Russian ambassador shot to death in Turkey

Here is the body of the Allahu Akbar Turkish terrorist scum.

Russia still not aware of the true nature of the enemy and thinks they can be talked to.

How is that Bleipriester?
I´m not sure what you mean.'s just that you said Russia is still not aware of the nature of the enemy.

I think Russia knows exactly the nature of the enemy. :dunno:
Russia´s inconsistency. The ambassador was not save!
Russian ambassador to Turkey dies after being shot in 'assassination attempt'

This is how wars start.

Russia's ambassador to Turkey has been assassinated in front of terrified witnesses allegedly in retaliation for the crisis in Aleppo.

The gunman reportedly said in Turkish "We die in Aleppo, you die here" before opening fire and killing Ambassador Andrei Karlov.

The attacker was fatally shot by police after wounding Mr Karlov and at least three others, according to state TV.

Mr Karlov was delivering a speech at an art gallery in the capital of Ankara when the gunman fired a shot into the air and then shot the ambassador in a suspected radical Islamic attack, the Hurriyet newspaper reported.


Can't bring themselves to say "terrorists".

Turkey is being more and more radicalized, thanks to Obama not backing the Ataturks and sticking with the regime. Secularism is dead now, and the batshit crazy Sunnis are taking over. Time to kick Turkey out of NATO. Russia has every right to retaliate towards Turkey for supporting ISIS, and we should not be automatically drawn into war because of Turkey's stupidity and radicalization.
Here is the body of the Allahu Akbar Turkish terrorist scum.

Russia still not aware of the true nature of the enemy and thinks they can be talked to.

How is that Bleipriester?
I´m not sure what you mean.'s just that you said Russia is still not aware of the nature of the enemy.

I think Russia knows exactly the nature of the enemy. :dunno:
Russia´s inconsistency. The ambassador was not save!

That's the nature of the beast sadly.

It only takes one hit from terrorists scum to win.....even if they fail 99 times.
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Russia still not aware of the true nature of the enemy and thinks they can be talked to.

How is that Bleipriester?
I´m not sure what you mean.'s just that you said Russia is still not aware of the nature of the enemy.

I think Russia knows exactly the nature of the enemy. :dunno:
Russia´s inconsistency. The ambassador was not save!

That's the nature of the beast sadly.

It only takes one hit to terrorists scum to win.....even if they fail 99 times.
Erdogan is not to be trusted. The longer the Russians arrange big deals with Turkey or Saudi Arabia, the longer will they support the terrorists. They are not taken seriously by these countries and if Putin draws no consequences, his world power role fades away. His plans to forge alliances against terrorism with those who support terrorism, failed and it is high time to deploy serious Russian ground forces and arm the SAA that does the whole job so that the supporters of terrorism see that Putin means it.
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Russian ambassador to Turkey dies after being shot in 'assassination attempt'

This is how wars start.

Russia's ambassador to Turkey has been assassinated in front of terrified witnesses allegedly in retaliation for the crisis in Aleppo.

The gunman reportedly said in Turkish "We die in Aleppo, you die here" before opening fire and killing Ambassador Andrei Karlov.

The attacker was fatally shot by police after wounding Mr Karlov and at least three others, according to state TV.

Mr Karlov was delivering a speech at an art gallery in the capital of Ankara when the gunman fired a shot into the air and then shot the ambassador in a suspected radical Islamic attack, the Hurriyet newspaper reported.


Can't bring themselves to say "terrorists".

Turkey is being more and more radicalized, thanks to Obama not backing the Ataturks and sticking with the regime. Secularism is dead now, and the batshit crazy Sunnis are taking over. Time to kick Turkey out of NATO. Russia has every right to retaliate towards Turkey for supporting ISIS, and we should not be automatically drawn into war because of Turkey's stupidity and radicalization.
I thought the GOP was adamantly opposed to secularism
Russian ambassador to Turkey dies after being shot in 'assassination attempt'

This is how wars start.

Russia's ambassador to Turkey has been assassinated in front of terrified witnesses allegedly in retaliation for the crisis in Aleppo.

The gunman reportedly said in Turkish "We die in Aleppo, you die here" before opening fire and killing Ambassador Andrei Karlov.

The attacker was fatally shot by police after wounding Mr Karlov and at least three others, according to state TV.

Mr Karlov was delivering a speech at an art gallery in the capital of Ankara when the gunman fired a shot into the air and then shot the ambassador in a suspected radical Islamic attack, the Hurriyet newspaper reported.


Can't bring themselves to say "terrorists".

Turkey is being more and more radicalized, thanks to Obama not backing the Ataturks and sticking with the regime. Secularism is dead now, and the batshit crazy Sunnis are taking over. Time to kick Turkey out of NATO. Russia has every right to retaliate towards Turkey for supporting ISIS, and we should not be automatically drawn into war because of Turkey's stupidity and radicalization.
I thought the GOP was adamantly opposed to secularism

There you go thinking again. Sit your ass back down at the kids table now.
Russia is killing innocent citizens in Syria that oppose Assad. Now the citizens are fighting back in a matter only they can, an unconventional one. Putin and his decisions killed the ambassador, not the gunman.
RIP to Mr. Karlov :(
I really hope nothing bad is gonna happen between Russia and Turkey :eusa_eh:
Agree with you, totally, Esthermoon. A war between Turkey and Russia would not be pretty. And it would quickly spread to other areas. The Russians are no more popular in the Mid-East than we are. And the people there have more reason to hate them than they do to hate us.

The only other nation in the Mid-East with a better fighting force than Turkey is Israel. And they could well become involved on the side of the Turks.
Russian ambassador to Turkey dies after being shot in 'assassination attempt'

This is how wars start.

Russia's ambassador to Turkey has been assassinated in front of terrified witnesses allegedly in retaliation for the crisis in Aleppo.

The gunman reportedly said in Turkish "We die in Aleppo, you die here" before opening fire and killing Ambassador Andrei Karlov.

The attacker was fatally shot by police after wounding Mr Karlov and at least three others, according to state TV.

Mr Karlov was delivering a speech at an art gallery in the capital of Ankara when the gunman fired a shot into the air and then shot the ambassador in a suspected radical Islamic attack, the Hurriyet newspaper reported.


Wonderful news, wish he could have taken out lavrov, putin, and a few dozen other pieces of shit.
Here is the body of the Allahu Akbar Turkish terrorist scum.

Russia still not aware of the true nature of the enemy and thinks they can be talked to.

How is that Bleipriester?
I´m not sure what you mean.'s just that you said Russia is still not aware of the nature of the enemy.

I think Russia knows exactly the nature of the enemy. :dunno:
And anyone that knows history knows exactly the nature of Russia under a dictator. Both sides are bloody minded with few ethics or morals.
Russian ambassador to Turkey dies after being shot in 'assassination attempt'

This is how wars start.

Russia's ambassador to Turkey has been assassinated in front of terrified witnesses allegedly in retaliation for the crisis in Aleppo.

The gunman reportedly said in Turkish "We die in Aleppo, you die here" before opening fire and killing Ambassador Andrei Karlov.

The attacker was fatally shot by police after wounding Mr Karlov and at least three others, according to state TV.

Mr Karlov was delivering a speech at an art gallery in the capital of Ankara when the gunman fired a shot into the air and then shot the ambassador in a suspected radical Islamic attack, the Hurriyet newspaper reported.


Can't bring themselves to say "terrorists".

Turkey is being more and more radicalized, thanks to Obama not backing the Ataturks and sticking with the regime. Secularism is dead now, and the batshit crazy Sunnis are taking over. Time to kick Turkey out of NATO. Russia has every right to retaliate towards Turkey for supporting ISIS, and we should not be automatically drawn into war because of Turkey's stupidity and radicalization.
Oh my, another ignoramous of history in that region. Byzentium had simple politics compared to what is going on in the Mid-East at present.
This is exactly how WW1 started.

No, it isn't;Wilhelm II started WW I, and did so by launching an attack on France while faking a claim they attacked him first. Quit watching PBS.
You have not read of the assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand, the crown prince of the Austro-Hungarian Empire?

That set in motion a conflagration that destroyed most of the monarchies in Central and Eastern Europe.

Very familiar with it. Do you know the German investigator Wilhelm himself absolved the Serbian government of any involvement and Wilhelm went ahead and started the war anyway? He and Moltke were looking for any excuse, no matter how flimsy, to start a war. They calculated they had a three year window to win one in, and they went for it. Nobody else had any interest in starting one and had nothing to gain by a war, while Wilhelm had all kinds of personal reasons to start one; he had been rattling sabers from the minute he assumed the crown on his father's death and dismissed Bismarck. The assassination cause is a myth, exploded a long time ago.

The best and most exhaustively detailed book on the politics of it all and who did what is David Stevenson's Cataclysm: World WAr One As Political Tragedy. The war was no accident; everybody knew what was going on, and most bent over backwards to avoid one, except Wilhelm II; even Tizla didn't want one, the other member of 'The Dual Monarchy', Ferdinand's counterpart.
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RIP to Mr. Karlov :(
I really hope nothing bad is gonna happen between Russia and Turkey :eusa_eh:

If this guy was in any way trained by those intelligence agents captured by Syria, and the Russians link it to them, they is sure to be hell to pay. . .

“The Security Council is sitting in private on Friday, December 16, 2016, at 17:00 GMT, while NATO officers were arrested this morning by the Syrian Special Forces in a bunker in East Aleppo.”
I heard the murderer was a police man and he was part of Erdogan security detail :eusa_think:

GRAPHIC Video: Russian Ambassador to Turkey Dead after ‘assassination attempt in revenge for Aleppo’

Russia’s ambassador to Turkey has been assassinated allegedly in retaliation for the crisis in Aleppo.

The gunman reportedly said in Turkish “We die in Aleppo, you die here” before opening fire and injuring Ambassador Andrei Karlov.

The attacker was fatally shot by police after wounding Mr Karlov and at least three others, according to state TV.

View image on Twitter

Mr Karlov was delivering a speech at an art gallery in the capital of Ankara when the gunman fired a shot into the air and then shot the ambassador in a suspected radical Islamic attack, the Hurriyet newspaper reported.

Well this about SUMS up what REALLY is happening and what is going on ..............oh .....n well.

Horrible video... :cry:
Poor Mr Karlov...:(
And anyone that knows history knows exactly the nature of Russia under a dictator. Both sides are bloody minded with few ethics or morals.
It is hilarious how you libtards trot out your closet racism when ever it suits you.
I heard the murderer was a police man and he was part of Erdogan security detail :eusa_think:
He is also associated with a US sponsored Muslim cleric that was involved with the anti Erdogan coup a few months back.

Seems that maybe Obama is doing some payback to the Russians for what he thinks that they did in the election.
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I'm not sure I would take Steve Quayle seriously though. He has predicted some pretty wild thing before that have not come to pass.

maybe because S.Q. has been beat down just like infowars, and that is the path they want people kept on.
and what I don't get is how the fk people can't believe what he post when if one goes to his site it's set up just like Drudge which provides links to other news site that wrote the article. LOL

Haven't you noticed Infowars, Drudge, Breitbart etc are the ones accused of fake news and really they aren't, Shadow Gov. creates these thoughts for people to keep them down for realistic thoughts of information.

Just like infowars, look at the link I provided, it leads to the Original source the " MIRROR"
you can't believe how many times I have post articles from infowars Original source and the reactions are totally different, then take the exact same story post is from infowars and people instantly claim it as fake. lol
Mark Dice - Three years ago Steve Quayle said “his... | Facebook
I don't know Steve Quayle but I can say he wouldn't be a good better :biggrin:
I´m not sure what you mean.'s just that you said Russia is still not aware of the nature of the enemy.

I think Russia knows exactly the nature of the enemy. :dunno:
Russia´s inconsistency. The ambassador was not save!

That's the nature of the beast sadly.
Trump Is Right: Here’s Proof Hillary & Obama Founded ISIS
It only takes one hit to terrorists scum to win.....even if they fail 99 times.
Erdogan is not to be trusted. The longer the Russians arrange big deals with Turkey or Saudi Arabia, the longer will they support the terrorists. They are not taken seriously by these countries and if Putin draws no consequences, his world power role fades away. His plans to forge alliances against terrorism with those who support terrorism, failed and it is high time to deploy serious Russian ground forces and arm the SAA that does the whole job so that the supporters of terrorism see that Putin means it.
Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are founding members of ISIS by bankrolling, arming and supporting jihadists in Syria and Libya to both destabilize the Middle East and expand the domestic police state.

Clinton even even admitted in 2009 that the U.S. government – staffed with many of her closest allies – was responsible for al-Qaeda, which morphed into ISIS.

“I mean, let’s remember here: The people we are fighting today we funded 20 years ago, and we did it because we were locked in this struggle with the Soviet Union,” she said.

Clinton continued:

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