Russia will want revenge after losing the war, this may happen in 10 years – Ukraine's Defence Intellige


The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on September 6

At last everybody accepts that Kyiv is doomed .Zelensky shoud be executed as a War Criminal .​


Blinken: More than $1 billion in new US aid to Ukraine

US is ready to fund war to the last Ukrainian

"U.S. Keeping Ukraine in a State of War"- Kremlin

Putin; Ukraine offensive is not stalled, it is a failure

“The conflict in Ukraine will end with the unconditional surrender of Kyiv!”

Morad El Khattab - geopolitical analyst, chairman of the Alliance for France party, ex-presidential candidate of France (2022), believes that the Zelensky regime is doomed to failure and Europe is suffering enormous losses due to the support of Ukraine in the war against Russia.

“It is very important to know the position of authoritative people who say that the US military leadership every month believes less and less in the possibility of a military victory for Ukraine.
Yes, I've seen the speeches and the interviews.
He does believe Ukranian and Russian people are the same people, something which is hard to deny from the historical, ethnic, and to some degree linguistic perspective ( they are probably as far apart as English from German).
However, he has never stated openly he wants to restore the USSR.

Arguably the Ukranian and Russian people are more similar than US citizens and the people from Philipines (and a lot closer geographically ), hence my analogy with Teddy Roosevelt.
There are about five million Ukrainians living and working in Russia, and there will be more because the Kiev Regime wants all those men back from Western Countries for more cannon fodder, so if they are forced out of the West they will head for Russia and Belarus, NOT Ukraine.
I am not saying Ukraine doesn't have a national identity. I just stated that ethnically and historically they had been part of the same nation ( as in the Kievan Rus).
I am also stating is the fact that the US has behaved in a similar fashion in the past.
Is that enough to compare US presidents to Hitler?

The fact that both the US and European nations have had similar behavior in the past (the invasion of Iraq is the most recent example, but the invasion of Mexico and the Philipines are also good examples), strikes the rest of the world as odd.
Why one invasion is acceptable and the other comparable to Nazi Germany?
As we say in the United States, "Two wrongs do not make a right."

The Ukrainians were not responsible for what we did in Mexico, the Philippines,, and Iraq. They do not deserve to be conquered as a result.

The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on September 6

At last everybody accepts that Kyiv is doomed .Zelensky shoud be executed as a War Criminal .​


Blinken: More than $1 billion in new US aid to Ukraine

US is ready to fund war to the last Ukrainian

"U.S. Keeping Ukraine in a State of War"- Kremlin

Putin; Ukraine offensive is not stalled, it is a failure

“The conflict in Ukraine will end with the unconditional surrender of Kyiv!”

Morad El Khattab - geopolitical analyst, chairman of the Alliance for France party, ex-presidential candidate of France (2022), believes that the Zelensky regime is doomed to failure and Europe is suffering enormous losses due to the support of Ukraine in the war against Russia.

“It is very important to know the position of authoritative people who say that the US military leadership every month believes less and less in the possibility of a military victory for Ukraine.
Ukraine is spending a million dollars a day on the war, let that number sink in, it's all tax payers money from the US Britain and other vassal States, how is that for madness?
The main difference is Russia is a modern democracy with elected politicians, and Russia is not on a Global rampage, the US Regime is more like the third Reich.
There is no freedom of speech and the press in Russia. Thee are no contested elections.
As we say in the United States, "Two wrongs do not make a right."

The Ukrainians were not responsible for what we did in Mexico, the Philippines,, and Iraq. They do not deserve to be conquered as a result.
What i want to know is when are you returning the US Colonies of Puerto Rico and Hawaii to there owners?

“It is very important to know the position of authoritative people who say that the US military leadership every month believes less and less in the possibility of a military victory for Ukraine.
Ukraine deserves to win this war. If Russia wins it is important that Russia's victory be extremely costly to Russia. If Russia wins Russia will win nothing but a bombed out country full of people who hate Russia.

As long as the Ukrainians are willing to fight for their freedom we will be willing to give them the weapons they need to fight. Meanwhile, NATO has become larger and stronger than before the invasion.
There is no freedom of speech and the press in Russia. Thee are no contested elections.
Of course there are you ignorant Moron, do you know who are the largest opposition in the Russian Parliament ? it's the Communist Party, and there are more newspapers and magazines in Russia than here in the UK, where do you get all this shit from? It's Ukraine where they have no freedom, Zelenskey has called off the elections, all opposition is banned and there is no alternative media, all the media has been taken under the Regime control, and a Ukrainian SBU official admitted a few days ago they have been operating death squads since 2015 killing anyone who doesn't get with the program. School of the Americas anyone?
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What i want to know is when are you returning the US Colonies of Puerto Rico and Hawaii to there owners?
On several occasions Puerto Rico has voted to remain a colony of the United States. Many Puerto Ricans want Puerto Rico to become a state of the United States.
Of course there are you ignorant Moron, do you know who are the largest opposition in the Russian Parliament ? it's the Communist Party, and there are more newspapers and magazines in Russia than here in the UK, where do you get all this shit from?
I get it from the American media, which is far freer and more diverse than the Russian media.
Ukraine deserves to win this war. If Russia wins it is important that Russia's victory be extremely costly to Russia. If Russia wins Russia will win nothing but a bombed out country full of people who hate Russia.

As long as the Ukrainians are willing to fight for their freedom we will be willing to give them the weapons they need to fight. Meanwhile, NATO has become larger and stronger than before the invasion.
Nato is on borrowed time, Ukraine will be the end of that criminal gang.
Nato is on borrowed time, Ukraine will be the end of that criminal gang.
You wish. NATO outlived the Soviet Union. It will outlive the Russian Federation.

The criminals are in Russia.

In a previous comment you claimed that the Russian press is freer than the American press. During our War in Vietnam - which I protested at the time - it was legal in the United States to condemn America's involvement in that war. It was legal to demonstrate against that war.

Is it legal in Russia for a news organ to condemn Russia's invasion of Ukraine? Is it legal to hold a demonstration against the Russian invasion?
I am not saying Ukraine doesn't have a national identity. I just stated that ethnically and historically they had been part of the same nation ( as in the Kievan Rus).
I am also stating is the fact that the US has behaved in a similar fashion in the past.
Is that enough to compare US presidents to Hitler?

The fact that both the US and European nations have had similar behavior in the past (the invasion of Iraq is the most recent example, but the invasion of Mexico and the Philipines are also good examples), strikes the rest of the world as odd.
Why one invasion is acceptable and the other comparable to Nazi Germany?
It's not puzzling, you're just an asshole.
There are about five million Ukrainians living and working in Russia, and there will be more because the Kiev Regime wants all those men back from Western Countries for more cannon fodder, so if they are forced out of the West they will head for Russia and Belarus, NOT Ukraine.

Yes, I've just heard Ukraine is asking the refugees who fled to Europe to be deported back into Ukraine.
And yet, if we are to believe the pro-western news broadcasters, Russia is losing the war.
In even conditions, Ukraine will run out of manpower long before Russia does.

From the beginning, I see this as a conflict between major powers: Nato asserting its right to expand and Russia stating its right to a security buffer.
Yes, I've just heard Ukraine is asking the refugees who fled to Europe to be deported back into Ukraine.
And yet, if we are to believe the pro-western news broadcasters, Russia is losing the war.
In even conditions, Ukraine will run out of manpower long before Russia does.

From the beginning, I see this as a conflict between major powers: Nato asserting its right to expand and Russia stating its right to a security buffer.
NATO has already expanded as a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Russia needs no security buffer in the West because no one, with the possible exception of China, wants to invade Russia.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine demonstrates that Eastern European countries need a security buffer against Russian expansionism. That is why NATO countries are more united, and why they are building up their military forces.
NATO has already expanded as a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Russia needs no security buffer in the West because no one, with the possible exception of China, wants to invade Russia.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine demonstrates that Eastern European countries need a security buffer against Russian expansionism. That is why NATO countries are more united, and why they are building up their military forces.
I must have a word with your ward orderlies about increasing your meds on Ward 9.
You wish. NATO outlived the Soviet Union. It will outlive the Russian Federation.

The criminals are in Russia.

In a previous comment you claimed that the Russian press is freer than the American press. During our War in Vietnam - which I protested at the time - it was legal in the United States to condemn America's involvement in that war. It was legal to demonstrate against that war.

Is it legal in Russia for a news organ to condemn Russia's invasion of Ukraine? Is it legal to hold a demonstration against the Russian invasion?
Well it got some protesters killed at Kent sate when the National Guard shot them, some protesters also had their brains beaten out at the Chicago Democrat convention, and there were many other acts of State violence. you say you were against the Vietnam war, i doubt that you are a full on supporter of the US Reich.
As we say in the United States, "Two wrongs do not make a right."

The Ukrainians were not responsible for what we did in Mexico, the Philippines,, and Iraq. They do not deserve to be conquered as a result.
The Ukrainians (more precisely - Kievan regime) are responsible for discrimination of ethnic Russians, Russian-speakers, Russian Orthodox Church laymen and for attempt of joining anti-Russian alliance. The Russians have the right of self-defense.
Cuba allowed the Russians to deploy their missiles - and we were ready to nuke Cubans to prevent surprise counter-force nuclear attack against US nuclear forces.
Ukraine allowed American strategic bombers enter their airspace and play a nuclear attack against Russia, and, therefore, the Russians do not have plenty of options, too.
The Ukrainians (more precisely - Kievan regime) are responsible for discrimination of ethnic Russians, Russian-speakers, Russian Orthodox Church laymen and for attempt of joining anti-Russian alliance. The Russians have the right of self-defense.
Cuba allowed the Russians to deploy their missiles - and we were ready to nuke Cubans to prevent surprise counter-force nuclear attack against US nuclear forces.
Ukraine allowed American strategic bombers enter their airspace and play a nuclear attack against Russia, and, therefore, the Russians do not have plenty of options, too.
Hitler made a similar assertion before invading Poland. He said that the Poles were persecuting Germans living in Poland. We know that he was lying.

If there is any truth to what you are saying, any suffering of ethnic Russians in Ukraine is far less then the suffering caused by the Russian invasion.

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