Russia to US Warmongers : "grave repercussions if Syria attacked"

Trump has got himself in a bit of a predicament.

What will he do?

He's going to twist the arms of England and France to join us, then he'll rip
Syria a new one. He'll call Russia's bluff. A spat with Russia will be a good deflection for Mueller's crap and will put the people behind the President.

Russia needs to look at their cards again. This is no time for them to be threatening America. The Prez is looking for an excuse to start shooting.
This is no time for them to be threatening America.
Seems like the perfect time. Trump's pants are down.

If Trump attacks Syria and Russia retaliates, Trump's life gets a whole lot more complicated. He is having a difficult time as it is.

On the contrary dummy. His life becomes simpler. He just lays waste
to the Russians. Do you think that Putin is gonna give up his country
for a war he cannot win?
Yes, I think Putin would respond to an attack on Assad.

Laying waste to the Russians will come at a cost.
"Remember when the left had an anti-war movement? You know, before they all became obsessed with the far more pressing issues of gender pronouns and hating white people?"
Dear Russian fighter pilots,

The safeties will NOT, we repeat NOT be on during these missions. Please be aware of your ejection button at all times.


US Navy pilots.

In order to protect and defend Israhell we have to endure

1- TSA
2- those victimized on 09/11
3- $150 BBBBBBBBBBillions in foreign aid since 1949
3- $300 billion the costs of the Iraq war
3- and now you proposed that more Americans be placed in harms way because you feel froggy



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