Russiagate: What We Know and What we Don't Know

WE ALSO know that Trump asked for Russian help in finding 30000 of hills E mails and later that day Russia tried

As you know, that is a lie thank you.
My lying ears deceived me?? I heard the pos say it and latter that day Russia tried NOT a lie

Donald Trump: "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing." Watch the complete video here:


Seems that I recall the Podesta brothers lobbying firm was working on getting sanctions lifted on Russia, no?

Why were sanctions placed on Russia to begin with? Because they made the Barrypuppet look weak on the world stage. They exposed how ISIS was just a CIA proxy army. The Chi-coms? Leftards are fine with them. They are fine with China having a deep sea water port given to them by the Clintons, access to the patent office (aka "Chinagate") and the stealing of technology using their hacking techniques......but leftards just KNOW that the ROOSKIES and Trump conspired to reveal the cheating, corruption and criminality of of the DNC and according to leftards???? Well that's just cheating!!!!

Seth Rich was the one that leaked the e-mails and he was murdered because of it. Soothing your butthurtness by screaming "Foul!!" while totally ignoring the contents of the data dump tells me all I need to know about the commie leftists. Anyone with any pride and character would be disgusted with the revelations.....but not the leftards...oh HELL NO! They are simply pissed that it was revealed because the ends justifies the means and they have no moral compass that they follow.
Donald Trump: "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing." Watch the complete video here:

THANK YOU! I appreciate you going out of the way to help me prove you were lying. As you heard, the Russians had already broken into the DNC computers. Strange you would help someone prove you were lying but, hey, I'll take help from wherever!

This is not what you stated were his words. In addition, in your video, he stated what is true, that Russia had already hacked into the DNC computer (the DNC refused to allow the FBI to check their computers for security) and "IF YOU'RE (Russia) LISTENING, I HOPE YOU'RE ABLE TO FIND THE 30,000 EMAILS THAT ARE MISSING".

Thank you again, your desperation is duly noted!
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Donald Trump: "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing." Watch the complete video here:

THANK YOU! I appreciate you going out of the way to help me prove you were lying. As you heard, the Russians had already broken into the DNC computers. Strange you would help someone prove you were lying but, hey, I'll take help from wherever!

This is not what you stated were his words. In addition, in your video, he stated what is true, that Russia had already hacked into the DNC computer (the DNC refused to allow the FBI to check their computers for security) and "IF YOU'RE (Russia) LISTENING, I HOPE YOU'RE ABLE TO FIND THE 30,000 EMAILS THAT ARE MISSING".

Thank you again, your desperation is duly noted!
I wouldn't go out of my way for you if you were on fire You think far too much of yourself and you shouldn't You're just one of trumps dotards kissing his butt

Seems that I recall the Podesta brothers lobbying firm was working on getting sanctions lifted on Russia, no?

Why were sanctions placed on Russia to begin with? Because they made the Barrypuppet look weak on the world stage. They exposed how ISIS was just a CIA proxy army. The Chi-coms? Leftards are fine with them. They are fine with China having a deep sea water port given to them by the Clintons, access to the patent office (aka "Chinagate") and the stealing of technology using their hacking techniques......but leftards just KNOW that the ROOSKIES and Trump conspired to reveal the cheating, corruption and criminality of of the DNC and according to leftards???? Well that's just cheating!!!!

Seth Rich was the one that leaked the e-mails and he was murdered because of it. Soothing your butthurtness by screaming "Foul!!" while totally ignoring the contents of the data dump tells me all I need to know about the commie leftists. Anyone with any pride and character would be disgusted with the revelations.....but not the leftards...oh HELL NO! They are simply pissed that it was revealed because the ends justifies the means and they have no moral compass that they follow.
ISIS a proxy CIA Army? need to go back to bed
Donald Trump: "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing." Watch the complete video here:

THANK YOU! I appreciate you going out of the way to help me prove you were lying. As you heard, the Russians had already broken into the DNC computers. Strange you would help someone prove you were lying but, hey, I'll take help from wherever!

This is not what you stated were his words. In addition, in your video, he stated what is true, that Russia had already hacked into the DNC computer (the DNC refused to allow the FBI to check their computers for security) and "IF YOU'RE (Russia) LISTENING, I HOPE YOU'RE ABLE TO FIND THE 30,000 EMAILS THAT ARE MISSING".

Thank you again, your desperation is duly noted!
Your timeline is suspect
The reason why the Democrats were hacked is because they are believe that the world loves them and they are so well respected.

The US government is attacked regularly if not daily from foreign governments and we attack the same way. Below I listed a bunch of successful attacks during Obama's term.

If Russia successfully attacked the DNC server etc (I am sure they did) then other countries hacked as well like China and North Korea to name a couple. It is just as likely that it was a DNC staffer who leaked the emails because remember Bernie Sanders had the nomination stolen from him.

The emails had no impact on the election which was admitted to when the Russians were indicted. Hillary Clinton has never been liked by anyone even Bill except for a week in the 90s when people felt sorry for her when it came out that Bill poked a fattie. When she "ran" for Senate Bill actually ran.


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Seems that I recall the Podesta brothers lobbying firm was working on getting sanctions lifted on Russia, no?

Why were sanctions placed on Russia to begin with? Because they made the Barrypuppet look weak on the world stage. They exposed how ISIS was just a CIA proxy army. The Chi-coms? Leftards are fine with them. They are fine with China having a deep sea water port given to them by the Clintons, access to the patent office (aka "Chinagate") and the stealing of technology using their hacking techniques......but leftards just KNOW that the ROOSKIES and Trump conspired to reveal the cheating, corruption and criminality of of the DNC and according to leftards???? Well that's just cheating!!!!

Seth Rich was the one that leaked the e-mails and he was murdered because of it. Soothing your butthurtness by screaming "Foul!!" while totally ignoring the contents of the data dump tells me all I need to know about the commie leftists. Anyone with any pride and character would be disgusted with the revelations.....but not the leftards...oh HELL NO! They are simply pissed that it was revealed because the ends justifies the means and they have no moral compass that they follow.
ISIS a proxy CIA Army? need to go back to bed
Obama created ISIS and supplied them with weapons. That's an established fact.

Have you noticed you don't hear much about ISIS anymore? Why do you suppose that is?
The reason why the Democrats were hacked is because they are believe that the world loves them and they are so well respected.

What a crock...

They were hacked because Putin DOES that...and wanted to fuck up our elective process.

He has done that in countries all over the globe
Mueller batting a thousand, hardly. LMAO The majority of the people charged haven't been arrested, much less convicted. But like you said, we'll see what happens.


Of course, with your trademark dishonesty you purposely do not mention that the folks you’re taking about are the Russians Trump hired to hack Clinton’s computers and are out of the reach of the US Dept of Justice.

Everyone who has come before a judge due to Mueller’s work has pled guilty or been found guilty.

He’s batting a thousand in bringing criminals to justice. I’m not sure why you are so against bringing criminals to justice but I guess Trump folks crave lawlessness as much as they crave violence.

I see you're moving the goal posts on your little mantra that Mueller is batting a thousand. And no, he can't mark Stone in either of the categories you mentioned. So there goes your claim again.


The goalposts are right where they’ve always been. Prosecutors indict people in absentia regularly. Everyone he’s brought to justice has been found guilty or plead guilty.

Why you have a problem with the law less being brought to justice…that’s something you should explain.

And none of it has anything to do with Trump.

He hired Manafort (felon).
He hired Flynn (felon).
He hired Cohen (felon).

Strange how he’s surrounded with felons.

But the question was this:

IT’s a good thing that the law less are being brought to justice, right?

So far, no answer from OKTexas

Why is there a moment’s hesitation in answering ‘yes’? You’d have to ask him when he gets his head out of the blob’s ass.

They've charged with nothing that has anything to do with Trump. Time to grow up little girl.
As of YET...nothing has been tied to Trump.

We DO have collusion that goes all the way to the top of the Trump Campaign. As of now that would be Jared, Ivanka, Don Jr. or Trump himself

That's in the Stone indictment. What we do NOT know if it is Trump himself...and if that collusion can be proven beyond wikileaks. We DO know that what wikileaks was giving them CAME from the Russians.

We DO know that Jared,Manafort,and Don Jr ATTEMPTED to get the type of information from the Russians that the wikileaks stuff turned out to be.

We DO know that Trump publicly asked the Russians to get him "the 30,000 e-mails and the next day they tried to hack her computer (unsuccessfully) and that five days later they hacked the DNC.
Of course, with your trademark dishonesty you purposely do not mention that the folks you’re taking about are the Russians Trump hired to hack Clinton’s computers and are out of the reach of the US Dept of Justice.

Everyone who has come before a judge due to Mueller’s work has pled guilty or been found guilty.

He’s batting a thousand in bringing criminals to justice. I’m not sure why you are so against bringing criminals to justice but I guess Trump folks crave lawlessness as much as they crave violence.

I see you're moving the goal posts on your little mantra that Mueller is batting a thousand. And no, he can't mark Stone in either of the categories you mentioned. So there goes your claim again.


The goalposts are right where they’ve always been. Prosecutors indict people in absentia regularly. Everyone he’s brought to justice has been found guilty or plead guilty.

Why you have a problem with the law less being brought to justice…that’s something you should explain.

And none of it has anything to do with Trump.

He hired Manafort (felon).
He hired Flynn (felon).
He hired Cohen (felon).

Strange how he’s surrounded with felons.

But the question was this:

IT’s a good thing that the law less are being brought to justice, right?

So far, no answer from OKTexas

Why is there a moment’s hesitation in answering ‘yes’? You’d have to ask him when he gets his head out of the blob’s ass.

They've charged with nothing that has anything to do with Trump. Time to grow up little girl.


It’s a good thing that law breakers are being brought to justice, is if not?
I appreciate that you have a high opinion of yourself and a very bad memory.

Would you care to discuss the thread topic?
The only russian connection is Beast buying that ficticous Document with Russian uranium money.

The Obammys' crooks then using that DOC to swindle spy warrants. Loony Judges must be in on it or we would see-hear backlash......but nothing.
Donald Trump: "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing." Watch the complete video here:

THANK YOU! I appreciate you going out of the way to help me prove you were lying. As you heard, the Russians had already broken into the DNC computers. Strange you would help someone prove you were lying but, hey, I'll take help from wherever!

This is not what you stated were his words. In addition, in your video, he stated what is true, that Russia had already hacked into the DNC computer (the DNC refused to allow the FBI to check their computers for security) and "IF YOU'RE (Russia) LISTENING, I HOPE YOU'RE ABLE TO FIND THE 30,000 EMAILS THAT ARE MISSING".

Thank you again, your desperation is duly noted!
I wouldn't go out of my way for you if you were on fire You think far too much of yourself and you shouldn't You're just one of trumps dotards kissing his butt

I'm sorry the facts and the truth offend you so much. Must be a tough life! You lied in your post, why blame me for your actions?

That's one of the major differences between Progressives and myself. In spite of how I HATED what failed former President Barack Hussein Obama was doing to our country, I did not and don't hate HIM. I did and do HATE what he did to our country. I don't HATE those who support and supported him. I know, as President Ronald Reagan said, Liberals aren't ignorant, it's just that so much of what they believe isn't so.

You're like that. In spite of that, like for President Obama, I pray for your health and safety daily.

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