Russian Bots Re-Tweeted Trump Over 500,000 Times in the Last Months of His Campaign~

What are you expecting here lefties?

Do we need to limit American's to only reading internet from American citizens? Do we need to become like NK to protect you dolts from "foreign" trolls?

When do we destroy all these illegals from Mexico that are mouthing off their foreign opinions about our immigration policies, bitching about President Trump and ICE and influencing our god damn politicians to be nice to them?

When do we destroy all the Europeans who make comments about American politics and politicians?

What a crock

Even if Americans hacked the identities of other Americans it is not ok..

you think we don't jack with other governments?

i give up.

If you notice there are still dummies who deny that the Russians did a thing..why because the orange buffoon calls everything fake news and doesn't tell his followers that indeed Russia is cyber attacking us..

yea, i put them right there with people who think 500k "retweets" in 2 months is significant.
Why is Trump not talking about this? It is a factual and proven.. Instead he calls everything Fake News.

For those of you who still do not understand what Russia did to infiltrate American politics and our internet policies read up on it, because in my opinion this is a terrorist attack and will effect you( although some still love the idea of loving Putin instead of the Democrats )

This is not ok The Russians make fake accounts to look American ... These bots are still getting into our business .. thousands of fake Russian comments on our Government site made comments to get rid of Net - Neutrality , 90% of Americans wanted to keep that in place..the GOP saw that and voted to get rid of Net-Neutral.

Twitter: Russian bots retweeted
Trump nearly 500,000 times in last months of election

Twitter: Russian bots retweeted Trump nearly 500,000 times in last months of election

FCC Got 444,938 Net-Neutrality Comments From Russian Email Addresses
FCC Got 444,938 Net-Neutrality Comments From Russian Email Addresses

What is Net-Neutrality?

How do you know that it was the Russians and not the crazy left wingers?

she doesn't. she will engage in wild speculation to put her puzzle together and then call you out if you disagree with her rantings. :)

It doesn't matter who they are you moron..this thread is about the Russians hacking to Americans identities , government websites claiming to be Americans, and our everyday reading..and Trump calls it fake news.



so now you're ok to insult people who have never insulted you.

have a wonderful life. i got no time for people who pull this.

What are you expecting here lefties?

Do we need to limit American's to only reading internet from American citizens? Do we need to become like NK to protect you dolts from "foreign" trolls?

When do we destroy all these illegals from Mexico that are mouthing off their foreign opinions about our immigration policies, bitching about President Trump and ICE and influencing our god damn politicians to be nice to them?

When do we destroy all the Europeans who make comments about American politics and politicians?

What a crock

Even if Americans hacked the identities of other Americans it is not ok..

you think we don't jack with other governments?

i give up.

If you notice there are still dummies who deny that the Russians did a thing..why because the orange buffoon calls everything fake news and doesn't tell his followers that indeed Russia is cyber attacking us..

yea, i put them right there with people who think 500k "retweets" in 2 months is significant.

You copy and pasted you have no idea how those links got onto forums and facebook like it was real news..

Why is Trump not talking about this? It is a factual and proven.. Instead he calls everything Fake News.

For those of you who still do not understand what Russia did to infiltrate American politics and our internet policies read up on it, because in my opinion this is a terrorist attack and will effect you( although some still love the idea of loving Putin instead of the Democrats )

This is not ok The Russians make fake accounts to look American ... These bots are still getting into our business .. thousands of fake Russian comments on our Government site made comments to get rid of Net - Neutrality , 90% of Americans wanted to keep that in place..the GOP saw that and voted to get rid of Net-Neutral.

Twitter: Russian bots retweeted
Trump nearly 500,000 times in last months of election

Twitter: Russian bots retweeted Trump nearly 500,000 times in last months of election

FCC Got 444,938 Net-Neutrality Comments From Russian Email Addresses
FCC Got 444,938 Net-Neutrality Comments From Russian Email Addresses

What is Net-Neutrality?

How do you know that it was the Russians and not the crazy left wingers?

she doesn't. she will engage in wild speculation to put her puzzle together and then call you out if you disagree with her rantings. :)

It doesn't matter who they are you moron..this thread is about the Russians hacking to Americans identities , government websites claiming to be Americans, and our everyday reading..and Trump calls it fake news.



so now you're ok to insult people who have never insulted you.

have a wonderful life. i got no time for people who pull this.

What are you expecting here lefties?

Do we need to limit American's to only reading internet from American citizens? Do we need to become like NK to protect you dolts from "foreign" trolls?

When do we destroy all these illegals from Mexico that are mouthing off their foreign opinions about our immigration policies, bitching about President Trump and ICE and influencing our god damn politicians to be nice to them?

When do we destroy all the Europeans who make comments about American politics and politicians?

What a crock

Even if Americans hacked the identities of other Americans it is not ok..

you think we don't jack with other governments?

i give up.

If you notice there are still dummies who deny that the Russians did a thing..why because the orange buffoon calls everything fake news and doesn't tell his followers that indeed Russia is cyber attacking us..

yea, i put them right there with people who think 500k "retweets" in 2 months is significant.

You copy and pasted you have no idea how those links got onto forums and facebook like it was real news..


i don't do politics on facebook.

so no - you'd be wrong. again.

and you still cannot fathom how 500k is a meaningless # in the context from which you gave it.

in any event, i'll slide you to ignore now. it's easy to see you're not here to talk and learn about other people, just vent and get mad at those who don't vent with you.
You moron.. I could give a shit about Hillary . This is about Russia hacking America..

Why is that ok with you?

How is sending emails and forwarding Tweets "HACKING" American elections?

You LOST, when do you quit whining, get over it and start enjoying a greater America? Why are you angry about our country improving at record rates?
You moron.. I could give a shit about Hillary . This is about Russia hacking America..

Why is that ok with you?

How is sending emails and forwarding Tweets "HACKING" American elections?

You LOST, when do you quit whining, get over it and start enjoying a greater America? Why are you angry about our country improving at record rates?
it's not. she keeps mis-uing the terminology and bitching at me cause i correct her.
Yeah he didn't want to fire Mulleur False news??

Did President Donald Trump fire Mueller? It isn't an essay question, yes or now, did he fire Mueller? Since, as you know, he did NOT.

What is your point and what is the issue?
How do you know that it was the Russians and not the crazy left wingers?

she doesn't. she will engage in wild speculation to put her puzzle together and then call you out if you disagree with her rantings. :)

It doesn't matter who they are you moron..this thread is about the Russians hacking to Americans identities , government websites claiming to be Americans, and our everyday reading..and Trump calls it fake news.


so now you're ok to insult people who have never insulted you.

have a wonderful life. i got no time for people who pull this.
What a crock

Even if Americans hacked the identities of other Americans it is not ok..

you think we don't jack with other governments?

i give up.

If you notice there are still dummies who deny that the Russians did a thing..why because the orange buffoon calls everything fake news and doesn't tell his followers that indeed Russia is cyber attacking us..

yea, i put them right there with people who think 500k "retweets" in 2 months is significant.

You copy and pasted you have no idea how those links got onto forums and facebook like it was real news..

i don't do politics on facebook.

so no - you'd be wrong. again.

and you still cannot fathom how 500k is a meaningless # in the context from which you gave it.

in any event, i'll slide you to ignore now. it's easy to see you're not here to talk and learn about other people, just vent and get mad at those who don't vent with you.

Seriously if it were that simple as you make it out to be Twitter and facebook would not even mention it..OMG ..stop

Yes, good thing to ignore one another because you are getting on my nerves..
What a crock

Even if Americans hacked the identities of other Americans it is not ok..

you think we don't jack with other governments?

i give up.

Good see ya.. you have nothing to contribute except for denying and looking for excuses..

meanwhile you never answer questions based on your own "observations"

did the lack of NN ever hurt you before 2015?
you do realize 500k is 0.1% of *daily* traffic on twitter? expand that over the "months" and your OH MY GOD number is statistically invalid.

what exactly are YOU contributing other than fake news?

We had Net neutrality before 2015! We've ALWAYS had Net Neutrality.

PLEASE read up on the topic. This is what I was talking about. Sheer ignorance.
then what did obama put into play in 2015 and why was it necessary?

i find it funny when i disagree with people ranting and they get frustrated with me when i call them out on it.

If you really want to discuss it in detail, great, but if you're not interested in actual discussion, just let me know and I wont waste any more of time for either of us.

But basically, before 2015 and since the creation of the internet, we always had Net Neutrality which basically said that anyone could post anything they want and anyone willing to pay to access the internet could decide which content they viewed. Everyone had equal access.

What started happening was large ISP;s (Comcast, Verizon..) started to throttle (block) certain sites and content that competed against products or services that they were offering. This took the choice away from users around which content they viewed and set up a very real scenario where ALL content could be segmented based upon the preferences of whatever ISP you were on. This wouldn't be as much of an issue if 70% of the country had more than just one option for an ISP.

So in 2015 the FCC declared that the internet should be treated like a utility which couldn't be throttled/blocked by the provider as long as the end user was paying to access it. Similar to say water, the water company can't tell you how to use your water and can't charge you different prices based upon how you use your water. You pay for what you use but it's up to you how to use it.

This is the regulations that had to be passed in 2015 to KEEP net neutrality in place and what was just overturned in December since the head of the FCC is a former Verizon lawyer. (How convenient).
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You moron.. I could give a shit about Hillary . This is about Russia hacking America..

Why is that ok with you?

How is sending emails and forwarding Tweets "HACKING" American elections?

You LOST, when do you quit whining, get over it and start enjoying a greater America? Why are you angry about our country improving at record rates?
it's not. she keeps mis-uing the terminology and bitching at me cause i correct her.

You both can stay in your fake news world along with the orange buffoon..

I love how Iceberg uses his buddies to make his point while doing the same thing he is complaining about..

And it's sooo far fetched to think an upstanding citizen like drump would stoop to laundering money with his rusky friends

Well over a year of investigations and NO PROOF. Nothing.

When will you ever accept that you lost in a major landslide? Kick back and enjoy the great economy that even far left NPR has acknowledged. If they can, surely you can too!
Hillary spent $1.2 billion getting her message out plus the entire media was in the tank for her and she still couldn't convince Dem's in her own blue states PA, MI, and WI to vote for her. Stop trying to blame the Russians, pathetic. :itsok:

You moron.. I could give a shit about Hillary . This is about Russia hacking America..

Why is that ok with you?


Creating bot accounts on Twitter isn't hacking. All kinds of people do it for various reasons all over the world.
ALL of my social media accounts on the internet are "fake" by definition, honestly you're asking for trouble (jobs, finances, identity, etc) if you have a "real" account these days...

Also, web proxy's make it neigh impossible to trace an IP back to anyone. I fail to believe that Russian government bots or agents are too stupid to use one...
Each year they find another way to charge you, and this law was put in place to stop people like comcast to steal your bandwidth like they are doing now with the new modems..

You do not know what you are talking about.. so stop acting like you do..

Yes, it is a disaster.

I contacted Xfinity (Comcast) about how to lower my bill. The increased my speed from about 35 Mbps to 135 Mbps, cut my cost by $30.00 a month and added a phone line along with my cable TV.


I'm happy, why should I not be?
They're looking at some very unusual RE deals regarding trump properties

All real estate deals involving hundreds of millions of dollars are very unusual.

If you want to look into some very unusual real estate deals, look into Harry Reid and his dealings in Las Vegas.
Each year they find another way to charge you, and this law was put in place to stop people like comcast to steal your bandwidth like they are doing now with the new modems..

You do not know what you are talking about.. so stop acting like you do..

Yes, it is a disaster.

I contacted Xfinity (Comcast) about how to lower my bill. The increased my speed from about 35 Mbps to 135 Mbps, cut my cost by $30.00 a month and added a phone line along with my cable TV.


I'm happy, why should I not be?
net neutrality is geared to stop a lot of things that *could* happen in theory.

in practice, while i've heard of one off incidents, i've never seen it happen enough to warrant being that upset about the lack of "federal regulation" some people seem to think will provide relief to a non-existant problem.

some of these providers would like NN for no other reason than it spells out what they can and can't do and they simply avoid the hassle. so as a definition of a valid business i can get that but it's not the same as stopping them from being assholes to their customers.

people are upset that the bandwidth goes to all the major businesses. well - they pay for it. you want that speed, pay for it LIKE YOU DO NOW and have always done since we laughed at the hayes 2400 baud "smartmodem" like you point out - you buy the speed / bandwidth you want and go. why should i or anyone else have to subsidize someones torrent or gaming server because they use the hell out of it and pay bare minimum?

so eaglewings can cry out in pain and agony all day long but it doesn't mean that the providers are doing the things she seems scared of but can't quite define in day to day use terms. when i tell her she doesn't understand it - at least the same way i do - then i'm a moron trump lover.

some people who can't think are really very binary and yea, time to just move on i suppose and find people who will in fact talk things out.
Personally I'd prefer if we kept Net Neutrality - not because of throttling as I'd pay for "unrestricted" access even if my local company had not pledged they're not going to play that game - but because right now we've got a serious issue with freedom of speech and having NN forces ISP's to follow the first. Without it I am seriously concerned that partisan ISP's will elect to "limit" what their customers can read, similar to how FB, Twitter, and YouTube are doing right now.
They're looking at some very unusual RE deals regarding trump properties

All real estate deals involving hundreds of millions of dollars are very unusual.

If you want to look into some very unusual real estate deals, look into Harry Reid and his dealings in Las Vegas.
unfortunately marky we're looking at a world class thief trump, laundering with his friends in russia
Everybody is entitled to an opinion. They just need to identify who they are, so we can take that into consideration. I would view a Mexican posting about the wall in a far different light than a Canadian posting about the wall.

So it matters not to you whether something is right or wrong, just who they are and where they come from.

Do you really think anything posted on a forum or submitted to a government agency are taken with anything more than a grain of salt?
Personally I'd prefer if we kept Net Neutrality - not because of throttling as I'd pay for "unrestricted" access even if my local company had not pledged they're not going to play that game - but because right now we've got a serious issue with freedom of speech and having NN forces ISP's to follow the first. Without it I am seriously concerned that partisan ISP's will elect to "limit" what their customers can read, similar to how FB, Twitter, and YouTube are doing right now.
maybe. but then the ISP is now setting themselves up for a 1st amendment battle and i don't see them willingly diving on that grenade.

also - if the FCC takes control over this to regulate it, you don't think they'll curb the language and other areas of it as well? try saying many of the colorful words we use in here on the air, an FCC regulated platform.

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