Russiagate: What We Know and What we Don't Know

Stealing emails is a crime, publishing them isn't unless the publisher actually stole them. Even coordinating with said publishing isn't either,

Aiding and abetting a crime is a crime in is the conspiracy involved

Nothing has been presented that any American aided with the acquisition of the emails or conspired to acquire them. If you commies didn't have your assumptions you'd have nothing at all.

Read the Stone indictment again

Why don't you quote the parts you think are relevant and offer proof Stone conspired to acquire the emails. 6 lying and one witness tampering charge don't support that.

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Are we going back to the IF game again? LMAO You keep putting in these little caveats, stick with facts.

There's no "if".

Trump was and may still be the subject of a COUNTERINTEL INVESTIGATION
Yes. Trump is the subject of a counterintel investigation whose purpose is to manufacture a fake conspiracy case. This is what the weaponized intelligence services called insurance to get rid of Trump should he be elected. As Peter Sztrok told Lisa Page. We will never let it happen. We have insurance.
WIng nut fever dreams
Far less compelling evidence than we have that Trump worked with Russia to rig an election in his favor?

WTF are you talking about? No such evidence exists! Did you just wake up from a dream, because that is the only way any evidence exists except in your dreams!

Are you trying to parse out that it wasn't Trump...just his kids?

What did his kids do wrong?

In the Stone indictment it shows that Stone was colluding between wikileaks and Bannon...and someone higher in the campaign than Bannon. Who was higher than Bannon?

Ivanka,Kushner,Don Jr...and Trump.

You pick

Wikileaks isn't charged with stealing the emails, so any communication with them would not have been illegal. Hell every reporter in the country was trying to get information from them. You going to charge them as well?

Random Russian phishers sent a scam email to John Podesta. He responded and revealed his email password that just happened to be "password".

Those "random Russians" were GRU agents...and they supplied that information to Julian Assange...and they have been indicted.

That makes Assange no more guilty than the NY Times when they published the Pentagon Papers. And talking to Assange is not a crime.

Of all the Russian indictments not one American was charged with conspiring with them


And this thread has ZERO to do with Hillary and even less to do with racism

Feel free to name the individual that was charged with conspiring with the Russians.

Richard Pinedo

LMAO, busted for selling identities, he had no idea who he was selling them to, he was just out to make a buck. NEXT!

What we know is that Seth Rich, a DNC operative downloaded the e-mails on a thumb drive. We also know that he was murdered by deep state operatives and D.C detectives were given "stand down" orders. We know that the DNC sent in one of their P.R pros to work with Seth's family when the word got out that a P.I was snooping around and asking questions as to why was it that Seth Rich's laptop computer was confiscated if indeed his death (later at the hospital after his condition had been stabilized) was due to a "botched" robbery. We also know from former 2nd in command at the NSA (and whistleblower) William Binney said that amount of data transfer would not have been possible without setting off even the most basic "firewall" systems and alerting the I.T pros and that this was indeed an "inside" job.

What we also know is that leftards are not pissed about the revelations of Wikileaks data dump proving corruption, criminality and conspiracy to steal not only the nomination for the Hildebeast but the national election as well with a compliant lamestream media and the "7th Floor" deep staters and swamp rats like Comey providing cover. What leftards are pissed about is that this was revealed and someone must pay....the ends justifies the means. The leftard commie posse has no line in the sand, they have no moral compass because those types of tactics define them and what they are about.

These are the things WE know and leftards can't "hang" with it. The leftard clown posse of sniveling, commie pussies want a "cakewalk" but they ain't gonna get it. They don't have the stomach for the fight over the "long haul".
Of all the Russian indictments not one American was charged with conspiring with them


And this thread has ZERO to do with Hillary and even less to do with racism

Feel free to name the individual that was charged with conspiring with the Russians.

Richard Pinedo

LMAO, busted for selling identities, he had no idea who he was selling them to, he was just out to make a buck. NEXT!

What identities was he selling and to whom?

Fake American identities to Russian trolls from the Internet Research Agency located in St Petersburg Russia and now under indictment
What we know is that Seth Rich, a DNC operative downloaded the e-mails on a thumb drive. We also know that he was murdered by deep state operatives and D.C detectives were given "stand down" orders. We know that the DNC sent in one of their P.R pros to work with Seth's family when the word got out that a P.I was snooping around and asking questions as to why was it that Seth Rich's laptop computer was confiscated if indeed his death (later at the hospital after his condition had been stabilized) was due to a "botched" robbery. We also know from former 2nd in command at the NSA (and whistleblower) William Binney said that amount of data transfer would not have been possible without setting off even the most basic "firewall" systems and alerting the I.T pros and that this was indeed an "inside" job.

What we also know is that leftards are not pissed about the revelations of Wikileaks data dump proving corruption, criminality and conspiracy to steal not only the nomination for the Hildebeast but the national election as well with a compliant lamestream media and the "7th Floor" deep staters and swamp rats like Comey providing cover. What leftards are pissed about is that this was revealed and someone must pay....the ends justifies the means. The leftard commie posse has no line in the sand, they have no moral compass because those types of tactics define them and what they are about.

These are the things WE know and leftards can't "hang" with it. The leftard clown posse of sniveling, commie pussies want a "cakewalk" but they ain't gonna get it. They don't have the stomach for the fight over the "long haul".
More Trumper fever dreams?
Of all the Russian indictments not one American was charged with conspiring with them


And this thread has ZERO to do with Hillary and even less to do with racism

Feel free to name the individual that was charged with conspiring with the Russians.

Richard Pinedo

LMAO, busted for selling identities, he had no idea who he was selling them to, he was just out to make a buck. NEXT!

What identities was he selling and to whom?

Fake American identities to Russian trolls from the Internet Research Agency located in St Petersburg Russia and now under indictment

Do you think they use actual names in internet crimes, boy howdy girl, you sure are dumb.

What we know is that Seth Rich, a DNC operative downloaded the e-mails on a thumb drive. We also know that he was murdered by deep state operatives and D.C detectives were given "stand down" orders. We know that the DNC sent in one of their P.R pros to work with Seth's family when the word got out that a P.I was snooping around and asking questions as to why was it that Seth Rich's laptop computer was confiscated if indeed his death (later at the hospital after his condition had been stabilized) was due to a "botched" robbery. We also know from former 2nd in command at the NSA (and whistleblower) William Binney said that amount of data transfer would not have been possible without setting off even the most basic "firewall" systems and alerting the I.T pros and that this was indeed an "inside" job.

What we also know is that leftards are not pissed about the revelations of Wikileaks data dump proving corruption, criminality and conspiracy to steal not only the nomination for the Hildebeast but the national election as well with a compliant lamestream media and the "7th Floor" deep staters and swamp rats like Comey providing cover. What leftards are pissed about is that this was revealed and someone must pay....the ends justifies the means. The leftard commie posse has no line in the sand, they have no moral compass because those types of tactics define them and what they are about.

These are the things WE know and leftards can't "hang" with it. The leftard clown posse of sniveling, commie pussies want a "cakewalk" but they ain't gonna get it. They don't have the stomach for the fight over the "long haul".
More Trumper fever dreams?

I know more than you, dipshit.... like by a factor of a thousand?......I didn't vote for Trump or anyone else because I corrected my legal status and no longer a de-facto employee of USA.INC. I am a dedicated researcher and I reach my conclusions from the preponderance of the evidence.

You, on the other hand, are simply a butthurt partisan shill that was so embarassed at all the shit talking you did before the election that you came back under a different ID.
That makes Assange no more guilty than the NY Times when they published the Pentagon Papers. And talking to Assange is not a crime.

Regardless of what someone else did or didn't do...Assange committed a crime and Stone and Bannon and someone higher in the Trump campaign committed conspiracy in that crime...and then all of them lied about it to Congress and Federal Investigators...another crime.

It remains to be seen as to whether Assange was working as an agent of the Russian government and if so whether Stone, Bannon, and that "higher official" knew that
That makes Assange no more guilty than the NY Times when they published the Pentagon Papers. And talking to Assange is not a crime.

Regardless of what someone else did or didn't do...Assange committed a crime and Stone and Bannon and someone higher in the Trump campaign committed conspiracy in that crime...and then all of them lied about it to Congress and Federal Investigators...another crime.

It remains to be seen as to whether Assange was working as an agent of the Russian government and if so whether Stone, Bannon, and that "higher official" knew that

Really, what crime did Assange commit and why hasn't he been charged?

Really, what crime did Assange commit and why hasn't he been charged?

He received and disseminated stolen e-mails...provided to him by Russian agents.That's a matter of record.

Document: Indictment of Roger Stone and the various indictments of Russian agents, companies, and individuals

As for if or when he will be indicted...ask Mueller. He's not done yet obviously
Random Russian phishers sent a scam email to John Podesta. He responded and revealed his email password that just happened to be "password".

Those "random Russians" were GRU agents...and they supplied that information to Julian Assange...and they have been indicted.
And laughably the indictments were dropped when the Russians demanded to see the non existent evidence. Mueller thought he had a master plan. He would indict Russians knowing the indictments would be dead in the water. He never expected the Russians to answer and demand an offer of proof.

That was damn funny. Not as hilarious as the chief fool, Chuckles Schumer demanding the Putin offer the Russians up for extradition. He ended up hiding that one.
Really, what crime did Assange commit and why hasn't he been charged?

He received and disseminated stolen e-mails...provided to him by Russian agents.That's a matter of record.

Document: Indictment of Roger Stone and the various indictments of Russian agents, companies, and individuals

As for if or when he will be indicted...ask Mueller. He's not done yet obviously

Lesh SEZ??????? I just know that those dastardly ROOSKIES and Trump conspired to cheat by revealing how my beloved DNC was cheating!!!!! And THAT is CHEATING!!!! Can't you see that????"

ROTFLMAO!!!! You are such a fucking joke and you don't even see the irony. You are more to be pitied than scolded.

Really, what crime did Assange commit and why hasn't he been charged?

He received and disseminated stolen e-mails...provided to him by Russian agents.That's a matter of record.

Document: Indictment of Roger Stone and the various indictments of Russian agents, companies, and individuals

As for if or when he will be indicted...ask Mueller. He's not done yet obviously

Nothing illegal about receiving or disseminating stolen information. SCOTUS decided that when the government tried to prosecute the NY Times for publishing the Pentagon papers. Pay attention will ya? They didn't even claim wikileaks had anything to do with the theft in Stones indictment.

Really, what crime did Assange commit and why hasn't he been charged?

He received and disseminated stolen e-mails...provided to him by Russian agents.That's a matter of record.

Document: Indictment of Roger Stone and the various indictments of Russian agents, companies, and individuals

As for if or when he will be indicted...ask Mueller. He's not done yet obviously

LMAO! Seth Rich was a "Russian agent"???????
Hey dummy, colluding with foreign government is called foreign policy and it's done all the time with friends and foes.

Stealing emails is a crime, publishing them isn't unless the publisher actually stole them. Even coordinating with said publishing isn't either, of course there's no proof that happened either.

You are talking as if all these questions of legality have been settled. They have not, not yet anyway. One thing you are forgetting though: All the lying and all the coverups speak to intent. They intended to defraud our government, that matters greatly when it comes time for judges and juries to decide.

See post 41. Funny how Comey never considered the bitches lies to congress, or her setting up the server to foil records keeping laws as part of intent. I guess a two tired justice system really does exist.

You are not going to agree with this but questions of what Hillary may have done are secondary to what the president is doing right now. The right pursued her like a pack of rabid wolves for decades and what did they get? Doodly squat is what they got yet they still want her in front of a firing squad on far less compelling evidence than we have that Trump worked with Russia to rig an election in his favor. I guess continuing to run against Hillary is easier than defending the worst choice America ever made.

Far less compelling evidence than we have that Trump worked with Russia to rig an election in his favor?

WTF are you talking about? No such evidence exists! Did you just wake up from a dream, because that is the only way any evidence exists except in your dreams!
Circumstantial evidence supports the theory. If that is invalid then it follows that the whole Clinton Email scandal is invalid, can't have it both ways. Also no one except Mueller knows what evidence exists. Only when that is released can anyone say for certain if Trump is guilty of something. In the meantime all signs point to yes and I am entirely willing to admit being wrong if it should turn out that way, are you?

You don't even have circumstantial evidence! Why don't you grow up and admit that this entire fiasco is a giant temper tantrum by libtards because Hillary lost the unlosable election!

It's been two years and the FBI can't keep from leaking like a sieve. If there was anything, we would know. Do you think Mueller is just waiting for Trump to die before putting out his report of nothing? That is more plausible than anything you have so far!

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