Russia will want revenge after losing the war, this may happen in 10 years – Ukraine's Defence Intellige

Actually, no. There was a mutual defence pact between the USSR, France and Czechoslovakia, and Chamberlain did everything to destroy it.
And after Hitler took all of Czechoslovakia, the negotiations for a mutual defense pact between Russia, Britian, and France began and failed because Stalin demanded that the Red Army be allowed to cross Poland and Romania, and then as now, neither Poland nor Romania believed Stalin would ever leave once he got into their countries, and of course they were right, so Stalin signed a pact with Hitler that would allow him to colonize parts of eastern Europe. In 1939, the people of eastern Europe believed Russia was a greater evil than Germany, but as it turned out, they were the same.
Nukes are all Russia has. The Ukrainians have turned the Russian Army into an international laughing stock. No one wants to buy anything made in Russia. Russia exports natural resources and agricultural products like third world countries. The entire gross domestic product (GDP) of Russia is about the same as that of California, Texas, and New York.
You see, having nukes is pretty good enough. When a guy with a gun fights a guy with cash - the result is usually quite predictable.
Anyway, Russia (and even the whole BRICS) is only a part of the problem. The real problem is weakness of America.
No matter how many times you repeat this argument, it is still just as stupid. America's neighbors have not sought to join together for defense against the US because they have no fear of being taken over by the US
Really? What about Cuba, Venezuela, Nikaragua?

and Russia's neighbors have sought to join NATO because the do fear being taken over by Russia. Russia created NATO by seeking to colonize eastern Europe at the end of WWII, and when Gorbachev freed the former soviet states, they pressed to join NATO because they understood Russia would try to colonize them again if they stood alone.
And the South-Eastern regions of former Ukraine (as well as many other countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America) are pressed to join Russia, because they know that EU and NATO would try to colonize them.
That's pretty much the only difference.
The difference between the EU and 3rd Reich are even more elusive.
And after Hitler took all of Czechoslovakia, the negotiations for a mutual defense pact between Russia, Britian, and France began and failed because Stalin demanded that the Red Army be allowed to cross Poland and Romania, and then as now, neither Poland nor Romania believed Stalin would ever leave once he got into their countries, and of course they were right, so Stalin signed a pact with Hitler that would allow him to colonize parts of eastern Europe. In 1939, the people of eastern Europe believed Russia was a greater evil than Germany, but as it turned out, they were the same.
No. Not just "Hitler took Czechoslovakia". Chamberlain feed it to him. It was deliberate policy of the Great Britain to feed Germany with their allies. They allowed Nazies to conquer the whole Europe, because they didn't want to build a system of undivided security.
The difference between the EU and 3rd Reich are even more elusive.
The main difference is Russia is a modern democracy with elected politicians, and Russia is not on a Global rampage, the US Regime is more like the third Reich.
Nukes are all Russia has. The Ukrainians have turned the Russian Army into an international laughing stock. No one wants to buy anything made in Russia. Russia exports natural resources and agricultural products like third world countries. The entire gross domestic product (GDP) of Russia is about the same as that of California, Texas, and New York.
So why are you in a state of hysteria about Russia?
And other than that there is no difference between Hitler's Germany and Putin's Russia.
Hitler wanted to conquer all Europe, and had huge concentration camps where millions were imprisoned and killed.
I have not seen such behavior from Putin.

On the basis of annexing a territory alone, it would be possible to call Theodore Roosevelt's exploits Napoleonic ambitions.
Hitler wanted to conquer all Europe, and had huge concentration camps where millions were imprisoned and killed.
I have not seen such behavior from Putin.

On the basis of annexing a territory alone, it would be possible to call Theodore Roosevelt's exploits Napoleonic ambitions.
Putin is altering the school curriculum to teach school children to fire rifles and throw grenades and to be indoctrinated with a soldier's attitude, and at least 1.6 million Ukrainians were force marched into concentration camps in Russia, called filtration camps. While Putin has not himself committed genocide against the Ukrainians, Russia had in 1933, when Stalin starved 3.9 million Ukrainians to death in the Holodomor.

If you have followed Putin's speeches, you know he rejects the dissolution of the USSR and has set his goal at taking control of at least all the former soviet states.

So there is little to no difference between Hitler's Germany and Putin's Russia.
Putin is altering the school curriculum to teach school children to fire rifles and throw grenades and to be indoctrinated with a soldier's attitude, and at least 1.6 million Ukrainians were force marched into concentration camps in Russia, called filtration camps. While Putin has not himself committed genocide against the Ukrainians, Russia had in 1933, when Stalin starved 3.9 million Ukrainians to death in the Holodomor.

If you have followed Putin's speeches, you know he rejects the dissolution of the USSR and has set his goal at taking control of at least all the former soviet states.

So there is little to no difference between Hitler's Germany and Putin's Russia.
Yes, I've seen the speeches and the interviews.
He does believe Ukranian and Russian people are the same people, something which is hard to deny from the historical, ethnic, and to some degree linguistic perspective ( they are probably as far apart as English from German).
However, he has never stated openly he wants to restore the USSR.

Arguably the Ukranian and Russian people are more similar than US citizens and the people from Philipines (and a lot closer geographically ), hence my analogy with Teddy Roosevelt.
Yes, I've seen the speeches and the interviews.
He does believe Ukranian and Russian people are the same people, something which is hard to deny from the historical, ethnic, and to some degree linguistic perspective ( they are probably as far apart as English from German).
However, he has never stated openly he wants to restore the USSR.

Arguably the Ukranian and Russian people are more similar than US citizens and the people from Philipines (and a lot closer geographically ), hence my analogy with Teddy Roosevelt.
There you go repeating Hitler's excuse for invading Czechoslovakia which Putin adopted to try to justify his invasion of Ukraine to try to argue Putin and Hitler are not the same.

He has stated openly that he intends to take back the lands Russsia lost with the collapse of the USSR.

Russian President Vladimir Putin paid tribute on Thursday to Tsar Peter the Great on the 350th anniversary of his birth, drawing a parallel between what he portrayed as their twin historic quests to win back Russian lands.

"Peter the Great waged the Great Northern War for 21 years. It would seem that he was at war with Sweden, he took something from them. He did not take anything from them, he returned (what was Russia's)," Putin said after a visiting an exhibition dedicated to the tsar.

In televised comments on day 106 of his war in Ukraine, he compared Peter's campaign with the task facing Russia today.

"Apparently, it also fell to us to return (what is Russia's) and strengthen (the country). And if we proceed from the fact that these basic values form the basis of our existence, we will certainly succeed in solving the tasks that we face."

In response, a senior advisor to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy dismissed what he called any attempt to legalise the theft of land.

"The West must draw a clear red line so the Kremlin understands the price of each next bloody step ... we will brutally liberate our territories," Mykhailo Podolyak said in an online post.

Putin has repeatedly sought to justify Russia's actions in Ukraine, where his forces have devastated cities, killed thousands and put millions of people to flight, by propounding a view of history that asserts Ukraine has no real national identity or tradition of statehood.

In this statement Putin says plainly that he intends to recapture the former soviet states.
There you go repeating Hitler's excuse for invading Czechoslovakia which Putin adopted to try to justify his invasion of Ukraine to try to argue Putin and Hitler are not the same.

He has stated openly that he intends to take back the lands Russsia lost with the collapse of the USSR.

Russian President Vladimir Putin paid tribute on Thursday to Tsar Peter the Great on the 350th anniversary of his birth, drawing a parallel between what he portrayed as their twin historic quests to win back Russian lands.

"Peter the Great waged the Great Northern War for 21 years. It would seem that he was at war with Sweden, he took something from them. He did not take anything from them, he returned (what was Russia's)," Putin said after a visiting an exhibition dedicated to the tsar.

In televised comments on day 106 of his war in Ukraine, he compared Peter's campaign with the task facing Russia today.

"Apparently, it also fell to us to return (what is Russia's) and strengthen (the country). And if we proceed from the fact that these basic values form the basis of our existence, we will certainly succeed in solving the tasks that we face."

In response, a senior advisor to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy dismissed what he called any attempt to legalise the theft of land.

"The West must draw a clear red line so the Kremlin understands the price of each next bloody step ... we will brutally liberate our territories," Mykhailo Podolyak said in an online post.

Putin has repeatedly sought to justify Russia's actions in Ukraine, where his forces have devastated cities, killed thousands and put millions of people to flight, by propounding a view of history that asserts Ukraine has no real national identity or tradition of statehood.

In this statement Putin says plainly that he intends to recapture the former soviet states.
I am not saying Ukraine doesn't have a national identity. I just stated that ethnically and historically they had been part of the same nation ( as in the Kievan Rus).
I am also stating is the fact that the US has behaved in a similar fashion in the past.
Is that enough to compare US presidents to Hitler?

The fact that both the US and European nations have had similar behavior in the past (the invasion of Iraq is the most recent example, but the invasion of Mexico and the Philipines are also good examples), strikes the rest of the world as odd.
Why one invasion is acceptable and the other comparable to Nazi Germany?

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