Russiagate: What We Know and What we Don't Know

Your timeline is suspect

Prove it wrong with a reliable source and working link.

April 7, 2016. Hackers allegedly begin trying to identify vulnerabilities in the DCCC network.

April 11, 2016. Manafort emails longtime aide Konstantin Kilimnik (who himself may have ties to Russian intelligence) to ensure the oligarch Deripaska’s “operation” has seen his media coverage, presumably about the Trump campaign. “How do we use to get whole?” he asks.

April 12, 2016. Hackers allegedly gain access to the DCCC network.

April 18, 2016. Hackers allegedly gain access to the DNC network using credentials stolen from a DCCC employee. By June, they’ve allegedly compromised 33 computers, using the same relay system as for the DCCC

April 19, 2016. Hackers register after unsuccessfully trying to register ElectionLeaks. The registration is paid with bitcoin, mined by the hackers themselves, in order to mask the hackers’ identity. The domain is registered to “Carrie Feehan” in New York.

April 22, 2016. Hackers allegedly compress and steal several gigabytes of opposition research material.

April 26, 2016. Papadopoulos is told by a Russian-linked professor named Joseph Mifsud that the Russians have “dirt” on Clinton. “They have thousands of emails,” he is told.

April 27, 2016. Papadopoulos emails senior campaign adviser Stephen Miller to say he had “some interesting messages coming in from Moscow about a trip when the time is right.”

Spring 2016. From April through June, hackers allegedly install malware on DCCC computers that allows them to steal information and maintain access to the network. Information from this breach, including screenshots and keystroke information is sent to a server in Arizona via an overseas connection. Files were compressed and then transferred allegedly to a server based in Illinois. Hackers allegedly went back and deleted log file of their activity.
Donald Trump Calls on Russia to Find Hillary Clinton’s Missing Emails

Lesh, when did then-candidate Donald Trump deliver that speech? Try Wednesday, July 27, 2016.
To start with we know that the e-mails released by wikileaks were stolen by Russian Intel (GRU...Military Intel)

We now know that there was collusion between wikileaks and the Trump campaign that goes as far as Steve Bannon and "someone" above him in the campaign .That leaves only a few people

We know that Trump was in negotiations with the Russian government to get the biggest deal of his life done (Trump Moscow Tower...300 million) all the way through the 2016 election campaign

We know that Putin (as stated in the Helsinki Conference) admits that he favored Trump

We know that virtually everyone in the Trump campaign had meetings with high ranking Russians and lied about them to the public and Federal investigators

We know that the RNC Convention platform was changed from being pro-Ukraine to being Pro-Russia

We know that there was a meeting in the Trump Tower in which opposition research on Clinton was offered

We know that Trump crafted a statement lying about that meeting

We know that Trump has not initiated sanctions against Russia that were enacted into law by Congress after the Skripal poisoning

We know that Trump never said a word about the Russian mercenary attack on our forces in Syria

We know that Trump just eased sanctions on the Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska

We know that Trump has made a number of very puzzling statements that sound like Russian propaganda (Montenegrans being warlike people...the Soviet incursion in Afghanistan being caused by terrorism)

What we don't know (or can't yet prove)

Where those bizarre statements came from (virtually no one in Trump's cabinet would have fed him that)

Why those actions regarding sanctions occurred

Why the Platform was changed at the RNC Convention and by whom

Which upper campaign official (above Bannon) was colluding with Stone and wikileaks

DId Stone or the campaign officials know that the wikileaks stuff came from Russians

DId Assange and Wikileaks know that

Were leaked e-mails discussed at the Trump Tower meeting?
We know you are a mentally unstable, butt-hurt, sore loser, TDS-suffering, opinionated ranting, reality-denying, evidence-less, Trump Hater who rambled on just now mindlessly without ever offering and links / evidence ...

Much like what describes Mueller's entire investigation...
Collusion with a foreign power is certainly a NUMBER of crimes.

Stealing and exposing e-mails is a is the conspiracy involved in abetting that effort
Collusion is a NUMBER of crimes only in Libtardia, where Unicorns fly across the sky farting subpoenas.
As of YET...nothing has been tied to Trump.

We DO have collusion that goes all the way to the top of the Trump Campaign. As of now that would be Jared, Ivanka, Don Jr. or Trump himself

That's in the Stone indictment. What we do NOT know if it is Trump himself...and if that collusion can be proven beyond wikileaks. We DO know that what wikileaks was giving them CAME from the Russians.

We DO know that Jared,Manafort,and Don Jr ATTEMPTED to get the type of information from the Russians that the wikileaks stuff turned out to be.

We DO know that Trump publicly asked the Russians to get him "the 30,000 e-mails and the next day they tried to hack her computer (unsuccessfully) and that five days later they hacked the DNC.
We also DO KNOW that republicans laugh at facts That they're all nitwits that will go down with their masters ship
Your timeline is suspect

Prove it wrong with a reliable source and working link.

April 7, 2016. Hackers allegedly begin trying to identify vulnerabilities in the DCCC network.

April 11, 2016. Manafort emails longtime aide Konstantin Kilimnik (who himself may have ties to Russian intelligence) to ensure the oligarch Deripaska’s “operation” has seen his media coverage, presumably about the Trump campaign. “How do we use to get whole?” he asks.

April 12, 2016. Hackers allegedly gain access to the DCCC network.

April 18, 2016. Hackers allegedly gain access to the DNC network using credentials stolen from a DCCC employee. By June, they’ve allegedly compromised 33 computers, using the same relay system as for the DCCC

April 19, 2016. Hackers register after unsuccessfully trying to register ElectionLeaks. The registration is paid with bitcoin, mined by the hackers themselves, in order to mask the hackers’ identity. The domain is registered to “Carrie Feehan” in New York.

April 22, 2016. Hackers allegedly compress and steal several gigabytes of opposition research material.

April 26, 2016. Papadopoulos is told by a Russian-linked professor named Joseph Mifsud that the Russians have “dirt” on Clinton. “They have thousands of emails,” he is told.

April 27, 2016. Papadopoulos emails senior campaign adviser Stephen Miller to say he had “some interesting messages coming in from Moscow about a trip when the time is right.”

Spring 2016. From April through June, hackers allegedly install malware on DCCC computers that allows them to steal information and maintain access to the network. Information from this breach, including screenshots and keystroke information is sent to a server in Arizona via an overseas connection. Files were compressed and then transferred allegedly to a server based in Illinois. Hackers allegedly went back and deleted log file of their activity.
Donald Trump Calls on Russia to Find Hillary Clinton’s Missing Emails

Lesh, when did then-candidate Donald Trump deliver that speech? Try Wednesday, July 27, 2016.
YOU just connected the important dots.
Did the Campaign know that the wikileaks material came from Russia?

April 26, 2016. Papadopoulos is told by a Russian-linked professor named Joseph Mifsud that the Russians have “dirt” on Clinton. “They have thousands of emails,” he is told.
What we know and republicans deny

Search Results
Web results
Even after the election, Russia helped Trump, targeted Mueller | MSNBC

Dec 18, 2018 - We've known about Russian efforts to help elect Trump. What we didn't know is what Russians did to help Trump after the election.
How Russian Money Helped Save Trump's Business – Foreign Policy

Dec 21, 2018 - In the fall of 1992, after he cut a deal with U.S. banks to work off nearly a billion dollars in personal debt, Donald Trump put on a big gala for ...
Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia

The Russian government interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election with the goal of ... Trump has called the interference a "hoax", claiming it was drummed up as an excuse by Democrats for losing the election. .... and by the fall of 2016 to directly helping Trump's campaign, because Putin thought Trump would ease ...
Background and Russian ... · ‎Cyberattack on Democrats · ‎Targeting of important ...
To start with we know that the e-mails released by wikileaks were stolen by Russian Intel (GRU...Military Intel)

We now know that there was collusion between wikileaks and the Trump campaign that goes as far as Steve Bannon and "someone" above him in the campaign .That leaves only a few people

We know that Trump was in negotiations with the Russian government to get the biggest deal of his life done (Trump Moscow Tower...300 million) all the way through the 2016 election campaign

We know that Putin (as stated in the Helsinki Conference) admits that he favored Trump

We know that virtually everyone in the Trump campaign had meetings with high ranking Russians and lied about them to the public and Federal investigators

We know that the RNC Convention platform was changed from being pro-Ukraine to being Pro-Russia

We know that there was a meeting in the Trump Tower in which opposition research on Clinton was offered

We know that Trump crafted a statement lying about that meeting

We know that Trump has not initiated sanctions against Russia that were enacted into law by Congress after the Skripal poisoning

We know that Trump never said a word about the Russian mercenary attack on our forces in Syria

We know that Trump just eased sanctions on the Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska

We know that Trump has made a number of very puzzling statements that sound like Russian propaganda (Montenegrans being warlike people...the Soviet incursion in Afghanistan being caused by terrorism)

What we don't know (or can't yet prove)

Where those bizarre statements came from (virtually no one in Trump's cabinet would have fed him that)

Why those actions regarding sanctions occurred

Why the Platform was changed at the RNC Convention and by whom

Which upper campaign official (above Bannon) was colluding with Stone and wikileaks

DId Stone or the campaign officials know that the wikileaks stuff came from Russians

DId Assange and Wikileaks know that

Were leaked e-mails discussed at the Trump Tower meeting?

If trump is not a Russian "Asset" he should stop acting like one...
The reason why the Democrats were hacked is because they are believe that the world loves them and they are so well respected.

What a crock...

They were hacked because Putin DOES that...and wanted to fuck up our elective process.

He has done that in countries all over the globe

Why didn't they have security on their servers?
Neither accurate nor the issue

With passwords like "Obama-Biden-2012" and "obamain08" it was like Fort Knox.

Yes it is an issue. Governments (not just Russia) hack each other every day. If the people who work at the DNC are too stupid not to have adequate security then they deserve to be hacked.

Again if their security was that inadequate then there is no way only Russia hacked them.
You're talking about ONE hack (Podesta) out of dozens.

Why would that be? Making excuses for Russians?
You're talking about ONE hack (Podesta) out of dozens.

Why would that be? Making excuses for Russians?

Espionage and now hacking has always been part of the government/politics.

As the rappers say "don't hate the player hate the game".
The reason why the Democrats were hacked is because they are believe that the world loves them and they are so well respected.

What a crock...

They were hacked because Putin DOES that...and wanted to fuck up our elective process.

He has done that in countries all over the globe

Why didn't they have security on their servers?
Neither accurate nor the issue

HA! Lack of security is the entire issue.

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