Russian Bots Re-Tweeted Trump Over 500,000 Times in the Last Months of His Campaign~

Why is Trump not talking about this? It is a factual and proven.. Instead he calls everything Fake News.

For those of you who still do not understand what Russia did to infiltrate American politics and our internet policies read up on it, because in my opinion this is a terrorist attack and will effect you( although some still love the idea of loving Putin instead of the Democrats )

This is not ok The Russians make fake accounts to look American ... These bots are still getting into our business .. thousands of fake Russian comments on our Government site made comments to get rid of Net - Neutrality , 90% of Americans wanted to keep that in place..the GOP saw that and voted to get rid of Net-Neutral.

Twitter: Russian bots retweeted
Trump nearly 500,000 times in last months of election

Twitter: Russian bots retweeted Trump nearly 500,000 times in last months of election

FCC Got 444,938 Net-Neutrality Comments From Russian Email Addresses
FCC Got 444,938 Net-Neutrality Comments From Russian Email Addresses

What is Net-Neutrality?

So what. Obama had millions of fake followers and he didn't talk about that.

Obama intentionally rigged his campaign contributions so that foreigners in other countries could contribute to his campaign financially and it couldn't be traced now that's some goddamn collusion right there.
Hillary spent $1.2 billion getting her message out plus the entire media was in the tank for her and she still couldn't convince Dem's in her own blue states PA, MI, and WI to vote for her. Stop trying to blame the Russians, pathetic. :itsok:

You moron.. I could give a shit about Hillary . This is about Russia hacking America..

Why is that ok with you?


Are you naïve? You do realize America is all over the world trying to influence elections in other countries :itsok:
Why don't you get an AMERICA SUX bumper sticker. It fits you.
:crybaby: Hillary lost how can this happen...
Show us on the doll where the Russian bot touched you to make you flip your vote to Trump

Liberals are so unhinged by the American people rejecting them and their policies they grasp at the wild excuses to explain their loss, it must be something, anything other than straight up rejection because they can't deal with that reality.

What policies have been rejected?

Tax increase policies your side squealed like a stuck pig :itsok:

What's the matter, too difficult a question for you? Americans do not want more tax cuts for the rich.
Has anyone ever been hired for a well paying secure job by a 'poor' person?
'Rich' people use their money to invest in businesses that make them money. Every fucking one of these businesses must hire people. These people get paid money that they spend to live. That means the people in the grocery stores have jobs.
It's a fucking MYTH that rich people just hide away their money.
Every rich person I know is investing their money.
:crybaby: Hillary lost how can this happen...
Show us on the doll where the Russian bot touched you to make you flip your vote to Trump

Liberals are so unhinged by the American people rejecting them and their policies they grasp at the wild excuses to explain their loss, it must be something, anything other than straight up rejection because they can't deal with that reality.

What policies have been rejected?

Tax increase policies your side squealed like a stuck pig :itsok:

What's the matter, too difficult a question for you? Americans do not want more tax cuts for the rich.
Has anyone ever been hired for a well paying secure job by a 'poor' person?
'Rich' people use their money to invest in businesses that make them money. Every fucking one of these businesses must hire people. These people get paid money that they spend to live. That means the people in the grocery stores have jobs.
It's a fucking MYTH that rich people just hide away their money.
Every rich person I know is investing their money.

Every business can only survive when there is demand for their product. You already have rich people sitting on untold wealth. It's the consumer that drives business.
:crybaby: Hillary lost how can this happen...
Liberals are so unhinged by the American people rejecting them and their policies they grasp at the wild excuses to explain their loss, it must be something, anything other than straight up rejection because they can't deal with that reality.

What policies have been rejected?

Tax increase policies your side squealed like a stuck pig :itsok:

What's the matter, too difficult a question for you? Americans do not want more tax cuts for the rich.

I answered your question idiot. Trump ran on tax cuts, Hillary ran on tax increases, Hillary lost. Tissue?

Policies, douche, policies not politicians. Trump lost the popular vote to an unpopular candidate.

Do you even know what a policy is? Goddamn you are dumb. Trump ran on deporting illegals and securing the border, Hillary lost. Trump won 30 states how many did Hillary win? Here let me laugh in your face :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Hillary spent $1.2 billion getting her message out plus the entire media was in the tank for her and she still couldn't convince Dem's in her own blue states PA, MI, and WI to vote for her. Stop trying to blame the Russians, pathetic. :itsok:

You moron.. I could give a shit about Hillary . This is about Russia hacking America..

Why is that ok with you?


Are you naïve? You do realize America is all over the world trying to influence elections in other countries :itsok:
Why don't you get an AMERICA SUX bumper sticker. It fits you.

You mad bro? Rejection getting to you? Look you people had an overwhelming advantage during the election, hell even I can't believe you lost holy shit your party sucks.
Why is Trump not talking about this? It is a factual and proven.. Instead he calls everything Fake News.

For those of you who still do not understand what Russia did to infiltrate American politics and our internet policies read up on it, because in my opinion this is a terrorist attack and will effect you( although some still love the idea of loving Putin instead of the Democrats )

This is not ok The Russians make fake accounts to look American ... These bots are still getting into our business .. thousands of fake Russian comments on our Government site made comments to get rid of Net - Neutrality , 90% of Americans wanted to keep that in place..the GOP saw that and voted to get rid of Net-Neutral.

Twitter: Russian bots retweeted
Trump nearly 500,000 times in last months of election

Twitter: Russian bots retweeted Trump nearly 500,000 times in last months of election

FCC Got 444,938 Net-Neutrality Comments From Russian Email Addresses
FCC Got 444,938 Net-Neutrality Comments From Russian Email Addresses

What is Net-Neutrality?

I find it funny in light of what Hillary and the DNC did, massive advertising on TV, radio, mail, newspapers, everywhere, along with her efforts to eliminate Bernie and use fake oppo research + weaponize our intelligence against the president plus the problem with unverified voters voting illegally in many states that the DNC keeps fighting to protect that the biggest thing you've found to complain about is some russian bots making those dumb comments that no one reads on the bottom of web pages! Not to say the USA does just as much and more to affect elections elsewhere as well. Oh and BTW, good riddance to net neutrality, though I again doubt it was a bunch of bots on Facebook that determined the outcome.
Hillary spent $1.2 billion getting her message out plus the entire media was in the tank for her and she still couldn't convince Dem's in her own blue states PA, MI, and WI to vote for her. Stop trying to blame the Russians, pathetic. :itsok:

You moron.. I could give a shit about Hillary . This is about Russia hacking America..

Why is that ok with you?


Are you naïve? You do realize America is all over the world trying to influence elections in other countries :itsok:
--------------------------------------------------------- yeah Agree !!
:crybaby: Hillary lost how can this happen...
Show us on the doll where the Russian bot touched you to make you flip your vote to Trump

Liberals are so unhinged by the American people rejecting them and their policies they grasp at the wild excuses to explain their loss, it must be something, anything other than straight up rejection because they can't deal with that reality.

What policies have been rejected?

Tax increase policies your side squealed like a stuck pig :itsok:

What's the matter, too difficult a question for you? Americans do not want more tax cuts for the rich.
Has anyone ever been hired for a well paying secure job by a 'poor' person?
'Rich' people use their money to invest in businesses that make them money. Every fucking one of these businesses must hire people. These people get paid money that they spend to live. That means the people in the grocery stores have jobs.
It's a fucking MYTH that rich people just hide away their money.
Every rich person I know is investing their money.

You are wasting your breath, the left demonize the rich because they need a scapegoat for their failures.
Show us on the doll where the Russian bot touched you to make you flip your vote to Trump
Just one example is Marco Rubio.
Check out some of the ads russia put out.

Anyways, the obsession with Hillary is getting old.
:crybaby: Hillary lost how can this happen...
What policies have been rejected?

Tax increase policies your side squealed like a stuck pig :itsok:

What's the matter, too difficult a question for you? Americans do not want more tax cuts for the rich.

I answered your question idiot. Trump ran on tax cuts, Hillary ran on tax increases, Hillary lost. Tissue?

Policies, douche, policies not politicians. Trump lost the popular vote to an unpopular candidate.

Do you even know what a policy is? Goddamn you are dumb. Trump ran on deporting illegals and securing the border, Hillary lost. Trump won 30 states how many did Hillary win? Here let me laugh in your face :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

The wall isn't popular, ending DACA wasn't popular, ending Obamacare isn't popular. Trump barely won by about 100k votes spread over 3 states. He has consistently been unpopular ever since he was sworn in. But why are we talking about a politician? What specific policies are popular/unpopular and stop conflating that with a president who is also unpopular...wait, actually keep doing that it will only prove my point.
Hillary spent $1.2 billion getting her message out plus the entire media was in the tank for her and she still couldn't convince Dem's in her own blue states PA, MI, and WI to vote for her. Stop trying to blame the Russians, pathetic. :itsok:
The innocent Russians ??? How can we blame them??? Sorry blues You have your head somewhere where it shouldn't be Putin ,drumps buddy ,and Russia are the enemy Stop making excuses for the orange anus

It wasn't that long ago you Dem's tried to make Putin and the Russians your BFF. You gave them reset buttons. Hillary personally met with Putin several times and tried to cozy up to him. Obama caught on a hot mic suggesting it would be easier for him to collude with the Russians after his re-election.

That's different
did the russians get Obama elected like they did trump ?

Good question...

Did they?
:crybaby: Hillary lost how can this happen...
Liberals are so unhinged by the American people rejecting them and their policies they grasp at the wild excuses to explain their loss, it must be something, anything other than straight up rejection because they can't deal with that reality.

What policies have been rejected?

Tax increase policies your side squealed like a stuck pig :itsok:

What's the matter, too difficult a question for you? Americans do not want more tax cuts for the rich.
Has anyone ever been hired for a well paying secure job by a 'poor' person?
'Rich' people use their money to invest in businesses that make them money. Every fucking one of these businesses must hire people. These people get paid money that they spend to live. That means the people in the grocery stores have jobs.
It's a fucking MYTH that rich people just hide away their money.
Every rich person I know is investing their money.

Every business can only survive when there is demand for their product. You already have rich people sitting on untold wealth. It's the consumer that drives business.

So, its their wealth. You are free to risk everything by starting a business and earn all the wealth you want so have at it.
:crybaby: Hillary lost how can this happen...
What policies have been rejected?

Tax increase policies your side squealed like a stuck pig :itsok:

What's the matter, too difficult a question for you? Americans do not want more tax cuts for the rich.
Has anyone ever been hired for a well paying secure job by a 'poor' person?
'Rich' people use their money to invest in businesses that make them money. Every fucking one of these businesses must hire people. These people get paid money that they spend to live. That means the people in the grocery stores have jobs.
It's a fucking MYTH that rich people just hide away their money.
Every rich person I know is investing their money.

Every business can only survive when there is demand for their product. You already have rich people sitting on untold wealth. It's the consumer that drives business.

So, its their wealth. You are free to risk everything by starting a business and earn all the wealth you want so have at it.

What? Are we in the same thread? Whoever said someone can't start a business?
Why is Trump not talking about this? It is a factual and proven.. Instead he calls everything Fake News.

For those of you who still do not understand what Russia did to infiltrate American politics and our internet policies read up on it, because in my opinion this is a terrorist attack and will effect you( although some still love the idea of loving Putin instead of the Democrats )

This is not ok The Russians make fake accounts to look American ... These bots are still getting into our business .. thousands of fake Russian comments on our Government site made comments to get rid of Net - Neutrality , 90% of Americans wanted to keep that in place..the GOP saw that and voted to get rid of Net-Neutral.

Twitter: Russian bots retweeted
Trump nearly 500,000 times in last months of election

Twitter: Russian bots retweeted Trump nearly 500,000 times in last months of election

FCC Got 444,938 Net-Neutrality Comments From Russian Email Addresses
FCC Got 444,938 Net-Neutrality Comments From Russian Email Addresses

What is Net-Neutrality?

and how many did they do in the previous elections? why didn't obama, who knew of this heinous activity, stop it months ahead of time?

90% of the people did no such thing on net neutrality. if you knew what that really was you'd not likely be for it either. it's more subversive control of the net, not less. and if you didn't have issues pre-2015 then we just went back to those wild wild west days where we simply didn't have a problem. NN created a solution in search a problem and just assumed that people would take advantage of being able to charge / direct what they want.

was that an issue for you in 2010? 2012? 2015? if not, we just went back there. if so, what was it?

90% of the US wanted to keep it in place but the damn GOP voted to get rid of what 90% of the people wanted. you ever think these things through? the math alone says if 90% wanted it it would have happened.

that is a pretty bold reach, EW. you'd never allow such speculation the other way so i find it kinda funny you make stuff up then yell at trump for doing the same. if you don't make stuff up, tell me who said 90% of americans wanted net neutrality.
:crybaby: Hillary lost how can this happen...
Tax increase policies your side squealed like a stuck pig :itsok:

What's the matter, too difficult a question for you? Americans do not want more tax cuts for the rich.

I answered your question idiot. Trump ran on tax cuts, Hillary ran on tax increases, Hillary lost. Tissue?

Policies, douche, policies not politicians. Trump lost the popular vote to an unpopular candidate.

Do you even know what a policy is? Goddamn you are dumb. Trump ran on deporting illegals and securing the border, Hillary lost. Trump won 30 states how many did Hillary win? Here let me laugh in your face :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

The wall isn't popular, ending DACA wasn't popular, ending Obamacare isn't popular. Trump barely won by about 100k votes spread over 3 states. He has consistently been unpopular ever since he was sworn in. But why are we talking about a politician? What specific policies are popular/unpopular and stop conflating that with a president who is also unpopular...wait, actually keep doing that it will only prove my point.

The wall and ending DACA was so unpopular that Trump won the election promising both, oh wait :eusa_think: You funny :laugh::laugh::laugh:
“Every second, on average, around 6,000 tweets are tweeted on Twitter, which corresponds to over 350,000 tweets sent per minute, 500 million tweets per day and around 200 billion tweets per year. On average, around 6,000 tweets are tweeted on twitter every second.”
Twitter Usage Statistics - Internet Live Stats

Sounds like they made nary a difference.

Why is Trump not talking about this? It is a factual and proven.. Instead he calls everything Fake News.

For those of you who still do not understand what Russia did to infiltrate American politics and our internet policies read up on it, because in my opinion this is a terrorist attack and will effect you( although some still love the idea of loving Putin instead of the Democrats )

This is not ok The Russians make fake accounts to look American ... These bots are still getting into our business .. thousands of fake Russian comments on our Government site made comments to get rid of Net - Neutrality , 90% of Americans wanted to keep that in place..the GOP saw that and voted to get rid of Net-Neutral.

Twitter: Russian bots retweeted
Trump nearly 500,000 times in last months of election

Twitter: Russian bots retweeted Trump nearly 500,000 times in last months of election

FCC Got 444,938 Net-Neutrality Comments From Russian Email Addresses
FCC Got 444,938 Net-Neutrality Comments From Russian Email Addresses

What is Net-Neutrality?

so about a minute and a half of tweets were sent by these hideous bots and that foiled hillary AND net neutrality.

if it were that simple marketing all over would dive on that but it's simply not that simple despite how clever it sounds. :)
:crybaby: Hillary lost how can this happen...
Tax increase policies your side squealed like a stuck pig :itsok:

What's the matter, too difficult a question for you? Americans do not want more tax cuts for the rich.
Has anyone ever been hired for a well paying secure job by a 'poor' person?
'Rich' people use their money to invest in businesses that make them money. Every fucking one of these businesses must hire people. These people get paid money that they spend to live. That means the people in the grocery stores have jobs.
It's a fucking MYTH that rich people just hide away their money.
Every rich person I know is investing their money.

Every business can only survive when there is demand for their product. You already have rich people sitting on untold wealth. It's the consumer that drives business.

So, its their wealth. You are free to risk everything by starting a business and earn all the wealth you want so have at it.

What? Are we in the same thread? Whoever said someone can't start a business?

Is the guy who mows my lawn entitled to part equity in my house? :itsok:
What's the matter, too difficult a question for you? Americans do not want more tax cuts for the rich.

I answered your question idiot. Trump ran on tax cuts, Hillary ran on tax increases, Hillary lost. Tissue?

Policies, douche, policies not politicians. Trump lost the popular vote to an unpopular candidate.

Do you even know what a policy is? Goddamn you are dumb. Trump ran on deporting illegals and securing the border, Hillary lost. Trump won 30 states how many did Hillary win? Here let me laugh in your face :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

The wall isn't popular, ending DACA wasn't popular, ending Obamacare isn't popular. Trump barely won by about 100k votes spread over 3 states. He has consistently been unpopular ever since he was sworn in. But why are we talking about a politician? What specific policies are popular/unpopular and stop conflating that with a president who is also unpopular...wait, actually keep doing that it will only prove my point.

The wall and ending DACA was so unpopular that Trump won the election promising both, oh wait :eusa_think: You funny :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Probably explains why Trump continues to be the most unpopular president in recent history. Thanks for failing to prove a point once again.
What's the matter, too difficult a question for you? Americans do not want more tax cuts for the rich.
Has anyone ever been hired for a well paying secure job by a 'poor' person?
'Rich' people use their money to invest in businesses that make them money. Every fucking one of these businesses must hire people. These people get paid money that they spend to live. That means the people in the grocery stores have jobs.
It's a fucking MYTH that rich people just hide away their money.
Every rich person I know is investing their money.

Every business can only survive when there is demand for their product. You already have rich people sitting on untold wealth. It's the consumer that drives business.

So, its their wealth. You are free to risk everything by starting a business and earn all the wealth you want so have at it.

What? Are we in the same thread? Whoever said someone can't start a business?

Is the guy who mows my lawn entitled to part equity in my house? :itsok:

How is not giving a tax cut to the rich entitling him to anything that has to do with your house?

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