"Russia" to supply Syria with S-300 missiles in rebuke of Israel

In case of war between Israel and Iran/Muscovy which side Trump will take? Israel or his friend Vova grandad Botox?


Rssia to supply Syria with S-300 missiles in rebuke of Israel
And they will last right up until the time Israel decides to bomb the shit out of them.

coward warmonger Israel has not tried to invade Russia because they know they would get their asses kicked by them,that they are not pushover like Iran and Syria.:D thank god for that.:yes_text12:

Iran and syria are pushovers. Why would anyone invade russia? Theyre falling apart, bad crude, wet gas, horrid economy, horrid weather etc.

Tell that to Hitler (Operation Barbarossa), Kaiser (WW1), Pilsudski (Polish - Soviet War), Palmerston, (Crimean War) Napoleon ( Napoleonic war / invasion of Russia) , Charles XII (Swedish invasion of Russia) Sigismund III (Polish Muscovite War), Olugh Muhammad (Kazan Tatar invasion of Moscow) Genghiz Khan (Golden Horde)

Hitler had no idea of what he was doing. Why would I tell that to an idiot murderer such as hitler. Hitler wanted to rule the world. He was retarded in several ways.
Why don't you move to Iran?

So, because I noticed that ISRAEL is behind

the MARINES in Lebanon 1983
Pan Am 103

that means I should move to Iran.... nice.

Iran didn't do 911, Israel did.

I care, as a patriotic American, about exterminating everyone who did 911 and everyone who knew and shut up/made money investing with "insider info" like you did.

Israel did none of those. Man, you really are deranged and delusional.

Israel definitely did the U.S.S Liberty bombing.
Why don't you move to Iran?

So, because I noticed that ISRAEL is behind

the MARINES in Lebanon 1983
Pan Am 103

that means I should move to Iran.... nice.

Iran didn't do 911, Israel did.

I care, as a patriotic American, about exterminating everyone who did 911 and everyone who knew and shut up/made money investing with "insider info" like you did.

Israel did none of those. Man, you really are deranged and delusional.

Israel definitely did the U.S.S Liberty bombing.

Wait, did your JDAAC Preacher say that??

How do you know it wasn't a sneaky Muslim attack???
In case of war between Israel and Iran/Muscovy which side Trump will take? Israel or his friend Vova grandad Botox?


Rssia to supply Syria with S-300 missiles in rebuke of Israel
And they will last right up until the time Israel decides to bomb the shit out of them.

coward warmonger Israel has not tried to invade Russia because they know they would get their asses kicked by them,that they are not pushover like Iran and Syria.:D thank god for that.:yes_text12:

Iran and syria are pushovers. Why would anyone invade russia? Theyre falling apart, bad crude, wet gas, horrid economy, horrid weather etc.
why´d the west invade this bumistan ? cooperative ozero has enslaved own population and sell to the west all natural rescues for very low prices . vodka, heroin, bad food, abortions will do the rest
Only an idiot would hold Israel responsible for 9/11.

Shout 'em down, Mossad, shout 'em down. That's basically all you can do right now....

What sort of incoherent babble was that? Go back to your mom's basement. Loser.

when you cant counter facts,you dismiss them as babble and engage in insults when getting checkmated.

you cant counter these pesky facts here it was done by Israel,NOBODY ever has an answer for it.:abgg2q.jpg:

Astute observers of history are aware that for every notable event there will usually be at least one ,often several wild conspiracy theories which spring up around it. “The CIA killed Hendrix”; “the Pope had John Lennon murdered”; “Hitler was half Werewolf”; “Space aliens replaced Nixon with a clone,” etc, etc. The bigger the event, the more ridiculous and more numerous are the fanciful rantings which circulate in relation to it.

So its hardly surprising that the events of Sept. 11, 2001, have spawned their fair share of these ludicrous fairy tales. And as always, there is -- sadly -- a small but gullible percentage of the population eager to lap up these tall tales, regardless of facts or rational analysis.

One of the wilder stories circulating about Sept 11 (and one that has attracted something of a cult following amongst conspiracy buffs) is that it was carried out by 19 fanatical Arab hijackers, masterminded by an evil genius named Osama bin Laden, with no apparent motivation other than that they “hate our freedoms.”
In case of war between Israel and Iran/Muscovy which side Trump will take? Israel or his friend Vova grandad Botox?


Rssia to supply Syria with S-300 missiles in rebuke of Israel
And they will last right up until the time Israel decides to bomb the shit out of them.

coward warmonger Israel has not tried to invade Russia because they know they would get their asses kicked by them,that they are not pushover like Iran and Syria.:D thank god for that.:yes_text12:

Iran and syria are pushovers. Why would anyone invade russia? Theyre falling apart, bad crude, wet gas, horrid economy, horrid weather etc.
why´d the west invade this bumistan ? cooperative ozero has enslaved own population and sell to the west all natural rescues for very low prices . vodka, heroin, bad food, abortions will do the rest

Russian food's good, as it's largely Polish, and Ukrainian foods in origins.

You sound like a maniac, you get so wrapped up in bashing Russians, that half the time you bash the entire Slavic peoples.

What trash is this?
They accidentally bombed the liberty

That's ISRAEL's spin.

The survivors of the attack saw it differently, especially since their mission was to check reports of Israel EXTERMINATING the residents of the Bank, Heights, and Strip, the real MOTIVE for the attack...

Marine still convinced Israeli attack on U.S. ship during Six-Day War ship was no accident

""And I believe Moshe Dayan (the Israeli minister of defense) concluded that he could prevent Washington from becoming aware of what Israel was up to by destroying the primary source of acquiring that information — the USS Liberty. The result was a wanton sneak attack that left 34 American sailors dead and 171 seriously injured. What is so chilling and cold-blooded, of course, is that they could kill as many Americans as they did in confidence that Washington would cooperate in quelling any public outcry."
Why don't you move to Iran?

So, because I noticed that ISRAEL is behind

the MARINES in Lebanon 1983
Pan Am 103

that means I should move to Iran.... nice.

Iran didn't do 911, Israel did.

I care, as a patriotic American, about exterminating everyone who did 911 and everyone who knew and shut up/made money investing with "insider info" like you did.

Israel did none of those. Man, you really are deranged and delusional.

Israel definitely did the U.S.S Liberty bombing.

To say otherwise a person is a disgrace to the human race.
Why don't you move to Iran?

So, because I noticed that ISRAEL is behind

the MARINES in Lebanon 1983
Pan Am 103

that means I should move to Iran.... nice.

Iran didn't do 911, Israel did.

I care, as a patriotic American, about exterminating everyone who did 911 and everyone who knew and shut up/made money investing with "insider info" like you did.

Israel did none of those. Man, you really are deranged and delusional.

Israel definitely did the U.S.S Liberty bombing.

To say otherwise a person is a disgrace to the human race.

To say Israel did all these is a disgrace to the human race. See how that's done? Of course you don't.
In case of war between Israel and Iran/Muscovy which side Trump will take? Israel or his friend Vova grandad Botox?


Rssia to supply Syria with S-300 missiles in rebuke of Israel
And they will last right up until the time Israel decides to bomb the shit out of them.

coward warmonger Israel has not tried to invade Russia because they know they would get their asses kicked by them,that they are not pushover like Iran and Syria.:D thank god for that.:yes_text12:

Iran and syria are pushovers. Why would anyone invade russia? Theyre falling apart, bad crude, wet gas, horrid economy, horrid weather etc.
why´d the west invade this bumistan ? cooperative ozero has enslaved own population and sell to the west all natural rescues for very low prices . vodka, heroin, bad food, abortions will do the rest

Russian food's good, as it's largely Polish, and Ukrainian foods in origins.

You sound like a maniac, you get so wrapped up in bashing Russians, that half the time you bash the entire Slavic peoples.

What trash is this?

Warning: This Is Not Cheese. In Russia, Watch What You Eat
Jul 22, 2016 - Quality control in Russia's food sector appears to have broken down. ... of any defense against poor quality food — has been destroyed,” says ...
Pick another. You already lost the USS Liberty and were busted lying doing so...

Israel is behind ALL OF IT.

Let's take the Marines in Lebanon 1983.


Marines are killed by truck bomb.
"US" media and Israel blame Hezbo, want a US war with Hezbo

two weeks later, Reagan Administration (Cap Weinberger no less) rules out Hezbo as a suspect

two weeks later, two dressed up as "muslims" claim they are from "Islamic Jihad" and they did it.....

25 years later, we finally hear from "Islamic Jihad" again, on the TV show "24"

Israel did the Marines as a false flag to set up a US war with Hezbo, and had either W or LBJ been Prez, that war would have happened.

ISRAEL murders Americans
Americans are misled into believing Israel's enemies did it
Americans are sent to war to fight Israel's enemies

For 911, the plot worked as planned...
Pick another. You already lost the USS Liberty and were busted lying doing so...

Israel is behind ALL OF IT.

Let's take the Marines in Lebanon 1983.


Marines are killed by truck bomb.
"US" media and Israel blame Hezbo, want a US war with Hezbo

two weeks later, Reagan Administration (Cap Weinberger no less) rules out Hezbo as a suspect

two weeks later, two dressed up as "muslims" claim they are from "Islamic Jihad" and they did it.....

25 years later, we finally hear from "Islamic Jihad" again, on the TV show "24"

Israel did the Marines as a false flag to set up a US war with Hezbo, and had either W or LBJ been Prez, that war would have happened.

ISRAEL murders Americans
Americans are misled into believing Israel's enemies did it
Americans are sent to war to fight Israel's enemies

For 911, the plot worked as planned...

Desnt he EVER get tired of getting his ass handed to him on a platter by you and you checkmating him all the time?:abgg2q.jpg:
yeah that war would have happened had it been either asshole Nixon or his war buddy pla LBJ indeed.
In case of war between Israel and Iran/Muscovy which side Trump will take? Israel or his friend Vova grandad Botox?


Rssia to supply Syria with S-300 missiles in rebuke of Israel
And they will last right up until the time Israel decides to bomb the shit out of them.

coward warmonger Israel has not tried to invade Russia because they know they would get their asses kicked by them,that they are not pushover like Iran and Syria.:D thank god for that.:yes_text12:

Iran and syria are pushovers. Why would anyone invade russia? Theyre falling apart, bad crude, wet gas, horrid economy, horrid weather etc.

Tell that to Hitler (Operation Barbarossa), Kaiser (WW1), Pilsudski (Polish - Soviet War), Palmerston, (Crimean War) Napoleon ( Napoleonic war / invasion of Russia) , Charles XII (Swedish invasion of Russia) Sigismund III (Polish Muscovite War), Olugh Muhammad (Kazan Tatar invasion of Moscow) Genghiz Khan (Golden Horde)
Kaiser (WW1), Pilsudski (Polish - Soviet War), (Crimean War) ok, and Muscovy lost them all like many others whats your point ?
Russia won't do shit....but if they do they'll lose a few ships is my bet. Israel doesn't play, ask Egypt, Jordan, Iraq ...etc etc

Russia is a major military power, ...
its a myth it last 4 last wars, in A-stan, 2 Chechen and the last one in Ukraine . Muscovy is just Nigeria in snow

If it's a myth of Russia being dangerous, why do you go berserk about Russia as a dangerous threat all the time?

They have a nuclear arsenal and they support dictators and terrorists.

Sure, but Litwin in one breathe is terrified of Russia, and in the next breathe says they aren't dangerous as a military threat.
they are dangerous, when we west don't act, ask you self why putler stopped his offense in Idlib...
In case of war between Israel and Iran/Muscovy which side Trump will take? Israel or his friend Vova grandad Botox?


Russia to supply Syria with S-300 missiles in rebuke of Israel
And they will last right up until the time Israel decides to bomb the shit out of them.

coward warmonger Israel has not tried to invade Russia because they know they would get their asses kicked by them,that they are not pushover like Iran and Syria.:D thank god for that.:yes_text12:
What ? The OP was about weapons given to Syria by Russia. Israel has a tendency to bomb the fuck out of weapons that threaten their country. How the hell did you come up with Israel invading Russia from my post ?

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