Russia will want revenge after losing the war, this may happen in 10 years – Ukraine's Defence Intellige

EU bans Russians from importing personal cars, smartphones and shampoos
The European Union has banned Russians from entering the EU with personal smartphones and cars
Entering the EU countries with Russian-registered cars is prohibited, the European Commission has confirmed. Personal belongings of Russians crossing the border such as smartphones, jewelry and laptops are also at risk
The European Commission has confirmed the interpretation of the sanctions legislation against Russia, according to which entry into the EU countries by passenger cars registered in Russia is regarded as prohibited imports.

On September 4, the Russian embassy in Germany reported continued isolated cases of German customs officials seizing from Russians cars registered in Russia and temporarily imported for personal use or transit. "Arguments that in this case we are not talking about the importation of goods intended for sale, but about private property used for personal purposes and temporarily imported into the territory of the FRG on legal grounds are not taken into account," the embassy said.

The period for which a car with Russian license plates is imported and the customs procedure used for this purpose (e.g. release into free circulation or temporary importation) are irrelevant, the European Commission emphasizes.

Risk for phones, laptops, cosmetics. In response to the question, "Can Russian citizens temporarily bring personal effects and vehicles listed in Annex XXI to Article 3i with them to the EU, for example for tourist purposes?" - The European Commission answered: "No".
In addition to these items, Annex XXI lists, among others, leather and fur products, semi-precious and precious stones, toilet paper, shampoos, toothpastes, trailers and semi-trailers for the transportation of goods, yachts, and cameras.
So, according to the European Commission, tourists from the Russian Federation should be dressed in rags to enter, so as not to interfere with the propaganda telling how well the sanctions are working?
I wonder when еuropean customs will start pulling out the gold teeth? It looks like the europeans are very eager to repeat their glorious past under the nazi banner and the russians will have to travel Europe in tanks again.....
Many of those European Countries collaborated with the Nazis, now they collaborate with the US Reich for a rematch, the yapping Baltic Staes are the worst totally deranged, small Belgium was occupied many brave resistance fighters but a large group of collaborators, the worst was Leon Dagrelle a real fanatic and SS volunteer, Hitler said of Dagrelle if i had a son i would wish him to be like you, the ones that surprise me are the Poles, they lost six million dead to the Nazis but all their venom is towards Russia, maybe the Soviets should have left the SS and Gestapo in charge of Warsaw, and when the Poles had commemorations for the liberation of Auschwitz many Countries were invited but mot Russia the ones who actually liberated the camp, how depraved and sick can they get?
You are mistaken about everything,but i don'tthink its mistakes it's deliberate,the Soviets lost about 26 million dead fighting fascism and Putin lost a older Brother two Uncles and a Grandmother to the Nazis, his own father was badly wounded fighting at the front, and you have the bass balls to call them fascist, look at History and you will find the Ukrainians you support really were fascists, collaborating with the Nazis, forming the Galizien SS division which they still celebrate today, the real Ukraiians fought in the Red army three hundred thousand of them fought in Partizan groups, but they are not the ones celebrated today they are demonized.

TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — Vladimir Putin on Friday again painted his enemies in Ukraine as “neo-Nazis,” even though the country has a Jewish president who lost relatives in the Holocaust and who heads a Western-backed, democratically elected government...

“In terms of all of the sort of constituent parts of Nazism, none of that is in play in Ukraine. Territorial ambitions. State-sponsored terrorism. Rampant antisemitism. Bigotry. A dictatorship. None of those are in play. So this is just total fiction,” said Jonathan Dekel-Chen, a history professor at Jerusalem’s Hebrew University.

What’s more, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is Jewish and has said that three of his grandfather’s brothers were killed by German occupiers while his grandfather survived the war.

Many of those European Countries collaborated with the Nazis, now they collaborate with the US Reich for a rematch,
The following passages come from Mein Kampf,, by Adolf Hitler.

Volume I, Chapter IV, "Munich" "If one wanted land and soil in Europe, then by and large this could only have been achieved at Russia's Expense."

Volume II, Chapter XIV, "Eastern Orientation or Eastern Policy" "But if we talk about new land and soil and territory in Europe today we can think only of Russia and its border vassal states."

The United States could have easily avoided World War II. Russia could not have. Without our support Russia would have been conquered by Germany.
You are mistaken about everything,but i don'tthink its mistakes it's deliberate,the Soviets lost about 26 million dead fighting fascism and Putin lost a older Brother two Uncles and a Grandmother to the Nazis, his own father was badly wounded fighting at the front, and you have the bass balls to call them fascist, look at History and you will find the Ukrainians you support really were fascists, collaborating with the Nazis, forming the Galizien SS division which they still celebrate today, the real Ukraiians fought in the Red army three hundred thousand of them fought in Partizan groups, but they are not the ones celebrated today they are demonized.
fas·cism ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm
also ˈfa-ˌsi-

Synonyms of fascism
often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

Clearly Russia is a fascist state.
You think you are describing Russians. You are describing Ukrainian victims of Russian aggression. As long as Ukrainians are willing to fight for their freedom we will give them the weapons they need.
Most of them don't want to fight (neither for discrimination of Russians nor for defense of their own homes). Most of them (especially their leaders) just want to earn money. Open borders and most of the ordinary Ukrainians will leave Ukraine.
What is even more important - those investments are stupid and useless. Wasting money on Ukraine while we still do not have hypersonic weapons or reliable ABD or even reliable second strike capability - it's a direct way to a catastrophe.
fas·cism ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm
also ˈfa-ˌsi-

Synonyms of fascism
often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

Clearly Russia is a fascist state.
Clearly it isn't, politicians including the President are elected and they have a parliament and the rule of law,the US acts more like a fascist state, and Ukraine IS one.
The following passages come from Mein Kampf,, by Adolf Hitler.

Volume I, Chapter IV, "Munich" "If one wanted land and soil in Europe, then by and large this could only have been achieved at Russia's Expense."

Volume II, Chapter XIV, "Eastern Orientation or Eastern Policy" "But if we talk about new land and soil and territory in Europe today we can think only of Russia and its border vassal states."

The United States could have easily avoided World War II. Russia could not have. Without our support Russia would have been conquered by Germany.
We will never know if Russia would have been conquered, you probably have a copy of Mein Kampf on you shelf
TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — Vladimir Putin on Friday again painted his enemies in Ukraine as “neo-Nazis,” even though the country has a Jewish president who lost relatives in the Holocaust and who heads a Western-backed, democratically elected government...

“In terms of all of the sort of constituent parts of Nazism, none of that is in play in Ukraine. Territorial ambitions. State-sponsored terrorism. Rampant antisemitism. Bigotry. A dictatorship. None of those are in play. So this is just total fiction,” said Jonathan Dekel-Chen, a history professor at Jerusalem’s Hebrew University.

What’s more, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is Jewish and has said that three of his grandfather’s brothers were killed by German occupiers while his grandfather survived the war.

That is what makes Zelensky more depraved and sick, he is jewish, but there were jewish collaborators in the war,some jews served in Hitlers army many high ranking officers.
Clearly it isn't, politicians including the President are elected and they have a parliament and the rule of law,the US acts more like a fascist state, and Ukraine IS one.
Of course none of that is true, but that would be of no interest to you. Without free speech and a free press elections are a sham. Putin rules by decree and the Dume simply rubber stamps whatever he decrees.
That is what makes Zelensky more depraved and sick, he is jewish, but there were jewish collaborators in the war,some jews served in Hitlers army many high ranking officers.
Zelensky is the democratically elected leader of a country that does not want to be conquered by Russia.
Yanukovych was also democratically elected. Nevertheless, the bastards from the United States organized his overthrow. So your hypocritical opinion is worthless
On 24 February 2014, the new government issued a warrant for Yanukovych's arrest, accusing him of being responsible for the death of protestors.[21] Yanukovych went into exile in Russia, claiming to still be the legitimate head of state.[22] On 18 June 2015, Yanukovych was officially deprived of the title of president by parliament.[23] On 24 January 2019, he was sentenced in absentia to a thirteen year prison term for 'high treason' by a Ukrainian court.[24] In various polling conducted since his departure from office, Yanukovych was ranked the least popular of the six presidents in Ukraine's history.
Yanukovych was also democratically elected. Nevertheless, the bastards from the United States organized his overthrow. So your hypocritical opinion is worthless
Ringo, your avatar is a heroic portrayal of Stalin. That gives you away.
Most of them don't want to fight (neither for discrimination of Russians nor for defense of their own homes). Most of them (especially their leaders) just want to earn money. Open borders and most of the ordinary Ukrainians will leave Ukraine.
What is even more important - those investments are stupid and useless. Wasting money on Ukraine while we still do not have hypersonic weapons or reliable ABD or even reliable second strike capability - it's a direct way to a catastrophe.
Ukrainians are fighting bravely against overwhelming odds. As long as they are willing to fight Russia we will continue to arm them.
That is what makes Zelensky more depraved and sick, he is jewish, but there were jewish collaborators in the war,some jews served in Hitlers army many high ranking officers.
World War II ended in 1945. Get over it.
We will never know if Russia would have been conquered, you probably have a copy of Mein Kampf on you shelf
Mein Kampf is one of many books I have read. In it he makes it clear that when he wrote it in 1925 he had no desire to fight the United States, and he wanted England as an ally. He did want to fight Russia. The Soviet Union lost 28 million dead. Without US support the number would have been much higher. Germany nearly captured Moscow in 1941.
Of course there are you ignorant Moron, do you know who are the largest opposition in the Russian Parliament ? it's the Communist Party, and there are more newspapers and magazines in Russia than here in the UK, where do you get all this shit from? It's Ukraine where they have no freedom, Zelenskey has called off the elections, all opposition is banned and there is no alternative media, all the media has been taken under the Regime control, and a Ukrainian SBU official admitted a few days ago they have been operating death squads since 2015 killing anyone who doesn't get with the program. School of the Americas anyone?
During our war in Vietnam there were large anti war demonstrations, beginning in 1965. There are no anti war demonstrations in Russia at all. That is because Russia is governed by a dictatorship.
Kyrylo Budanov, Chief of Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, believes that Russia will want revenge after losing the war against Ukraine and that this may happen in 10 years.

Source: Kyrylo Budanov, Chief of Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, in an interview with TSN

Quote: "Russia will need about 10 years to recover in terms of military capabilities. Exactly 10 years is a normal period for rethinking all this. And to start preparing for revenge again.

We will definitely have 10 years, and if we manage to influence the territories that will be created in other ways after the victory of Ukraine, let's say, maybe we will have much more, but we will have at least 10 years."


・Earlier, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Defence Minister Oleksii Reznikov emphasised that Russia will not cease to be Ukraine's neighbour after its defeat.

NATO's military committee also emphasised that Russia will remain a threat to the North Atlantic Alliance, even if its troops are defeated in Ukraine.

Imperialism has been a core value of Russian culture for centuries, so there is no reason to doubt Russia, if it survives, will try again to capture eastern Europe, but this time, perhaps the West will have learned its lesson and not be so trusting as it was after Gorbachev dismantled the USSR.
the parliament assembly of OSCE has just called "russia" a colonial empire in the official declaration.
They need a permission to hold any demonstraion - both prowar, and antiwar. Actually, the pro-invasion demonstaration would be banned too - at least because they do not see this conflict as "invasion". From their point of view they just defend Russian people from western invaders and their Ukrainian collaborants.
One of the most important differences between Vietnam and Ukraine is that most of Americans couldn't differeciate northern and southern Vietnamese (bad guys and good guys) and didn't understand the reasons of this war. And any Russian can hear the difference between Russian speech and Western Ukrainian speech, what is even more important - they clearly understand the reasons for elimination of the Kievan regime. Nobody want to be discriminated, abused and, eventually - genocided.
You are arguing that there are no anti war demonstrations in Russia because hardly anyone in Russia opposes the war. Don't expect me to believe that.
Deadstick, Ringo, luiza, and Silver Cat,

I can tell you are Russian bots because Americans do not think they way you do. There are plenty of Americans who think we should not be involved in the Ukraine War. Virtually none of them want Russia to win.

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