Russiagate: What We Know and What we Don't Know

It ALL addresses the OP: 'Russiagate: What We Know and What we Don't Know'

Are you disputing ANY of the points made in the first part of the OP?

You're admitting they are accurate?

Are you disputing ANY of the points made in the first part of the OP?


'We know that Trump was in negotiations with the Russian government to get the biggest deal of his life done (Trump Moscow Tower...300 million) all the way through the 2016 election campaign'
SO WHAT? He is / was an INTERNATIONAL BUSINESSMAN. Your OPINION that engaging in International business AS AN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESSMAN while running for President is not evidence of any crime.
-- (Do you even know the definition of the word 'crime'?)

'We know that Putin (as stated in the Helsinki Conference) admits that he favored Trump'

Again, SO THE F* WHAT? According to your own standards / rules, that means HILLARY WAS / IS A CARD-CARRYING MEMBER OF THE KKK!

'We know that virtually everyone in the Trump campaign had meetings with high ranking Russians and lied about them to the public and Federal investigators'
Again, SO THE F* WHAT? NONE of this is evidence Trump did anything. Bwuhahahahaha.....

'We know that the RNC Convention platform was changed from being pro-Ukraine to being Pro-Russia'
Thank you for that lovely example of Democrats / Snowflakes REVISIONIST HISTORY and FAKE NEWS:

"It's one of the enduring misconceptions of the Trump-Russia affair. During the 2016 Republican convention, the story goes, the Trump campaign weakened a critical passage in the GOP platform to go easy on Russia. The Trump team acted, according to this narrative, as part of an ongoing conspiracy with Russian President Vladimir Putin to help Donald Trump win the White House.

The original draft of the platform — it has never been released publicly, but an insider shared the relevant passages with me — had strong language on Russia, and in particular on Russian aggression in Ukraine. Warning of "a resurgent Russia occupying parts of Ukraine and threatening neighbors from the Baltic to the Caucasus," the platform vowed to increase U.S. pressure on a "reckless" Russia. "We will meet the return of Russian belligerence with the same resolve that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union," the platform said. "We will not accept any territorial change in Eastern Europe imposed by force, in Ukraine or elsewhere, and will use all appropriate measures to bring to justice the practitioners of aggression and assassination."

It would be hard to call that a pro-Putin statement. Every word of it stayed in the final platform. But that is not what happened. In fact, an already-tough portion of the Republican platform dealing with Russia was strengthened, not weakened, at the GOP convention. "The platform ended up tougher than it started, compared from the beginning to the end."

So how did the "Trump weakened the GOP platform" meme get started?

Seizing on the Trump campaign's entirely defensible change of Denman's "lethal defensive weapons" to "appropriate assistance to the armed forces" — neither of which was in the original GOP draft platform — some Democrats, Republican NeverTrumpers, and their allies in the press portrayed the platform meeting in Cleveland as Donald Trump selling out the GOP to Putin.

They were helped in their efforts by a July 18, 2016,
story in the Washington Post with the headline, "Trump campaign guts GOP's anti-Russia stance on Ukraine" — a blatantly false description of events.

Byron York: What really happened with the GOP platform and Russia

TRUMP-HATING LIES AND FAKE NEWS....which you eagerly spread!

"We know that there was a meeting in the Trump Tower in which opposition research on Clinton was offered"
You bet - a meeting made possible by Obama himself overriding his own Dept of Immigration to let the Russian lawyer into the US to make the meeting happen. At the meeting the FBI already had the place bugged, and Obama's personal Ex-FBI Russian Translator was in the room. Phone Records and FBI notes show when Jr realized the meeting was NOT about Russian child adoption he texted his secretary to have her call him so he could take the call, act as if it was an emergency, and leave. It all happened, Jr left 15 minutes after the meeting began, and NO INFORMATION EVER EXCHANGED HANDS!

Snowflakes like you want to say a meeting to discuss OPPO Research is Illegal, which it is not, especially one that was a set-up in which no information ever exchanged hands....UNLIKE HILLARY WHO COLLABORATED WITH AND PAID TRUMP-HATING FOREIGN SPIES AND RUSSIANS FOR THEIR HELP IN TRYING TO WIN IN 2016...SPECIFICALLY IN THE FORM OF A RUSSIAN-AUTHORED DOCUMENT THE DOJ, NSA, CIA, AND FBI ILLEGALLY USED TO CON CONGRESS AND THE FISA COURT!

'We know that Trump has not initiated sanctions against Russia that were enacted into law by Congress after the Skripal poisoning'
BWUHAHAHAHA - MORE SNOWFLAKE BS - Trump has done more to / Against Russia than Barry ever did!

'We know that Trump never said a word about the Russian mercenary attack on our forces in Syria'
Can you cite the actual LAW Trump violated by NOT making a comment - that you know of - about something? :p

Obama committed an International War Crime by Invading a sovereign nation - Syria - without the permission of the Syrian Govt / Leader, dragging the US into the middle of a civil war in which there were no less that 6 separate entities fighting in Syria for about 5 different objectives. The word 'quagmire' appropriately describes the 'shit' Obama dragged US military personnel. We / HE knew al-Assad was already protected by Russia / Putin, so his goal of helping overthrow Al-Assad the way he helped Al Qaeda overthrow Gadhafi immediately put us at odds with Putin and Russia as soon as we stepped across the border into Syria. An instead of holding the Nobel Peace Prize Winner for dragging us into a SECOND personal war to help terrorists you want to attack the President who INHERITED his International War Crime?

Easy what we know Gingrich comparing Trump to churchill didn't realize Churchill wrote more books than trump ever read

:p BWUHAHAHAHAHAHA...... Silly snowflakes.
Easy You're going to believe trump the man who's been sued 3500 times over Mueller head of FBI under 2 presidents?
What we know: Russiagate is based on the Clinton campaign's oppo research which the FBI laundered so that the Obama Admin could spy on Trump's campaign. And then when Trump won, it turned into the pretext to conduct a coup attempt against him.
Easy You're going to believe trump the man who's been sued 3500 times over Mueller head of FBI under 2 presidents?
No, silly snowflake. I don't believe 'PEOPLE'. SUCKERS and SHEEP believe 'People'. I believe FACTS and EVIDENCE.
...Mueller head of FBI under 2 presidents?
- The man proven to have withheld evidence and manufactured evidence to intentionally put innocent people in jail

- The man proven to have hidden Russian crimes in 2014 associated with the Russian attempt to purchase Uranium One

- The man who should NEVER have accepted the job as Special Counsel due to his crime of hiding Russian crimes in 2014 AND for his 'best buds' relationship with both Comey and Rosenstein, especially when he was Comey's Mentor

- The man who committed Obstruction by refusing to comply with Congressional Subpoenas

- The man who has been proven to be ignoring evidence of obvious exposed crimes committed by Democrats?

LOL! Again, NO, silly snowflaike. I don't believe 'PEOPLE'. SUCKERS and SHEEP believe 'People'. I believe FACTS and EVIDENCE
...Mueller head of FBI under 2 presidents?
- The man proven to have withheld evidence and manufactured evidence to intentionally put innocent people in jail

- The man proven to have hidden Russian crimes in 2014 associated with the Russian attempt to purchase Uranium One

- The man who should NEVER have accepted the job as Special Counsel due to his crime of hiding Russian crimes in 2014 AND for his 'best buds' relationship with both Comey and Rosenstein, especially when he was Comey's Mentor

- The man who committed Obstruction by refusing to comply with Congressional Subpoenas

- The man who has been proven to be ignoring evidence of obvious exposed crimes committed by Democrats?

LOL! Again, NO, silly snowflaike. I don't believe 'PEOPLE'. SUCKERS and SHEEP believe 'People'. I believe FACTS and EVIDENCE
Comey Rosenstein and Meuller all Republicans You should be proud easy
Then why praise Republicans and the countries greatest liar Trump?
So now you are trying to spin things to say that if someone does not agree with your ideology and / of anyone does NOT bash the GOP and the President, like you sore loser, butt-hurt, seditious, lying, fake news, propaganda pushers they are 'praising' the Republicans and the President?


Sorry, you can TRY to define the game and ATTEMPT to make up all the rules - that still does not mean I am going to PLAY your game. :p
Comey Rosenstein and Meuller all Republicans You should be proud easy
WHY should I be proud, snowflake? Have you NOT been listening? I don't believe PEOPLE. I believe FACTS and EVIDENCE.

EXISTING EVIDENCE shows these three have committed crimes, engaged in Conspiracy.... If anyone should be 'proud' of their actions, I guess, that would be hate-driven Anti-Trumpers like YOU.
'We know that Trump was in negotiations with the Russian government to get the biggest deal of his life done (Trump Moscow Tower...300 million) all the way through the 2016 election campaign'
SO WHAT? He is / was an INTERNATIONAL BUSINESSMAN. Your OPINION that engaging in International business AS AN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESSMAN while running for President is not evidence of any crime.
-- (Do you even know the definition of the word 'crime'?)

You're not disputing "what we know". You're admitting it's fact and excusing it
You're not disputing "what we know". You're admitting it's fact and excusing it
Again, your reading skill comprehension level is not sufficient to sit at the adults' table. Please go return to your seat. That's a good kid.....
Again, SO THE F* WHAT? According to your own standards / rules, that means HILLARY WAS / IS A CARD-CARRYING MEMBER OF THE KKK!

"So what" is not a defense. It is again an admission

And of course the obligatory HILLARYYYYYYYYY

(Poorly executed PeeWee Herman Defense)
Poor little think just because some nut job endorses you it means you automatically must espouse their beliefs. Again, based on your own limited IQ and understanding, that means Obama is a member / believer in the Black Panthers, and Hillary is a card-carrying member f the KKK. Bwuhahahaha!
Again, SO THE F* WHAT? According to your own standards / rules, that means HILLARY WAS / IS A CARD-CARRYING MEMBER OF THE KKK!

"So what" is not a defense. It is again an admission

And of course the obligatory HILLARYYYYYYYYY

(Poorly executed PeeWee Herman Defense)
Poor little think just because some nut job endorses you it means you automatically must espouse their beliefs. Again, based on your own limited IQ and understanding, that means Obama is a member / believer in the Black Panthers, and Hillary is a card-carrying member f the KKK. Bwuhahahaha!
That was some impressive babbling there
As far as the Platform Change

From NPR

The revision to Denman's proposed amendment to the Republican platform scaled back the party's position on pro-Western elements in Ukraine — from supporting supplying weapons for fighters there to a more general assistance.

The issue is of interest to investigators in Congress and the team working for Justice Department special counsel Robert Mueller because the idea of arming Ukrainians in the fight against pro-Russian separatist forces was staunchly opposed by the Russian government — and, it seems, the Trump campaign as well.

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