Russia, Ukraine Signal Progress Being Made in Negotiations.

Yes, Russia does use Nato as their excuse. That's Russia's undeniable talking point. And Russia does spotlight the Nazi faction in the Ukraine, that the West needs to acknowledge exists. A handful? What's a handful? Hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands?

Will you research the question for us?
I've been reading about them. Across several sources the estimates for far-right extremist fighters in Ukraine is around 1000 give or take a few hundred.
I've been reading about them. Across several sources the estimates for far-right extremist fighters in Ukraine is around 1000 give or take a few hundred.
My information is that there are more than ten thousand and they're a part of Ukraine's military.

It makes sense when you understand that Nazis and Socialists have always been enemies.
M.A.D. has saved the entire world's as-es for nearly 80 years but this is getting pretty scary!

I think Russia/Putin and the Russian people have the resolve to never again face what they suffered during WW2.

Suffered in WWII? Do you mean invasion by someone hell bent on world domination? Or that they had to rely on the United States to save their ass, by supplying them with badly needed supplies.

What did the US give Russia in ww2?
Image result for what weapons did fdr give to stalin in wwii
Totaling $11.3 billion, or $180 billion in today's currency, the Lend-Lease Act of the United States supplied needed goods to the Soviet Union from 1941 to 1945 in support of what Stalin described to Roosevelt as the “enormous and difficult fight against the common enemy — bloodthirsty Hitlerism.”
Suffered in WWII? Do you mean invasion by someone hell bent on world domination? Or that they had to rely on the United States to save their ass, by supplying them with badly needed supplies.

What did the US give Russia in ww2?
Image result for what weapons did fdr give to stalin in wwii
Totaling $11.3 billion, or $180 billion in today's currency, the Lend-Lease Act of the United States supplied needed goods to the Soviet Union from 1941 to 1945 in support of what Stalin described to Roosevelt as the “enormous and difficult fight against the common enemy — bloodthirsty Hitlerism.”
Suffered in WWII? Do you mean invasion by someone hell bent on world domination? Or that they had to rely on the United States to save their ass, by supplying them with badly needed supplies.

What did the US give Russia in ww2?
Image result for what weapons did fdr give to stalin in wwii
Totaling $11.3 billion, or $180 billion in today's currency, the Lend-Lease Act of the United States supplied needed goods to the Soviet Union from 1941 to 1945 in support of what Stalin described to Roosevelt as the “enormous and difficult fight against the common enemy — bloodthirsty Hitlerism.”
Yeah good point. America lost about 290,000 during the war and Russia lost over 14,000,000.

While America's contribution was lend-lease and payable back with interest.


Peace is possible mainly because both Russia and Ukraine can get pretty well all they ever wanted.

Peace for Ukraine and Security for Russia.

But is neutrality going to satisfy the most important demands being America's?

Sooner or later, if peace doesn't happen, either America or Russia going to finish the job by withdrawing from all the friendly agreements that govern the conduct of this war.

And which side, either America or Russia is willing to take the loss? Which side has the most to lose?
I'm having some difficulty thinking Ukraine will give up disputed territory, not accept any weapons for Nato in exchange for Russia's "protection."

Russia softened its stance on the peace deal because the high level of Russian casualties. The fourth Russian general was killed near Mariupol in a targeted assassination.

Stalin shot all his generals before Hitler invaded because he did not want a military takeover

Perhaps this is Putin's way of doing the same.
Yeah good point. America lost about 290,000 during the war and Russia lost over 14,000,000.

While America's contribution was lend-lease and payable back with interest.
Imagine how many the soviets would have lost without us bailing out their ass.

Soviet high-tech was no match for German or American high-tech. But they were great at making low-tech weapons that could function in all climates.
My information is that there are more than ten thousand and they're a part of Ukraine's military
I've read a half dozen sources and none had estimates of 10,000. I'm curious where you got that information. Yes, they are fighting the Russians whether they are officially part of the Ukraine military is not clear.
I've read a half dozen sources and none had estimates of 10,000. I'm curious where you got that information. Yes, they are fighting the Russians whether they are officially part of the Ukraine military is not clear.
You read only US propaganda that's meant to say that there is no Nazi faction involved, and that's proven not to be true by your own admission. Try to find a source for the unvarnished facts.

The state sponsorship of fascist militias has made Ukraine a centre for military training and political networking by neo-Nazis from around the world. Time quotes security expert and former FBI agent Ali Soufan as estimating that “more than 17,000 foreign fighters have come to Ukraine over the past six years from 50 countries.” Forty US congressmen and women asked the US State Department to classify Azov as a foreign terrorist organisation, but were rebuffed.

The National Corps party, Azov’s political wing, claims to have around 10,000 members and maintains intensive relations with fascist and neo-Nazi organisations around the world—including Die Rechte, The Third Path and the Identitarians in Germany, CasaPound in Italy and Groupe Union Défense in France.

Peace is possible mainly because both Russia and Ukraine can get pretty well all they ever wanted.

Peace for Ukraine and Security for Russia.

But is neutrality going to satisfy the most important demands being America's?

Sooner or later, if peace doesn't happen, either America or Russia going to finish the job by withdrawing from all the friendly agreements that govern the conduct of this war.

And which side, either America or Russia is willing to take the loss? Which side has the most to lose?
I wonder if the new progress is due to the fact that the AZOV Battalion has now been neutralized?

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