Russia will want revenge after losing the war, this may happen in 10 years – Ukraine's Defence Intellige

And how that contradicts to what I wrote? Russia still supplies natural gas to Europe. Not sure about oil, since European embargo was put in place in December 2022.

If blockade and attacks on Ukrainian Black Sea and Danube ports is not attempts on imposing embargo, then tell me what it is.

Yes, it is. And Ukraine should adapt to this reality. Any significant attack is pointless at this stage and is only a waste of people and recourses, as summer counter-offensive already showed.

Ukraine needs to switch to a 'strategical defence' tactic. Though, not too much depends on Ukraine itself here.
On that, I agree as any loss of human lives is a tragedy.
The summer offensive without any air support and anti-aerial defenses was pure idiocy.
Fascist love hit lists,Roger Waters is on one of their hit lists, i think Roger wares it as a badge of honour.
The fascists are the Russians. They lurch from one tyranny to another. Ukraine and the members of NATO have democratic governments.
Kyrylo Budanov, Chief of Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, believes that Russia will want revenge after losing the war against Ukraine and that this may happen in 10 years.

Source: Kyrylo Budanov, Chief of Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, in an interview with TSN

Quote: "Russia will need about 10 years to recover in terms of military capabilities. Exactly 10 years is a normal period for rethinking all this. And to start preparing for revenge again.

We will definitely have 10 years, and if we manage to influence the territories that will be created in other ways after the victory of Ukraine, let's say, maybe we will have much more, but we will have at least 10 years."


・Earlier, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Defence Minister Oleksii Reznikov emphasised that Russia will not cease to be Ukraine's neighbour after its defeat.

NATO's military committee also emphasised that Russia will remain a threat to the North Atlantic Alliance, even if its troops are defeated in Ukraine.

Imperialism has been a core value of Russian culture for centuries, so there is no reason to doubt Russia, if it survives, will try again to capture eastern Europe, but this time, perhaps the West will have learned its lesson and not be so trusting as it was after Gorbachev dismantled the USSR.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
The fascists are the Russians. They lurch from one tyranny to another. Ukraine and the members of NATO have democratic governments.
I've always wondered why US citizens have such a biased view of their own democracy.
Both Russia and Ukraine are democratic countries as far as we can tell.
Also some flaws can be attributed to the US democratic system which make it more similar to a plutocracy than an actual democracy.

  • Misrepresentation of voter's intention in the electoral college through gerrymandering
  • Special interest groups' over-representation in enacted laws through lobbying and revolving doors.
  • Massive data collection of mobile device and computer data by the NSA : all information is collected, and (in theory) retrieved only on a need-to-know basis.
  • A two-party system that limits the choices of citizens.
  • An uneven foreign policy: When Russia attacks Ukraine, it is labeled as a violation of international law and sanctions have to be enacted, when Saudi Arabia bombs Yemen to oblivion it is hardly an event that requires a headline in the newspaper, and no sanctions at all.

Given all the above flaws, when the US talks about defending liberty and democracy we foreigners interpret it as a way to exert power in the world disguised with an ideological discourse.
I've always wondered why US citizens have such a biased view of their own democracy.
Both Russia and Ukraine are democratic countries as far as we can tell.
Also some flaws can be attributed to the US democratic system which make it more similar to a plutocracy than an actual democracy.

  • Misrepresentation of voter's intention in the electoral college through gerrymandering
  • Special interest groups' over-representation in enacted laws through lobbying and revolving doors.
  • Massive data collection of mobile device and computer data by the NSA : all information is collected, and (in theory) retrieved only on a need-to-know basis.
  • A two-party system that limits the choices of citizens.
  • An uneven foreign policy: When Russia attacks Ukraine, it is labeled as a violation of international law and sanctions have to be enacted, when Saudi Arabia bombs Yemen to oblivion it is hardly an event that requires a headline in the newspaper, and no sanctions at all.

Given all the above flaws, when the US talks about defending liberty and democracy we foreigners interpret it as a way to exert power in the world disguised with an ideological discourse.
It is illegal in Russia to criticize Putin or his war. Laws like that are not the mark of a democracy.
It is illegal in Russia to criticize Putin or his war. Laws like that are not the mark of a democracy.
The same goes for Ukraine (notably US-chilean citizen Gonzalo Lira was arrested on the grounds of producing Russian propaganda) , and to some extent, it has been true in the US when involved in a major war ( e.g. WW II ).

Also, Ukraine has a kill list, which includes several US citizens.

The same goes for Ukraine (notably US-chilean citizen Gonzalo Lira was arrested on the grounds of producing Russian propaganda) , and to some extent, it has been true in the US when involved in a major war ( e.g. WW II ).

Also, Ukraine has a kill list, which includes several US citizens.

Myrotvorets is a private organization without enforcement power.​


Myrotvorets is a private organization without enforcement power.​

That's such a lame excuse.
"In 2014, Narodnyi Tyl established a website titled "Myrotvorets" ("Peacemaker"),[8] which lists the personal data of citizens described as "separatists" or "Kremlin agents" by the authors of the site.[9] Several media have reported that it provided the personal data, including home address, of an assassinated former MP from the Party of Regions, Oleg Kalashnikov,[9] and journalist and writer Oles Buzina"

Since the site was founded by the political party Narodnyi Tyl the label "private organization" is a blatant lie.
That's such a lame excuse.
"In 2014, Narodnyi Tyl established a website titled "Myrotvorets" ("Peacemaker"),[8] which lists the personal data of citizens described as "separatists" or "Kremlin agents" by the authors of the site.[9] Several media have reported that it provided the personal data, including home address, of an assassinated former MP from the Party of Regions, Oleg Kalashnikov,[9] and journalist and writer Oles Buzina"

Since the site was founded by the political party Narodnyi Tyl the label "private organization" is a blatant lie.
Narodnyi Tyl was not a political party. It was an association of volunteers who helped the Ukrainian army.
EU bans Russians from importing personal cars, smartphones and shampoos
The European Union has banned Russians from entering the EU with personal smartphones and cars
Entering the EU countries with Russian-registered cars is prohibited, the European Commission has confirmed. Personal belongings of Russians crossing the border such as smartphones, jewelry and laptops are also at risk
The European Commission has confirmed the interpretation of the sanctions legislation against Russia, according to which entry into the EU countries by passenger cars registered in Russia is regarded as prohibited imports.

On September 4, the Russian embassy in Germany reported continued isolated cases of German customs officials seizing from Russians cars registered in Russia and temporarily imported for personal use or transit. "Arguments that in this case we are not talking about the importation of goods intended for sale, but about private property used for personal purposes and temporarily imported into the territory of the FRG on legal grounds are not taken into account," the embassy said.

The period for which a car with Russian license plates is imported and the customs procedure used for this purpose (e.g. release into free circulation or temporary importation) are irrelevant, the European Commission emphasizes.

Risk for phones, laptops, cosmetics. In response to the question, "Can Russian citizens temporarily bring personal effects and vehicles listed in Annex XXI to Article 3i with them to the EU, for example for tourist purposes?" - The European Commission answered: "No".
In addition to these items, Annex XXI lists, among others, leather and fur products, semi-precious and precious stones, toilet paper, shampoos, toothpastes, trailers and semi-trailers for the transportation of goods, yachts, and cameras.
So, according to the European Commission, tourists from the Russian Federation should be dressed in rags to enter, so as not to interfere with the propaganda telling how well the sanctions are working?
I wonder when еuropean customs will start pulling out the gold teeth? It looks like the europeans are very eager to repeat their glorious past under the nazi banner and the russians will have to travel Europe in tanks again.....
EU bans Russians from importing personal cars, smartphones and shampoos
The European Union has banned Russians from entering the EU with personal smartphones and cars
Entering the EU countries with Russian-registered cars is prohibited, the European Commission has confirmed. Personal belongings of Russians crossing the border such as smartphones, jewelry and laptops are also at risk
The European Commission has confirmed the interpretation of the sanctions legislation against Russia, according to which entry into the EU countries by passenger cars registered in Russia is regarded as prohibited imports.

On September 4, the Russian embassy in Germany reported continued isolated cases of German customs officials seizing from Russians cars registered in Russia and temporarily imported for personal use or transit. "Arguments that in this case we are not talking about the importation of goods intended for sale, but about private property used for personal purposes and temporarily imported into the territory of the FRG on legal grounds are not taken into account," the embassy said.

The period for which a car with Russian license plates is imported and the customs procedure used for this purpose (e.g. release into free circulation or temporary importation) are irrelevant, the European Commission emphasizes.

Risk for phones, laptops, cosmetics. In response to the question, "Can Russian citizens temporarily bring personal effects and vehicles listed in Annex XXI to Article 3i with them to the EU, for example for tourist purposes?" - The European Commission answered: "No".
In addition to these items, Annex XXI lists, among others, leather and fur products, semi-precious and precious stones, toilet paper, shampoos, toothpastes, trailers and semi-trailers for the transportation of goods, yachts, and cameras.
So, according to the European Commission, tourists from the Russian Federation should be dressed in rags to enter, so as not to interfere with the propaganda telling how well the sanctions are working?
I wonder when еuropean customs will start pulling out the gold teeth? It looks like the europeans are very eager to repeat their glorious past under the nazi banner and the russians will have to travel Europe in tanks again.....
The Russians are being punished for their invasion of Ukraine.

When Russia loses this war the Russian Federation will collapse like the Soviet Union did, so it will not matter what the Russians want. Divided Russia will be sliced and diced by foreign investors in search of Russia's natural resources.
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Narodnyi Tyl was not a political party. It was an association of volunteers who helped the Ukrainian army.
Julius Streicher was also just a newspaper publisher (Der Stürmer) and yet he was hanged in Nuremberg
When Russia loses this war the Russian Federation will collapse like the Soviet Union did, so it will not matter what the Russians want. Divided Russia will be sliced and diced by foreign investors in search of Russia's natural resources.
Wake up dreamer, you've shit the bed.
Show me how I am mistaken.
You are mistaken about everything,but i don'tthink its mistakes it's deliberate,the Soviets lost about 26 million dead fighting fascism and Putin lost a older Brother two Uncles and a Grandmother to the Nazis, his own father was badly wounded fighting at the front, and you have the bass balls to call them fascist, look at History and you will find the Ukrainians you support really were fascists, collaborating with the Nazis, forming the Galizien SS division which they still celebrate today, the real Ukraiians fought in the Red army three hundred thousand of them fought in Partizan groups, but they are not the ones celebrated today they are demonized.

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