Russiagate: What We Know and What we Don't Know

Once Stone is in jail for a little while....he'll flip.

So you have him tried and convicted already?


You'd have to admit (if you were honest--which we both know you're not) that Mueller hasn't swung and missed yet.

So if I had to bet, I'd say yep his goose is cooked. But we'll see how it goes. Cohen said he'd take a bullet for Trump too. How'd that work out ?



Once Stone is in jail for a little while....he'll flip.

So you have him tried and convicted already?


You'd have to admit (if you were honest--which we both know you're not) that Mueller hasn't swung and missed yet.

So if I had to bet, I'd say yep his goose is cooked. But we'll see how it goes. Cohen said he'd take a bullet for Trump too. How'd that work out ?



Mueller hasn't had anyone go to trial except Manafort and his crimes had nothing to do with Trump. And from what I've seen neither does Stones alleged crimes.

But if you want to talk about witness intimidation, just look at the way they arrested Stone. 25 FBI agents in full tactical gear and 17 vehicles to take down a nonviolent 66 year old, his deaf wife and their dog. That was all about intimidation, didn't seem to work too well though. All that and Stone was released on a signature bond, go figure.

That was for a completely different crime.

You sheep are just sad.

I'll try and sort out that cryptic bullshit.

If you mean the GRU stealing e-mails was a "separate crime" from the conspiracy involved with people who ABET that crime..yes...there are many crimes here by many actors
No, idiot.

The Russians had nothing to do with the emails or anything Mueller was investigating.
Your ignorance is duly noted.

Mueller has INDICTED 13 Russian GRU agents involved in that.

We KNOW that the GRU was Guccifer 2.0 and if you are unaware that Guccifer 2.0 was the hacker..then please just shut the fuck up
You have to know that the indictment of the 13 Russians was just for show. Mueller knew it was never going to go anywhere. He just never thought that the Russians would answer and make a demand for proof. What happened to that proof?

Once Stone is in jail for a little while....he'll flip.

So you have him tried and convicted already?


You'd have to admit (if you were honest--which we both know you're not) that Mueller hasn't swung and missed yet.

So if I had to bet, I'd say yep his goose is cooked. But we'll see how it goes. Cohen said he'd take a bullet for Trump too. How'd that work out ?



Mueller hasn't had anyone go to trial except Manafort and his crimes had nothing to do with Trump. And from what I've seen neither does Stones alleged crimes.
He's batting 1.000.

I'm sure as he sits in his cell, the fine distinction you're making between why he is there really means a lot to poor Paul. LOL.

But if you want to talk about witness intimidation, just look at the way they arrested Stone. 25 FBI agents in full tactical gear and 17 vehicles to take down a nonviolent 66 year old, his deaf wife and their dog. That was all about intimidation, didn't seem to work too well though. All that and Stone was released on a signature bond, go figure.


Stone isn't a witness.
He's an accused man whom the FBI had probable cause to arrest.
If he's intimidated...that is usually a good thing.

Oh wait, I forgot, you don't like it when the law is enforced.

Manafort in jail is a good thing, right?



Once Stone is in jail for a little while....he'll flip.

So you have him tried and convicted already?


You'd have to admit (if you were honest--which we both know you're not) that Mueller hasn't swung and missed yet.

So if I had to bet, I'd say yep his goose is cooked. But we'll see how it goes. Cohen said he'd take a bullet for Trump too. How'd that work out ?



Mueller hasn't had anyone go to trial except Manafort and his crimes had nothing to do with Trump. And from what I've seen neither does Stones alleged crimes.
He's batting 1.000.

I'm sure as he sits in his cell, the fine distinction you're making between why he is there really means a lot to poor Paul. LOL.

But if you want to talk about witness intimidation, just look at the way they arrested Stone. 25 FBI agents in full tactical gear and 17 vehicles to take down a nonviolent 66 year old, his deaf wife and their dog. That was all about intimidation, didn't seem to work too well though. All that and Stone was released on a signature bond, go figure.


Stone isn't a witness.
He's an accused man whom the FBI had probable cause to arrest.
If he's intimidated...that is usually a good thing.

Oh wait, I forgot, you don't like it when the law is enforced.

Manafort in jail is a good thing, right?



Are you getting senile? Didn't you say Stone would flip?
Once Stone is in jail for a little while....he'll flip.
Well yes you did! Wouldn't that make him a witness? I think it would. LMAO

Also Manafort is where he is because a jury put him there. I see you don't want to allow Stone the same consideration.

Once Stone is in jail for a little while....he'll flip.

So you have him tried and convicted already?


You'd have to admit (if you were honest--which we both know you're not) that Mueller hasn't swung and missed yet.

So if I had to bet, I'd say yep his goose is cooked. But we'll see how it goes. Cohen said he'd take a bullet for Trump too. How'd that work out ?



Mueller hasn't had anyone go to trial except Manafort and his crimes had nothing to do with Trump. And from what I've seen neither does Stones alleged crimes.
He's batting 1.000.

I'm sure as he sits in his cell, the fine distinction you're making between why he is there really means a lot to poor Paul. LOL.

But if you want to talk about witness intimidation, just look at the way they arrested Stone. 25 FBI agents in full tactical gear and 17 vehicles to take down a nonviolent 66 year old, his deaf wife and their dog. That was all about intimidation, didn't seem to work too well though. All that and Stone was released on a signature bond, go figure.


Stone isn't a witness.
He's an accused man whom the FBI had probable cause to arrest.
If he's intimidated...that is usually a good thing.

Oh wait, I forgot, you don't like it when the law is enforced.

Manafort in jail is a good thing, right?



Are you getting senile? Didn't you say Stone would flip?
Once Stone is in jail for a little while....he'll flip.
Well yes you did! Wouldn't that make him a witness? I think it would. LMAO

Also Manafort is where he is because a jury put him there. I see you don't want to allow Stone the same consideration.


Boy, you either are dense or have short term memory loss.

Mueller is batting a thousand in the charges he's brought. That can't be argued.

I'm sure Stone will meet the same fate as Manafort. We'll see what happens.

Once he does go to jail, he'll flip.

You do want justice to prevail right? Why don't you tell us another lie and just say yes.
...colluding with foreign government is called foreign policy and it's done all the time with friends and foes...
Unfortunately, conspiring with foreign governments to subvert Federal election outcomes is a crime..

As is attempting to hamper related investigations and to impede law enforcement in pursuit of same... a.k.a. obstructing justice.

Stealing emails is a crime, publishing them isn't unless the publisher actually stole them. Even coordinating with said publishing isn't either, of course there's no proof that happened either... .
Not to worry... the proof is coming. :21:

Wake me when you proof gets here, would ya? LMAO

We'll both know if there's anything in that vein to be had, when Special Counsel Robert Mueller releases his findings.

We'll see if you're still LMAO'ing on that day.
So far we have been given the PeeWee Herman Defense and claims that crimes are not actually crimes.

Oh well..
So you have him tried and convicted already?


You'd have to admit (if you were honest--which we both know you're not) that Mueller hasn't swung and missed yet.

So if I had to bet, I'd say yep his goose is cooked. But we'll see how it goes. Cohen said he'd take a bullet for Trump too. How'd that work out ?



Mueller hasn't had anyone go to trial except Manafort and his crimes had nothing to do with Trump. And from what I've seen neither does Stones alleged crimes.
He's batting 1.000.

I'm sure as he sits in his cell, the fine distinction you're making between why he is there really means a lot to poor Paul. LOL.

But if you want to talk about witness intimidation, just look at the way they arrested Stone. 25 FBI agents in full tactical gear and 17 vehicles to take down a nonviolent 66 year old, his deaf wife and their dog. That was all about intimidation, didn't seem to work too well though. All that and Stone was released on a signature bond, go figure.


Stone isn't a witness.
He's an accused man whom the FBI had probable cause to arrest.
If he's intimidated...that is usually a good thing.

Oh wait, I forgot, you don't like it when the law is enforced.

Manafort in jail is a good thing, right?



Are you getting senile? Didn't you say Stone would flip?
Once Stone is in jail for a little while....he'll flip.
Well yes you did! Wouldn't that make him a witness? I think it would. LMAO

Also Manafort is where he is because a jury put him there. I see you don't want to allow Stone the same consideration.


Boy, you either are dense or have short term memory loss.

Mueller is batting a thousand in the charges he's brought. That can't be argued.

I'm sure Stone will meet the same fate as Manafort. We'll see what happens.

Once he does go to jail, he'll flip.

You do want justice to prevail right? Why don't you tell us another lie and just say yes.

Mueller batting a thousand, hardly. LMAO The majority of the people charged haven't been arrested, much less convicted. But like you said, we'll see what happens.

...colluding with foreign government is called foreign policy and it's done all the time with friends and foes...
Unfortunately, conspiring with foreign governments to subvert Federal election outcomes is a crime..

As is attempting to hamper related investigations and to impede law enforcement in pursuit of same... a.k.a. obstructing justice.

Stealing emails is a crime, publishing them isn't unless the publisher actually stole them. Even coordinating with said publishing isn't either, of course there's no proof that happened either... .
Not to worry... the proof is coming. :21:

Wake me when you proof gets here, would ya? LMAO

We'll both know if there's anything in that vein to be had, when Special Counsel Robert Mueller releases his findings.

We'll see if you're still LMAO'ing on that day.

You are aware what the law says will be in his report, aren't ya? It will be a confidential summary of charging decisions, given to one person, the AG. The AG will determine what is made public IAW the laws and DOJ policies. You may be in for a disappointment.

You are aware what the law says will be in his report, aren't ya? It will be a confidential summary of charging decisions, given to one person, the AG. The AG will determine what is made public IAW the laws and DOJ policies. You may be in for a disappointment.

So you're saying that the AG will try to hide the Mueller Report from the American people?

Too bad Congress can subpoena it...
To start with we know that the e-mails released by wikileaks were stolen by Russian Intel (GRU...Military Intel)

We now know that there was collusion between wikileaks and the Trump campaign that goes as far as Steve Bannon and "someone" above him in the campaign .That leaves only a few people

We know that Trump was in negotiations with the Russian government to get the biggest deal of his life done (Trump Moscow Tower...300 million) all the way through the 2016 election campaign

We know that Putin (as stated in the Helsinki Conference) admits that he favored Trump

We know that virtually everyone in the Trump campaign had meetings with high ranking Russians and lied about them to the public and Federal investigators

We know that the RNC Convention platform was changed from being pro-Ukraine to being Pro-Russia

We know that there was a meeting in the Trump Tower in which opposition research on Clinton was offered

We know that Trump crafted a statement lying about that meeting

We know that Trump has not initiated sanctions against Russia that were enacted into law by Congress after the Skripal poisoning

We know that Trump never said a word about the Russian mercenary attack on our forces in Syria

We know that Trump just eased sanctions on the Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska

We know that Trump has made a number of very puzzling statements that sound like Russian propaganda (Montenegrans being warlike people...the Soviet incursion in Afghanistan being caused by terrorism)

What we don't know (or can't yet prove)

Where those bizarre statements came from (virtually no one in Trump's cabinet would have fed him that)

Why those actions regarding sanctions occurred

Why the Platform was changed at the RNC Convention and by whom

Which upper campaign official (above Bannon) was colluding with Stone and wikileaks

DId Stone or the campaign officials know that the wikileaks stuff came from Russians

DId Assange and Wikileaks know that

Were leaked e-mails discussed at the Trump Tower meeting?
Yet all of Muellers indictment are for process crimes, the Stone indictment will get Mueller tried for treason
There is no such animal as a "process crime".

Lying to Federal investigators and Congress is a FELONY.

Lying to Congress is a FELONY

Obstructing justice is a FELONY
You are aware what the law says will be in his report, aren't ya? It will be a confidential summary of charging decisions, given to one person, the AG. The AG will determine what is made public IAW the laws and DOJ policies. You may be in for a disappointment.

So you're saying that the AG will try to hide the Mueller Report from the American people?

Too bad Congress can subpoena it...

What about this did you fail to understand?
The AG will determine what is made public IAW the laws and DOJ policies.
You folks cried like little commie babies when Comey violated policies, now you will demand Barr do so. Hypocrite much?

Congress HAS the power to subpoena the report.

Sorry that bothers you. I know you would refer it be kept secret

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