Russiagate: What We Know and What we Don't Know

When all around you are lying thieving scoundrels and you hired them all what are the chances you aren't one too??

Why not ask Barry?

US AG Holder:
1st Presidential Cabinet Member in US history to be Censured for Crimes
- Felony Perjury

Sec of State Clinton:
Illegal unauthorized unencrypted TS server
Illegal handling of classified
Illegal destruction of classified
THOUSANDS of Violations of FOIA
THOUSANDS of Violations of FRA
Rigged Primaries, cheated in debates
Took bribes from Russians

NSA Director Clapper
Felony Perjury - twice

CIA Director Brennan
Illegally spied on US citizens
Illegally spied on reporters
Illegally spied on the media
Illegally spied on US Senators
Illegally spied on USSC Justices

US AG Lynch
Obstruction, Conspiracy

Deputy US AG Rosenstein
Obstruction, Perjury, Conspiracy...

IRS Director Koskinen
Illegal targeting of US citizens

FBI Director Comey
Fired...Perjury, leaking, conspiracy...
Illegally spying on US citizens, defrauded FISA court

FBI Deputy Dir McCabe
Perjury, leaking, conspiracy, obstruction...
Recommended for indictment by US IG

FBI Agt Strzok
Fired...conspiracy, perjury, obstruction...

FBI Special Counsel Baker
Perjury, leaking

FBI Dir Mueller
Hid a Russian crimes
Knowingly withheld evidence & put innocent people in jail

Spcl Counsel Mueller

Of course none of them have been prosecuted because Barry owned the 'police', the DOJ, the judges, etc...

Evidence has been exposed, reported, documented, etc... On all of this...

Barry KNEW about the Russians in 2014 & let them continue for 2 years...
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Yes the press the fbi,cia,secret service all the fired generals are all russian spies looking to take down honest D Trump
Try putting the emotions back in your pants and look at all the existing evidence for a change....
When all around you are lying thieving scoundrels and you hired them all what are the chances you aren't one too??
Come on easy Take your head out of your butt and think ,,,,for once
Begging for relief will not make all the painful facts and evidence stop, snowflake.
Russia "helped her" by trashing her?
They were more than happy to give her more than $100 million, more than happy to give Bill $500k for a speech, more than happy to give her campaign manager thousands of shares of UN-reported stocks, and more than happy to sell her Russain-authored propaganda she and the Obama administration used illegally to illegally acquire warrants to spy on the GOP candidate & his team during an election and to appoint co-conspirator Mueller Special Counsel to investigate a non-crime.
EASY liar liar pants on fire
Though it was based in Canada, Uranium One has mines, mills and land in Wyoming, Utah and other U.S. states equal to about 20 percent of the U.S. uranium production capacity. It’s actual production, though, is actually a smaller portion of the uranium produced in the U.S., at 11 percent in 2014, according to

Under the terms of the deal, UrAsia shareholders kept a 60 percent stake in the new company until June 2010, when Russia’s nuclear agency, Rosatom, completed purchase of a 51 percent stake.

But the deal had to be approved by multiple U.S. agencies first, including the Committee on Foreign Investments in the United States, or CFIUS — on which the U.S. Secretary of State sits.

The committee approved the proposal, and in 2013, Russia assumed 100 percent ownership of the company and renamed it Uranium One Holding.

The deal, however, was not Clinton’s to approve alone. The CFIUS panel also includes the attorney general and the secretaries of the Treasury, Defense, Commerce, Energy and Homeland Security, as well as the heads of the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative and the Office of Science and Technology Policy.

The claim makes it seem like Clinton had the power of vetoing or approving the deal, which she did not.

Clinton has said that she was not personally involved and, in a New York Times article, then-Assistant Secretary of State Jose Fernandez, who represented the State Department on the panel, said Clinton "never intervened" in CFIUS matters.
Thank you for the emotional unsubstantiated fictional excuse / justification / news...

Uranium One is a fantasy concocted by a Clinton hating conspiracy theorist

Deal with reality
Hillary got paid more than a hundred million dollars for that fantasy.


You haven't even dealt with the fact that Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton in 2016 for the presidency yet.

You snowflakes keep parroting the Mantra that Russia is so evil, so bad, such our top enemy; yet, you still can't bring it upon yourself to admit that Hillary took over 100 million dollars from the Russians before the 2016 election.

It's a Russians have been and are still so evil and still our enemy, why do you continue to defend Hillary Clinton's actions of taking over 100 million dollars from the Russians before the 2016 election?

Why do you defend Bill Clinton for taking $500,000 for a speech from the Russian KGB bank before the election?

Why do you defend Hillary Clinton's campaign manager being given thousands of shares of unreported Russian stocks and for one-third of his board of directors being comprised of prominent Russians with the direct contacts and connections to the Kremlin and to Putin himself?

Why do you insist that it was a crime for Trump jr. To meet with a Russian lawyer, in a meeting that Barack Obama helped set up, and walked away with nothing yet insist that Hillary Clinton buying Russian authored propaganda through a trump hating foreign spy which was used illegally is okay?
Pretty lame distraction attempt. I suspect you should start a thread on that subject...or be reported
Hillary got paid more than a hundred million dollars for that fantasy.


You haven't even dealt with the fact that Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton in 2016 for the presidency yet.

Yes we have We deal with it every day as the worthless crook embarrasses America He lies right to your faces and you nitwit jack asses gobble it up
Yes we have We deal with it every day as the worthless crook embarrasses America He lies right to your faces and you nitwit jack asses gobble it up
Strongest Economy in Decades
Lowest Unemployment in Decades
Lowest Minority Unemployment Rate in Recorded History
Most Americans working at 1 time
Jobs Obama said would NEVER come back are back
Higher Wages
Pay Increases
Strong Stock Market
Better Trade Deals For Americans
The US NOT being taken advantage of anymore
- NATO Challenged and stepping up to pay their fair share for their defense
No new Wars Started Up
No Wars to help terrorists started
No Illegal War Crime Invasions of Sovereign Nations
Doing what Barry wouldn't do - Bring US troops home
No injecting the US into other govts' elections / business to help terrorists take over
No more running weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels, Al Qaeda, ISIS
No more allowing Putin to hack/spy con in the US, the way Barry did for 2 years
No more paying ransoms for US hostages
No more releasing terrorists leaders in the middle of a war
No more sacrificing US lives needlessly abroad due to incompetence / failed policy
No more allowing enemies to acquire nukes / missile technology
No more harboring Chinese Spies in offices for decades
Hopefully an end to partisan witch hunts that have only revealed DEM Crimes
No more admitted Constitutional Violations of imposing 'laws' due to Liberal Edicts

Meanwhile, Liberals can brag about their accomplishments:

A 2016 candidate who committed thousands of criminal counts, to include Perjury and Espionage, who rigged primaries, cheated in debates, stole money from fellow DNC politicians to use on her campaign, hired thugs to beat up Americans - Trump Supporters, could not win her own Party primary - had to have it stolen / given to her....before running the worst campaign in US history....LOSING, instead of winning in a 'landslide'.

Hillary taking $100+ million from the Russians, after her 'Plastic Reset Prop' disaster, illegally colluding with Trump-hating foreign spies and Russians - paying them for their help in trying to win in 2016, receiving a Russian piece of propaganda the Obama administration used to open an investigation of a NON-crime and to con the FISA Court to get an illegal warrant to spy on a Presidential candidate.

Standing with illegals - human traffickers, rapists, thieves, & cop killers - instead of with the American people to oppose something they voted FOR twice in the past, to shutdown the govt while keeping our borders open, illegal immigration continuing, more Texas and 'Broward County' votes coming, and to attempt to hurt the President's re-election chances in 2020.

Standing, cheering, and celebrating after they pass a bill that will allow them to murder babies after they are born!

A 2+ year investigation / witch hunt of the President over a NON-crime resulting in a great deal of evidence proving crimes committed - ALL PERPETRATED BY THE DEMOCRATS!

Bravo, and Democrats are 'dealing with' Hillary's LOSS really well.

So now we know that Stone DID know that the information came from Russia
That might cause a Venezuela invasion
I'm betting Don Jr is next to have his "turn in the barrel" s Roger Stone put it
I'm betting Don Jr is next to have his "turn in the barrel" s Roger Stone put it
Yep, Donnie Jr. is toast:

Don Jr is going to be indicted and Mueller will use that as leverage to get Trump: ex-prosecutor

Special counsel Robert Mueller has leverage over President Donald Trump because of the legal liabilities facing his namesake son, a former federal prosecutor explained on MSNBC’s “AM Joy” on Saturday.
Paul Butler, a former public corruption prosecutor for the Department of Justice, joined Joy Reid to discuss the latest in the Russia investigations into Trump and his 2016 campaign.
If you believe CNN's evidence-less dot connecting and conspiracy theories. Charges against alleged Russian intelligence are unprovable, unsourced, and impossible to go to trial with. Why Trump campaign officials lied about something they had every right to do shows only how deeply the hysteria over Russia took hold. Coca-Cola and Starbucks are in Russia - there our economic rival, not Cold War enemy.

Nixon talked with the N. Vietnamese and convinced them to push back a ceasefire with LBJ until after he beat Humphrey. Reagan talked with Iran and convinced them to keep American hostages a little longer until after he beat Carter.

When you look at the historical perspective of what US political campaigns do to win an election, getting or not getting dirt on Hillary Clinton and the opposing party seems pathetically mundane. And, by the way, the Clinton campaign paid for plenty of dirt on Trump. It's amazing how long this dead horse of a story's heart keeps beating.
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