Russian Calls Out Barack Obama As A Communist

Socialism, like conservatism, is always democratic. Extreme socialism is communism, like extreme conservatism is fascism, and both are always totalitarianism...TPers are total fools, throwing around terms that Rush Seanbeck defines for them. A DISGRACE, LAUGHINGSTOCK, AND HORROR...
People, too many people, conflate Marxism and socialism. And that's too bad. They aren't the same. Some forms of socialism are hostile to Marx's version of socialism and some aren't. Karl Marx was only one of the many revolutionary theorists trying to describe a socialist or utopian vision of the future. And frankly, Marx was one of the worst, one of the least intellectual and his theories were some of the most disjointed daydreams in economic and political history

All Marxists are socialists, but not all socialists are Marxists.

Word :cool:


You have socialists like Barack Obama that like to redistribute the wealth to themselves and other government bureaucrats while pretending they're helping the poor and giving them just enough keep them alive but still dependent.

Some call it crony capitalism. I think socialism is a more accurate term.
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Sallow may be a little confused.

Marxism requires the state to overthrow the capitalists (revolution) and according to him the state may be comprised of "armed workers," but once they get to transitional phase into communism, that "state" is supposed to wither away.

If you want to get into Semantics..fine.

The Communist Utopia has no private ownership.

Does that work better for you?

It also has no taxation.

That's the type of thing you folks dream about isn't it?


Not quite. There's no taxation because there's no monetary system.

No point in being a capitalist if there's no capital, is there? :cool:

That's like a telling a liberal they won't have to worry about having medical insurance once they're dead.

Um, what?

This seriously makes no sense.

Socialism, like conservatism, is always democratic. Extreme socialism is communism, like extreme conservatism is fascism, and both are always totalitarianism...TPers are total fools, throwing around terms that Rush Seanbeck defines for them. A DISGRACE, LAUGHINGSTOCK, AND HORROR...

Slow down there, schoolteacher. We're quoting here.

Isn't that your homepage?
Socialism, like conservatism, is always democratic. Extreme socialism is communism, like extreme conservatism is fascism, and both are always totalitarianism...TPers are total fools, throwing around terms that Rush Seanbeck defines for them. A DISGRACE, LAUGHINGSTOCK, AND HORROR...

This makes no sense either.


You guys drinking from the same fountain?

Socialism, like conservatism, is always democratic. Extreme socialism is communism, like extreme conservatism is fascism, and both are always totalitarianism...TPers are total fools, throwing around terms that Rush Seanbeck defines for them. A DISGRACE, LAUGHINGSTOCK, AND HORROR...

This makes no sense either.


You guys drinking from the same fountain?


Masters in History asks what's wrong with it...
I thought we were talking about communism in the real world...not a Beckian fantasy LOL

There is no communism in the real world.

It's never been implemented because all the countries that tried your "democratic socialism" got stuck in the transitional phase because the state representatives preferred living large off the backs of the people than actually following the rules and letting the state "wither away."
If you want to get into Semantics..fine.

The Communist Utopia has no private ownership.

Does that work better for you?

It also has no taxation.

That's the type of thing you folks dream about isn't it?


Not quite. There's no taxation because there's no monetary system.

No point in being a capitalist if there's no capital, is there? :cool:

That's like a telling a liberal they won't have to worry about having medical insurance once they're dead.

Um, what?

This seriously makes no sense.


The part about marxism having no monetary system?

You hinted that there are no taxes under communism, and us conservatives would love that.

I just pointed out that not having any taxes under communism is the equivalent of having medical insurance while you're dead. Neither will do you any good.
Socialism, like conservatism, is always democratic. Extreme socialism is communism, like extreme conservatism is fascism, and both are always totalitarianism...TPers are total fools, throwing around terms that Rush Seanbeck defines for them. A DISGRACE, LAUGHINGSTOCK, AND HORROR...

This makes no sense either.


You guys drinking from the same fountain?


Masters in History asks what's wrong with it...

First off, conservatism is almost never Democratic. Secondly you have have socialist countries which are not Democratic.

I've also pointed out that communism in the true Marx sense, has never been implemented, because it can't be.

Fascism? can implement problem. Got enough guns? You got a Fascist State..
I thought we were talking about communism in the real world...not a Beckian fantasy LOL

There is no communism in the real world.

It's never been implemented because all the countries that tried your "democratic socialism" got stuck in the transitional phase because the state representatives preferred living large off the backs of the people than actually following the rules and letting the state "wither away."

This is almost sensible.

It would be totally sensible if it were objective.
When conservativism is no longer democratic, it's fascism. WHEN SOCIALISM IS NO LONGER DEMOCRATIC, IT'S COMMUNISM. period.That is their extreme form. COMMUNISM IN THE REAL WORLD IS NOT THE UTOPIAN FANTASY, MAN ISN'T PERFECT, SO YOU NEED A TOTALITARIAN STATE AND MONEY TO MAKE IT ''WORK''... sorry about the caps...
Outside of the US, Obama is seen as a centrist, and the TP as illiterate far rw hater dupes lol...

Like I give a FUCK what those imbeciles think.

Didn't they murder something like a 150,000,000 of their own people in the last Century?

Didn't they bomb each other's Cities into rubble?

Didn't we have to LITERALLY feed and clothe them to keep them from dying of starvation and exposure for years after WWII?

Didn't we save the UK (yes, we did. Hitler was far from done with them)?

Didn't we save France?

And Russia?

And Belgium?

And Holland?

And Italy?

And...... About twenty other Countries with nearly a billion combined People in them.

And you care what those IDIOTS think of us?

When conservativism is no longer democratic, it's fascism. WHEN SOCIALISM IS NO LONGER DEMOCRATIC, IT'S COMMUNISM. period.That is their extreme form. COMMUNISM IN THE REAL WORLD IS NOT THE UTOPIAN FANTASY, MAN ISN'T PERFECT, SO YOU NEED A TOTALITARIAN STATE AND MONEY TO MAKE IT ''WORK''... sorry about the caps...

Not necessarily.

Monarchies are conservative and not Democratic. That's not Fascism.
Theocracies are conservative and not Democratic. That's not Fascism.
I thought we were talking about communism in the real world...not a Beckian fantasy LOL

There is no communism in the real world.

It's never been implemented because all the countries that tried your "democratic socialism" got stuck in the transitional phase because the state representatives preferred living large off the backs of the people than actually following the rules and letting the state "wither away."

This is almost sensible.

It would be totally sensible if it were objective.

Well, it's true.

Cuba is the most recent example. They claim to be communist, yet the state has been going strong since the revolution started 60 years ago and the government bureaucrats don't seem to have any intention of letting the state "wither away" anytime soon. They've even had to allow some degree of private ownership and enterprise as their previous model simply wasn't sustainable.

That's why it's never even been tried anywhere else. We've only seen failed versions of socialism.

Ir order for communism to have any chance of ever being implemented, it would have to be a global system with all countries buying into it 100%. As long as any countries are "capitalist," they will profit from the labour of those socialist countries and fill the pockets of those socialist government bureaucrats in the process.

To be honest, socialism has never existed either. In the word we've only had different degrees of capitalism.

In capitalist countries, anyone is allowed to profit from the labour of others.

In socialist countries, only the state is allowed to profit from the labour of others.

Which makes even less sense to me why a disgruntled worked would even subscribe to socialist dogma. At least he has options under capitalism.
Outside of the US, Obama is seen as a centrist, and the TP as illiterate far rw hater dupes lol...

Like I give a FUCK what those imbeciles think.

Didn't they murder something like a 150,000,000 of their own people in the last Century?

Didn't they bomb each other's Cities into rubble?

Didn't we have to LITERALLY feed and clothe them to keep them from dying of starvation and exposure for years after WWII? Pubs are always greedy

Didn't we save the UK (yes, we did. Hitler was far from done with them)?

Didn't we save France?

And Russia?

And Belgium?

And Holland?

And Italy?

And...... About twenty other Countries with nearly a billion combined People in them.

And you care what those IDIOTS think of us?


Actually no, ugly American Pub dupe- RUSSIA was going to win the war, so we saved them for capitalism. Many thanks to isolationist GOP for wrecking Versailles and the League, starting a world depression that gave rise to German and Japanese militarists, and letting them run wild until they finally attacked US...GREAT JOB LOL...

BTW, THIS Pub Great Recession is making it awfully hard to defeat terror, as the UE are the source for the men needed...
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Outside of the US, Obama is seen as a centrist, and the TP as illiterate far rw hater dupes lol...

Like I give a FUCK what those imbeciles think.

Didn't they murder something like a 150,000,000 of their own people in the last Century?

Didn't they bomb each other's Cities into rubble?

Didn't we have to LITERALLY feed and clothe them to keep them from dying of starvation and exposure for years after WWII?

Didn't we save the UK (yes, we did. Hitler was far from done with them)?

Didn't we save France?

And Russia?

And Belgium?

And Holland?

And Italy?

And...... About twenty other Countries with nearly a billion combined People in them.

And you care what those IDIOTS think of us?


Actually no, ugly American Pub dupe- RUSSIA was going to win the war, so we saved them for capitalism. Many thanks to isolationist GOP for wrecking Versailes and the League, starting a world depression that gave rise to German and Japanese militarists, and letting them run wild until they finally attacked US...GREAT JOB LOL...

You are the stupidest piece of shit on the Board.

The Nazis were killing Russians like chickens in a slaughterhouse.

The only thing that stopped the slaughter was us sending the Russians thousands of Trucks, Tanks, Airplanes, Artillery pieces and millions of tonnes of clothing, ammunition and food.

And opening another front. Two fronts, actually. North Africa and Italy.

Don't offer opinions, you're way too stupid.

Partial list of what we, the USA, gave the Russians during WWII

Guns (Artillery pieces)..................................8,218
Machine guns........................131,633
Explosives..........................345,735 tons
Building equipment valued.......$10,910,000
Railroad freight cars................11,155
Cargo ships..............................90
Submarine hunters.......................105
Torpedo boats...........................197
Ship engines..........................7,784
Food supplies.....................4,478,000 tons
Machines and equipment.......$1,078,965,000
Noniron metals......................802,000 tons
Petroleum products................2,670,000 tons
Chemicals...........................842,000 tons
Cotton..........................106,893,000 tons
Leather..............................49,860 tons
Army boots.......................15,417,000 pairs
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There is no communism in the real world.

It's never been implemented because all the countries that tried your "democratic socialism" got stuck in the transitional phase because the state representatives preferred living large off the backs of the people than actually following the rules and letting the state "wither away."

This is almost sensible.

It would be totally sensible if it were objective.

Well, it's true.

Cuba is the most recent example. They claim to be communist, yet the state has been going strong since the revolution started 60 years ago and the government bureaucrats don't seem to have any intention of letting the state "wither away" anytime soon. They've even had to allow some degree of private ownership and enterprise as their previous model simply wasn't sustainable.

That's why it's never even been tried anywhere else. We've only seen failed versions of socialism.

Ir order for communism to have any chance of ever being implemented, it would have to be a global system with all countries buying into it 100%. As long as any countries are "capitalist," they will profit from the labour of those socialist countries and fill the pockets of those socialist government bureaucrats in the process.

To be honest, socialism has never existed either. In the word we've only had different degrees of capitalism.

In capitalist countries, anyone is allowed to profit from the labour of others.

In socialist countries, only the state is allowed to profit from the labour of others.

Which makes even less sense to me why a disgruntled worked would even subscribe to socialist dogma. At least he has options under capitalism.

You are almost right with alot of this.

But in truth what you have is a balance between socialism and capitalism in most of the functional countries around the world.

The trick, of course, being, achieving the right balance.

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