"Russia" to supply Syria with S-300 missiles in rebuke of Israel

In case of war between Israel and Iran/Muscovy which side Trump will take? Israel or his friend Vova grandad Botox?


Russia to supply Syria with S-300 missiles in rebuke of Israel

I am grateful Russia being a powerful country they are,are standing up to warmonger Israel unlike our cowardly politicians in the USA who kiss their ass all the time.

I was hoping Trump was different than Israel ass kissers Obozo and Buchwacker,but he is no different. we were screwed either way in the elections since Hitley and Trump both have close ties to the zionists of Israel.
In case of war between Israel and Iran/Muscovy which side Trump will take? Israel or his friend Vova grandad Botox?


Russia to supply Syria with S-300 missiles in rebuke of Israel

I am grateful Russia being a powerful country they are,are standing up to warmonger Israel unlike our cowardly politicians in the USA who kiss their ass all the time.

I was hoping Trump was different than Israel ass kissers Obozo and Buchwacker,but he is no different. we were screwed either way in the elections but hitley and trump both have close ties to the zionists of Israel.

Trump's a mega-Zionist president, even worse than any before him, even his Ivanka is a converted Jew, by the Jewish guy Kushner she married.

None the less, it's not really Trump's fault too much here, that Israel is clashing with Iran, Russia, and Assad.

This is stuff going on for quite a while, in the build up.
thousands and thousands of military experts

Zionism loves this type of stuff.

There are always "legions" of "experts" to parrot Zionism's lies...

PROBLEM - the "757" can't go 500 mph at ground level, and if its nose was 8 feet off the ground, its engines would've been IN THE GROUND....

the "757" can't go 500 mph at ground level

Why not?

and if its nose was 8 feet off the ground, its engines would've been IN THE GROUND....

Not if it's going 500 mph.
You are a Jew! A stinking, foul, evil subhuman Jew!
Obama is probably so happy right now.
and JFK, right?

Uh JFK yes,dont put our great president JFK who had the balls to stand up them in the same breath as Traiter Israel ass kisser Obama.:rolleyes:

Obama is probably so happy right now.

Uhhh you cant POSSIBLY be serious? same as Bush,Obama is a traiter who kisses their ass all the time same as Trump,Hillery and Bush.:cuckoo:

Obama Has a Stronger Record on Israel Than You Might Have Been Led to Think

Obama hands Israel the largest military aid deal in history
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In case of war between Israel and Iran/Muscovy which side Trump will take? Israel or his friend Vova grandad Botox?


Russia to supply Syria with S-300 missiles in rebuke of Israel

I am grateful Russia being a powerful country they are,are standing up to warmonger Israel....

its a myth , "Muscovy" does nothing , here is the main putler´s propagandacondom and he is you know on Israeli side . you can read just the comments . i an not even mentioning Zhirinovsky of coz

In case of war between Israel and Iran/Muscovy which side Trump will take? Israel or his friend Vova grandad Botox?


Russia to supply Syria with S-300 missiles in rebuke of Israel
And they will last right up until the time Israel decides to bomb the shit out of them.

Israel: "Oooooh targets!"""

And if Russia retaliates with their cruise missiles from the naval base there, Israel is going to do what?

Russia won't do shit....but if they do they'll lose a few ships is my bet. Israel doesn't play, ask Egypt, Jordan, Iraq ...etc etc

Russia is a major military power, and the biggest nuclear armed state. You really think that if Israel does that they won't pay a severe price?

This isn't some mid east country they can push around like Iran.
Russia still makes more sense reacting towards Israel, than the U.S.A has since the U.S.S Liberty Bombing.

Is anything more stupid than a pro-Jewish / pro-Israel Conservative's?

I mean, looking at Israel's / Jew's records against America, Christians, and Conservatives, etc. it's amazing how the idiots in this country still fawn over the Zionist Jews.

What record is that?

You've clearly not been paying attention what so-ever.

I'm not going to provide the information, because it's off topic.

Bottom-line is Zionists have become a liability, not only has Israel become a great division in the Mid-East, the Zionists going after Iraq knocked loose the region so that Iran, and Russia could emerge like they have.

Very predicable, but Zionists are so dumb, primitive, and violent.

Evidently, they're the smartest in the world. Bottom line, Israel has become a burdensome stone but they will prevail.

Israel's IQ average, PISA scores, and literacy rates are below the average of Europe.

But, that's besides the point.

The point is Zionists (Neocons) have f*cked up too, perhaps even worse than anyone here.

Saddam Hussein being knocked down, was a great mistake, one by Zionist (Neocons)

Oops, wrong again.

The 10 most educated countries in the world
The subhuman who wrote that article is a JEW! A Jew working for George Soros and the Elders of Zion!

A 757 is not a fighter jet. It is a giant soda can designed for gas mileage. Filled with people, cargo, and fuel, it needs to get up to 30k feet to get near 500 mph.

A 757 is not a fighter jet.

You're kidding!
Only fighter jets can go 500 mph?
Wow! You're a genius.

Filled with people, cargo, and fuel, it needs to get up to 30k feet to get near 500 mph.

And when it's descending at full throttle, it can't? Why not?
In case of war between Israel and Iran/Muscovy which side Trump will take? Israel or his friend Vova grandad Botox?


Russia to supply Syria with S-300 missiles in rebuke of Israel

I am grateful Russia being a powerful country they are,are standing up to warmonger Israel....

its a myth , "Muscovy" does nothing , here is the main putler´s propagandacondom and he is you know on Israeli side . you can read just the comments . i an not even mentioning Zhirinovsky of coz

Russia's Zhirinovsky is a mad-man half Jew, who supports policies of WW3, and thus the Apocalypse.

He's also a goof.

In case of war between Israel and Iran/Muscovy which side Trump will take? Israel or his friend Vova grandad Botox?


Russia to supply Syria with S-300 missiles in rebuke of Israel
And they will last right up until the time Israel decides to bomb the shit out of them.

Israel: "Oooooh targets!"""

And if Russia retaliates with their cruise missiles from the naval base there, Israel is going to do what?

Russia won't do shit....but if they do they'll lose a few ships is my bet. Israel doesn't play, ask Egypt, Jordan, Iraq ...etc etc

Russia is a major military power, ...
its a myth it last 4 last wars, in A-stan, 2 Chechen and the last one in Ukraine . Muscovy is just Nigeria in snow
Heh. I think it is an awesome insult to the 9/11 hijackers to call them Jews. Man, if they knew tards would be calling them Jews after they crashed those planes into the Pentagon and WTC, they'd be pissed!

And they will last right up until the time Israel decides to bomb the shit out of them.

Israel: "Oooooh targets!"""

And if Russia retaliates with their cruise missiles from the naval base there, Israel is going to do what?

Russia won't do shit....but if they do they'll lose a few ships is my bet. Israel doesn't play, ask Egypt, Jordan, Iraq ...etc etc

Russia is a major military power, ...
its a myth it last 4 last wars, in A-stan, 2 Chechen and the last one in Ukraine . Muscovy is just Nigeria in snow

If it's a myth of Russia being dangerous, why do you go berserk about Russia as a dangerous threat all the time?
In case of war between Israel and Iran/Muscovy which side Trump will take? Israel or his friend Vova grandad Botox?


Russia to supply Syria with S-300 missiles in rebuke of Israel

I am grateful Russia being a powerful country they are,are standing up to warmonger Israel....

its a myth , "Muscovy" does nothing , here is the main putler´s propagandacondom and he is you know on Israeli side . you can read just the comments . i an not even mentioning Zhirinovsky of coz

Russia's Zhirinovsky is a mad-man half Jew, who supports policies of WW3, and thus the Apocalypse.

He's also a goof.

you didn't mention that he is many years KGB informant and his fascist party voted most for all government proposals


Putlerist and fascist Zhirinovsky said that he´ll paint Jewish politician face with human excrements (his own) . what do you think about political climate in this dying empire ?

story https://lenta.ru/news/2018/09/13/fekalii/
Russia funds state sponsor of terrorism, Iran. Russia indirectly funds Hezbollah. Russia funds state sponsor of terrorism, Syria. Russia funds state sponsor of terrorism, North Korea.

Gosh, I just don't understand why anyone considers Russia a threat! It's a real mystery...
Israel: "Oooooh targets!"""

And if Russia retaliates with their cruise missiles from the naval base there, Israel is going to do what?

Russia won't do shit....but if they do they'll lose a few ships is my bet. Israel doesn't play, ask Egypt, Jordan, Iraq ...etc etc

Russia is a major military power, ...
its a myth it last 4 last wars, in A-stan, 2 Chechen and the last one in Ukraine . Muscovy is just Nigeria in snow

If it's a myth of Russia being dangerous, why do you go berserk about Russia as a dangerous threat all the time?

They have a nuclear arsenal and they support dictators and terrorists.
In case of war between Israel and Iran/Muscovy which side Trump will take? Israel or his friend Vova grandad Botox?


Russia to supply Syria with S-300 missiles in rebuke of Israel
And they will last right up until the time Israel decides to bomb the shit out of them.

coward warmonger Israel has not tried to invade Russia because they know they would get their asses kicked by them,that they are not pushover like Iran and Syria.:D thank god for that.:yes_text12:
which side Trump will take? Israel or his friend Vova grandad Botox?

Israel did 911

Russia did not

Of course, you know that, and you still support Israel, which is why you are a traitor.

Israel also did the chem attack in Syria a few months ago, and framed Assad for it, thanks to the unrelenting Zionist bias of the "US" "news" media.


Israel - wants US to stay
Assad - wants US out

What would keep the US there?

A false flag chem attack.... with Israeli planes right there when it goes off...

you nailed it.:thankusmile::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

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