"Russia" to supply Syria with S-300 missiles in rebuke of Israel

In case of war between Israel and Iran/Muscovy which side Trump will take? Israel or his friend Vova grandad Botox?


Russia to supply Syria with S-300 missiles in rebuke of Israel
And they will last right up until the time Israel decides to bomb the shit out of them.

coward warmonger Israel has not tried to invade Russia because they know they would get their asses kicked by them,that they are not pushover like Iran and Syria.:D thank god for that.:yes_text12:
What ? The OP was about weapons given to Syria by Russia. Israel has a tendency to bomb the fuck out of weapons that threaten their country. How the hell did you come up with Israel invading Russia from my post ?
Israel will not invading " Russia " ..no needs for this " Russia " is a western colony already ))
In case of war between Israel and Iran/Muscovy which side Trump will take? Israel or his friend Vova grandad Botox?


Rssia to supply Syria with S-300 missiles in rebuke of Israel
And they will last right up until the time Israel decides to bomb the shit out of them.

coward warmonger Israel has not tried to invade Russia because they know they would get their asses kicked by them,that they are not pushover like Iran and Syria.:D thank god for that.:yes_text12:

Iran and syria are pushovers. Why would anyone invade russia? Theyre falling apart, bad crude, wet gas, horrid economy, horrid weather etc.

Tell that to Hitler (Operation Barbarossa), Kaiser (WW1), Pilsudski (Polish - Soviet War), Palmerston, (Crimean War) Napoleon ( Napoleonic war / invasion of Russia) , Charles XII (Swedish invasion of Russia) Sigismund III (Polish Muscovite War), Olugh Muhammad (Kazan Tatar invasion of Moscow) Genghiz Khan (Golden Horde)
Kaiser (WW1), Pilsudski (Polish - Soviet War), (Crimean War) ok, and Muscovy lost them all like many others whats your point ?

Germany in WW1 sent the train of Bolsheviks to Russia in 1917, with Lenin the partial Volga German - partial Swedish, Jewish, Kalmyk, Chuvash guy, Russian however he was not.
As for his side-kick Leon Trotsky, he was Jewish, and sent from New York to Russia to help Lenin by the financier banker a German Jew named Jacob Schiff who gave Trotsky money for the Bolshevik Revolution.

This is what made Russia a monster, anyways.

Soviets began stealing resources from Ukrainians, and Russians to finance their Military.

That's part of the reason Soviets / Russia became a military threat.
In case of war between Israel and Iran/Muscovy which side Trump will take? Israel or his friend Vova grandad Botox?


Russia to supply Syria with S-300 missiles in rebuke of Israel
And they will last right up until the time Israel decides to bomb the shit out of them.

coward warmonger Israel has not tried to invade Russia because they know they would get their asses kicked by them,that they are not pushover like Iran and Syria.:D thank god for that.:yes_text12:
What ? The OP was about weapons given to Syria by Russia. Israel has a tendency to bomb the fuck out of weapons that threaten their country. How the hell did you come up with Israel invading Russia from my post ?
Israel will not invading " Russia " ..no needs for this " Russia " is a western colony already ))

I would've said Russia was a Jewish colony already, considering the Bolshevik leaders Lenin, and Trotsky both having Jewish origins, and Putin's Jewish Oligarch, and Jewish Chabad Lubavitch buddies.

But, with this action, I'm not so sure.

It could just be a ruse, or perhaps Putin's really an anti-Semite.

We know Putin silenced neo-Nazis / Slavic Union skinheads of Russia, and did so on behalf of Russian - Jew Boris Spiegel presumably, Putin's friend, and also Spiegel is behind an org called World without Nazism.

We know one of Putin's best friends, and judo partners Rotenberg's are Jews too, and that Putin gave them contracts in Russia, and gave away his daughter to Rotenberg's Jewish origins son.

So, I don't think Putin's an anti-Semite.
Russia is a major military power, ...
its a myth it last 4 last wars, in A-stan, 2 Chechen and the last one in Ukraine . Muscovy is just Nigeria in snow

If it's a myth of Russia being dangerous, why do you go berserk about Russia as a dangerous threat all the time?

They have a nuclear arsenal and they support dictators and terrorists.

Sure, but Litwin in one breathe is terrified of Russia, and in the next breathe says they aren't dangerous as a military threat.
they are dangerous, when we west don't act, ask you self why putler stopped his offense in Idlib...

What's so different about Idlib offenses by Russia, versus W. Bush's Iraq offenses, or Bill Clinton's Serbia (Yugoslavia) offenses?

W. Bush was a real jerk, worse than Putin.

W. Bush not only killed millions of Iraqis, and thousands of Americans, he tanked the American economy, he also allowed in the largest number of Illegal Immigrants, to make matters worse he attacked a Sunni strongman Saddam Hussein who ruled over a Shiite dominated Iraq, which Saddam was against a Shiite dominated Iran.
Once Saddam collapsed,
the SHIITE hit the fan.
It allowed for Iran to increase influences into Iraq, and Syria, furthermore, Russia would've had trouble too with Saddam getting in.

W. Bush is garbage, and should be put on trial as a menace to society.
And if Russia retaliates with their cruise missiles from the naval base there, Israel is going to do what?

Russia won't do shit....but if they do they'll lose a few ships is my bet. Israel doesn't play, ask Egypt, Jordan, Iraq ...etc etc

Russia is a major military power, ...
its a myth it last 4 last wars, in A-stan, 2 Chechen and the last one in Ukraine . Muscovy is just Nigeria in snow

If it's a myth of Russia being dangerous, why do you go berserk about Russia as a dangerous threat all the time?
its not dangerous for countries like Finland, Israel, Japan, etc. but its still dangerous for countries like Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Georgia , Latvia

The big danger of Russia is it's Nukes, so that's a danger to the World, including Israel.

But, let's remind ourselves who gave them Nukes, it was Jews, Jews, Jews.

Who knew it would come, and bite Israel in the @ss? Or so it may seem I shall say.

Jews like Julius, and Ethel Rosenberg living in the U.S.A, gave the Soviets American nuclear secrets.

Also some top people working on Soviet nukes were Jewish George Koval, and Jewish Yulii Borisovich Khariton.

Even Soviet leader Khruschev said similar.

Khrushchev Says Soviet Jews Helped Develop Nuclear Weapons in Russia - Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Russia funds state sponsor of terrorism, Iran.

Israel is the sponsor of terror, not Iran.

Nope, iran supplies hamas, hezbollah, syria. All terrorists. You really don't have a clue.

How is Hamas more of a terrorist than Israel,exactly?

As of late it's Israel who's been shooting into crowds of Palestinians, injuring 1,000's, and killing dozens.
Nothing new, and reminiscent of Israel being founded by Terroristic Massacres like Deir Yassin Massacre, against Palestinians since day 1.

As an American, I'm tired of my tax dollars going to pay for terrorist Israel.
Russia won't do shit....but if they do they'll lose a few ships is my bet. Israel doesn't play, ask Egypt, Jordan, Iraq ...etc etc

Russia is a major military power, ...
its a myth it last 4 last wars, in A-stan, 2 Chechen and the last one in Ukraine . Muscovy is just Nigeria in snow

If it's a myth of Russia being dangerous, why do you go berserk about Russia as a dangerous threat all the time?
its not dangerous for countries like Finland, Israel, Japan, etc. but its still dangerous for countries like Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Georgia , Latvia

The big danger of Russia is it's Nukes, so that's a danger to the World, including Israel.

But, let's remind ourselves who gave them Nukes, it was Jews, Jews, Jews.

Who knew it would come, and bite Israel in the @ss? Or so it may seem I shall say.

Jews like Julius, and Ethel Rosenberg living in the U.S.A, gave the Soviets American nuclear secrets.

Also some top people working on Soviet nukes were Jewish George Koval, and Jewish Yulii Borisovich Khariton.

Even Soviet leader Khruschev said similar.

Khrushchev Says Soviet Jews Helped Develop Nuclear Weapons in Russia - Jewish Telegraphic Agency

Muscovy is not USSR, forget about commie empire its stone - dead

Don’t Fear the "Russian" Military, the country is in no position to wage a real conflict.
"The week-long exercises, which kicked off yesterday, are intended as a show of might. But the country is in no position to wage a real conflict....

Vostok is not just a big military-training drill—it’s a massive psychological-warfare operation and a geopolitical gambit, being undertaken by Russia as it regains much of its martial mojo and its ability to mount and coordinate complex operations.

That said, there’s a difference between showing off your hardware and testing your new tactics, and actually going to war. We shouldn’t assume that Russia actually wants to fight some major conflict. If nothing else, while Vostok’s scale shows that Moscow has regained the capacity for a continental-scale operation, it could hardly afford to fight one for real. It would have a hard time mustering this kind of army during wartime, when railway lines and communication hubs would be primary targets.

This exercise is part of what I have called “heavy-metal diplomacy”: Russia’s use of its military to overawe and misdirect the West. We’ve seen this kind of undiplomatic diplomacy at work in Europe, where Moscow has responded to debates in Sweden and Finland about joining NATO with war games simulating Russian invasions. We also see this sort of diplomacy at work in the numbers game Vladimir Putin plays. In last year’s Zapad war games, Moscow lowballed the number of soldiers participating in order to keep it below the ceiling at which Western countries would be able to send inspectors under Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe rules. This time around, the Russians seem happy to play up those numbers. But the much-hyped 300,000 figure involves much false accounting—in practice, the real figure may well be closer to 150,000, which is admittedly still an impressive tally. Judging from past examples like Zapad, many of these soldiers are unlikely to leave their barracks. They’ll be “involved” in exercises at the command post, not ones out in the field."

Russia's Vostok War Games Aren't as Large as Putin Says - The Atlantic
In case of war between Israel and Iran/Muscovy which side Trump will take? Israel or his friend Vova grandad Botox?


Rssia to supply Syria with S-300 missiles in rebuke of Israel
And they will last right up until the time Israel decides to bomb the shit out of them.

coward warmonger Israel has not tried to invade Russia because they know they would get their asses kicked by them,that they are not pushover like Iran and Syria.:D thank god for that.:yes_text12:

Iran and syria are pushovers. Why would anyone invade russia? Theyre falling apart, bad crude, wet gas, horrid economy, horrid weather etc.

If Iran is a push-over, isn't it a bit excessive that Israel kicks, and screams about Iran, night, and day?

Look at it this way, Israel with nukes runs to the U.S.A with even more nukes, against a push-over non-Nuclear power of Iran?

Does Israel like to politically resemble, those who attack the feeble with brute force?
Russia funds state sponsor of terrorism, Iran.

Israel is the sponsor of terror, not Iran.

Nope, iran supplies hamas, hezbollah, syria. All terrorists. You really don't have a clue.

How is Hamas more of a terrorist than Israel,exactly?

As of late it's Israel who's been shooting into crowds of Palestinians, injuring 1,000's, and killing dozens.
Nothing new, and reminiscent of Israel being founded by Terroristic Massacres like Deir Yassin Massacre, against Palestinians since day 1.

As an American, I'm tired of my tax dollars going to pay for terrorist Israel.

Based on your analogy, every country in the world is a terrorist state.
In case of war between Israel and Iran/Muscovy which side Trump will take? Israel or his friend Vova grandad Botox?


Rssia to supply Syria with S-300 missiles in rebuke of Israel
And they will last right up until the time Israel decides to bomb the shit out of them.

coward warmonger Israel has not tried to invade Russia because they know they would get their asses kicked by them,that they are not pushover like Iran and Syria.:D thank god for that.:yes_text12:

Iran and syria are pushovers. Why would anyone invade russia? Theyre falling apart, bad crude, wet gas, horrid economy, horrid weather etc.

If Iran is a push-over, isn't it a bit excessive that Israel kicks, and screams about Iran, night, and day?

Look at it this way, Israel with nukes runs to the U.S.A with even more nukes, against a push-over non-Nuclear power of Iran?

Does Israel like to politically resemble, those who attack the feeble with brute force?

We sell Israel weapons. They're not free. The propaganda stretches through your mind. That's what allies do.
Russia funds state sponsor of terrorism, Iran.

Israel is the sponsor of terror, not Iran.

Nope, iran supplies hamas, hezbollah, syria. All terrorists. You really don't have a clue.

How is Hamas more of a terrorist than Israel,exactly?

As of late it's Israel who's been shooting into crowds of Palestinians, injuring 1,000's, and killing dozens.
Nothing new, and reminiscent of Israel being founded by Terroristic Massacres like Deir Yassin Massacre, against Palestinians since day 1.

As an American, I'm tired of my tax dollars going to pay for terrorist Israel.

Based on your analogy, every country in the world is a terrorist state.

Not exactly, since when has say Czech Rep, Poland, Hungary Denmark, Sweden,, and many others have been terrorist states?
its a myth it last 4 last wars, in A-stan, 2 Chechen and the last one in Ukraine . Muscovy is just Nigeria in snow

If it's a myth of Russia being dangerous, why do you go berserk about Russia as a dangerous threat all the time?

They have a nuclear arsenal and they support dictators and terrorists.

Sure, but Litwin in one breathe is terrified of Russia, and in the next breathe says they aren't dangerous as a military threat.
they are dangerous, when we west don't act, ask you self why putler stopped his offense in Idlib...

What's so different about Idlib offenses by Russia,
there is nothing going on in idlib, EU/USA placed Turkish army (NATO) there and coward small hooligan vova putler backed off, AS USUAL . much like he did after Mariupol battle in Ukraine
In case of war between Israel and Iran/Muscovy which side Trump will take? Israel or his friend Vova grandad Botox?


Rssia to supply Syria with S-300 missiles in rebuke of Israel
And they will last right up until the time Israel decides to bomb the shit out of them.

coward warmonger Israel has not tried to invade Russia because they know they would get their asses kicked by them,that they are not pushover like Iran and Syria.:D thank god for that.:yes_text12:

Iran and syria are pushovers. Why would anyone invade russia? Theyre falling apart, bad crude, wet gas, horrid economy, horrid weather etc.

If Iran is a push-over, isn't it a bit excessive that Israel kicks, and screams about Iran, night, and day?

Look at it this way, Israel with nukes runs to the U.S.A with even more nukes, against a push-over non-Nuclear power of Iran?

Does Israel like to politically resemble, those who attack the feeble with brute force?

We sell Israel weapons. They're not free. The propaganda stretches through your mind. That's what allies do.

Israel's no ally, this is a delusion, by idiot Bible belt Protestant idiots down South. (Ahem)
If it's a myth of Russia being dangerous, why do you go berserk about Russia as a dangerous threat all the time?

They have a nuclear arsenal and they support dictators and terrorists.

Sure, but Litwin in one breathe is terrified of Russia, and in the next breathe says they aren't dangerous as a military threat.
they are dangerous, when we west don't act, ask you self why putler stopped his offense in Idlib...

What's so different about Idlib offenses by Russia,
there is nothing going on in idlib, EU/USA placed Turkish army (NATO) there and coward small hooligan vova putler backed off, AS USUAL . much like he did after Mariupol battle in Ukraine

NATO might've been necessary against Soviets, and now Russia.

Even so, NATO was overkill in Yugoslavia against ethnic Serbs.

Keep in mind the first major massacre event at the start of the Bosnian War was started by a Bosniak Muslim massacre upon Serbs called
Sijekovac killings.

List of massacres in the Bosnian War - Wikipedia
And they will last right up until the time Israel decides to bomb the shit out of them.

coward warmonger Israel has not tried to invade Russia because they know they would get their asses kicked by them,that they are not pushover like Iran and Syria.:D thank god for that.:yes_text12:

Iran and syria are pushovers. Why would anyone invade russia? Theyre falling apart, bad crude, wet gas, horrid economy, horrid weather etc.

If Iran is a push-over, isn't it a bit excessive that Israel kicks, and screams about Iran, night, and day?

Look at it this way, Israel with nukes runs to the U.S.A with even more nukes, against a push-over non-Nuclear power of Iran?

Does Israel like to politically resemble, those who attack the feeble with brute force?

We sell Israel weapons. They're not free. The propaganda stretches through your mind. That's what allies do.

Israel's no ally, this is a delusion, by idiot Bible belt Protestant idiots down South. (Ahem)

We know you're anti semitic and Israel an ally is no delusion. So what does the south have anything to do with that?
Russia funds state sponsor of terrorism, Iran.

Israel is the sponsor of terror, not Iran.

Nope, iran supplies hamas, hezbollah, syria. All terrorists. You really don't have a clue.

How is Hamas more of a terrorist than Israel,exactly?

As of late it's Israel who's been shooting into crowds of Palestinians, injuring 1,000's, and killing dozens.
Nothing new, and reminiscent of Israel being founded by Terroristic Massacres like Deir Yassin Massacre, against Palestinians since day 1.

As an American, I'm tired of my tax dollars going to pay for terrorist Israel.

Based on your analogy, every country in the world is a terrorist state.

Not exactly, since when has say Czech Rep, Poland, Hungary Denmark, Sweden,, and many others have been terrorist states?

Have any of those countries ever conquered or warred with another country?
coward warmonger Israel has not tried to invade Russia because they know they would get their asses kicked by them,that they are not pushover like Iran and Syria.:D thank god for that.:yes_text12:

Iran and syria are pushovers. Why would anyone invade russia? Theyre falling apart, bad crude, wet gas, horrid economy, horrid weather etc.

If Iran is a push-over, isn't it a bit excessive that Israel kicks, and screams about Iran, night, and day?

Look at it this way, Israel with nukes runs to the U.S.A with even more nukes, against a push-over non-Nuclear power of Iran?

Does Israel like to politically resemble, those who attack the feeble with brute force?

We sell Israel weapons. They're not free. The propaganda stretches through your mind. That's what allies do.

Israel's no ally, this is a delusion, by idiot Bible belt Protestant idiots down South. (Ahem)

We know you're anti semitic and Israel an ally is no delusion. So what does the south have anything to do with that?

Israel's an ally?
Hahahaha, of the U.S.A?
Joke of today, I needed the laugh.

No, just no.

From earliest to latest news on Israel's anti-American actions include.

- Lavon Affair terrorist plot against American targets.

- U.S.S Liberty Bombing terrorist attack on a U.S ship.

- Jonathan Pollard spy for Israel against America.

- CIA / FBI officials calling Israel the biggest spy threat in the Mid-East

- Israel posing as U.S CIA agents to get Pakistani terrorists to help them in Iran, without permission.

- Israel giving U.S.A secrets to China.

- Yair Klein a former Mossad Agent, training enemies of America in the Colombian drug-cartels.

- Ludwig Fainberg immigrating from Israel to America, and trying to give the drug-cartels a Soviet Submarine, along with numerous drug-trafficking, and sex-trafficking offenses against the U.S.A.x
coward warmonger Israel has not tried to invade Russia because they know they would get their asses kicked by them,that they are not pushover like Iran and Syria.:D thank god for that.:yes_text12:

Iran and syria are pushovers. Why would anyone invade russia? Theyre falling apart, bad crude, wet gas, horrid economy, horrid weather etc.

If Iran is a push-over, isn't it a bit excessive that Israel kicks, and screams about Iran, night, and day?

Look at it this way, Israel with nukes runs to the U.S.A with even more nukes, against a push-over non-Nuclear power of Iran?

Does Israel like to politically resemble, those who attack the feeble with brute force?

We sell Israel weapons. They're not free. The propaganda stretches through your mind. That's what allies do.

Israel's no ally, this is a delusion, by idiot Bible belt Protestant idiots down South. (Ahem)

So what does the south have anything to do with that?

I hear more anti-Israel remarks, or anti-Jewish remarks than ones which are pro Jew / Israel, here in this heavily Italian - Irish Catholic region of New York suburbs - exhurbs.

Obviously that's not true in the dominantly British - Germanic Protestant regions of the South called the Bible Belt, where some even put Israel, and Jews above Christians, or America, despite claiming to be "Evangelical Christian Protestants"
Iran and syria are pushovers. Why would anyone invade russia? Theyre falling apart, bad crude, wet gas, horrid economy, horrid weather etc.

If Iran is a push-over, isn't it a bit excessive that Israel kicks, and screams about Iran, night, and day?

Look at it this way, Israel with nukes runs to the U.S.A with even more nukes, against a push-over non-Nuclear power of Iran?

Does Israel like to politically resemble, those who attack the feeble with brute force?

We sell Israel weapons. They're not free. The propaganda stretches through your mind. That's what allies do.

Israel's no ally, this is a delusion, by idiot Bible belt Protestant idiots down South. (Ahem)

We know you're anti semitic and Israel an ally is no delusion. So what does the south have anything to do with that?

Israel's an ally?
Hahahaha, of the U.S.A?
Joke of today, I needed the laugh.

No, just no.

From earliest to latest news on Israel's anti-American actions include.

- Lavon Affair terrorist plot against American targets.

- U.S.S Liberty Bombing terrorist attack on a U.S ship.

- Jonathan Pollard spy for Israel against America.

- CIA / FBI officials calling Israel the biggest spy threat in the Mid-East

- Israel posing as U.S CIA agents to get Pakistani terrorists to help them in Iran, without permission.

- Israel giving U.S.A secrets to China.

- Yair Klein a former Mossad Agent, training enemies of America in the Colombian drug-cartels.

- Ludwig Fainberg immigrating from Israel to America, and trying to give the drug-cartels a Soviet Submarine, along with numerous drug-trafficking, and sex-trafficking offenses against the U.S.A.x

All govts spy. Come on man. From your perspective, all other countries are angels besides Israel.
Iran and syria are pushovers. Why would anyone invade russia? Theyre falling apart, bad crude, wet gas, horrid economy, horrid weather etc.

If Iran is a push-over, isn't it a bit excessive that Israel kicks, and screams about Iran, night, and day?

Look at it this way, Israel with nukes runs to the U.S.A with even more nukes, against a push-over non-Nuclear power of Iran?

Does Israel like to politically resemble, those who attack the feeble with brute force?

We sell Israel weapons. They're not free. The propaganda stretches through your mind. That's what allies do.

Israel's no ally, this is a delusion, by idiot Bible belt Protestant idiots down South. (Ahem)

So what does the south have anything to do with that?

I hear more anti-Israel remarks, or anti-Jewish remarks than ones which are pro Jew / Israel, here in this heavily Italian - Irish Catholic region of New York suburbs - exhurbs.

Obviously that's not true in the dominantly British - Germanic Protestant regions of the South called the Bible Belt, where some even put Israel, and Jews above Christians, or America, despite claiming to be "Evangelical Christian Protestants"

After Christ died, the law went out the window.

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