Russia Trump collusion, the next Watergate


Gold Member
Sep 28, 2016
Obama issued sanctions on Russia & a day later Putin says he will no retaliate.

In between, a call between Trumps National Security guy Flynn with the Russians.

A call that Trump/Pence/Flynn originally said did not discuss sanctions.

A call that Flynn now says that sanctions might have been discussed but he doesn't remember.

Our own intelligence people have confirmed these calls took place & they have been taking place since the campaign.

tick tick tick

How long before Trump cuts loose Flynn in hopes of saving himself?

Looks to me that this could take down Trump & Pence & the entire White House staff.
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Get real, dave. Never going to happen. The liberal loon fest is coming to an end.
Get real, dave. Never going to happen. The liberal loon fest is coming to an end.
Your avatar is exactly how I thought you would look.

I have news, you are in the minority.
The cult will defend Trump and his administration's lying no matter how insidious it is.
Will the orange clown leave the Presidency via impeachment or the 25th amendment?
There are patriotic Republicans in Congress who must be very uneasy about so-called President Trump being so accommodating with ex-KGB operative Vladimir Putin.
The co-equal branch of government, the Judiciary, is onto the narcissistic egotistic Trump.
Perhaps, with luck, Congress will have enough patriots to take-down the bombastic, barely literate dictator-in-making.

FBI investigation continues into 'odd' computer link between Russian bank and Trump Organization -

(CNN)Federal investigators and computer scientists continue to examine whether there was a computer server connection between the Trump Organization and a Russian bank, sources close to the investigation tell CNN.

Questions about the possible connection were widely dismissed four months ago. But the FBI's investigation remains open, the sources said, and is in the hands of the FBI's counterintelligence team -- the same one looking into Russia's suspected interference in the 2016 election.

One U.S. official said investigators find the server relationship "odd" and are not ignoring it. But the official said there is still more work for the FBI to do. Investigators have not yet determined whether a connection would be significant.

The server issue surfaced again this weekend, mentioned in a Breitbart article that, according to a White House official, sparked President Trump's series of tweets accusing investigators of tapping his phone.

Now wouldn't it be interesting to find out that Russian bank financed the orange clown's campaign.
FBI investigation continues into 'odd' computer link between Russian bank and Trump Organization -

(CNN)Federal investigators and computer scientists continue to examine whether there was a computer server connection between the Trump Organization and a Russian bank, sources close to the investigation tell CNN.

Questions about the possible connection were widely dismissed four months ago. But the FBI's investigation remains open, the sources said, and is in the hands of the FBI's counterintelligence team -- the same one looking into Russia's suspected interference in the 2016 election.

One U.S. official said investigators find the server relationship "odd" and are not ignoring it. But the official said there is still more work for the FBI to do. Investigators have not yet determined whether a connection would be significant.

The server issue surfaced again this weekend, mentioned in a Breitbart article that, according to a White House official, sparked President Trump's series of tweets accusing investigators of tapping his phone.

Now wouldn't it be interesting to find out that Russian bank financed the orange clown's campaign.

Ah, the infamous "Trump server" of which nothing was found. Maybe this time they'll find something!


Sorry to burst your bubble, Old Cucks, but the only people that took money from Russia were the Clintons.:smoke:
Obama issued sanctions on Russia & a day later Putin says he will no retaliate.

In between, a call between Trumps National Security guy Flynn with the Russians.

A call that Trump/Pence/Flynn originally said did not discuss sanctions.

A call that Flynn now says that sanctions might have been discussed but he doesn't remember.

Our own intelligence people have confirmed these calls took place & they have been taking place since the campaign.

tick tick tick

How long before Trump cuts loose Flynn in hopes of saving himself?

Looks to me that this could take down Trump & Pence & the entire White House staff.
Today's leftie jag-off session has been sponsored by KY Jelly, cause when you get humiliated during elections, you need a good lube to jag-off with.



Here's an interesting piece to the puzzle, Farage visited Assange:
When Nigel Farage met Julian Assange

Although I believe the recent assumption that Carter Page was there to infiltrate the Trump campaign to be false and completely unsubstantiated. There is no reason to assume Trump was anti-Putin before, and Carter Page was most likely chosen because of his ties to Russia, not despite of them. The only reason Trump has not lifted the sanctions against Russia is because he doesn't want to make it too obvious while he is being investigated.
Here's an interesting piece to the puzzle, Farage visited Assange:
When Nigel Farage met Julian Assange

Although I believe the recent assumption that Carter Page was there to infiltrate the Trump campaign to be false and completely unsubstantiated. There is no reason to assume Trump was anti-Putin before, and Carter Page was most likely chosen because of his ties to Russia, not despite of them. The only reason Trump has not lifted the sanctions against Russia is because he doesn't want to make it too obvious while he is being investigated.
In spite of Pravda (MSM) propaganda, the voters rejected Hillary and the democrats, including the White House, Senate, the House and 33 state legislatures.
Get over it.
I think the O. P is hanging by a slim tether over the Abyss of permanent psychosis.

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