Russian Bots Re-Tweeted Trump Over 500,000 Times in the Last Months of His Campaign~

They're looking at some very unusual RE deals regarding trump properties

All real estate deals involving hundreds of millions of dollars are very unusual.

If you want to look into some very unusual real estate deals, look into Harry Reid and his dealings in Las Vegas.
unfortunately marky we're looking at a world class thief trump, laundering with his friends in russia
says a man with zero proof and even less credibility.
Personally I'd prefer if we kept Net Neutrality - not because of throttling as I'd pay for "unrestricted" access even if my local company had not pledged they're not going to play that game - but because right now we've got a serious issue with freedom of speech and having NN forces ISP's to follow the first. Without it I am seriously concerned that partisan ISP's will elect to "limit" what their customers can read, similar to how FB, Twitter, and YouTube are doing right now.
maybe. but then the ISP is now setting themselves up for a 1st amendment battle and i don't see them willingly diving on that grenade.

also - if the FCC takes control over this to regulate it, you don't think they'll curb the language and other areas of it as well? try saying many of the colorful words we use in here on the air, an FCC regulated platform.

Private businesses are not subject to the first. Look at colleges, FB, Twitter, YouTube censorship.
unfortunately marky we're looking at a world class thief trump, laundering with his friends in russia

Your proof is what?
they're uncovering it as we speak Trump is a con artist Why do you think he told Mueller he'd cross the red line looking into his finances? Is it ok with you that because trump is a republican it doesn't matter if he's a thief?
Nope, Russian hackers didn't do shit for Clinton, thankfully.

Personally I'd prefer if we kept Net Neutrality - not because of throttling as I'd pay for "unrestricted" access even if my local company had not pledged they're not going to play that game - but because right now we've got a serious issue with freedom of speech and having NN forces ISP's to follow the first. Without it I am seriously concerned that partisan ISP's will elect to "limit" what their customers can read, similar to how FB, Twitter, and YouTube are doing right now.
maybe. but then the ISP is now setting themselves up for a 1st amendment battle and i don't see them willingly diving on that grenade.

also - if the FCC takes control over this to regulate it, you don't think they'll curb the language and other areas of it as well? try saying many of the colorful words we use in here on the air, an FCC regulated platform.

Private businesses are not subject to the first. Look at colleges, FB, Twitter, YouTube censorship.
and look at the fun they have fighting it or losing membership because of their techniques.
They're looking at some very unusual RE deals regarding trump properties

All real estate deals involving hundreds of millions of dollars are very unusual.

If you want to look into some very unusual real estate deals, look into Harry Reid and his dealings in Las Vegas.
unfortunately marky we're looking at a world class thief trump, laundering with his friends in russia
says a man with zero proof and even less credibility.
what'd you say ice?
Sales of Trump properties suggestive of money-laundering: researcher
Jan 18, 2018 - Testimony to the U.S. Congress by the head of a political research firm indicates that theTrump Organization's sales of properties to Russian nationals may have involved money-laundering, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee said on Thursday.
they're uncovering it as we speak Trump is a con artist Why do you think he told Mueller he'd cross the red line looking into his finances? Is it ok with you that because trump is a republican it doesn't matter if he's a thief?

Your proof is what? Show us exactly what he has stolen.
Personally I'd prefer if we kept Net Neutrality - not because of throttling as I'd pay for "unrestricted" access even if my local company had not pledged they're not going to play that game - but because right now we've got a serious issue with freedom of speech and having NN forces ISP's to follow the first. Without it I am seriously concerned that partisan ISP's will elect to "limit" what their customers can read, similar to how FB, Twitter, and YouTube are doing right now.
maybe. but then the ISP is now setting themselves up for a 1st amendment battle and i don't see them willingly diving on that grenade.

also - if the FCC takes control over this to regulate it, you don't think they'll curb the language and other areas of it as well? try saying many of the colorful words we use in here on the air, an FCC regulated platform.

Private businesses are not subject to the first. Look at colleges, FB, Twitter, YouTube censorship.
and look at the fun they have fighting it or losing membership because of their techniques.

Only if you know it's happening heh
They're looking at some very unusual RE deals regarding trump properties

All real estate deals involving hundreds of millions of dollars are very unusual.

If you want to look into some very unusual real estate deals, look into Harry Reid and his dealings in Las Vegas.
unfortunately marky we're looking at a world class thief trump, laundering with his friends in russia
says a man with zero proof and even less credibility.
what'd you say ice?
Sales of Trump properties suggestive of money-laundering: researcher
Jan 18, 2018 - Testimony to the U.S. Congress by the head of a political research firm indicates that theTrump Organization's sales of properties to Russian nationals may have involved money-laundering, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee said on Thursday.
"suggestive" - all you need when you hate the man, huh?

hell - it's also out now that mattress firm is money laundering cause they are on every street corner in america.

when you find out for sure, call me. until then, i'm not riding the speculation train.
They're looking at some very unusual RE deals regarding trump properties

All real estate deals involving hundreds of millions of dollars are very unusual.

If you want to look into some very unusual real estate deals, look into Harry Reid and his dealings in Las Vegas.
unfortunately marky we're looking at a world class thief trump, laundering with his friends in russia
says a man with zero proof and even less credibility.
what'd you say ice?
Sales of Trump properties suggestive of money-laundering: researcher
Jan 18, 2018 - Testimony to the U.S. Congress by the head of a political research firm indicates that theTrump Organization's sales of properties to Russian nationals may have involved money-laundering, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee said on Thursday.
"suggestive" - all you need when you hate the man, huh?

hell - it's also out now that mattress firm is money laundering cause they are on every street corner in america.

when you find out for sure, call me. until then, i'm not riding the speculation train.
when we find out for sure I'm SURE you and Marky will be yelling FAKE NEWS,,,, Neither of you imho give a damn that our president is a sneak a cheat or a grifter You only bring up bill and hill and Obama
Cause the Comrade is Putin's dream president. Putin now has an ear in the White House. And the complicit GOP is following him around with their noses up his butt.

Say what? About who?


You know as well as I do there was a reason Putin, your boss, wanted Trump as the president. We are in the early stages if a bloodless, authoritarian take over.

He is going after Mueller by placing doubt in the public's eye concerning the FBI. He calls major media outlets, other than FOX, his station, fake news.

Trump is systematically attacking American institutions protecting this country and the world's greatest Democracy.

By the time the country's voters realise what is happening, it will be too late. We will be a Putin state.

Trump is the mist dangerous man in the world. Putin is using him like an old dish rag...and Trump is compliant.

Once people realise what is happening, the wall will be used to keep white people in....not people of color out.
All real estate deals involving hundreds of millions of dollars are very unusual.

If you want to look into some very unusual real estate deals, look into Harry Reid and his dealings in Las Vegas.
unfortunately marky we're looking at a world class thief trump, laundering with his friends in russia
says a man with zero proof and even less credibility.
what'd you say ice?
Sales of Trump properties suggestive of money-laundering: researcher
Jan 18, 2018 - Testimony to the U.S. Congress by the head of a political research firm indicates that theTrump Organization's sales of properties to Russian nationals may have involved money-laundering, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee said on Thursday.
"suggestive" - all you need when you hate the man, huh?

hell - it's also out now that mattress firm is money laundering cause they are on every street corner in america.

when you find out for sure, call me. until then, i'm not riding the speculation train.
when we find out for sure I'm SURE you and Marky will be yelling FAKE NEWS,,,, Neither of you imho give a damn that our president is a sneak a cheat or a grifter You only bring up bill and hill and Obama
well when your side quits putting out FAKE NEWS then people will stop shouting it.

and i never said i didn't give a damn. trouble is - we were going to get one of those either way we went with the election. at least trump is an up front asshole while hillary does it behind the scenes.

and when you are discussing the legitimacy of the president and his staff, kinda stupid to try and call the past "off limits" when their actions set the standard for todays events.
uhm... I've been calling the MSM fake news for many, many years before Trump was even on the radar.

I've also, for a decade or so, had serious concerns about the DOJ and FBI, as well as the CIA, EPA, and, more recently the IRS since it came out that Obama was using them to "punish" right winger's non-profit status.

Considering the situation with the IRS being used in partisan fashion, and the EPA being used to push a firmly left-sided viewpoint despite the complaints of many, many right-side folks (including average Americans,) I would not at all be surprised if these other entities were also weaponized for the D's and their worldview.

I'm not sure why anyone would be surprised frankly.
Why is Trump not talking about this? It is a factual and proven.. Instead he calls everything Fake News.

For those of you who still do not understand what Russia did to infiltrate American politics and our internet policies read up on it, because in my opinion this is a terrorist attack and will effect you( although some still love the idea of loving Putin instead of the Democrats )

This is not ok The Russians make fake accounts to look American ... These bots are still getting into our business .. thousands of fake Russian comments on our Government site made comments to get rid of Net - Neutrality , 90% of Americans wanted to keep that in place..the GOP saw that and voted to get rid of Net-Neutral.

Twitter: Russian bots retweeted
Trump nearly 500,000 times in last months of election

Twitter: Russian bots retweeted Trump nearly 500,000 times in last months of election

FCC Got 444,938 Net-Neutrality Comments From Russian Email Addresses
FCC Got 444,938 Net-Neutrality Comments From Russian Email Addresses

What is Net-Neutrality?

Considering how much of Twitter is comprised of fake accounts and bots, this is hardly at all surprising.
unfortunately marky we're looking at a world class thief trump, laundering with his friends in russia
says a man with zero proof and even less credibility.
what'd you say ice?
Sales of Trump properties suggestive of money-laundering: researcher
Jan 18, 2018 - Testimony to the U.S. Congress by the head of a political research firm indicates that theTrump Organization's sales of properties to Russian nationals may have involved money-laundering, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee said on Thursday.
"suggestive" - all you need when you hate the man, huh?

hell - it's also out now that mattress firm is money laundering cause they are on every street corner in america.

when you find out for sure, call me. until then, i'm not riding the speculation train.
when we find out for sure I'm SURE you and Marky will be yelling FAKE NEWS,,,, Neither of you imho give a damn that our president is a sneak a cheat or a grifter You only bring up bill and hill and Obama
well when your side quits putting out FAKE NEWS then people will stop shouting it.

and i never said i didn't give a damn. trouble is - we were going to get one of those either way we went with the election. at least trump is an up front asshole while hillary does it behind the scenes.

and when you are discussing the legitimacy of the president and his staff, kinda stupid to try and call the past "off limits" when their actions set the standard for todays events.
but you say at least he's an up front guy That is so far from the truth it's not even funny Up front guys don't lie to your face ,,,up front guys apologize when they're wrong , trump thinks he's a fn king with his cia his fbi his DOJ and oh yeah ,,,his black guy sitting over there
Each year they find another way to charge you, and this law was put in place to stop people like comcast to steal your bandwidth like they are doing now with the new modems..

You do not know what you are talking about.. so stop acting like you do..

Yes, it is a disaster.

I contacted Xfinity (Comcast) about how to lower my bill. The increased my speed from about 35 Mbps to 135 Mbps, cut my cost by $30.00 a month and added a phone line along with my cable TV.


I'm happy, why should I not be?
net neutrality is geared to stop a lot of things that *could* happen in theory.

in practice, while i've heard of one off incidents, i've never seen it happen enough to warrant being that upset about the lack of "federal regulation" some people seem to think will provide relief to a non-existant problem.

some of these providers would like NN for no other reason than it spells out what they can and can't do and they simply avoid the hassle. so as a definition of a valid business i can get that but it's not the same as stopping them from being assholes to their customers.

people are upset that the bandwidth goes to all the major businesses. well - they pay for it. you want that speed, pay for it LIKE YOU DO NOW and have always done since we laughed at the hayes 2400 baud "smartmodem" like you point out - you buy the speed / bandwidth you want and go. why should i or anyone else have to subsidize someones torrent or gaming server because they use the hell out of it and pay bare minimum?

so eaglewings can cry out in pain and agony all day long but it doesn't mean that the providers are doing the things she seems scared of but can't quite define in day to day use terms. when i tell her she doesn't understand it - at least the same way i do - then i'm a moron trump lover.

some people who can't think are really very binary and yea, time to just move on i suppose and find people who will in fact talk things out.

Comcast is stealing bandwidth with their new modems and using hotspots..Now they can do what every they want because of the protections retracted with this law..

I bought a compatible modem with my own money and my house was hard wired for a better stream..

No you are not fined or charged more for streaming right now, it is a flat fee that I have paid since 2001 ( of coarse more expensive since then) but I can promise you that we all will.

Each year they find another way to charge you, and this law was put in place to stop people like comcast to steal your bandwidth like they are doing now with the new modems..

You do not know what you are talking about.. so stop acting like you do..

Yes, it is a disaster.

I contacted Xfinity (Comcast) about how to lower my bill. The increased my speed from about 35 Mbps to 135 Mbps, cut my cost by $30.00 a month and added a phone line along with my cable TV.


I'm happy, why should I not be?
net neutrality is geared to stop a lot of things that *could* happen in theory.

in practice, while i've heard of one off incidents, i've never seen it happen enough to warrant being that upset about the lack of "federal regulation" some people seem to think will provide relief to a non-existant problem.

some of these providers would like NN for no other reason than it spells out what they can and can't do and they simply avoid the hassle. so as a definition of a valid business i can get that but it's not the same as stopping them from being assholes to their customers.

people are upset that the bandwidth goes to all the major businesses. well - they pay for it. you want that speed, pay for it LIKE YOU DO NOW and have always done since we laughed at the hayes 2400 baud "smartmodem" like you point out - you buy the speed / bandwidth you want and go. why should i or anyone else have to subsidize someones torrent or gaming server because they use the hell out of it and pay bare minimum?

so eaglewings can cry out in pain and agony all day long but it doesn't mean that the providers are doing the things she seems scared of but can't quite define in day to day use terms. when i tell her she doesn't understand it - at least the same way i do - then i'm a moron trump lover.

some people who can't think are really very binary and yea, time to just move on i suppose and find people who will in fact talk things out.

So you still don't understand what net neutrality is all about. I figured you weren't interested in honest discussion.


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