Russiagate: What We Know and What we Don't Know

We know that Trump never said a word about the Russian mercenary attack on our forces in Syria'
Can you cite the actual LAW Trump violated by NOT making a comment - that you know of - about something?

That's the bar? It has to violate a law before it's fucking WRONG?

This is WRONG my friend
"We know that there was a meeting in the Trump Tower in which opposition research on Clinton was offered"
You bet - a meeting made possible by Obama himself overriding his own Dept of Immigration to let the Russian lawyer into the US to make the meeting happen


The lawyer was in this country on an unrelated matter (trying to get sanctions on a Russian oligarch lift (a common thread) and ALSO had this meeting in which "kompomat" was offered , The Trump campaign enthusiastically took this meeting to get what would have been ILLEGAL aid from a foreign adversary
The lawyer was in this country on an unrelated matter (trying to get sanctions on a Russian oligarch lift (a common thread) and ALSO had this meeting in which "kompomat" was offered , The Trump campaign enthusiastically took this meeting to get what would have been ILLEGAL aid from a foreign adversary

FACT: The only way the Russian lawyer was able to make it into the country was by Barry personally overriding his Dept of Immigration's ban on her being in the country.

FACT: Prior to the meeting the FBI had already bugged the room, which means they knew when and where the meeting was going to take place in time to set up the surveillance.

FACT: Obama's ex-FBI Russian Translator was in the room by 'sheer coincidence' (?! :p )

FACT: You are full of shit - you are partisanly projecting / speculating when you claim the Trump campaign 'enthusiastically' took the meeting.

FACT: Recently released Intel / Transcripts / Reports prove what Trump Jr testified to - that he thought the meeting was about Russian Adoptions, that when he found out it was NOT he texted his secretary and asked her to call him, interrupting the meeting, giving him the excuse that something had come up so he could leave the meeting. Again, Phone records prove this was a FACT.
-- FACT: This revelation proved D-Schiff was full of shit and that his justification for ILLEGALLY leaking classified information about the meeting was actually WRONG - NOT JUSTIFIED. Schiff SHOULD be charged with LEAKING CLASSIFIED.

FACT: Those same records prove Trump Jr was, again, proven correct, that he left the meeting after only 15 minutes with NO INFORMATION / OPPOSITION RESEARCH HAVING CHANGED HANDS.

FACT: Trump Jr received ZERO Opposition Research, illegally collaborated with and PAID no - ZERO - Trump-hating foreign spies working for the FBI and / or RUSSIANS for Russian-Authored debunked dossiers...the way that Hillary Clinton Did.

FACT: The Russian Lawyer also met with the Hillary campaign during her visit to the US.

FACT: Moronic Trump-hating Democrat puppet snowflakes like yourself continue to idiotically claim:

- 'Collusion' is 'Illegal'...which it is NOT

- Attempting to Acquire Opposition Research Is Illegal ... which it is NOT ... yet it is not when Hillary attempts to do so.

- Actually acquiring false Russian-authored opposition research from Trump-hating foreign spies and Russians (later used illegally by the DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI) is somehow NOT illegal but attending a 15-minute meeting (which was an obvious set-up) and coming away with ZERO information being exchanged or bought somehow IS illegal....

Despite all of the evidence and the FACTS disproving EVERY SINCE ACCUSATION YOU HAVE MADE REGARDINGTHIS ISSUE you continue to tell the same lies and make the same false accusations.

To keep doing so in the face of such existing evidence either proves you are a Trump-Hating reality DENIER who knows the truth but does not give a damn OR you are a RETARD.
FACT: The only way the Russian lawyer was able to make it into the country was by Barry personally overriding his Dept of Immigration's ban on her being in the country.

She was in the country on an entirely different matter. How does that affect anything here?

FACT: Prior to the meeting the FBI had already bugged the room, which means they knew when and where the meeting was going to take place in time to set up the surveillance.

Pure nonsense. Documentation required

FACT: Obama's ex-FBI Russian Translator was in the room by 'sheer coincidence' (?! :p )

I'm not sure that matters but link would be required

FACT: You are full of shit - you are partisanly projecting / speculating when you claim the Trump campaign 'enthusiastically' took the meeting.

I will quote Don Jrs. ENTHUSIASTIC reply shortly

From Vox

Two days later, on July 11, the Times had obtained the email thread in which Don Jr. had agreed to take the meeting, so he preemptively tweeted it out in two parts. The emails clearly showed that publicist Rob Goldstone offered Don Jr. “information that would incriminate Hillary” as “part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump,” and that Don Jr. responded enthusiastically (“if it’s what you say I love it”).
FACT: Those same records prove Trump Jr was, again, proven correct, that he left the meeting after only 15 minutes with NO INFORMATION / OPPOSITION RESEARCH HAVING CHANGED HANDS.

A. That's according to Trump (pick one)...who has lied repeatedly about nearly everything but most importantly THIS meeting

B. Whether or not the Trump team got what it was looking for...the ATTEMPT to obtain it shows intent and is indeed a conspiracy
That's according to Trump (pick one)...who has lied repeatedly about nearly everything but most importantly THIS meeting
No, you lying snowturd. AS YOU ALREADY KNOW, because you have been spoon-fed the actual evidence at least a dozen times, all of this is based on EVIDENCE.

Thank you for clearing things up and answering that last question, proving you are just a Trump-Hating reality DENIER who knows the truth but does not give a damn.
That's according to Trump (pick one)...who has lied repeatedly about nearly everything but most importantly THIS meeting
No, you lying snowturd. AS YOU ALREADY KNOW, because you have been spoon-fed the actual evidence at least a dozen times, all of this is based on EVIDENCE.

Thank you for clearing things up and answering that last question, proving you are just a Trump-Hating reality DENIER who knows the truth but does not give a damn.
Wait my Tourette's afflicted friend...

You deny Trump lying about the meeting?

Just say so and I'll be glad to embarrass you
Whether or not the Trump team got what it was looking for...the ATTEMPT to obtain it shows intent and is indeed a conspiracy

Bwuhahahahahaha..... :lmao:

Thank you for the demonstration proving me right:

FACT: Moronic Trump-hating Democrat puppet snowflakes like yourself continue to idiotically claim:

- 'Collusion' is 'Illegal'...which it is NOT

- Attempting to Acquire Opposition Research Is Illegal ... which it is NOT ... yet it is not when Hillary attempts to do so.

- Actually acquiring false Russian-authored opposition research from Trump-hating foreign spies and Russians (later used illegally by the DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI) is somehow NOT illegal to snowflakes but attending a 15-minute meeting (which was an obvious set-up) and coming away with ZERO information being exchanged or bought somehow IS illegal....

Despite all of the evidence and the FACTS disproving EVERY SINCE ACCUSATION YOU HAVE MADE REGARDINGTHIS ISSUE you continue to tell the same lies and make the same false accusations."
"We know that there was a meeting in the Trump Tower in which opposition research on Clinton was offered"
You bet - a meeting made possible by Obama himself overriding his own Dept of Immigration to let the Russian lawyer into the US to make the meeting happen


The lawyer was in this country on an unrelated matter (trying to get sanctions on a Russian oligarch lift (a common thread) and ALSO had this meeting in which "kompomat" was offered , The Trump campaign enthusiastically took this meeting to get what would have been ILLEGAL aid from a foreign adversary
How many millions did HRC pay for the Steele bullshit dossier?
Remember Adam Shithead talking on the phone to who he thought was a Russian spy happy to get "kompromat" against Trump?
How many millions did HRC pay for the Steele bullshit dossier?

Remember Adam Shithead talking on the phone to who he thought was a Russian spy happy to get "kompromat" against Trump?

Remember Schiff BEING CAUGHT ILLEGALLY LEAKING CLASSIFIED then attempting to justify his actions (in hopes he did not get charged for his crime...which Democrats always seem to get away with because they do not allow themselves to be held accountable)?
FACT: The Russian Lawyer also met with the Hillary campaign during her visit to the US.

And THAT is a blatant lie. If you have to lie to make your have no case

By the have several links you need to provide
FACT: The Russian Lawyer also met with the Hillary campaign during her visit to the US.

And THAT is a blatant lie. If you have to lie to make your have no case

By the have several links you need to provide

Speaking of lies.
Obama Met With The Russian Lawyer Too

Sabotage?: Hillary's Fusion GPS Operative Met With Russian Lawyer Before And After Trump Jr. Meeting
That's a pretty huge fail.

Your link shows no meeting with Obama.
And THAT is a blatant lie. If you have to lie to make your have no case

By the have several links you need to provide
1. I have continuously provided you with the same links over and over again, AS YOU KNOW, you f*ing lying cockroach

2. The Russian Lawyer ADMITTED SHE NEVER GAVE Trump JR ANYTHING ... as opposed to the evidence showing Hillary illegally colluded with / PAID Trump-hating foreign spies (working for the FBI and with Mueller before he was appointed Special Counsel) and the RUSSIANS for a fake Russian-authored document illegally used by Obama's DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI
Russian lawyer who met with Trump Jr.: I didn't have Clinton info they wanted

3. She was in the country ILLEGALLY thanks to Obama:

“She shouldn’t have been in the country,” Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, told “Fox & Friends” on Wednesday. “I think the lady Russian lawyer that was there in that meeting, I’ve written to [The State Department and Department of Homeland Security] to find out what she was doing in the country when presumably either her visa or parole expired.”
Obama administration let Russian lawyer who met Trump Jr. into US after visa block

Democrats quickly changed their story and declared she WAS in the country legally THANKS TO OBAMA...but admit her visa expired.

'The Obama Department of Justice granted Veselnitskaya her temporary parole allowing her into the country to help a client on a court case in the New York federal court.'
Obama administration let Russian lawyer who met Trump Jr. into US after visa block
Bottom Line:

'Collusion' is not illegal.

Attempting to acquire opposition research is not illegal

No opposition research / dirt was ever acquired by Trump

Hillary Clinton colluded with / PAID Trump-Hating spies and Russians, acquiring a RUSSIAN-AUTHORED debunked document that was ILLEGALLY used by Obama's DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI Directors (EXISTING EVIDENCSE PROVES ALL OF THIS)

So how in the HELL are snowflakes trying to claim the Trumps did anything wrong / illegal and that Hillary did not?

Bwuhahahahahahahaha :lmao:
What we know: Collusion is not a crime.

What we don't know: Why Democrats have to act like babies for losing an election.
Conspiring to commit computer hacking and recieving the fruits of that hack are though!
You mean like Debbie Wasserman-Schultz hiring Pakistani spies and giving them illegal access to classified House files ... and doing so again AFTER they were being banned from the House after being caught downloading a terabyte of information from the House server....and giving the Pakistani spy access to DNC e-mail accounts, usernames, and passwords?

After she was caught doing so and fired as DNC Chairwoman - that same day - she went running to Hillary who hired her, that day, to be part of her campaign.
What we know: Collusion is not a crime.

What we don't know: Why Democrats have to act like babies for losing an election.
Conspiring to commit computer hacking and recieving the fruits of that hack are though!
You mean like Debbie Wasserman-Schultz hiring Pakistani spies and giving them illegal access to classified House files ... and doing so again AFTER they were being banned from the House after being caught downloading a terabyte of information from the House server....and giving the Pakistani spy access to DNC e-mail accounts, usernames, and passwords?
I am not saying any one is guilty of anything. Until the evidence is presented in court. I am only explaining how an attorny would approach it. Being duped is not illegal but it is just as destructive. I would imagine that is just the tip of the ice berg in spies. There are still some operating that have not been caught. People talk about British spy craft and they have been in it longer than any one else around currently but the Russians are the ones that have perfected it. They use long term sleeper agents that are unlikely to get caught. Of course maybe the most destructive to the US recently may have been the Chinese spies. We were basically thier R&D department on nukes and space tech. We as a nation certainly need to get better at protecting secrets.
2. The Russian Lawyer ADMITTED SHE NEVER GAVE Trump JR ANYTHING ... as opposed to the evidence showing Hillary illegally colluded with / PAID Trump-hating foreign spies (working for the FBI and with Mueller before he was appointed Special Counsel) and the RUSSIANS for a fake Russian-authored document illegally used by Obama's DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI

Wait...the Russian intel agent said she didn't give "anything" to Trump?

Well gee...that really has the ring of truth to it huh?

By the way, that in no way changes the fact that the Trump team accepted that meeting in the HOPES of getting "dirt on Hillary"...which in itself is illegal

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