots out of range of Ukrainian artillery and drones, and the Ukrainians are setting conditions for a major offensive.
Yeah, you've got an opinion too. Charmin?

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