Russia Using Bots to Help Trump Against the GOP

I'd like nothing more than to see Paul Ryan dumped. Does that mean I qualify for dual citizenship?

Sorry, you can't even qualify for a 12-step program, first you need to admit you are a hack and have no ability to listen to reason.

Blow it out your ass, "Wry" and "reason" don't even have a nodding acquaintance with each other. When you want someone's opinion, you give it to them. You can't debate nor can you discuss without going on a rant while being pissed that your fool -fueled rants are not received in the manner that you want. You don't know or understand diddly squat and you are the last person that should expect to be taken seriously.

Please provide examples, I learned long ago that even idiots can sometimes teach others a lesson. Of course this rant of yours is not thoughtful nor is it thought provoking. It lacks substance, so I again ask for substance and examples.

All of your posts are leftwing slanted, you are partisan to the max and you totally ignore the corruption that was exposed by Wikileaks concerning the DNC. You are more concerned with the fact that the info was released and by whom instead of the contents and that speaks volumes to me. You have no clue as to why millions of people voted for Trump over the establishment totally escapes you....need more? Shall I peruse all of your prior postings?

You do a very terrible job at deflection, the use of ad hominems are not reasonable (as are posts which are thoughtful or thought provoking and I suspect you seek attention and approval from the ignorant, and cannot accept other points of view as valid; in fact you are threatened by them.

No deflection at all, it is simply things you don't want to hear or acknowledge. I seek approval from no one and I have managed to hack off neocons and liberals alike for simply telling it like it is. I would much rather be doing something other than this. I wish the world and this country wasn't as fucked up as it is. I wish people would wake up and realize that it doesn't have to be this way and that what ails this world could be easily fixed. I post things for people to weigh and consider. Those like you crave this left versus right paradigm. It defines what you are and by demonizing and marginalizing those that do not believe in a totalitarian communist state? You believe that you are on the correct side and fighting for the greater good......and trust me and commit this to memory, there is nothing that you post that causes me to feel "threatened" in the slightest.

To address your prior post about me doing "run on sentences"? There is a method to my madness when I do not pause the barrage of points that I am making.....seems that it went right over your head.

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