Russiagate: What We Know and What we Don't Know

Sorry...there is no doubt that the Russians stole the wikileaks information and provided it to the Trump campaign.

There is no doubt that nearly everyone in the Trump campaign and Administration had numerous meetings with Russians and lied about it. Flynn's actions were so egregious that the judge in his trial called them TREASONOUS.

Kushner tried to set up a "back channel" communication with the Kremlin IN the RUssian Embassy...that the RUSSIANS refused.

Everything in the OP is FACT
Cohen is slated to testify in front of Congress on Friday.

That ought to be interesting
So far no Trumpers have found a way to dispute any of the facts in the OP
Mueller hasn't had anyone go to trial except Manafort and his crimes had nothing to do with Trump. And from what I've seen neither does Stones alleged crimes.
He's batting 1.000.

I'm sure as he sits in his cell, the fine distinction you're making between why he is there really means a lot to poor Paul. LOL.

But if you want to talk about witness intimidation, just look at the way they arrested Stone. 25 FBI agents in full tactical gear and 17 vehicles to take down a nonviolent 66 year old, his deaf wife and their dog. That was all about intimidation, didn't seem to work too well though. All that and Stone was released on a signature bond, go figure.


Stone isn't a witness.
He's an accused man whom the FBI had probable cause to arrest.
If he's intimidated...that is usually a good thing.

Oh wait, I forgot, you don't like it when the law is enforced.

Manafort in jail is a good thing, right?



Are you getting senile? Didn't you say Stone would flip?
Once Stone is in jail for a little while....he'll flip.
Well yes you did! Wouldn't that make him a witness? I think it would. LMAO

Also Manafort is where he is because a jury put him there. I see you don't want to allow Stone the same consideration.


Boy, you either are dense or have short term memory loss.

Mueller is batting a thousand in the charges he's brought. That can't be argued.

I'm sure Stone will meet the same fate as Manafort. We'll see what happens.

Once he does go to jail, he'll flip.

You do want justice to prevail right? Why don't you tell us another lie and just say yes.

Mueller batting a thousand, hardly. LMAO The majority of the people charged haven't been arrested, much less convicted. But like you said, we'll see what happens.


Of course, with your trademark dishonesty you purposely do not mention that the folks you’re taking about are the Russians Trump hired to hack Clinton’s computers and are out of the reach of the US Dept of Justice.

Everyone who has come before a judge due to Mueller’s work has pled guilty or been found guilty.

He’s batting a thousand in bringing criminals to justice. I’m not sure why you are so against bringing criminals to justice but I guess Trump folks crave lawlessness as much as they crave violence.
Can't wait for that 1000 average to come down on trump jr's head
He's batting 1.000.

I'm sure as he sits in his cell, the fine distinction you're making between why he is there really means a lot to poor Paul. LOL.

Stone isn't a witness.
He's an accused man whom the FBI had probable cause to arrest.
If he's intimidated...that is usually a good thing.

Oh wait, I forgot, you don't like it when the law is enforced.

Manafort in jail is a good thing, right?



Are you getting senile? Didn't you say Stone would flip?
Once Stone is in jail for a little while....he'll flip.
Well yes you did! Wouldn't that make him a witness? I think it would. LMAO

Also Manafort is where he is because a jury put him there. I see you don't want to allow Stone the same consideration.


Boy, you either are dense or have short term memory loss.

Mueller is batting a thousand in the charges he's brought. That can't be argued.

I'm sure Stone will meet the same fate as Manafort. We'll see what happens.

Once he does go to jail, he'll flip.

You do want justice to prevail right? Why don't you tell us another lie and just say yes.

Mueller batting a thousand, hardly. LMAO The majority of the people charged haven't been arrested, much less convicted. But like you said, we'll see what happens.


Of course, with your trademark dishonesty you purposely do not mention that the folks you’re taking about are the Russians Trump hired to hack Clinton’s computers and are out of the reach of the US Dept of Justice.

Everyone who has come before a judge due to Mueller’s work has pled guilty or been found guilty.

He’s batting a thousand in bringing criminals to justice. I’m not sure why you are so against bringing criminals to justice but I guess Trump folks crave lawlessness as much as they crave violence.
Can't wait for that 1000 average to come down on trump jr's head

If that is where the evidence takes the investigation…I agree.
Idiot said this

"Mueller batting a thousand, hardly. LMAO The majority of the people charged haven't been arrested, much less convicted. But like you said, we'll see what happens."

If those GRU agents step foot outside Russia they are subject to arrest. Hard to be a foreign agent when you can't leave the country
In the immortal words of Nancy Pelosi, No one knows what's in it - we have to wait for Mueller to submit his expected assault on Trump to find out he hasn't got anything....

(That's roughly what she said about Democrats and Obamacare, too, right? :p)
Out of one side of your mouth you admit that we don't know what Mueller has...and then out of the other you claim he has nothing.

Newsflash...there's a lot we know...and Mueller has all that and much much more. He has the bank records. He has testimony and records from Cohen and from Trump's Chief FInancial Officer.

ANd that's just a LITTLE of what he has
In the immortal words of Nancy Pelosi, No one knows what's in it - we have to wait for Mueller to submit his expected assault on Trump to find out he hasn't got anything....

(That's roughly what she said about Democrats and Obamacare, too, right? :p)
Can I be the first here easy to say you have WILLFUL IGNORANCE ?
In the immortal words of Nancy Pelosi, No one knows what's in it - we have to wait for Mueller to submit his expected assault on Trump to find out he hasn't got anything....

(That's roughly what she said about Democrats and Obamacare, too, right? :p)
Can I be the first here easy to say you have WILLFUL IGNORANCE ?
Yes you can - snowflakes are 'guilty' of willful ignorance'

Happy now? :p
In the immortal words of Nancy Pelosi, No one knows what's in it - we have to wait for Mueller to submit his expected assault on Trump to find out he hasn't got anything....

(That's roughly what she said about Democrats and Obamacare, too, right? :p)
Can I be the first here easy to say you have WILLFUL IGNORANCE ?
Yes you can - snowflakes are 'guilty' of willful ignorance'

Happy now? :p
but the wh intel agents say the garbage you continually make excuses for is guilty
In the immortal words of Nancy Pelosi, No one knows what's in it - we have to wait for Mueller to submit his expected assault on Trump to find out he hasn't got anything....

(That's roughly what she said about Democrats and Obamacare, too, right? :p)
Can I be the first here easy to say you have WILLFUL IGNORANCE ?
Yes you can - snowflakes are 'guilty' of willful ignorance'

Happy now? :p
but the wh intel agents say the garbage you continually make excuses for is guilty
....but they, like Mueller and Democrats, just can't find any evidence to support their claims. :p
I can't get excited over the WikiLeaks. Hillary's private server carried over and tarnished her campaign when it came to the subject of the sanctity of information.

Both parties have some serious growing up to do, especially true for whichever one that doesn't hold the White House.
I can't get excited over the WikiLeaks. Hillary's private server carried over and tarnished her campaign when it came to the subject of the sanctity of information.

Both parties have some serious growing up to do, especially true for whichever one that doesn't hold the White House.
Committing Espionage, compromising National Security, and committing several thousand counts of illegal activities does not require 'growing up'. It requires jail time!
In the immortal words of Nancy Pelosi, No one knows what's in it - we have to wait for Mueller to submit his expected assault on Trump to find out he hasn't got anything....

(That's roughly what she said about Democrats and Obamacare, too, right? :p)
Can I be the first here easy to say you have WILLFUL IGNORANCE ?
Yes you can - snowflakes are 'guilty' of willful ignorance'

Happy now? :p
but the wh intel agents say the garbage you continually make excuses for is guilty
....but they, like Mueller and Democrats, just can't find any evidence to support their claims. :p
there's no rush easy It will be quite evident soon enough about what scum you helped elect That is if you are smart enough to know now what an AH he is by those he chose to work for him
I can't get excited over the WikiLeaks. Hillary's private server carried over and tarnished her campaign when it came to the subject of the sanctity of information.

Both parties have some serious growing up to do, especially true for whichever one that doesn't hold the White House.
Hillary's server had nothing to do with any of this. THAT was the one server they couldn't hack into
there's no rush easy It will be quite evident soon enough about what scum you helped elect
'No Rush'?! I'll say - it has been 2+ years, and the only thing that has been exposed is the fact that the FBI Leadership went ROGUE, opened up its own Counter-Intelligence Operation of the President of the United States because they did not agree with his foreign policy, because he fired their proven criminal boss, and because they wanted to stay on Hillary's non-vindictive sides, assuming she would win the WH.

We learned that the majority of the Obama Cabinet - his DOJ, NSA, NIA, CIA, and FBI - all collaborated together in a Conspiracy that consisted of using the debunked Russian-authored report Hillary bought from Putin to scam the Intel Community, author Intel Community Assessments and Reports, pass them off as legitimate Intel instead of Hillary's Russian-authored 'dirt' (which she bought form a Trump-hating foreign spy who was working for the FBI and from the Russians - who are supposed to be so evil and UN-trustworthy), and used those fake ICRs to CON the FISA Court into giving them illegal search warrants to perpetrate their own Watergate II and to CON Congress into opening an investigation of a NON-existent crime with their Co-Conspirator Mueller (who had already been working with Oher - Obama's DOJ - and the Trump-Hating foreign spy, Steele) as the Special Counsel.

The evidence of all of this is the only actual evidence of REAL crimes committed that have been uncovered during this whole Investigation.

The FACT that fired former FBI Director testified under oath before Congress that Hillary lied and committed crimes means nothing to rabid Trump-hating snowflakes...or Mueller and the other Co-Conspirators.

The FACT that the FBI's own agent exposed the Conspiracy, the 'Secret Society', their counter-intelligence 'Leak Strategy' (still in operating as shown by Mueller's 'D-Day' raid recently with only CNN there waiting to film the entire 'invasion').


Former Obama NSA Director Clapper has been proven o have perjured himself TWICE.
Former Obama CIA Director Brennan perjured himself twice and had to admit it / apologize before Congress to escape prison.
Deputy Director of the DOJ Rosenstein Obstructed Justice for refusing to comply with Congressional Subpoenas
-- Rosenstein recommended Trump fire Comey & when he did he recommended Trump be investigated for Obstruction
-- Despite this Conflict of Interest Rosenstein refused to step aside
-- Rosenstein also 'joked' about wearing a wire after this to try to collect info on Trump to help get him removed from office - a 'joke'
Former FBI Director Comey Obstructed Justice and Perjured himself, according to his Deputy Under oath...speaking of which...
Former Deputy FBI Director McCabe was recommended for Indictment by the US IG but has been protected by Rosenstein
Former FBI Counsel Baker was fired / allowed to leave and is under investigation for leaking
FBI Personnel Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Baker, and Paige are ALL Gone, some fired, some allowed to leave, some under investigation
Mueller should NEVER have been appointed Special Counsel due to his own crimes and Conflicts of Interest
--- In 2014 evidence shows he hid Russian crimes associated with their attempt to purchase Uranium One.
--- In the middle of the huge Russian Bribery Scandal FBI Director Mueller refused to investigate Hillary taking $100+ Million form them
--- Mueller is / was Comey's mentor and best buds
--- Mueller, Comey, and Rosenstein are 'best buds'
--- Both Rosenstein, Mueller...and Weisman...and widely known for prosecutorial misconduct, a lack of ethics, and for sending innocent people to jail by manufacturing / hiding evidence.

In an investigation of '2016 Russian Influence & Possible Russian-Trump Illegal Collusion':
- 'Collusion' is NOT illegal / is not even a crime
- There was NEVER any evidence of a crime worthy of investigation or appointment of a Special Counsel
- There was NEVER any evidence of Trump engaging in any crime meaning no need for an investigation or Special Counsel
- Obtaining Political Opposition Research is not illegal
- Purchasing Russian-authored propaganda from America-hating foreign spies and Russia then using that information illegally, presenting it to Congress and the FISA court to illegally obtain search warrants and to commit fraud to get an investigation opened and a Special Counsel appointed IS illegal
- The ONLY opposition research that ever exchanged hands / found its way into an opponent's hands is the dossier Hillary bought
- Neither Trump or Trump Jr ever accepted any opposition research from Russians - Hillary did
--- Despite the Russian interference having to have been PROVEN to have started in 2014 - with Obama's knowledge of it yet his doing nothing about it, Mueller and his team supposedly tasked with investigating Russian collusion completely ignored the fact that it started in 2014, refused to investigate the Obama administration, skipped right past 2014, and went back decades to try to find a crime involving Trump's campaign manager so he could indict him and use him as a tool to try to get Manafort to 'tesiLIE' against the President. After finding the crime he was looking for....and after finding out Hillary's campaign manager was involved, he gave Hillary's campaign manager Immunity for his crime and only went after Manafort. can put aside irrational emotion and look at the ACTUAL existing evidence, which snowflakes have proven they can NOT do, it is clear that the last 2+ years have been the result of hate-filled emotional. easily emotionally manipulated snowflakes, led / driven by treasonous Democrats, have attempted to UNDO the 2016 election, to undermine the President of the United States, and undermine the federal government of the United States because they still can not accept the fact that their proven criminal 2016 candidate - who could not win her own party's nomination and who could not win a rigged election - lost to Donald Trump.

The existing evidence in this whole Conspiracy / attempted coup exposes a world of corruption, espionage, conspiracy, collusion, sedition, etc... from the Left. It is the most corrupt time and scandal in our nation's history....

And while all of THIS evidence exists, has been exposed already, reported already, recorded already...and and youyr brethren snowflakes want the rest of us to wait LONGER to see IF Mueller can come up with anything on the President.

:lmao: Bwuhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.......
So many words in that nonsensical distraction.

None of which addresses the OP

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