Russia will want revenge after losing the war, this may happen in 10 years – Ukraine's Defence Intellige

You wish. NATO outlived the Soviet Union. It will outlive the Russian Federation.

The criminals are in Russia.

In a previous comment you claimed that the Russian press is freer than the American press. During our War in Vietnam - which I protested at the time - it was legal in the United States to condemn America's involvement in that war. It was legal to demonstrate against that war.

Is it legal in Russia for a news organ to condemn Russia's invasion of Ukraine? Is it legal to hold a demonstration against the Russian invasion?
They need a permission to hold any demonstraion - both prowar, and antiwar. Actually, the pro-invasion demonstaration would be banned too - at least because they do not see this conflict as "invasion". From their point of view they just defend Russian people from western invaders and their Ukrainian collaborants.
One of the most important differences between Vietnam and Ukraine is that most of Americans couldn't differeciate northern and southern Vietnamese (bad guys and good guys) and didn't understand the reasons of this war. And any Russian can hear the difference between Russian speech and Western Ukrainian speech, what is even more important - they clearly understand the reasons for elimination of the Kievan regime. Nobody want to be discriminated, abused and, eventually - genocided.
Hitler made a similar assertion before invading Poland. He said that the Poles were persecuting Germans living in Poland. We know that he was lying.
Actually, he was not lying. The German were discriminated in Poland. The question is that post WWI peace was unsatisfying for all sides.

If there is any truth to what you are saying, any suffering of ethnic Russians in Ukraine is far less then the suffering caused by the Russian invasion.
It depends. Many of them believe that it is better to fight for their freedom, human rights and survival than be discriminated, abused and, eventually - genocided.
Actually, he was not lying. The German were discriminated in Poland. The question is that post WWI peace was unsatisfying for all sides.
Los Angeles Times, AUG. 30, 1989

On the night of Aug. 31, there was a bizarre, staged border incident, with German prisoners from the Oranienburg concentration camp dressed in Polish uniforms massacred in a faked attack on a German radio station--meant to provide Hitler’s excuse for invasion.

At 4:45 a.m., the German armies struck at a score of points all along the Polish border. The German battleship Schleswig-Holstein, on a “courtesy visit” to the free port of Danzig, began shelling the Polish garrison at Westerplatte. Storm troopers attacked the Danzig Post Office at Hevelius Platz, where the 51 postal workers barricaded themselves inside until the Germans blasted the building open. When the Poles retreated to the basement, the Germans soaked the building with gasoline and set it afire.
It depends. Many of them believe that it is better to fight for their freedom, human rights and survival than be discriminated, abused and, eventually - genocided.
You think you are describing Russians. You are describing Ukrainian victims of Russian aggression. As long as Ukrainians are willing to fight for their freedom we will give them the weapons they need.
You think you are describing Russians. You are describing Ukrainian victims of Russian aggression. As long as Ukrainians are willing to fight for their freedom we will give them the weapons they need.
have you not followed what happened in Donbas after the coup in 2014 and nine years of shelling on those people? just yesterday two were killed and ten injured after a cluster bomb attack on Donetsk, you told me you get your info from US media thats the reason, the bastards don't report it, anyone who does is branded a Russian bot.
NATO has already expanded as a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
It expanded into Ukraine long before the war started. The military aid to Ukraine increased sharply in 2016 and 2019. I am sure the Russians were well aware of the fact and had no intention to watch idly while Ukraine military capacity increased steadily with the help of foreign aid.
Of course, those numbers pale when compared with the military aid received after the invasion.

Russia needs no security buffer in the West because no one, with the possible exception of China, wants to invade Russia.
Whether they need a security buffer or not is not a unilateral decision when dealing with a nuclear power. The US was willing to go into a nuclear war when ICBMS were being installed in Cuba. I am sure Cuba was not in the business of "invading" the US, yet those missiles represented the possibility to destroy major cities in the U.S. The sole threat was unacceptable, even when launching any missile meant the obliteration of Cuba.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine demonstrates that Eastern European countries need a security buffer against Russian expansionism. That is why NATO countries are more united, and why they are building up their military forces.
A neutral Ukraine would have served both purposes.
I fail to see such unity. That unity is conditioned to Ukraine yielding results this year.
As far as I know help will start to dwindle in 2024. This means the Ukrainian army will practically be doomed by 2025.

It expanded into Ukraine long before the war started. The military aid to Ukraine increased sharply in 2016 and 2019. I am sure the Russians were well aware of the fact and had no intention to watch idly while Ukraine military capacity increased steadily with the help of foreign aid.
Of course, those numbers pale when compared with the military aid received after the invasion.

Whether they need a security buffer or not is not a unilateral decision when dealing with a nuclear power. The US was willing to go into a nuclear war when ICBMS were being installed in Cuba. I am sure Cuba was not in the business of "invading" the US, yet those missiles represented the possibility to destroy major cities in the U.S. The sole threat was unacceptable, even when launching any missile meant the obliteration of Cuba.

A neutral Ukraine would have served both purposes.
I fail to see such unity. That unity is conditioned to Ukraine yielding results this year.
As far as I know help will start to dwindle in 2024. This means the Ukrainian army will practically be doomed by 2025.

Ukraine are spending a million $$ a day, Ukraine doesn't have any money so the stupid dumb Western tax payer is footing the bill, how much loco joe gets in kickbacks is anyone's guess
Ukraine are spending a million $$ a day, Ukraine doesn't have any money so the stupid dumb Western tax payer is footing the bill, how much loco joe gets in kickbacks is anyone's guess
The total gross domestic product (GDP) of Russia is about the same as the GDP of California, Texas, or New York State. With the wealth of the other NATO countries, we can spend Russia into the middle ages.
The total gross domestic product (GDP) of Russia is about the same as the GDP of California, Texas, or New York State. With the wealth of the other NATO countries, we can spend Russia into the middle ages.
Well that shows how retarded you are spending that money on fueling a war instead of on your own people and crumbling infrastructure, there is no cure for stupid.
Well that shows how retarded you are spending that money on fueling a war instead of on your own people and crumbling infrastructure, there is no cure for stupid.
Tell me about the infrastructure in Russia. What about the average standard of living? Have you ever wondered why so many people move from Russia, and why so many people move to the United States?
Whether they need a security buffer or not is not a unilateral decision when dealing with a nuclear power. The US was willing to go into a nuclear war when ICBMS were being installed in Cuba. I am sure Cuba was not in the business of "invading" the US, yet those missiles represented the possibility to destroy major cities in the U.S. The sole threat was unacceptable, even when launching any missile meant the obliteration of Cuba
And as well as the US had to accept the Communist regime in Cuba, the Moscow regime will have to accept a 'nationalist' government in Ukraine.

The reason is simple and similar in the both cases - anti-American stance and pro-communinst views of most of Cuba's common population in that time, and anti-Russian stance and pro-Western views of most of Ukraine's common population today.

A neutral Ukraine would have served both purposes.
I fail to see such unity. That unity is conditioned to Ukraine yielding results this year.
As far as I know help will start to dwindle in 2024. This means the Ukrainian army will practically be doomed by 2025
Will start to dwindle? Maybe. Ironically, I actually want it to dwindle to some extent. Will Ukraine be doomed by 2025 because of that? The time will show. It has already been 'doomed' by 2023 and 2024.
And as well as the US had to accept the Communist regime in Cuba, the Moscow regime will have to accept a 'nationalist' government in Ukraine.

The reason is simple and similar in the both cases - anti-American stance and pro-communinst views of most of Cuba's common population in that time, and anti-Russian stance and pro-Western views of most of Ukraine's common population today.
Cuba remains under an economic embargo. That's the extent of the acceptance.
Will start to dwindle? Maybe. Ironically, I actually want it to dwindle to some extent. Will Ukraine be doomed by 2025 because of that? The time will show. It has already been 'doomed' by 2023 and 2024.
From a purely territorial viewpoint, it looks like a stalemate.
Regarding the military strength of each country, I only know for a fact that most of Russia's air force remains intact, while the Ukranian air force is completely gone.
Regarding the land forces, the numbers have such large discrepancies between the numbers reported by each side (both sides report their kill ratios are 5 to 1 ) that I can't really tell who is actually winning.
Since all Ukrainian industry is a potential target for Russian missiles, Ukraine can only hold the line with sustained financial an military help from abroad.
Cuba remains under an economic embargo. That's the extent of the acceptance
Yes, and Russia can put similar embargo on Ukraine. Actually, it already tries to do that. So what?

From a purely territorial viewpoint, it looks like a stalemate.
Regarding the military strength of each country, I only know for a fact that most of Russia's air force remains intact, while the Ukranian air force is completely gone.
Regarding the land forces, the numbers have such large discrepancies between the numbers reported by each side (both sides report their kill ratios are 5 to 1 ) that I can't really tell who is actually winning.
Since all Ukrainian industry is a potential target for Russian missiles, Ukraine can only hold the line with sustained financial an military help from abroad
Yes, it seems like a stalemate. It is pointless to talk about 'winning' for either side. Neither of them can reach their stated goals. It seems so, at least.
Yes, and Russia can put similar embargo on Ukraine. Actually, it already tries to do that. So what?
Nope, not really , Russia has gone to great lengths to keep supplying Europe with gas and oil flowing through the pipelines that pass through Ukraine.

Yes, it seems like a stalemate. It is pointless to talk about 'winning' for either side. Neither of them can reach their stated goals. It seems so, at least.
Since Ukraine has no air support I expect Russia will continue waging war as a continuous process of attrition disrupting the lines of communication and supply. Eventually, the Ukrainian army will be unable to carry out any significant attack. That will probably mark the end of the war... unless new airplanes and anti-aerial weapons are provided to Ukraine. It's going to be a protracted conflict.
Nope, not really , Russia has gone to great lengths to keep supplying Europe with gas and oil flowing through the pipelines that pass through Ukraine
And how that contradicts to what I wrote? Russia still supplies natural gas to Europe. Not sure about oil, since European embargo was put in place in December 2022.

If blockade and attacks on Ukrainian Black Sea and Danube ports is not attempts on imposing embargo, then tell me what it is.

Since Ukraine has no air support I expect Russia will continue waging war as a continuous process of attrition disrupting the lines of communication and supply. Eventually, the Ukrainian army will be unable to carry out any significant attack. That will probably mark the end of the war... unless new airplanes and anti-aerial weapons are provided to Ukraine. It's going to be a protracted conflict
Yes, it is. And Ukraine should adapt to this reality. Any significant attack is pointless at this stage and is only a waste of people and recourses, as summer counter-offensive already showed.

Ukraine needs to switch to a 'strategical defence' tactic. Though, not too much depends on Ukraine itself here.
American imperialism is more sophisticated than Russian imperialism. Russia invades countries and tries to occupy them.

We exploit the natural resources of countries with the support of client dictators.

This is a system that will work well in Russia when the Russian Federation collapses following Russia's defeat in the War in Ukraine. Russia will be divided into warring provinces. Many will cultivate good relations with the United States to get weapons to defeat rival provinces.

Like other underdeveloped countries Russia has nothing to offer the world market but agricultural products and natural resources. No one wants to buy anything manufactured in Russia. Even AK-47 rifles are built in other countries.
Tell me about the infrastructure in Russia. What about the average standard of living? Have you ever wondered why so many people move from Russia, and why so many people move to the United States?
I am talking about the infrastructure in the US while you piss billions of dollars up the wall just to poke Russia.

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