"Russia" to supply Syria with S-300 missiles in rebuke of Israel

In case of war between Israel and Iran/Muscovy which side Trump will take? Israel or his friend Vova grandad Botox?


Rssia to supply Syria with S-300 missiles in rebuke of Israel
And they will last right up until the time Israel decides to bomb the shit out of them.

coward warmonger Israel has not tried to invade Russia because they know they would get their asses kicked by them,that they are not pushover like Iran and Syria.:D thank god for that.:yes_text12:

Iran and syria are pushovers. Why would anyone invade russia? Theyre falling apart, bad crude, wet gas, horrid economy, horrid weather etc.
Nope, iran supplies hamas, hezbollah, syria. All terrorists. You really don't have a clue.

All enemies of Israel are "terrorists," according to birdbrained parrots of Zionist lies like you.

Israel, of course, is behind ALL of the TERROR that has hit the US since 1948.
I think it is an awesome insult to the 9/11 hijackers to call them Jews

There were no hijackers. No passenger airlines crashed on 911, not one.

There was just Zionist Treason against America.

All enemies of Israel are "terrorists," according to birdbrained parrots of Zionist lies like you.

Israel, of course, is behind ALL of the TERROR that has hit the US since 1948.

That's the biggest lie in the world right now.

Israel is our worst enemy.

They have done 911, they are behind ISIS, and they did JFK, the USS Liberty, the Marines in Lebanon 1983, and Gaddafi was a Jew, meaning Pan Am 103 was yet another act of Jew terror that murdered Americans.

Don't believe Gaddafi was Jewish?


AGAIN you owned his ass and took him and the other Israel asshole worshippers to school.:D:beer:
I think it is an awesome insult to the 9/11 hijackers to call them Jews

There were no hijackers. No passenger airlines crashed on 911, not one.

There was just Zionist Treason against America.

All enemies of Israel are "terrorists," according to birdbrained parrots of Zionist lies like you.

Israel, of course, is behind ALL of the TERROR that has hit the US since 1948.

AGAIN you owned his ass and took him to school.:D:beer:

Talk about dumb and dumber.
I think it is an awesome insult to the 9/11 hijackers to call them Jews

There were no hijackers. No passenger airlines crashed on 911, not one.

There was just Zionist Treason against America.

All enemies of Israel are "terrorists," according to birdbrained parrots of Zionist lies like you.

Israel, of course, is behind ALL of the TERROR that has hit the US since 1948.

AGAIN you owned his ass and took him to school.:D:beer:

Talk about dumb and dumber.
Dumb and sock.
"Russia" to supply Syria with S-300 missiles in rebuke of Israel

I hope they are serious about it this time.

Due to Israel provocation and agreement violation Russia has lost a plane with 15 people last week (during 3 years of Russian presence in Syria there were about 60 Russians killed in Syria). Yes, they are serious this time. Seems like with "a friend" like Israel you don't need enemies.

Russian defense ministry presents data as evidence of Israeli involvement in Il-20 crash

Putin says move to boost Syria's air defense aimed at protecting Russian servicemen

At least Russians aren't so retarded as Americans, and has the sense to react towards Israel.

The U.S.A had similar done with the U.S.S Liberty Bombing by Israel, but instead of reacting to Israel, the U.S.A just increased funding for Israel.

that why it ballfes me WHY the Israel apologists hate Obama so much.Obviously they are racists who hate blacks.:rolleyes:

Obama hands Israel the largest military aid deal in history

Obama Has a Stronger Record on Israel Than You Might Have Been Led to Think
In case of war between Israel and Iran/Muscovy which side Trump will take? Israel or his friend Vova grandad Botox?


Rssia to supply Syria with S-300 missiles in rebuke of Israel
And they will last right up until the time Israel decides to bomb the shit out of them.

coward warmonger Israel has not tried to invade Russia because they know they would get their asses kicked by them,that they are not pushover like Iran and Syria.:D thank god for that.:yes_text12:

Iran and syria are pushovers. Why would anyone invade russia? Theyre falling apart, bad crude, wet gas, horrid economy, horrid weather etc.

Tell that to Hitler (Operation Barbarossa), Kaiser (WW1), Pilsudski (Polish - Soviet War), Palmerston, (Crimean War) Napoleon ( Napoleonic war / invasion of Russia) , Charles XII (Swedish invasion of Russia) Sigismund III (Polish Muscovite War), Olugh Muhammad (Kazan Tatar invasion of Moscow) Genghiz Khan (Golden Horde)
Why don't you move to Iran?

So, because I noticed that ISRAEL is behind

the MARINES in Lebanon 1983
Pan Am 103

that means I should move to Iran.... nice.

Iran didn't do 911, Israel did.

I care, as a patriotic American, about exterminating everyone who did 911 and everyone who knew and shut up/made money investing with "insider info" like you did.
"Russia" to supply Syria with S-300 missiles in rebuke of Israel

I hope they are serious about it this time.

Due to Israel provocation and agreement violation Russia has lost a plane with 15 people last week (during 3 years of Russian presence in Syria there were about 60 Russians killed in Syria). Yes, they are serious this time. Seems like with "a friend" like Israel you don't need enemies.

Russian defense ministry presents data as evidence of Israeli involvement in Il-20 crash

Putin says move to boost Syria's air defense aimed at protecting Russian servicemen

At least Russians aren't so retarded as Americans, and has the sense to react towards Israel.

The U.S.A had similar done with the U.S.S Liberty Bombing by Israel, but instead of reacting to Israel, the U.S.A just increased funding for Israel.

that why it ballfes me WHY the Israel apologists hate Obama so much.Obviously they are racists who hate blacks.:rolleyes:

Obama hands Israel the largest military aid deal in history

Obama Has a Stronger Record on Israel Than You Might Have Been Led to Think

Thats why you loved O so much.
Why don't you move to Iran?

So, because I noticed that ISRAEL is behind

the MARINES in Lebanon 1983
Pan Am 103

that means I should move to Iran.... nice.

Iran didn't do 911, Israel did.

I care, as a patriotic American, about exterminating everyone who did 911 and everyone who knew and shut up/made money investing with "insider info" like you did.

Israel did none of those. Man, you really are deranged and delusional.
Israel: "Oooooh targets!"""

And if Russia retaliates with their cruise missiles from the naval base there, Israel is going to do what?

Russia won't do shit....but if they do they'll lose a few ships is my bet. Israel doesn't play, ask Egypt, Jordan, Iraq ...etc etc

Russia is a major military power, ...
its a myth it last 4 last wars, in A-stan, 2 Chechen and the last one in Ukraine . Muscovy is just Nigeria in snow

If it's a myth of Russia being dangerous, why do you go berserk about Russia as a dangerous threat all the time?
its not dangerous for countries like Finland, Israel, Japan, etc. but its still dangerous for countries like Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Georgia , Latvia
Only an idiot would hold Israel responsible for 9/11.

correction.only an idiot would hold 19 muslins and bin laden for being responsible for 9/11. Only and idiot like you would fall for this retarded crap the zionist media spun on 9/11 here in this link below.:abgg2q.jpg::lmao::laughing0301::itsok::itsok:

Idaho Observer: The looniest of all 9/11 conspiracy theories
Astute observers of history are aware that for every notable event there will usually be at least one ,often several wild conspiracy theories which spring up around it. “The CIA killed Hendrix”; “the Pope had John Lennon murdered”; “Hitler was half Werewolf”; “Space aliens replaced Nixon with a clone,” etc, etc. The bigger the event, the more ridiculous and more numerous are the fanciful rantings which circulate in relation to it.

So its hardly surprising that the events of Sept. 11, 2001, have spawned their fair share of these ludicrous fairy tales. And as always, there is -- sadly -- a small but gullible percentage of the population eager to lap up these tall tales, regardless of facts or rational analysis.

One of the wilder stories circulating about Sept 11 (and one that has attracted something of a cult following amongst conspiracy buffs) is that it was carried out by 19 fanatical Arab hijackers, masterminded by an evil genius named Osama bin Laden, with no apparent motivation other than that they “hate our freedoms.”

you Israel ass kisser kill me with your warped logic,better get off the crack your smoking
And if Russia retaliates with their cruise missiles from the naval base there, Israel is going to do what?

Russia won't do shit....but if they do they'll lose a few ships is my bet. Israel doesn't play, ask Egypt, Jordan, Iraq ...etc etc

Russia is a major military power, ...
its a myth it last 4 last wars, in A-stan, 2 Chechen and the last one in Ukraine . Muscovy is just Nigeria in snow

If it's a myth of Russia being dangerous, why do you go berserk about Russia as a dangerous threat all the time?

They have a nuclear arsenal and they support dictators and terrorists.

Sure, but Litwin in one breathe is terrified of Russia, and in the next breathe says they aren't dangerous as a military threat.

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