Russian Calls Out Barack Obama As A Communist

Some web site no one has ever heard of says some guy in Russia no one has ever heard of says Obama is a communist.

Well...damn it. I just can't fight evidence like that!

Here is his Facebook page:

A self (un?) employed conservative Christian evangelical. Who guessed that? Raise your hand.

Xavier Lerma is "employed" by Pravda, actually. He's a columnist.

All of his articles are either about how Obama is a Communist, or how Glorious Leader Putin is the most manly man in all of history.

If that's who you guys want to get your information from, be my guest.

I thought he had a show on MSNBC, but I could be wrong. :dunno:
It wasn't even socialist.

What the Soviet Union was, is what it is now.

An Oligarchy.

it was. all the modern leftard constructions to make socialism look more appealing are simply ignorant. there was no oligarchy in USSR. It was pure marxist socialism.
there is plenty post-USSR, but that is not socialism anymore

and state that USSR was "as it is now" - is just ridiculously ignorant. there is no USSR, for one, and Russia is not even close to the ways it was during 70 years of socialism. Other countries are all in the various spectra of democracies all the way to feudalism ( Central Asia)

Read a fucking book sometime.

The ultimate aim of communism is the elimination of government.


Communists have no taxes, no private property, no private industry no private anything.

Everything belongs to the state.

Communism sets up a classless, egalitarian society run completely by the people.

Which is why it's impossible to implement.

So..what you generally have are despots that use communism as a shroud to get into power.

Once that's accomplished, generally what's put up is an oligarchy, military dictatorship or some other form of one person or one party rule.

That's not communism or socialism.

Follow your own advice and open a book, not a leftard propaganda piece sometimes and stop bullshitting about socialism or communism - it is obvious you have no idea what you are talking about.

Communism never existed - except a brief period in 1918 as a military communism variation.

And read the basics, at least once, instead of regurgitating some modern shit American propaganda which tries to make black white and socialism acceptable.

You may start with Marx'sManifesto and after digesting tve original try to understandLenin's Materialism and Empiriocriticism.

If your parrots mind will be able to.

Then might come the turn for April thesis. If you survive without your goebbels propaganda machine which has to explain it to you :lmao:

Which isn't true either.

Generally fascist get in involved with completely eliminating opposition.

That includes suspending rights, making opponents "disappear", shutting down parliaments (or congress), ignoring the courts and dispensing the popular vote.

And when fascists are in the minority..they do their very best to make sure this stuff happens as well. Also..they "close" down the government.

Anyone you know doing that? :eusa_whistle:

That is not always the truth.

The prototypes of a fascist states, ie Italy and Japan in the 1940's controlled the economies without following Germany 's murderous regime.

Remember , in the Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx, recommended that the people WREST POWER BY DEGREE ie, no sudden radical changes.


You go from fascist Italy and Japan to a quote by Karl Marx?:cuckoo:
It wasn't even socialist.

What the Soviet Union was, is what it is now.

An Oligarchy.

Lenin just rolled over in his grave.

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was a figment of everyone's imagination? You had better tell the Obama administration. They are modeling the US government after it.

Lenin rolled over in his grave the minute Stalin came to power.

What is it with you guys?

It's like history doesn't exist.

You, idiot, it is clear that you have never read ANY of Lenin's original works otherwise you would never write the idiocy you did :lol:

They have had personal imcopatability but ideologically Stalin followed Lenin's ideas to the letter. Or you seriously think Lenin was planning NEP for longer?
If you have the slightest idea what it actually is :lol:
Russian Calls Out Barack Obama As A Communist
Barack Obama is called a pure Communist by the Russian Press and many in Russia are making that statement. Maybe that is why the Boston Bombers could get away with what they did. It seems that Russia knew that the older brother was one to watch and they informed our intelligence community of it, yet the FBI once again failed because they "did not want to inflame people with Jihad connections or ideology

Read more: Russian Calls Out Barack Obama As A Communist
Read more at Russian Calls Out Barack Obama As A Communist

Um, carrying out the act and getting away with it are two different things. They were able to carry out their violent act for the same reason the mass shooters are able to carry out their deadly acts.

Russia has suffered many attacks from Islamic Extremist. They have no room to talk.

Now D. B. Cooper got away. Not so for the Bombing brothers.
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It is pure unadulterated horseshit. No real commie would ever call Obama a commie - I don't even feel like debunking it. Even if some jack-off did say that, who cares? He would be wrong.

If only one person said it? That's all it taks for you to nod your head - ONE guy?

So, he's a fascist now? I thought he was a commie?

Please ... that's called unfounded animosity; millions of people hate Ted Cruz, does that mean you HAVE to agree? Of course not.

That's like the time a socialist wrote an article saying that "O" wasn't a socialist in a socialist magazine. The right claimed he was just saying that so Obama could continue to be a stealth socialist. :confused:
Taking every dictionary's definition of communist and socialist, the right's definition of both just doesn't come close. It's just a couple of words the far right talking heads use to scare their followers and naturally, the followers are doing exactly what their talking heads want them to do, Be afraid, be very afraid, and they are!:eek:
Progressives are multi-tasking


The bottom line is that Goldberg wants to attach a defaming epithet to liberals and the left, to “put the brown shirt on [your] opponents,” as he accuses the liberals of doing (p. 392). He goes about this task with a massive apparatus of scholarly citations and quotations. But Goldberg’s scholarship is not an even-handed search for understanding, following the best evidence fully and open-mindedly wherever it might lead. He chooses his scholarly data selectively and sometimes misleadingly in the service of his demonstration.

Jonah Goldberg knows that making the Progressives, Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt and FDR the creators of an American fascism – indeed the only American fascism, for George Lincoln Rockwell and other overt American fascist or Nazi sympathizers are totally absent from this book – is a stretch, so he has created a new box: Liberal Fascism. The Progressives and their heirs who wanted to use government to rectify social and economic ills, and who, in Goldberg’s view, thereby created an American Fascism, acted with good intentions, rarely used violence, and had nothing to do with Auschwitz. Even so, they share an intellectual heredity and a set of common goals with the European fascists. So they go into the “Liberal Fascist” box.

Liberal Fascism is an oxymoron, of course.

- See more at: History News Network | The Scholarly Flaws of "Liberal Fascism"
it was. all the modern leftard constructions to make socialism look more appealing are simply ignorant. there was no oligarchy in USSR. It was pure marxist socialism.
there is plenty post-USSR, but that is not socialism anymore

and state that USSR was "as it is now" - is just ridiculously ignorant. there is no USSR, for one, and Russia is not even close to the ways it was during 70 years of socialism. Other countries are all in the various spectra of democracies all the way to feudalism ( Central Asia)

Read a fucking book sometime.

The ultimate aim of communism is the elimination of government.


Communists have no taxes, no private property, no private industry no private anything.

Everything belongs to the state.

Communism sets up a classless, egalitarian society run completely by the people.

Which is why it's impossible to implement.

So..what you generally have are despots that use communism as a shroud to get into power.

Once that's accomplished, generally what's put up is an oligarchy, military dictatorship or some other form of one person or one party rule.

That's not communism or socialism.

Follow your own advice and open a book, not a leftard propaganda piece sometimes and stop bullshitting about socialism or communism - it is obvious you have no idea what you are talking about.

Communism never existed - except a brief period in 1918 as a military communism variation.

And read the basics, at least once, instead of regurgitating some modern shit American propaganda which tries to make black white and socialism acceptable.

You may start with Marx'sManifesto and after digesting tve original try to understandLenin's Materialism and Empiriocriticism.

If your parrots mind will be able to.

Then might come the turn for April thesis. If you survive without your goebbels propaganda machine which has to explain it to you :lmao:

Vox you are right. It seems that Swallow can't tell one utopian political philosophy from another. Anarchism, socialism and communism - the three stooges of political thought.
Read a fucking book sometime.

The ultimate aim of communism is the elimination of government.


Communists have no taxes, no private property, no private industry no private anything.

Everything belongs to the state.

Communism sets up a classless, egalitarian society run completely by the people.

Which is why it's impossible to implement.

So..what you generally have are despots that use communism as a shroud to get into power.

Once that's accomplished, generally what's put up is an oligarchy, military dictatorship or some other form of one person or one party rule.

That's not communism or socialism.

Follow your own advice and open a book, not a leftard propaganda piece sometimes and stop bullshitting about socialism or communism - it is obvious you have no idea what you are talking about.

Communism never existed - except a brief period in 1918 as a military communism variation.

And read the basics, at least once, instead of regurgitating some modern shit American propaganda which tries to make black white and socialism acceptable.

You may start with Marx'sManifesto and after digesting tve original try to understandLenin's Materialism and Empiriocriticism.

If your parrots mind will be able to.

Then might come the turn for April thesis. If you survive without your goebbels propaganda machine which has to explain it to you :lmao:

Vox you are right. It seems that Swallow can't tell one utopian political philosophy from another. Anarchism, socialism and communism - the three stooges of political thought.

you bet I am. I have had to study all this Marxism-leninism shit 6 years in medical school and take state graduation exams - otherwise I won't be able to graduate :lol:
Read a fucking book sometime.

The ultimate aim of communism is the elimination of government.


Communists have no taxes, no private property, no private industry no private anything.

Everything belongs to the state.

Communism sets up a classless, egalitarian society run completely by the people.

Which is why it's impossible to implement.

So..what you generally have are despots that use communism as a shroud to get into power.

Once that's accomplished, generally what's put up is an oligarchy, military dictatorship or some other form of one person or one party rule.

That's not communism or socialism.

Follow your own advice and open a book, not a leftard propaganda piece sometimes and stop bullshitting about socialism or communism - it is obvious you have no idea what you are talking about.

Communism never existed - except a brief period in 1918 as a military communism variation.

And read the basics, at least once, instead of regurgitating some modern shit American propaganda which tries to make black white and socialism acceptable.

You may start with Marx'sManifesto and after digesting tve original try to understandLenin's Materialism and Empiriocriticism.

If your parrots mind will be able to.

Then might come the turn for April thesis. If you survive without your goebbels propaganda machine which has to explain it to you :lmao:

Vox you are right. It seems that Swallow can't tell one utopian political philosophy from another. Anarchism, socialism and communism - the three stooges of political thought.

Gosh another fag begging for a swallow?

And another conservative homo that has no idea what the fuck he's talking about.

You can lead a fag to water..but you can't get him to stop sucking seems.

Communism is what I described it as..

It's never been implemented.
It is pure unadulterated horseshit. No real commie would ever call Obama a commie - I don't even feel like debunking it. Even if some jack-off did say that, who cares? He would be wrong.

If only one person said it? That's all it taks for you to nod your head - ONE guy?

So, he's a fascist now? I thought he was a commie?

Please ... that's called unfounded animosity; millions of people hate Ted Cruz, does that mean you HAVE to agree? Of course not.

That's like the time a socialist wrote an article saying that "O" wasn't a socialist in a socialist magazine. The right claimed he was just saying that so Obama could continue to be a stealth socialist. :confused:
Taking every dictionary's definition of communist and socialist, the right's definition of both just doesn't come close. It's just a couple of words the far right talking heads use to scare their followers and naturally, the followers are doing exactly what their talking heads want them to do, Be afraid, be very afraid, and they are!:eek:


you better take the basics, instead the false online "dictionary" descriptions - starting from marx's Manifesto and read at least the chapter II.
You will be able to understand why is obama called marxist as is the whole left-wing dimocrap party.
lol.. Obama campaigned intensely waiving the victim flag. Big evil banks, big wigs flying in corporate jets, Americans who go to Las Vegas etc.. Woe is us who are not being held down by the man, but by the 1%

Then what does he do?

He lines the pockets of these same scapegoats he demonized.

The 51% should ask for their votes back



So because he took corporate contributions and played the same game that every politician in this country since the revolution has played he's a "wild eyed" radical bent on making what?

Um, one example, we could barely hear him



Barely hear him what?

Talking about political reality?

You do know what he was referring to right?

Nuclear arms talks?

And where, exactly, has that gone now that Tea Party favorite Putin is in power?
Follow your own advice and open a book, not a leftard propaganda piece sometimes and stop bullshitting about socialism or communism - it is obvious you have no idea what you are talking about.

Communism never existed - except a brief period in 1918 as a military communism variation.

And read the basics, at least once, instead of regurgitating some modern shit American propaganda which tries to make black white and socialism acceptable.

You may start with Marx'sManifesto and after digesting tve original try to understandLenin's Materialism and Empiriocriticism.

If your parrots mind will be able to.

Then might come the turn for April thesis. If you survive without your goebbels propaganda machine which has to explain it to you :lmao:

Vox you are right. It seems that Swallow can't tell one utopian political philosophy from another. Anarchism, socialism and communism - the three stooges of political thought.

Gosh another fag begging for a swallow?

And another conservative homo that has no idea what the fuck he's talking about.

You can lead a fag to water..but you can't get him to stop sucking seems.

Communism is what I described it as..

It's never been implemented.

it is you who are clueless and it was obvious when you stated "what was and what is in USSR( sic!!!) is oligarchy" :lmao:

throwing around the fashionable words without really understanding them won't make you sound knowledgeable, just the opposite.

you better stay with your Wall street depictions - at least that part you might know.
The Republican party should erect a statue to Karl Marx. Marx gave them their battle cry for over fifty years now, everything they dislike, don't want or would have to pay for is labeled communism. Every politician that does not vote conservative is labeled a communist. The word commie now ranks right up there with "your father's mustache and Oh you kid."
It is pure unadulterated horseshit. No real commie would ever call Obama a commie - I don't even feel like debunking it. Even if some jack-off did say that, who cares? He would be wrong.

If only one person said it? That's all it taks for you to nod your head - ONE guy?

So, he's a fascist now? I thought he was a commie?

Please ... that's called unfounded animosity; millions of people hate Ted Cruz, does that mean you HAVE to agree? Of course not.

That's like the time a socialist wrote an article saying that "O" wasn't a socialist in a socialist magazine. The right claimed he was just saying that so Obama could continue to be a stealth socialist. :confused:
Taking every dictionary's definition of communist and socialist, the right's definition of both just doesn't come close. It's just a couple of words the far right talking heads use to scare their followers and naturally, the followers are doing exactly what their talking heads want them to do, Be afraid, be very afraid, and they are!:eek:


you better take the basics, instead the false online "dictionary" descriptions - starting from marx's Manifesto and read at least the chapter II.
You will be able to understand why is obama called marxist as is the whole left-wing dimocrap party.

And what, specifically, is communist.

Feel free.

And reference Marx as well.

Also you do know that Marx was never a part of any government, right?

He was basically an egghead.

You guys use this word all the time..while NOT understanding it's American Liberals that have historically lead the fight against the Soviets and Maoist Chinese.

Conservatives have basically not done shit. They just call the people fighting these battles "Communists".
That's like the time a socialist wrote an article saying that "O" wasn't a socialist in a socialist magazine. The right claimed he was just saying that so Obama could continue to be a stealth socialist. :confused:
Taking every dictionary's definition of communist and socialist, the right's definition of both just doesn't come close. It's just a couple of words the far right talking heads use to scare their followers and naturally, the followers are doing exactly what their talking heads want them to do, Be afraid, be very afraid, and they are!:eek:


you better take the basics, instead the false online "dictionary" descriptions - starting from marx's Manifesto and read at least the chapter II.
You will be able to understand why is obama called marxist as is the whole left-wing dimocrap party.

And what, specifically, is communist.

Feel free.

And reference Marx as well.

Also you do know that Marx was never a part of any government, right?

He was basically an egghead.

You guys use this word all the time..while NOT understanding it's American Liberals that have historically lead the fight against the Soviets and Maoist Chinese.

Conservatives have basically not done shit. They just call the people fighting these battles "Communists".

pick up the Marx's Manifesto and try to digest it YOURSELF.

I am not going to chew it for you :D
Manifesto of the Communist Party

American liberals are not American progressives. the first ones really were very far away from the marxist ideas. The latter ones are actually twin brothers of all the types of socialist movements in Europe inexactly 100 years ago. It was an overwhelming movement and it basically dominated the political thought in Europe pre and post WWI. It's various implementations lead to two most bloody experiments in the history of mankind. lately repeated in the other parts of the world - with local variations.
Did not work anywhere.
Modern day democrat party which was basically social-democrat party most of the last century has drifted much more to pure socialist ideas of marxist origin.
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It is pure unadulterated horseshit. No real commie would ever call Obama a commie - I don't even feel like debunking it. Even if some jack-off did say that, who cares? He would be wrong.

If only one person said it? That's all it taks for you to nod your head - ONE guy?

So, he's a fascist now? I thought he was a commie?

Please ... that's called unfounded animosity; millions of people hate Ted Cruz, does that mean you HAVE to agree? Of course not.

That's like the time a socialist wrote an article saying that "O" wasn't a socialist in a socialist magazine. The right claimed he was just saying that so Obama could continue to be a stealth socialist. :confused:
Taking every dictionary's definition of communist and socialist, the right's definition of both just doesn't come close. It's just a couple of words the far right talking heads use to scare their followers and naturally, the followers are doing exactly what their talking heads want them to do, Be afraid, be very afraid, and they are!:eek:


you better take the basics, instead the false online "dictionary" descriptions - starting from marx's Manifesto and read at least the chapter II.
You will be able to understand why is obama called marxist as is the whole left-wing dimocrap party.

So, Vox, the Tea Party definition is the only true definition and who in the hell needs several different dictionaries that all have basically the same definitions and are put together by scholars who are non-partisans. Is that correct?
Yeah, that's the ticket! :eusa_eh:
it was. all the modern leftard constructions to make socialism look more appealing are simply ignorant. there was no oligarchy in USSR. It was pure marxist socialism.
there is plenty post-USSR, but that is not socialism anymore

and state that USSR was "as it is now" - is just ridiculously ignorant. there is no USSR, for one, and Russia is not even close to the ways it was during 70 years of socialism. Other countries are all in the various spectra of democracies all the way to feudalism ( Central Asia)

Read a fucking book sometime.

The ultimate aim of communism is the elimination of government.


Communists have no taxes, no private property, no private industry no private anything.

Everything belongs to the state.

Communism sets up a classless, egalitarian society run completely by the people.

Which is why it's impossible to implement.

So..what you generally have are despots that use communism as a shroud to get into power.

Once that's accomplished, generally what's put up is an oligarchy, military dictatorship or some other form of one person or one party rule.

That's not communism or socialism.

[MENTION=25283]Sallow[/MENTION] A little contradictory, don't you think? :eusa_eh:


you better take the basics, instead the false online "dictionary" descriptions - starting from marx's Manifesto and read at least the chapter II.
You will be able to understand why is obama called marxist as is the whole left-wing dimocrap party.

And what, specifically, is communist.

Feel free.

And reference Marx as well.

Also you do know that Marx was never a part of any government, right?

He was basically an egghead.

You guys use this word all the time..while NOT understanding it's American Liberals that have historically lead the fight against the Soviets and Maoist Chinese.

Conservatives have basically not done shit. They just call the people fighting these battles "Communists".

pick up the Marx's Manifesto and try to digest it YOURSELF.

I am not going to chew it for you :D
Manifesto of the Communist Party

So now that you get challenged on this, you can't back up your shit.


I mean..seriously laughable.

You don't have a clue as to what you are talking about.

I doubt that you've seriously studied what you linked.

How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.
-Ronald Reagan

Which tells you something about his intellectual capacity.

In relation to obama and what he is. He is clearly modeled by marxism and his current acceptance of corporatism with the elements of fascist dictatorship are simply the proofs, that contrary to the right he understands and remembers what good old Otto always said.
And act according to that.

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