"Russia" to supply Syria with S-300 missiles in rebuke of Israel

If Iran is a push-over, isn't it a bit excessive that Israel kicks, and screams about Iran, night, and day?

Look at it this way, Israel with nukes runs to the U.S.A with even more nukes, against a push-over non-Nuclear power of Iran?

Does Israel like to politically resemble, those who attack the feeble with brute force?

We sell Israel weapons. They're not free. The propaganda stretches through your mind. That's what allies do.

Israel's no ally, this is a delusion, by idiot Bible belt Protestant idiots down South. (Ahem)

We know you're anti semitic and Israel an ally is no delusion. So what does the south have anything to do with that?

Israel's an ally?
Hahahaha, of the U.S.A?
Joke of today, I needed the laugh.

No, just no.

From earliest to latest news on Israel's anti-American actions include.

- Lavon Affair terrorist plot against American targets.

- U.S.S Liberty Bombing terrorist attack on a U.S ship.

- Jonathan Pollard spy for Israel against America.

- CIA / FBI officials calling Israel the biggest spy threat in the Mid-East

- Israel posing as U.S CIA agents to get Pakistani terrorists to help them in Iran, without permission.

- Israel giving U.S.A secrets to China.

- Yair Klein a former Mossad Agent, training enemies of America in the Colombian drug-cartels.

- Ludwig Fainberg immigrating from Israel to America, and trying to give the drug-cartels a Soviet Submarine, along with numerous drug-trafficking, and sex-trafficking offenses against the U.S.A.x

All govts spy. Come on man. From your perspective, all other countries are angels besides Israel.

I actually wanted the U.S.A to remain neutral in Israel - Palestinian affairs, and the U.S.A to stay out of Mid-East affairs.

But, because of British Bible-Belt Zionist maniacs down South, we've been causing a ton of problems there.

I'm tired of you people South of the Mason Dixon Line as well.
Israel is the sponsor of terror, not Iran.

Nope, iran supplies hamas, hezbollah, syria. All terrorists. You really don't have a clue.

How is Hamas more of a terrorist than Israel,exactly?

As of late it's Israel who's been shooting into crowds of Palestinians, injuring 1,000's, and killing dozens.
Nothing new, and reminiscent of Israel being founded by Terroristic Massacres like Deir Yassin Massacre, against Palestinians since day 1.

As an American, I'm tired of my tax dollars going to pay for terrorist Israel.

Based on your analogy, every country in the world is a terrorist state.

Not exactly, since when has say Czech Rep, Poland, Hungary Denmark, Sweden,, and many others have been terrorist states?

Have any of those countries ever conquered or warred with another country?

Czechs didn't even fight back much in WW2, although they had a "Good terrorist attack" by Czechs in WW2, against Nazi Heydrich, when Heydrich was assassinated in Prague by Kubis, and Gabcik.
If Iran is a push-over, isn't it a bit excessive that Israel kicks, and screams about Iran, night, and day?

Look at it this way, Israel with nukes runs to the U.S.A with even more nukes, against a push-over non-Nuclear power of Iran?

Does Israel like to politically resemble, those who attack the feeble with brute force?

We sell Israel weapons. They're not free. The propaganda stretches through your mind. That's what allies do.

Israel's no ally, this is a delusion, by idiot Bible belt Protestant idiots down South. (Ahem)

We know you're anti semitic and Israel an ally is no delusion. So what does the south have anything to do with that?

Israel's an ally?
Hahahaha, of the U.S.A?
Joke of today, I needed the laugh.

No, just no.

From earliest to latest news on Israel's anti-American actions include.

- Lavon Affair terrorist plot against American targets.

- U.S.S Liberty Bombing terrorist attack on a U.S ship.

- Jonathan Pollard spy for Israel against America.

- CIA / FBI officials calling Israel the biggest spy threat in the Mid-East

- Israel posing as U.S CIA agents to get Pakistani terrorists to help them in Iran, without permission.

- Israel giving U.S.A secrets to China.

- Yair Klein a former Mossad Agent, training enemies of America in the Colombian drug-cartels.

- Ludwig Fainberg immigrating from Israel to America, and trying to give the drug-cartels a Soviet Submarine, along with numerous drug-trafficking, and sex-trafficking offenses against the U.S.A.x

All govts spy. Come on man. From your perspective, all other countries are angels besides Israel.

I've criticized a bunch of other countries besides Israel.
Germany I've criticized probably on here more than Israel, where have you been?
We sell Israel weapons. They're not free. The propaganda stretches through your mind. That's what allies do.

Israel's no ally, this is a delusion, by idiot Bible belt Protestant idiots down South. (Ahem)

We know you're anti semitic and Israel an ally is no delusion. So what does the south have anything to do with that?

Israel's an ally?
Hahahaha, of the U.S.A?
Joke of today, I needed the laugh.

No, just no.

From earliest to latest news on Israel's anti-American actions include.

- Lavon Affair terrorist plot against American targets.

- U.S.S Liberty Bombing terrorist attack on a U.S ship.

- Jonathan Pollard spy for Israel against America.

- CIA / FBI officials calling Israel the biggest spy threat in the Mid-East

- Israel posing as U.S CIA agents to get Pakistani terrorists to help them in Iran, without permission.

- Israel giving U.S.A secrets to China.

- Yair Klein a former Mossad Agent, training enemies of America in the Colombian drug-cartels.

- Ludwig Fainberg immigrating from Israel to America, and trying to give the drug-cartels a Soviet Submarine, along with numerous drug-trafficking, and sex-trafficking offenses against the U.S.A.x

All govts spy. Come on man. From your perspective, all other countries are angels besides Israel.

I've criticized a bunch of other countries besides Israel.
Germany I've criticized probably on here more than Israel, where have you been?

Ok. Fair enough.
If Iran is a push-over, isn't it a bit excessive that Israel kicks, and screams about Iran, night, and day?

Look at it this way, Israel with nukes runs to the U.S.A with even more nukes, against a push-over non-Nuclear power of Iran?

Does Israel like to politically resemble, those who attack the feeble with brute force?

We sell Israel weapons. They're not free. The propaganda stretches through your mind. That's what allies do.

Israel's no ally, this is a delusion, by idiot Bible belt Protestant idiots down South. (Ahem)

So what does the south have anything to do with that?

I hear more anti-Israel remarks, or anti-Jewish remarks than ones which are pro Jew / Israel, here in this heavily Italian - Irish Catholic region of New York suburbs - exhurbs.

Obviously that's not true in the dominantly British - Germanic Protestant regions of the South called the Bible Belt, where some even put Israel, and Jews above Christians, or America, despite claiming to be "Evangelical Christian Protestants"

After Christ died, the law went out the window.

What's that supposed to mean, exactly?
We sell Israel weapons. They're not free. The propaganda stretches through your mind. That's what allies do.

Israel's no ally, this is a delusion, by idiot Bible belt Protestant idiots down South. (Ahem)

We know you're anti semitic and Israel an ally is no delusion. So what does the south have anything to do with that?

Israel's an ally?
Hahahaha, of the U.S.A?
Joke of today, I needed the laugh.

No, just no.

From earliest to latest news on Israel's anti-American actions include.

- Lavon Affair terrorist plot against American targets.

- U.S.S Liberty Bombing terrorist attack on a U.S ship.

- Jonathan Pollard spy for Israel against America.

- CIA / FBI officials calling Israel the biggest spy threat in the Mid-East

- Israel posing as U.S CIA agents to get Pakistani terrorists to help them in Iran, without permission.

- Israel giving U.S.A secrets to China.

- Yair Klein a former Mossad Agent, training enemies of America in the Colombian drug-cartels.

- Ludwig Fainberg immigrating from Israel to America, and trying to give the drug-cartels a Soviet Submarine, along with numerous drug-trafficking, and sex-trafficking offenses against the U.S.A.x

All govts spy. Come on man. From your perspective, all other countries are angels besides Israel.

I actually wanted the U.S.A to remain neutral in Israel - Palestinian affairs, and the U.S.A to stay out of Mid-East affairs.

But, because of British Bible-Belt Zionist maniacs down South, we've been causing a ton of problems there.

I'm tired of you people South of the Mason Dixon Line as well.

"You people". Lol .
We sell Israel weapons. They're not free. The propaganda stretches through your mind. That's what allies do.

Israel's no ally, this is a delusion, by idiot Bible belt Protestant idiots down South. (Ahem)

So what does the south have anything to do with that?

I hear more anti-Israel remarks, or anti-Jewish remarks than ones which are pro Jew / Israel, here in this heavily Italian - Irish Catholic region of New York suburbs - exhurbs.

Obviously that's not true in the dominantly British - Germanic Protestant regions of the South called the Bible Belt, where some even put Israel, and Jews above Christians, or America, despite claiming to be "Evangelical Christian Protestants"

After Christ died, the law went out the window.

What's that supposed to mean, exactly?

There are many who think the Jews are above christians. That all comes from the OT. After Christ was crucified, the gentiles were grafted in. We're all the same under a different age.....grace.....not the law....OT.
If it's a myth of Russia being dangerous, why do you go berserk about Russia as a dangerous threat all the time?

They have a nuclear arsenal and they support dictators and terrorists.

Sure, but Litwin in one breathe is terrified of Russia, and in the next breathe says they aren't dangerous as a military threat.
they are dangerous, when we west don't act, ask you self why putler stopped his offense in Idlib...

What's so different about Idlib offenses by Russia,
there is nothing going on in idlib, EU/USA placed Turkish army (NATO) there and coward small hooligan vova putler backed off, AS USUAL . much like he did after Mariupol battle in Ukraine

For once Turks are much of a use, other than causing havoc for Europe for the past 1,000 years, or so roughly.
They have a nuclear arsenal and they support dictators and terrorists.

Sure, but Litwin in one breathe is terrified of Russia, and in the next breathe says they aren't dangerous as a military threat.
they are dangerous, when we west don't act, ask you self why putler stopped his offense in Idlib...

What's so different about Idlib offenses by Russia,
there is nothing going on in idlib, EU/USA placed Turkish army (NATO) there and coward small hooligan vova putler backed off, AS USUAL . much like he did after Mariupol battle in Ukraine

NATO might've been necessary against Soviets, and now Russia.
really, tell it to Polish people and PR government

Israel's no ally, this is a delusion, by idiot Bible belt Protestant idiots down South. (Ahem)

So what does the south have anything to do with that?

I hear more anti-Israel remarks, or anti-Jewish remarks than ones which are pro Jew / Israel, here in this heavily Italian - Irish Catholic region of New York suburbs - exhurbs.

Obviously that's not true in the dominantly British - Germanic Protestant regions of the South called the Bible Belt, where some even put Israel, and Jews above Christians, or America, despite claiming to be "Evangelical Christian Protestants"

After Christ died, the law went out the window.

What's that supposed to mean, exactly?

There are many who think the Jews are above christians. That all comes from the OT. After Christ was crucified, the gentiles were grafted in. We're all the same under a different age.....grace.....not the law....OT.

Zionism has become a major problem, even moving towards a Nuclear war over Israel.

This is why Catholics laugh at Zionist Protestants in the U.S.A.

The New Testament states that Judas Iscariot / Jewish Deicide is what got Jesus killed in betrayal, (Snitching)

The Jewish Talmud states that Jesus is boiling in Hell in a vat of excrement.
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Sure, but Litwin in one breathe is terrified of Russia, and in the next breathe says they aren't dangerous as a military threat.
they are dangerous, when we west don't act, ask you self why putler stopped his offense in Idlib...

What's so different about Idlib offenses by Russia,
there is nothing going on in idlib, EU/USA placed Turkish army (NATO) there and coward small hooligan vova putler backed off, AS USUAL . much like he did after Mariupol battle in Ukraine

NATO might've been necessary against Soviets, and now Russia.
really, tell it to Polish people and PR government

More Poles I've met have been anti-Albanian, or anti-Bosniak than anti-Serb.

NATO goofed up in Bosnia, and Kosovo, why not admit it?

Even so, NATO has been sort- of necessary against first Soviets, and now Russia.
They have a nuclear arsenal and they support dictators and terrorists.

Sure, but Litwin in one breathe is terrified of Russia, and in the next breathe says they aren't dangerous as a military threat.
they are dangerous, when we west don't act, ask you self why putler stopped his offense in Idlib...

What's so different about Idlib offenses by Russia,
there is nothing going on in idlib, EU/USA placed Turkish army (NATO) there and coward small hooligan vova putler backed off, AS USUAL . much like he did after Mariupol battle in Ukraine

For once Turks are much of a use, other than causing havoc for Europe for the past 1,000 years, or so roughly.
we are not talking her about history , the situation is very similar to 1916, when Muscovite empire has collapsed, this time it will get back to its 16c Borders .coz there are no commies around to " save " it , with help of GULAGS, Red Terror, collectivization etc.
Sure, but Litwin in one breathe is terrified of Russia, and in the next breathe says they aren't dangerous as a military threat.
they are dangerous, when we west don't act, ask you self why putler stopped his offense in Idlib...

What's so different about Idlib offenses by Russia,
there is nothing going on in idlib, EU/USA placed Turkish army (NATO) there and coward small hooligan vova putler backed off, AS USUAL . much like he did after Mariupol battle in Ukraine

For once Turks are much of a use, other than causing havoc for Europe for the past 1,000 years, or so roughly.
we are not talking her about history , the situation is very similar to 1916, when Muscovite empire has collapsed, this time it will get back to its 16c Borders .coz there are no commies around to " save " it , with help of GULAGS, Red Terror, collectivization etc.

I'm not a Putin, Erdogan, Netanyahu, Merkel, Macron, or even Trump fan, really.

Even so, at this moment in time Erdogan is more valuable than Putin.

I'm more of a Morawiecki, Orban, Babis,Kurz, and Lukashenko fan.

We need Intermarium against EU, and Putin maniacs.
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'Rebuke of Israel'?


Some Assad Syrian dumbass sitting down at the controls of a Russian-made/provided Surface-to-Air Missile System, on which he received less than thorough / expert training, completely F*S UP, taking down one of Russia's troop transport aircraft, destroying the aircraft and all aboard, and the 'honest' Rooskies and Syrian Govt spin the whole thing into being Israel's fault and the justification for arming Syria with more weapons declared to target Israel....

...and the proven anti-Semitic Leftists / snowflakes swallow the fake news spin, hook, line, and sinker. :p
'Rebuke of Israel'?


Some Assad Syrian dumbass sitting down at the controls of a Russian-made/provided Surface-to-Air Missile System, on which he received less than thorough / expert training, completely F*S UP, taking down one of Russia's troop transport aircraft, destroying the aircraft and all aboard, and the 'honest' Rooskies and Syrian Govt spin the whole thing into being Israel's fault and the justification for arming Syria with more weapons declared to target Israel....

...and the proven anti-Semitic Leftists / snowflakes swallow the fake news spin, hook, line, and sinker. :p

Look at how quick the Republicans turn on Russia their former friends, when it comes to their center of the World Israel becoming a victim of big bad Russia.
Israel - wants US to stay / Assad - wants US out
What would keep the US there?
Once again the snowflakes are either too ignorant or too partisan to ask the REAL pertinent question:


Syria is a sovereign nation recognized as such by the United Nations - recognized as such by the United States because, like most world dictators at one time or another, we helped put him into power....much to our later regret.

Yes, they were in the midst of a civil war involving multiple terrorist factions, the Turks, the Russians, and others; however, President Assad neither requested Obama to send troops to his aid not gave Obama permission to invade his country. Doing so made Obama a WAR CRIMINAL for ordering the invasion of a sovereign country. Also, again, Obama did so without Congressional authority to start a 2nd illegal war.

Your question, therefore, would be completely MOOT - no reason to even have to ask it had it not been for Obama invading Syria.

You want to talk about Chemical weapons use?

Obama Got F*ing PLAYED By Putin!
Chemical Weapons? In Syria? How can that be? Vlad gave Obama his word that he and his military had taken every single chemical weapon out of Syria after Obama's 'Red Line' disaster. There should not have been any chemical weapons anywhere in Syria......but there was enough to not only perpetrate one (1) attack, there was enough in-country to use it TWICE!

Chemical weapons were used. Obama raced to declare HIS 'red Line'....Either Assad gave Obama the finger or, more likely, the terrorist Barry supported used it the 1st time - blaming the Syrians so Obama would send in the US military to help them against Assad and after Obama's 'Red Line' used them again to seal the deal. Either way, the chemical weapons were in country. (The terrorist took over a Syrian base where chemical weapons had known to have been stored...Assad possibly had more of his own that Russia 'missed'.

'Rebuke of Israel'?

...and the proven anti-Semitic Leftists / snowflakes swallow the fake news spin, hook, line, and sinker. :p

LOL, in Europe most anti-Semites are Right-Wing, even some in the U.S.A are too.

It just happens to be that Evangelical Zionists are helplessly retarded when it comes to Jews, and Israel.

The Bible belt Protestants down South are usually too savage, violent, primitive, and dumb to even notice that Jews / Israel are such dire threats to the World, and Western civilization.
'Rebuke of Israel'?
and the 'honest' Rooskies and Syrian Govt spin the whole thing into being Israel's fault and the justification for arming Syria with more weapons declared to target Israel....

Just further proof of the general idiocy of the Neocon / Zionist / British / Protestant / Evangelical ./ Republicans in the U.S.A.

First you guys went against Saddam a man who was against Iran in a war in the 1980's, which Rumsfeld had shook hands with Saddam Hussein back then even.

Then you guys went against ISIS, who were Sunnis fighting Assad, and Iran Shiites.

Now you guys are against Russia, Iran, and Assad.

Gee, a whole lot of more intelligent peoples, warned you about this disaster, you're just f*cking morons.

My Polish-American father predicted this, and said that the moment W. Bush wanted to go into Iraq.

My Polish American father in the early 2000's said if W. Bush goes into Iraq, he's helping Iran to expand.

Sure, as Shiite it happened.
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Look at how quick the Republicans turn on Russia their former friends, when it comes to their center of the World Israel becoming a victim of big bad Russia.
Damn! Snowflakes can 'project' and spin faster than kids on a ride at the fair!

The GOP's 'friends'?


Who was it that was caught on a 'hot mike' telling Putin-Puppet Medvedev to pass on to Vlad that he would be more 'flexible' after his re-election?
- Oh yeah, Barra!

Who was it that claimed Russia was a threat?
- Oh yeah, ROMNEY.

Who was it that buddied up to Russia, giving them a plastic prop that ignorantly said 'Overcharge' instead of 'Reset' to a Russian Ambassador to mark the new buddy-buddy relationship between the Russians and Obama administration?
- Oh yeah, Secretary of State Hillary

Who broke the US promise to ally Ukraine, a promise to help protect their sovereign borders, instead sitting back and watching Putin militarily annex Crimea?
- Oh yeah, Hillary and Barry.

Who was it that sold / gave Russian 20% of the US supply of Uranium?
- Oh yeah, Hillary and Barry, with the help of Mueller and Holder.

Who was it that gave Russia (and China + 3-4 other foreign entities) TOP SECRET data - data so classified it caused 'grave damage to our national security' - off of an illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured personal server, knowing about it and knowing the Russians were attempting to hack senior Govt officials but refusing to shut down the illegal server?
- Oh yea, Barry...and it was Hillary's illegal server.

Who was it that colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for their help in attempting to win the 216 election?
- Oh yeah, that was Hillary.

Who was it that knew about Russia's interference, counter-intelligence operations against the US and their attempts to hack into our power grid system, all back in 2014, yet did not do anything about it, allowing it to continue for 2 YEARS?
- Oh yeah, that was Barry.

Yet another example of snowflakes projecting, accusing others of doing what they have done / do and accusing others of who they are.

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