Russian Bots Re-Tweeted Trump Over 500,000 Times in the Last Months of His Campaign~

When do we destroy all these illegals from Mexico that are mouthing off their foreign opinions about our immigration policies, bitching about President Trump and ICE and influencing our god damn politicians to be nice to them?

How do you know they're illegals from Mexico?

Oh yes, they tell everybody who they are, instead of pretending to be americans.
Senate Intelligence Panel Warned Russians Play Sides, Mar 30 2017 |
Russia was playing both sides.
Russia's 2016 social media efforts explained
Why is Trump not talking about this? It is a factual and proven.. Instead he calls everything Fake News.

For those of you who still do not understand what Russia did to infiltrate American politics and our internet policies read up on it, because in my opinion this is a terrorist attack and will effect you( although some still love the idea of loving Putin instead of the Democrats )

This is not ok The Russians make fake accounts to look American ... These bots are still getting into our business .. thousands of fake Russian comments on our Government site made comments to get rid of Net - Neutrality , 90% of Americans wanted to keep that in place..the GOP saw that and voted to get rid of Net-Neutral.

Twitter: Russian bots retweeted
Trump nearly 500,000 times in last months of election

Twitter: Russian bots retweeted Trump nearly 500,000 times in last months of election

FCC Got 444,938 Net-Neutrality Comments From Russian Email Addresses
FCC Got 444,938 Net-Neutrality Comments From Russian Email Addresses

What is Net-Neutrality?

You have to know that this post, on this site is going to fall on deaf ears. These people don't care as long as their team wins. Literally nothing will convince them to look at what is happening in our country objectively.

Pot, meet kettle.

Sorry, I don't remember the Russian hackers tainting our politics to get Clinton elected. So, you can keep the cookware.

Then you were asleep for the last election cycle.

Not watching a 2 and a half hour video, you're other link is about Russians starting pro and anti Muslim protests, what does that have to do with Clinton?

Actually this is the only mention of Clinton from your link:

The U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that Russia intervened to help the election chances of Donald Trump while hurting those of Hillary Clinton is familiar to anyone who followed the 2016 presidential race. Part of those efforts centered on false reports, the "fake news" that fact-checkers have since been debunking.

Funny how they are saying it in a 'no shit Russians helped Trump' kind of way. :badgrin:

So, your source kind of says the exact opposite of what you are saying. Nice try not.
and how many did they do in the previous elections? why didn't obama, who knew of this heinous activity, stop it months ahead of time?

90% of the people did no such thing on net neutrality. if you knew what that really was you'd not likely be for it either. it's more subversive control of the net, not less. and if you didn't have issues pre-2015 then we just went back to those wild wild west days where we simply didn't have a problem. NN created a solution in search a problem and just assumed that people would take advantage of being able to charge / direct what they want.

was that an issue for you in 2010? 2012? 2015? if not, we just went back there. if so, what was it?

90% of the US wanted to keep it in place but the damn GOP voted to get rid of what 90% of the people wanted. you ever think these things through? the math alone says if 90% wanted it it would have happened.

that is a pretty bold reach, EW. you'd never allow such speculation the other way so i find it kinda funny you make stuff up then yell at trump for doing the same. if you don't make stuff up, tell me who said 90% of americans wanted net neutrality.

You lost credibility pointing your non-partisan finger at me IceBerg..

These Russians stole American identities by the thousands to make accounts on the Government website that allows Americans to weigh into a future vote.

They influenced who congress voted for Net Neutrality.. it was not Americans commenting to Congress..

And Blah Blah Blah :blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:on your partisen shit..this is about all Americans..You are so focused on what party someone supported and so ready to derail it , you are missing the important things.

Streaming is the future of watching TV..and now our internet providers can charge anything they want.. Netflix, Youtube will start charging you much more..

i find it funny you call me partisan but you have zero issue bending reality to ensure GOP BAD YOUR SIDE GOOD.

net neutrality. of course people wanted it because it was sold as YOU WILL GET SCREWED WITHOUT IT!!! when in fact its just a way the Gov can start to regulate it in the end, much like the FCC does airwaves now. CAN companies charge you more now with it repealed? yep. but they could in 2015 and at any time previous to this. are you aware of that? did comcast screw you over in 2014? did ANYONE screw you over, limit your surfing, block you from content you wanted??? just be honest and quit trying to "be right"?

did they?

competition will keep them from doing this cause if they try, i simply find another provider and move on and that company goes out of business. so in fact, if the gov would make it possible for me to have MORE choices for a provider vs. limit them as they do now it would be even less of a problem. so in fact, the gov created this potential by limiting your provider options so they can now fix a problem they created with more regulations.

that's all NN is. if you believe it to be something else stop watching fear driven sites pumping up your false impressions of what the law is and what it can actually do in the end.

now for 500k retweets. from twitter research statistics:
Every second, on average, around 6,000 tweets are tweeted on Twitter (visualize them here), which corresponds to over 350,000 tweets sent per minute,500 million tweets per day and around 200 billion tweets per year.

so there are 500 MILLION tweets per a day and you're trying to say 500k retweets, which is .1% of the overall DAILY traffic somehow changed the course of the election.

500k retweets. This is YOUR NUMBER, eaglewings. if 500 MILLION tweets are done a day we're over 15 BILLION TWEETS A MONTH at this point. if this was going on for months as YOU STATE then 500k RETWEETS somehow took off over 30 BILLION tweets.

do the math, don't just get handed something and like it so you run with it. they call that fake news today.

you can get mad at me because i don't fall into scareville with you on every post you REPOST so you can try to scare other people into your horror, but if you stop and think, NN was a bag of crap pushed down to regulate even more how you surf the net and sold to you different. if i'm wrong don't just say BOO HOO YOU PARTISAN HACK - give me evidence of it happening from a non-attacking site. pull up the bill itself and show me where we are protected by this legislation and we're all going to die without it.

you know, like we'll all die from trump tax cuts.

so you're wrong on NN and i can show you technically but you'll ignore me. and you're wrong on 500k being anything as close to as "powerful" a number as you're trying to sell it off as. do the math, don't listen to me. how much traffic if 500k on twitter over the course of (2) months?

or just get mad and call me partisan and ignore me.

LOL. you still do not know what you are talking about..

INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDERS like Comcast and Verizon may soon be free to block content, slow video-streaming services from rivals, and offer “fast lanes” to preferred partners. For a glimpse of how the internet experience may change, look at what broadband providers are doing under the existing “net neutrality” rules.

Here's How the End of Net Neutrality Will Change the Internet

When AT&T customers access its DirecTV Now video-streaming service, the data doesn’t count against their plan’s data limits. Verizon, likewise, exempts its Go90 service from its customers’ data plans. T-Mobile allows multiple video and music streaming services to bypass its data limits, essentially allowing it to pick winners and losers in those categories.
and they were free to do this before 2015 as well.

you continue to ignore that and keep telling me that *I* don't know what i'm talking about. quite funny in the end but frustrating you demand attention to your views and you totally and completely blow off the replies you do in fact get when you don't like them.

were you hurting on the internet before 2015? yes | no.

This law came into effect in 2015.. before this there were little laws so the internet providers had the americans by the balls..
As it is the GOP are looking into retracting this due to the hacking.

Each year they find another way to charge you, and this law was put in place to stop people like comcast to steal your bandwidth like they are doing now with the new modems..

You do not know what you are talking about.. so stop acting like you do..

you don't know what i know other than i disagree with you. i'm not calling you wrong, simply saying i disagree.

and since they had us "by the balls" how many times were you forced to stay with your provider for content? how many times did they slow you down to far less than what you paid for? how many times were you physically or mentally hurt by NOT having NN in place before 2015?

you won't answer that question - you just ramble on. why am i supposed to believe your rantings when you can't even say "yes, without this law in place it hurt me because of xyz..."

yet, i should believe you cause you get all emo and attack me.

got it.
I'm just saying that you folks are literally talking about drops of piss in the ocean, citing links about 500k stolen online identities... You clearly have no clue what's going on in the internet because you've never looked into ID thief and fake accounts before...

In 2012 it was reported that 15 MILLION American's had their identities stolen.
Interpol retains a PUBLIC data base, in 2014 they listed 40 MILLION lost and stolen travel documents from 157 countries.
Facebook notes that they have more than 83 MILLION fake accounts (roughly 9% of all accounts.)
Twitter reported in 2013 that about 5% of it's accounts were fake; 11 MILLION fake accounts.

And you're worried about 500k "fake" accounts in 2016/2017. As I said, you have no idea what's been going on in the internet - because it was never relevant to you until now.
Why is Trump not talking about this? It is a factual and proven.. Instead he calls everything Fake News.

For those of you who still do not understand what Russia did to infiltrate American politics and our internet policies read up on it, because in my opinion this is a terrorist attack and will effect you( although some still love the idea of loving Putin instead of the Democrats )

This is not ok The Russians make fake accounts to look American ... These bots are still getting into our business .. thousands of fake Russian comments on our Government site made comments to get rid of Net - Neutrality , 90% of Americans wanted to keep that in place..the GOP saw that and voted to get rid of Net-Neutral.

Twitter: Russian bots retweeted
Trump nearly 500,000 times in last months of election

Twitter: Russian bots retweeted Trump nearly 500,000 times in last months of election

FCC Got 444,938 Net-Neutrality Comments From Russian Email Addresses
FCC Got 444,938 Net-Neutrality Comments From Russian Email Addresses

What is Net-Neutrality?

and how many did they do in the previous elections? why didn't obama, who knew of this heinous activity, stop it months ahead of time?

90% of the people did no such thing on net neutrality. if you knew what that really was you'd not likely be for it either. it's more subversive control of the net, not less. and if you didn't have issues pre-2015 then we just went back to those wild wild west days where we simply didn't have a problem. NN created a solution in search a problem and just assumed that people would take advantage of being able to charge / direct what they want.

was that an issue for you in 2010? 2012? 2015? if not, we just went back there. if so, what was it?

90% of the US wanted to keep it in place but the damn GOP voted to get rid of what 90% of the people wanted. you ever think these things through? the math alone says if 90% wanted it it would have happened.

that is a pretty bold reach, EW. you'd never allow such speculation the other way so i find it kinda funny you make stuff up then yell at trump for doing the same. if you don't make stuff up, tell me who said 90% of americans wanted net neutrality.

You lost credibility pointing your non-partisan finger at me IceBerg..

These Russians stole American identities by the thousands to make accounts on the Government website that allows Americans to weigh into a future vote.

They influenced who congress voted for Net Neutrality.. it was not Americans commenting to Congress..

And Blah Blah Blah :blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:on your partisen shit..this is about all Americans..You are so focused on what party someone supported and so ready to derail it , you are missing the important things.

Streaming is the future of watching TV..and now our internet providers can charge anything they want.. Netflix, Youtube will start charging you much more..


i find it funny you call me partisan but you have zero issue bending reality to ensure GOP BAD YOUR SIDE GOOD.

net neutrality. of course people wanted it because it was sold as YOU WILL GET SCREWED WITHOUT IT!!! when in fact its just a way the Gov can start to regulate it in the end, much like the FCC does airwaves now. CAN companies charge you more now with it repealed? yep. but they could in 2015 and at any time previous to this. are you aware of that? did comcast screw you over in 2014? did ANYONE screw you over, limit your surfing, block you from content you wanted??? just be honest and quit trying to "be right"?

did they?

competition will keep them from doing this cause if they try, i simply find another provider and move on and that company goes out of business. so in fact, if the gov would make it possible for me to have MORE choices for a provider vs. limit them as they do now it would be even less of a problem. so in fact, the gov created this potential by limiting your provider options so they can now fix a problem they created with more regulations.

that's all NN is. if you believe it to be something else stop watching fear driven sites pumping up your false impressions of what the law is and what it can actually do in the end.

now for 500k retweets. from twitter research statistics:
Every second, on average, around 6,000 tweets are tweeted on Twitter (visualize them here), which corresponds to over 350,000 tweets sent per minute,500 million tweets per day and around 200 billion tweets per year.

so there are 500 MILLION tweets per a day and you're trying to say 500k retweets, which is .1% of the overall DAILY traffic somehow changed the course of the election.

500k retweets. This is YOUR NUMBER, eaglewings. if 500 MILLION tweets are done a day we're over 15 BILLION TWEETS A MONTH at this point. if this was going on for months as YOU STATE then 500k RETWEETS somehow took off over 30 BILLION tweets.

do the math, don't just get handed something and like it so you run with it. they call that fake news today.

you can get mad at me because i don't fall into scareville with you on every post you REPOST so you can try to scare other people into your horror, but if you stop and think, NN was a bag of crap pushed down to regulate even more how you surf the net and sold to you different. if i'm wrong don't just say BOO HOO YOU PARTISAN HACK - give me evidence of it happening from a non-attacking site. pull up the bill itself and show me where we are protected by this legislation and we're all going to die without it.

you know, like we'll all die from trump tax cuts.

so you're wrong on NN and i can show you technically but you'll ignore me. and you're wrong on 500k being anything as close to as "powerful" a number as you're trying to sell it off as. do the math, don't listen to me. how much traffic if 500k on twitter over the course of (2) months?

or just get mad and call me partisan and ignore me.


if you fail to comprehend how 500k is a very insignificant amount of traffic on twitter, shit like this is well beyond you.

Are you naïve? You do realize America is all over the world trying to influence elections in other countries :itsok:

Are you a

Do you realize what Net Neutrality is? Go back and read it.

great. go prove 90% of american wanted it and russian bots took it away.

Get it straight and go read on Russians stealing Americans identities to comment on Government sites screwing Americans ..and then we will talk, you obviously do not know what you are talking about.

i disagree with you because you continue to use the terminology incorrectly then demand respect for your knowledge.

lol.. you are such a hypocrite , no one is demanding a thing.. This is a forum of comments, not a university.
so all the READ MY REPORT AND EDUCATE YOURSELF is what then?

other than asinine because you still simply don't understand it on a broader base than you think you do.

a hypocrite - to me - will engage in activities they bitch at others for doing. if you don't want to see one, then put the mirror down.
When do we destroy all these illegals from Mexico that are mouthing off their foreign opinions about our immigration policies, bitching about President Trump and ICE and influencing our god damn politicians to be nice to them?

How do you know they're illegals from Mexico?

Oh yes, they tell everybody who they are, instead of pretending to be americans.

Well one big clue is that they're waving Mexican flags while protesting for "undocumented immigrant" rights. Another is they'll flat out tell you they're illegals while telling you to GFY.
What are you expecting here lefties?

Do we need to limit American's to only reading internet from American citizens? Do we need to become like NK to protect you dolts from "foreign" trolls?

When do we destroy all these illegals from Mexico that are mouthing off their foreign opinions about our immigration policies, bitching about President Trump and ICE and influencing our god damn politicians to be nice to them?

When do we destroy all the Europeans who make comments about American politics and politicians?

What a crock

Even if Americans hacked the identities of other Americans it is not ok..

you think we don't jack with other governments?

i give up.
Why is Trump not talking about this? It is a factual and proven.. Instead he calls everything Fake News.

For those of you who still do not understand what Russia did to infiltrate American politics and our internet policies read up on it, because in my opinion this is a terrorist attack and will effect you( although some still love the idea of loving Putin instead of the Democrats )

This is not ok The Russians make fake accounts to look American ... These bots are still getting into our business .. thousands of fake Russian comments on our Government site made comments to get rid of Net - Neutrality , 90% of Americans wanted to keep that in place..the GOP saw that and voted to get rid of Net-Neutral.

Twitter: Russian bots retweeted
Trump nearly 500,000 times in last months of election

Twitter: Russian bots retweeted Trump nearly 500,000 times in last months of election

FCC Got 444,938 Net-Neutrality Comments From Russian Email Addresses
FCC Got 444,938 Net-Neutrality Comments From Russian Email Addresses

What is Net-Neutrality?

How do you know that it was the Russians and not the crazy left wingers?
Why is Trump not talking about this? It is a factual and proven.. Instead he calls everything Fake News.

For those of you who still do not understand what Russia did to infiltrate American politics and our internet policies read up on it, because in my opinion this is a terrorist attack and will effect you( although some still love the idea of loving Putin instead of the Democrats )

This is not ok The Russians make fake accounts to look American ... These bots are still getting into our business .. thousands of fake Russian comments on our Government site made comments to get rid of Net - Neutrality , 90% of Americans wanted to keep that in place..the GOP saw that and voted to get rid of Net-Neutral.

Twitter: Russian bots retweeted
Trump nearly 500,000 times in last months of election

Twitter: Russian bots retweeted Trump nearly 500,000 times in last months of election

FCC Got 444,938 Net-Neutrality Comments From Russian Email Addresses
FCC Got 444,938 Net-Neutrality Comments From Russian Email Addresses

What is Net-Neutrality?

How do you know that it was the Russians and not the crazy left wingers?

she doesn't. she will engage in wild speculation to put her puzzle together and then call you out if you disagree with her rantings. :)
Good question...

Did they?
You think all those conversations trump people had with russian bigwigs was about childhood adoption or the price of vodka???

They are so afraid to admit what Russia is doing to the Americans because they feel like they are betraying their base..

Trump denies it so they deny it..

they still don't get it Trump will look you in the face and lie his ass off A world class liar Yeah he didn't want to fire Mulleur False news?? lol

After :eusa_liar:bama you people are in no position to point fingers at Trump. :eusa_hand:
You gotta be kidding blues Obama 5 x the vile Trump Avoided a depression and turned over a viable gov't to trump who pats himself on the back for shit he didn't do

Obama fan boy alert ^^^
After :eusa_liar:bama you people are in no position to point fingers at Trump. :eusa_hand:

When people talked about the lies of Obama, all they could do is repeat 2-3 of them 1,000 times.

When people talk about the lies of Trump, they have 2,000 different ones to chose from. No the least of which is that he would testify under oath (in front of the grand jury) for Mueller.

I say that ain't gonna happen.

Lib please Obama lied for 8 years :itsok:
Why is Trump not talking about this? It is a factual and proven.. Instead he calls everything Fake News.

For those of you who still do not understand what Russia did to infiltrate American politics and our internet policies read up on it, because in my opinion this is a terrorist attack and will effect you( although some still love the idea of loving Putin instead of the Democrats )

This is not ok The Russians make fake accounts to look American ... These bots are still getting into our business .. thousands of fake Russian comments on our Government site made comments to get rid of Net - Neutrality , 90% of Americans wanted to keep that in place..the GOP saw that and voted to get rid of Net-Neutral.

Twitter: Russian bots retweeted
Trump nearly 500,000 times in last months of election

Twitter: Russian bots retweeted Trump nearly 500,000 times in last months of election

FCC Got 444,938 Net-Neutrality Comments From Russian Email Addresses
FCC Got 444,938 Net-Neutrality Comments From Russian Email Addresses

What is Net-Neutrality?

Cause the Comrade is Putin's dream president. Putin now has an ear in the White House. And the complicit GOP is following him around with their noses up his butt.
What are you expecting here lefties?

Do we need to limit American's to only reading internet from American citizens? Do we need to become like NK to protect you dolts from "foreign" trolls?

When do we destroy all these illegals from Mexico that are mouthing off their foreign opinions about our immigration policies, bitching about President Trump and ICE and influencing our god damn politicians to be nice to them?

When do we destroy all the Europeans who make comments about American politics and politicians?

What a crock

Even if Americans hacked the identities of other Americans it is not ok..

you think we don't jack with other governments?

i give up.

Good see ya.. you have nothing to contribute except for denying and looking for excuses..

Why is Trump not talking about this? It is a factual and proven.. Instead he calls everything Fake News.

For those of you who still do not understand what Russia did to infiltrate American politics and our internet policies read up on it, because in my opinion this is a terrorist attack and will effect you( although some still love the idea of loving Putin instead of the Democrats )

This is not ok The Russians make fake accounts to look American ... These bots are still getting into our business .. thousands of fake Russian comments on our Government site made comments to get rid of Net - Neutrality , 90% of Americans wanted to keep that in place..the GOP saw that and voted to get rid of Net-Neutral.

Twitter: Russian bots retweeted
Trump nearly 500,000 times in last months of election

Twitter: Russian bots retweeted Trump nearly 500,000 times in last months of election

FCC Got 444,938 Net-Neutrality Comments From Russian Email Addresses
FCC Got 444,938 Net-Neutrality Comments From Russian Email Addresses

What is Net-Neutrality?

How do you know that it was the Russians and not the crazy left wingers?

she doesn't. she will engage in wild speculation to put her puzzle together and then call you out if you disagree with her rantings. :)

It doesn't matter who they are you moron..this thread is about the Russians hacking to Americans identities , government websites claiming to be Americans, and our everyday reading..and Trump calls it fake news.

What are you expecting here lefties?

Do we need to limit American's to only reading internet from American citizens? Do we need to become like NK to protect you dolts from "foreign" trolls?

When do we destroy all these illegals from Mexico that are mouthing off their foreign opinions about our immigration policies, bitching about President Trump and ICE and influencing our god damn politicians to be nice to them?

When do we destroy all the Europeans who make comments about American politics and politicians?

What a crock

Even if Americans hacked the identities of other Americans it is not ok..

you think we don't jack with other governments?

i give up.

Good see ya.. you have nothing to contribute except for denying and looking for excuses..

meanwhile you never answer questions based on your own "observations"

did the lack of NN ever hurt you before 2015?
you do realize 500k is 0.1% of *daily* traffic on twitter? expand that over the "months" and your OH MY GOD number is statistically invalid.

what exactly are YOU contributing other than fake news?
Why is Trump not talking about this? It is a factual and proven.. Instead he calls everything Fake News.

For those of you who still do not understand what Russia did to infiltrate American politics and our internet policies read up on it, because in my opinion this is a terrorist attack and will effect you( although some still love the idea of loving Putin instead of the Democrats )

This is not ok The Russians make fake accounts to look American ... These bots are still getting into our business .. thousands of fake Russian comments on our Government site made comments to get rid of Net - Neutrality , 90% of Americans wanted to keep that in place..the GOP saw that and voted to get rid of Net-Neutral.

Twitter: Russian bots retweeted
Trump nearly 500,000 times in last months of election

Twitter: Russian bots retweeted Trump nearly 500,000 times in last months of election

FCC Got 444,938 Net-Neutrality Comments From Russian Email Addresses
FCC Got 444,938 Net-Neutrality Comments From Russian Email Addresses

What is Net-Neutrality?

How do you know that it was the Russians and not the crazy left wingers?

she doesn't. she will engage in wild speculation to put her puzzle together and then call you out if you disagree with her rantings. :)

It doesn't matter who they are you moron..this thread is about the Russians hacking to Americans identities , government websites claiming to be Americans, and our everyday reading..and Trump calls it fake news.



so now you're ok to insult people who have never insulted you.

have a wonderful life. i got no time for people who pull this.
What are you expecting here lefties?

Do we need to limit American's to only reading internet from American citizens? Do we need to become like NK to protect you dolts from "foreign" trolls?

When do we destroy all these illegals from Mexico that are mouthing off their foreign opinions about our immigration policies, bitching about President Trump and ICE and influencing our god damn politicians to be nice to them?

When do we destroy all the Europeans who make comments about American politics and politicians?

What a crock

Even if Americans hacked the identities of other Americans it is not ok..

you think we don't jack with other governments?

i give up.

Good see ya.. you have nothing to contribute except for denying and looking for excuses..

meanwhile you never answer questions based on your own "observations"

did the lack of NN ever hurt you before 2015?
you do realize 500k is 0.1% of *daily* traffic on twitter? expand that over the "months" and your OH MY GOD number is statistically invalid.

what exactly are YOU contributing other than fake news?

We had Net neutrality before 2015! We've ALWAYS had Net Neutrality.

PLEASE read up on the topic. This is what I was talking about. Sheer ignorance.
What are you expecting here lefties?

Do we need to limit American's to only reading internet from American citizens? Do we need to become like NK to protect you dolts from "foreign" trolls?

When do we destroy all these illegals from Mexico that are mouthing off their foreign opinions about our immigration policies, bitching about President Trump and ICE and influencing our god damn politicians to be nice to them?

When do we destroy all the Europeans who make comments about American politics and politicians?

What a crock

Even if Americans hacked the identities of other Americans it is not ok..

you think we don't jack with other governments?

i give up.

If you notice there are still dummies who deny that the Russians did a thing..why because the orange buffoon calls everything fake news and doesn't tell his followers that indeed Russia is cyber attacking us..

What are you expecting here lefties?

Do we need to limit American's to only reading internet from American citizens? Do we need to become like NK to protect you dolts from "foreign" trolls?

When do we destroy all these illegals from Mexico that are mouthing off their foreign opinions about our immigration policies, bitching about President Trump and ICE and influencing our god damn politicians to be nice to them?

When do we destroy all the Europeans who make comments about American politics and politicians?

What a crock

Even if Americans hacked the identities of other Americans it is not ok..

you think we don't jack with other governments?

i give up.

Good see ya.. you have nothing to contribute except for denying and looking for excuses..

meanwhile you never answer questions based on your own "observations"

did the lack of NN ever hurt you before 2015?
you do realize 500k is 0.1% of *daily* traffic on twitter? expand that over the "months" and your OH MY GOD number is statistically invalid.

what exactly are YOU contributing other than fake news?

We had Net neutrality before 2015! We've ALWAYS had Net Neutrality.

PLEASE read up on the topic. This is what I was talking about. Sheer ignorance.
then what did obama put into play in 2015 and why was it necessary?

i find it funny when i disagree with people ranting and they get frustrated with me when i call them out on it.

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