Russian Bots Re-Tweeted Trump Over 500,000 Times in the Last Months of His Campaign~

Why is Trump not talking about this? It is a factual and proven.. Instead he calls everything Fake News.

For those of you who still do not understand what Russia did to infiltrate American politics and our internet policies read up on it, because in my opinion this is a terrorist attack and will effect you( although some still love the idea of loving Putin instead of the Democrats )

This is not ok The Russians make fake accounts to look American ... These bots are still getting into our business .. thousands of fake Russian comments on our Government site made comments to get rid of Net - Neutrality , 90% of Americans wanted to keep that in place..the GOP saw that and voted to get rid of Net-Neutral.

Twitter: Russian bots retweeted
Trump nearly 500,000 times in last months of election

Twitter: Russian bots retweeted Trump nearly 500,000 times in last months of election

FCC Got 444,938 Net-Neutrality Comments From Russian Email Addresses
FCC Got 444,938 Net-Neutrality Comments From Russian Email Addresses

What is Net-Neutrality?

I find it funny in light of what Hillary and the DNC did, massive advertising on TV, radio, mail, newspapers, everywhere, along with her efforts to eliminate Bernie and use fake oppo research + weaponize our intelligence against the president plus the problem with unverified voters voting illegally in many states that the DNC keeps fighting to protect that the biggest thing you've found to complain about is some russian bots making those dumb comments that no one reads on the bottom of web pages! Not to say the USA does just as much and more to affect elections elsewhere as well. Oh and BTW, good riddance to net neutrality, though I again doubt it was a bunch of bots on Facebook that determined the outcome.

Yes, well the DNC let the people down and Hillary lost the election... People were pissed at what happened.. Now why don't you hold the deniers accountable and look into what the Russians are doing to F=k over Americans..

Go read how they stole Americans identities to comment on a government site about Net Neutrality.. No American wanted that except for the ones who provide the internet for you.. Comcast is already taking advantage..


As to the Russians, the gov has known about and participated in this for a long time. Nothing new, not my problem, up to them to stop and fix. As to the net, I want it, I guess you don't count me as an american.

No they had no idea until recently about the stealing of american identities and using them at Government websites to look like Americans comments..

did the russians get Obama elected like they did trump ?

Good question...

Did they?
You think all those conversations trump people had with russian bigwigs was about childhood adoption or the price of vodka???

They are so afraid to admit what Russia is doing to the Americans because they feel like they are betraying their base..

Trump denies it so they deny it..

they still don't get it Trump will look you in the face and lie his ass off A world class liar Yeah he didn't want to fire Mulleur False news?? lol

how is that different than the last president, or the one before that, and especially the one before that?

You're older than me, ed.

Isn't it about time you grew up?
If you can't tell this vile human being is the biggest liar to ever defile our WH I don't what to say
Why is Trump not talking about this? It is a factual and proven.. Instead he calls everything Fake News.

For those of you who still do not understand what Russia did to infiltrate American politics and our internet policies read up on it, because in my opinion this is a terrorist attack and will effect you( although some still love the idea of loving Putin instead of the Democrats )

This is not ok The Russians make fake accounts to look American ... These bots are still getting into our business .. thousands of fake Russian comments on our Government site made comments to get rid of Net - Neutrality , 90% of Americans wanted to keep that in place..the GOP saw that and voted to get rid of Net-Neutral.

Twitter: Russian bots retweeted
Trump nearly 500,000 times in last months of election

Twitter: Russian bots retweeted Trump nearly 500,000 times in last months of election

FCC Got 444,938 Net-Neutrality Comments From Russian Email Addresses
FCC Got 444,938 Net-Neutrality Comments From Russian Email Addresses

What is Net-Neutrality?

Obama's shocking interference into Israel's election process - Blogs - Jerusalem Post

Yes, I have heard of this.. The internet has been a good tool but these political hacks are ruining it which was to be expected..

did the russians get Obama elected like they did trump ?

Good question...

Did they?
You think all those conversations trump people had with russian bigwigs was about childhood adoption or the price of vodka???

Which conversations?

The ones about building Trump Tower East, the ones about banking?

you don't have ANY idea what was said in meetings long before he decided to run for president, and you don't care.

you just want to make yet another partisan whine about the guy you didn't vote for.
And it's sooo far fetched to think an upstanding citizen like drump would stoop to laundering money with his rusky friends

another conspiracy theory, or do you actually have proof?
They're looking at some very unusual RE deals regarding trump properties
That's different
did the russians get Obama elected like they did trump ?

Good question...

Did they?
You think all those conversations trump people had with russian bigwigs was about childhood adoption or the price of vodka???

They are so afraid to admit what Russia is doing to the Americans because they feel like they are betraying their base..

Trump denies it so they deny it..

they still don't get it Trump will look you in the face and lie his ass off A world class liar Yeah he didn't want to fire Mulleur False news?? lol

After :eusa_liar:bama you people are in no position to point fingers at Trump. :eusa_hand:
Good question...

Did they?
You think all those conversations trump people had with russian bigwigs was about childhood adoption or the price of vodka???

They are so afraid to admit what Russia is doing to the Americans because they feel like they are betraying their base..

Trump denies it so they deny it..

they still don't get it Trump will look you in the face and lie his ass off A world class liar Yeah he didn't want to fire Mulleur False news?? lol

how is that different than the last president, or the one before that, and especially the one before that?

You're older than me, ed.

Isn't it about time you grew up?
If you can't tell this vile human being is the biggest liar to ever defile our WH I don't what to say
sorry, ed

no different than Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc.

But keep your head up your ass....
Why is Trump not talking about this? It is a factual and proven.. Instead he calls everything Fake News.

For those of you who still do not understand what Russia did to infiltrate American politics and our internet policies read up on it, because in my opinion this is a terrorist attack and will effect you( although some still love the idea of loving Putin instead of the Democrats )

This is not ok The Russians make fake accounts to look American ... These bots are still getting into our business .. thousands of fake Russian comments on our Government site made comments to get rid of Net - Neutrality , 90% of Americans wanted to keep that in place..the GOP saw that and voted to get rid of Net-Neutral.

Twitter: Russian bots retweeted
Trump nearly 500,000 times in last months of election

Twitter: Russian bots retweeted Trump nearly 500,000 times in last months of election

FCC Got 444,938 Net-Neutrality Comments From Russian Email Addresses
FCC Got 444,938 Net-Neutrality Comments From Russian Email Addresses

What is Net-Neutrality?

You have to know that this post, on this site is going to fall on deaf ears. These people don't care as long as their team wins. Literally nothing will convince them to look at what is happening in our country objectively.

Pot, meet kettle.

This is not a Dem/Republican argument Westie.. what they did was a non-partisan hack and I consider it a Terrorist Attack..

Did you watch the video I provided? will affect you personally..The Russians stole identities to do this.


They steal identities all of the time. They have been manipulating the media for years. Our government has known about it, and done nothing about it for years.

Can you provide me with a link on the Russians stealing identities to fake comment on Government website that affect Americans everyday life ..
Can you show me a link to the thousand fake websites linked back to Russia to send out millions of links all over social media before this election..

did the russians get Obama elected like they did trump ?

Good question...

Did they?
You think all those conversations trump people had with russian bigwigs was about childhood adoption or the price of vodka???

They are so afraid to admit what Russia is doing to the Americans because they feel like they are betraying their base..

Trump denies it so they deny it..

they still don't get it Trump will look you in the face and lie his ass off A world class liar Yeah he didn't want to fire Mulleur False news?? lol

After :eusa_liar:bama you people are in no position to point fingers at Trump. :eusa_hand:
You gotta be kidding blues Obama 5 x the vile Trump Avoided a depression and turned over a viable gov't to trump who pats himself on the back for shit he didn't do
They grew up Republican, their parents were republican and their parents were republican. Everyone they associate with is likely republican as well. It's hard to change, it's even harder to change when all you watch is one channel and are surrounded by like minded people every day. They would rather yell "FAKE NEWS" when something contradicts the bubble they live in. It's just easier to yell then to explore further and see if some of what they've been told perhaps doesn't hold water.

GOP leadership knows this and this is why you see them regularly say one thing today and the complete opposite tomorrow. They know their base won't challenge them and will continue to support them no matter what.

This site is FULL of these people. The good thing is, there are fewer of them every year. They are getting older and dying off. The country is becoming more diverse every year and more educated as information becomes more readily available. With time these people will be gone. It's just a question of how much damage they do on their way out.

I grew up blue-collar in democrat Detroit.....voted for Jimminy Cricket until Dutch Reagan came along and got us "woke". :lol: Your diatribe is horseshit but I think you know that.

Ok and? So your situation invalidates the rest of the country? My, how important you are.

Like I said, the base of the GOP just aren't intelligent. Thanks for chiming in.
You think all those conversations trump people had with russian bigwigs was about childhood adoption or the price of vodka???

They are so afraid to admit what Russia is doing to the Americans because they feel like they are betraying their base..

Trump denies it so they deny it..

they still don't get it Trump will look you in the face and lie his ass off A world class liar Yeah he didn't want to fire Mulleur False news?? lol

how is that different than the last president, or the one before that, and especially the one before that?

You're older than me, ed.

Isn't it about time you grew up?
If you can't tell this vile human being is the biggest liar to ever defile our WH I don't what to say
sorry, ed

no different than Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc.

But keep your head up your ass....
it used to be back when I was a republican
Why is Trump not talking about this? It is a factual and proven.. Instead he calls everything Fake News.

For those of you who still do not understand what Russia did to infiltrate American politics and our internet policies read up on it, because in my opinion this is a terrorist attack and will effect you( although some still love the idea of loving Putin instead of the Democrats )

This is not ok The Russians make fake accounts to look American ... These bots are still getting into our business .. thousands of fake Russian comments on our Government site made comments to get rid of Net - Neutrality , 90% of Americans wanted to keep that in place..the GOP saw that and voted to get rid of Net-Neutral.

Twitter: Russian bots retweeted
Trump nearly 500,000 times in last months of election

Twitter: Russian bots retweeted Trump nearly 500,000 times in last months of election

FCC Got 444,938 Net-Neutrality Comments From Russian Email Addresses
FCC Got 444,938 Net-Neutrality Comments From Russian Email Addresses

What is Net-Neutrality?

and how many did they do in the previous elections? why didn't obama, who knew of this heinous activity, stop it months ahead of time?

90% of the people did no such thing on net neutrality. if you knew what that really was you'd not likely be for it either. it's more subversive control of the net, not less. and if you didn't have issues pre-2015 then we just went back to those wild wild west days where we simply didn't have a problem. NN created a solution in search a problem and just assumed that people would take advantage of being able to charge / direct what they want.

was that an issue for you in 2010? 2012? 2015? if not, we just went back there. if so, what was it?

90% of the US wanted to keep it in place but the damn GOP voted to get rid of what 90% of the people wanted. you ever think these things through? the math alone says if 90% wanted it it would have happened.

that is a pretty bold reach, EW. you'd never allow such speculation the other way so i find it kinda funny you make stuff up then yell at trump for doing the same. if you don't make stuff up, tell me who said 90% of americans wanted net neutrality.

You lost credibility pointing your non-partisan finger at me IceBerg..

These Russians stole American identities by the thousands to make accounts on the Government website that allows Americans to weigh into a future vote.

They influenced who congress voted for Net Neutrality.. it was not Americans commenting to Congress..

And Blah Blah Blah :blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:on your partisen shit..this is about all Americans..You are so focused on what party someone supported and so ready to derail it , you are missing the important things.

Streaming is the future of watching TV..and now our internet providers can charge anything they want.. Netflix, Youtube will start charging you much more..


i find it funny you call me partisan but you have zero issue bending reality to ensure GOP BAD YOUR SIDE GOOD.

net neutrality. of course people wanted it because it was sold as YOU WILL GET SCREWED WITHOUT IT!!! when in fact its just a way the Gov can start to regulate it in the end, much like the FCC does airwaves now. CAN companies charge you more now with it repealed? yep. but they could in 2015 and at any time previous to this. are you aware of that? did comcast screw you over in 2014? did ANYONE screw you over, limit your surfing, block you from content you wanted??? just be honest and quit trying to "be right"?

did they?

competition will keep them from doing this cause if they try, i simply find another provider and move on and that company goes out of business. so in fact, if the gov would make it possible for me to have MORE choices for a provider vs. limit them as they do now it would be even less of a problem. so in fact, the gov created this potential by limiting your provider options so they can now fix a problem they created with more regulations.

that's all NN is. if you believe it to be something else stop watching fear driven sites pumping up your false impressions of what the law is and what it can actually do in the end.

now for 500k retweets. from twitter research statistics:
Every second, on average, around 6,000 tweets are tweeted on Twitter (visualize them here), which corresponds to over 350,000 tweets sent per minute,500 million tweets per day and around 200 billion tweets per year.

so there are 500 MILLION tweets per a day and you're trying to say 500k retweets, which is .1% of the overall DAILY traffic somehow changed the course of the election.

500k retweets. This is YOUR NUMBER, eaglewings. if 500 MILLION tweets are done a day we're over 15 BILLION TWEETS A MONTH at this point. if this was going on for months as YOU STATE then 500k RETWEETS somehow took off over 30 BILLION tweets.

do the math, don't just get handed something and like it so you run with it. they call that fake news today.

you can get mad at me because i don't fall into scareville with you on every post you REPOST so you can try to scare other people into your horror, but if you stop and think, NN was a bag of crap pushed down to regulate even more how you surf the net and sold to you different. if i'm wrong don't just say BOO HOO YOU PARTISAN HACK - give me evidence of it happening from a non-attacking site. pull up the bill itself and show me where we are protected by this legislation and we're all going to die without it.

you know, like we'll all die from trump tax cuts.

so you're wrong on NN and i can show you technically but you'll ignore me. and you're wrong on 500k being anything as close to as "powerful" a number as you're trying to sell it off as. do the math, don't listen to me. how much traffic if 500k on twitter over the course of (2) months?

or just get mad and call me partisan and ignore me.

They are so afraid to admit what Russia is doing to the Americans because they feel like they are betraying their base..

Trump denies it so they deny it..

they still don't get it Trump will look you in the face and lie his ass off A world class liar Yeah he didn't want to fire Mulleur False news?? lol

how is that different than the last president, or the one before that, and especially the one before that?

You're older than me, ed.

Isn't it about time you grew up?
If you can't tell this vile human being is the biggest liar to ever defile our WH I don't what to say
sorry, ed

no different than Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc.

But keep your head up your ass....
it used to be back when I was a republican

only thing that has changed is your party.

Head hasn't moved
After :eusa_liar:bama you people are in no position to point fingers at Trump. :eusa_hand:

When people talked about the lies of Obama, all they could do is repeat 2-3 of them 1,000 times.

When people talk about the lies of Trump, they have 2,000 different ones to chose from. No the least of which is that he would testify under oath (in front of the grand jury) for Mueller.

I say that ain't gonna happen.
What are you expecting here lefties?

Do we need to limit American's to only reading internet from American citizens? Do we need to become like NK to protect you dolts from "foreign" trolls?

When do we destroy all these illegals from Mexico that are mouthing off their foreign opinions about our immigration policies, bitching about President Trump and ICE and influencing our god damn politicians to be nice to them?

When do we destroy all the Europeans who make comments about American politics and politicians?
they still don't get it Trump will look you in the face and lie his ass off A world class liar Yeah he didn't want to fire Mulleur False news?? lol

how is that different than the last president, or the one before that, and especially the one before that?

You're older than me, ed.

Isn't it about time you grew up?
If you can't tell this vile human being is the biggest liar to ever defile our WH I don't what to say
sorry, ed

no different than Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc.

But keep your head up your ass....
it used to be back when I was a republican

only thing that has changed is your party.

Head hasn't moved
My Back Pages
Bob Dylan
Crimson flames tied through my ears, rollin' high and mighty traps
Pounced with fire on flaming roads using ideas as my maps
"We'll meet on edges, soon, " said I, proud 'neath heated brow
Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now
Half-wracked prejudice leaped forth, "rip down all hate, " I screamed
Lies that life is black and white spoke from my skull, I dreamed
Romantic facts of musketeers foundationed deep, somehow
Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now
Girls' faces formed the forward path from phony jealousy
To memorizing politics of ancient history
Flung down by corpse evangelists, unthought of, though somehow
Ah, but I was so much older then. I'm younger than that now
You moron.. I could give a shit about Hillary . This is about Russia hacking America..

Why is that ok with you?


Are you naïve? You do realize America is all over the world trying to influence elections in other countries :itsok:

Are you a

Do you realize what Net Neutrality is? Go back and read it.

great. go prove 90% of american wanted it and russian bots took it away.

Get it straight and go read on Russians stealing Americans identities to comment on Government sites screwing Americans ..and then we will talk, you obviously do not know what you are talking about.

i disagree with you because you continue to use the terminology incorrectly then demand respect for your knowledge.

lol.. you are such a hypocrite , no one is demanding a thing.. This is a forum of comments, not a university.
What are you expecting here lefties?

Do we need to limit American's to only reading internet from American citizens? Do we need to become like NK to protect you dolts from "foreign" trolls?

We need internet ID laws, like we have voter ID laws. Every foreigner pretending to be an American, dilutes the opinion of a true American.
What are you expecting here lefties?

Do we need to limit American's to only reading internet from American citizens? Do we need to become like NK to protect you dolts from "foreign" trolls?

When do we destroy all these illegals from Mexico that are mouthing off their foreign opinions about our immigration policies, bitching about President Trump and ICE and influencing our god damn politicians to be nice to them?

When do we destroy all the Europeans who make comments about American politics and politicians?

What a crock

Even if Americans hacked the identities of other Americans it is not ok..

When do we destroy all the Europeans who make comments about American politics and politicians?

Everybody is entitled to an opinion. They just need to identify who they are, so we can take that into consideration. I would view a Mexican posting about the wall in a far different light than a Canadian posting about the wall.
Why is Trump not talking about this? It is a factual and proven.. Instead he calls everything Fake News.

For those of you who still do not understand what Russia did to infiltrate American politics and our internet policies read up on it, because in my opinion this is a terrorist attack and will effect you( although some still love the idea of loving Putin instead of the Democrats )

This is not ok The Russians make fake accounts to look American ... These bots are still getting into our business .. thousands of fake Russian comments on our Government site made comments to get rid of Net - Neutrality , 90% of Americans wanted to keep that in place..the GOP saw that and voted to get rid of Net-Neutral.

Twitter: Russian bots retweeted
Trump nearly 500,000 times in last months of election

Twitter: Russian bots retweeted Trump nearly 500,000 times in last months of election

FCC Got 444,938 Net-Neutrality Comments From Russian Email Addresses
FCC Got 444,938 Net-Neutrality Comments From Russian Email Addresses

What is Net-Neutrality?

You have to know that this post, on this site is going to fall on deaf ears. These people don't care as long as their team wins. Literally nothing will convince them to look at what is happening in our country objectively.

Pot, meet kettle.

Sorry, I don't remember the Russian hackers tainting our politics to get Clinton elected. So, you can keep the cookware.

Then you were asleep for the last election cycle.

Nope, Russian hackers didn't do shit for Clinton, thankfully.

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