Russian Collusion, Abuse of Power, Obstructing Congress, Ukraine Briber, Abuse of Power, Obstructing

Charges with no evidence built on hearsay from groomed "whistleblower" and second and third hand accounts from emotional partisans. Libs will still impeach him in the house though. "Impeach that mother******" has been their MO since day one.

Total, utter crap. As shall be proven.
What??? Everyone in the US State Dept decided The Ukraine's prosecutor "needed to be fired?" How about if China decided our gov't officials had to go?

Do you even listen to the silliness that bounces around in your pinhead before posting it?

FFS ... I can't stand another day of your monumentally leftarded STUPIDITY. GTF up.

Ukraine is more than welcome to keep their corrupt prosecutors and reject our gifts of foreign assistance.

It seems that not that long ago Trump was talking about how we shouldn’t be sending taxpayer dollars to a corrupt country. Is that also stupid?
Oh ... so quid pro quo is ok when done by a certain former VPOTUS? How was the fired prosecutor a threat to Americans?

And you haven't been listening to all the "coincidences" that had to occur in order to enrich Hunter with Ukrainian money while his Daddy had control of US foreign aid there?

FFS ... I can't stand another day of your monumentally leftarded STUPIDITY. GTF up

The US has an interest in a less corrupt Ukraine, better for us to do business with. Plus, if we are going to be funding them, we have more interest in their rooting out corruption.

Abuse of power is using your the power of your office for personal gain. For example, if a sheriff opens investigations into a political opponent to harass them and not because there’s any probable cause.

Biden wasn’t trying to get rid of Shokin for personal gain. There’s plenty of evidence corroborating that fact. It sure looks to me that Trump was pushing for an investigation into Biden for personal gain.
so it doesn't matter where the corruption comes from right? so if creepy, sleepy joe is taking kickbacks, we should stop it, right?

Sure. We should stop anyone from taking kickbacks. Let’s open investigations into Trump, all his kids, his wife, his former wives, his side pieces and his doorman.

Maybe one of them is taking kickbacks. You never know.
We don't do endless fishing expeditions or KGB-style kangaroo courts, Comrade C. That's not how the US justice system is supposed to operate.

We usually require something more than the baseless complaint of some nameless "whistleblower."

You think Mueller - who had 2 yrs, $35 million, and endless power (and 19 Dem prosecutors) didn't look into Trump finances?
Funny how none of you shills can ever show how these "impeachable" crimes were done or show any proof other then a "link" to some liar that babbles on and on with no proof of anything.

There is a tonne of proof. What have you been watching?
The only reason he won't get found not guilty is because of bipartisan Repubs in the Senate.
Oh, sure, you Deplorables will do the old "I told you so". There's nothing to crow about though. Finding somebody not guilty based on their political affiliations as opposed to the evidence is nothing to be happy about.
Funny how none of you shills can ever show how these "impeachable" crimes were done or show any proof other then a "link" to some liar that babbles on and on with no proof of anything.

There is a tonne of proof. What have you been watching?
The only reason he won't get found not guilty is because of bipartisan Repubs in the Senate.
Oh, sure, you Deplorables will do the old "I told you so". There's nothing to crow about though. Finding somebody not guilty based on their political affiliations as opposed to the evidence is nothing to be happy about.
dude, you should reread your post, too fking funny.
We don't do endless fishing expeditions or KGB-style kangaroo courts, Comrade C. That's not how the US justice system is supposed to operate.

We usually require something more than the baseless complaint of some nameless "whistleblower."

You think Mueller - who had 2 yrs, $35 million, and endless power (and 19 Dem prosecutors) didn't look into Trump finances?

The US Justice system is a joke any way you look at it.
What is baseless? There seems to be plenty of evidence. Closing your eyes, putting your fingers in your ears and going "nah, nah, nah, nah, nah" is very Trumpesque but doesn't pass the giggle test of serious judicial interpretation of the law.
dude, you should reread your post, too fking funny.

Not as funny as you guys offering up...well...nothing.
I don't consider "obama bad", "biden Bad", "Dims bad" as evidence of anything.
As Trump said, he could shoot somebody on fifth ave and the likes of you wouldn't give a fuck.
That being your starting point, how the hell can anybody take what you neocon nimrods on this board have to say seriously? You have zero credibility. Just whiney posts about poor middle spoiled brat Trumpie Wumpie being picked on. Poor widdle Dumb Dumb Donnie....
Funny how none of you shills can ever show how these "impeachable" crimes were done or show any proof other then a "link" to some liar that babbles on and on with no proof of anything.

There is a tonne of proof. What have you been watching?
The only reason he won't get found not guilty is because of bipartisan Repubs in the Senate.
Oh, sure, you Deplorables will do the old "I told you so". There's nothing to crow about though. Finding somebody not guilty based on their political affiliations as opposed to the evidence is nothing to be happy about.
Show the proof liar. And not some media bullshit link, but you can't because you liars have nothing.
dude, you should reread your post, too fking funny.

Not as funny as you guys offering up...well...nothing.
I don't consider "obama bad", "biden Bad", "Dims bad" as evidence of anything.
As Trump said, he could shoot somebody on fifth ave and the likes of you wouldn't give a fuck.
That being your starting point, how the hell can anybody take what you neocon nimrods on this board have to say. You have zero credibility. Just whiney posts about poor middle spoiled brat Trumpie Wumpie being picked on. Poor widdle Dumb Dumb Donnie....
me either, taking money from Ukraine and China is what I have as evidence to creepy, sleepy joe, and he represented obammy in both countries, so I tie the two together since creepster was there for obammy. now give me something on trump. go ahead besides, orangemanbad.
We don't do endless fishing expeditions or KGB-style kangaroo courts, Comrade C. That's not how the US justice system is supposed to operate.

We usually require something more than the baseless complaint of some nameless "whistleblower."

You think Mueller - who had 2 yrs, $35 million, and endless power (and 19 Dem prosecutors) didn't look into Trump finances?

The US Justice system is a joke any way you look at it.
What is baseless? There seems to be plenty of evidence. Closing your eyes, putting your fingers in your ears and going "nah, nah, nah, nah, nah" is very Trumpesque but doesn't pass the giggle test of serious judicial interpretation of the law.
Again liar, show us the evidence.
Funny how none of you shills can ever show how these "impeachable" crimes were done or show any proof other then a "link" to some liar that babbles on and on with no proof of anything.

There is a tonne of proof. What have you been watching?
The only reason he won't get found not guilty is because of bipartisan Repubs in the Senate.
Oh, sure, you Deplorables will do the old "I told you so". There's nothing to crow about though. Finding somebody not guilty based on their political affiliations as opposed to the evidence is nothing to be happy about.
Nor is partisanship so thick it fabricates charges like "contempt of congress" rather than use the actual crime of "contempt of justice."

No American in his or her right mind - roughly 80% of us - holds our congress in anything but contempt.

Congress's approval rating hasn't hit 30% in 10 years. That's a record - CNNPolitics
A new Gallup poll shows that just 20% of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing. The vast majority, 75%, disapprove of the job Congress is doing.
Ukraine is more than welcome to keep their corrupt prosecutors and reject our gifts of foreign assistance.

It seems that not that long ago Trump was talking about how we shouldn’t be sending taxpayer dollars to a corrupt country. Is that also stupid?
Oh ... so quid pro quo is ok when done by a certain former VPOTUS? How was the fired prosecutor a threat to Americans?

And you haven't been listening to all the "coincidences" that had to occur in order to enrich Hunter with Ukrainian money while his Daddy had control of US foreign aid there?

FFS ... I can't stand another day of your monumentally leftarded STUPIDITY. GTF up

The US has an interest in a less corrupt Ukraine, better for us to do business with. Plus, if we are going to be funding them, we have more interest in their rooting out corruption.

Abuse of power is using your the power of your office for personal gain. For example, if a sheriff opens investigations into a political opponent to harass them and not because there’s any probable cause.

Biden wasn’t trying to get rid of Shokin for personal gain. There’s plenty of evidence corroborating that fact. It sure looks to me that Trump was pushing for an investigation into Biden for personal gain.
so it doesn't matter where the corruption comes from right? so if creepy, sleepy joe is taking kickbacks, we should stop it, right?

Sure. We should stop anyone from taking kickbacks. Let’s open investigations into Trump, all his kids, his wife, his former wives, his side pieces and his doorman.

Maybe one of them is taking kickbacks. You never know.
We don't do endless fishing expeditions or KGB-style kangaroo courts, Comrade C. That's not how the US justice system is supposed to operate.

We usually require something more than the baseless complaint of some nameless "whistleblower."

You think Mueller - who had 2 yrs, $35 million, and endless power (and 19 Dem prosecutors) didn't look into Trump finances?

Your damn right we don’t. That’s why Trump shouldn’t be allowed to get away with it.
We don't do endless fishing expeditions or KGB-style kangaroo courts, Comrade C. That's not how the US justice system is supposed to operate.

We usually require something more than the baseless complaint of some nameless "whistleblower."

You think Mueller - who had 2 yrs, $35 million, and endless power (and 19 Dem prosecutors) didn't look into Trump finances?

The US Justice system is a joke any way you look at it.
What is baseless? There seems to be plenty of evidence. Closing your eyes, putting your fingers in your ears and going "nah, nah, nah, nah, nah" is very Trumpesque but doesn't pass the giggle test of serious judicial interpretation of the law.
hmmmmm a joke? well the people in it might be, but the system is intact. prove I did something. you can't get any better than that statement. one statement says it all. BTW, we're still waiting for you to complete it.
Oh ... so quid pro quo is ok when done by a certain former VPOTUS? How was the fired prosecutor a threat to Americans?

And you haven't been listening to all the "coincidences" that had to occur in order to enrich Hunter with Ukrainian money while his Daddy had control of US foreign aid there?

FFS ... I can't stand another day of your monumentally leftarded STUPIDITY. GTF up

The US has an interest in a less corrupt Ukraine, better for us to do business with. Plus, if we are going to be funding them, we have more interest in their rooting out corruption.

Abuse of power is using your the power of your office for personal gain. For example, if a sheriff opens investigations into a political opponent to harass them and not because there’s any probable cause.

Biden wasn’t trying to get rid of Shokin for personal gain. There’s plenty of evidence corroborating that fact. It sure looks to me that Trump was pushing for an investigation into Biden for personal gain.
so it doesn't matter where the corruption comes from right? so if creepy, sleepy joe is taking kickbacks, we should stop it, right?

Sure. We should stop anyone from taking kickbacks. Let’s open investigations into Trump, all his kids, his wife, his former wives, his side pieces and his doorman.

Maybe one of them is taking kickbacks. You never know.
We don't do endless fishing expeditions or KGB-style kangaroo courts, Comrade C. That's not how the US justice system is supposed to operate.

We usually require something more than the baseless complaint of some nameless "whistleblower."

You think Mueller - who had 2 yrs, $35 million, and endless power (and 19 Dem prosecutors) didn't look into Trump finances?

Your damn right we don’t. That’s why Trump shouldn’t be allowed to get away with it.
get away with what exactly? you still haven't defined the "what" or the "it"
The US has an interest in a less corrupt Ukraine, better for us to do business with. Plus, if we are going to be funding them, we have more interest in their rooting out corruption.

Abuse of power is using your the power of your office for personal gain. For example, if a sheriff opens investigations into a political opponent to harass them and not because there’s any probable cause.

Biden wasn’t trying to get rid of Shokin for personal gain. There’s plenty of evidence corroborating that fact. It sure looks to me that Trump was pushing for an investigation into Biden for personal gain.
so it doesn't matter where the corruption comes from right? so if creepy, sleepy joe is taking kickbacks, we should stop it, right?

Sure. We should stop anyone from taking kickbacks. Let’s open investigations into Trump, all his kids, his wife, his former wives, his side pieces and his doorman.

Maybe one of them is taking kickbacks. You never know.
We don't do endless fishing expeditions or KGB-style kangaroo courts, Comrade C. That's not how the US justice system is supposed to operate.

We usually require something more than the baseless complaint of some nameless "whistleblower."

You think Mueller - who had 2 yrs, $35 million, and endless power (and 19 Dem prosecutors) didn't look into Trump finances?

Your damn right we don’t. That’s why Trump shouldn’t be allowed to get away with it.
get away with what exactly? you still haven't defined the "what"
The same claim the loons have made for 3 full years, of course ... "Trump is a poopy-head."
Because everyone agreed in the State Dept that the prosecutor needed to be fired. The idea came from the embassy and was agreed to by Obama.

Wheras with Trump, he was pushing his policy just by himself, for himself.
What??? Everyone in the US State Dept decided The Ukraine's prosecutor "needed to be fired?" How about if China decided our gov't officials had to go?

Do you even listen to the silliness that bounces around in your pinhead before posting it?

FFS ... I can't stand another day of your monumentally leftarded STUPIDITY. GTF up.

Ukraine is more than welcome to keep their corrupt prosecutors and reject our gifts of foreign assistance.

It seems that not that long ago Trump was talking about how we shouldn’t be sending taxpayer dollars to a corrupt country. Is that also stupid?
Oh ... so quid pro quo is ok when done by a certain former VPOTUS? How was the fired prosecutor a threat to Americans?

And you haven't been listening to all the "coincidences" that had to occur in order to enrich Hunter with Ukrainian money while his Daddy had control of US foreign aid there?

FFS ... I can't stand another day of your monumentally leftarded STUPIDITY. GTF up

The US has an interest in a less corrupt Ukraine, better for us to do business with. Plus, if we are going to be funding them, we have more interest in their rooting out corruption.

Abuse of power is using your the power of your office for personal gain. For example, if a sheriff opens investigations into a political opponent to harass them and not because there’s any probable cause.

Biden wasn’t trying to get rid of Shokin for personal gain. There’s plenty of evidence corroborating that fact. It sure looks to me that Trump was pushing for an investigation into Biden for personal gain.
So Trump insuring that US foreign aid would actually be used to further our national interest is abuse of his power but Biden insuring his son millions from the Ukraine was not using his power for personal gain?

Do you even listen to the silliness that bounces around in your pinhead before posting it?

FFS ... I can't stand another day of your monumentally leftarded STUPIDITY. GTF up.[

Good lord, that’s about as delusional as you can get. Trump wasn’t doing anything of the sort. He was holding cash to get his little investigation announced. That’s not furthering our national interest. That’s furthering his interest. Biden wasn’t using our money to do anything for Hunter. He was doing it to get a corrupt prosecutor removed so that they could try to get someone better in place that can help Ukraine move on from their past and reform.
The US has an interest in a less corrupt Ukraine, better for us to do business with. Plus, if we are going to be funding them, we have more interest in their rooting out corruption.

Abuse of power is using your the power of your office for personal gain. For example, if a sheriff opens investigations into a political opponent to harass them and not because there’s any probable cause.

Biden wasn’t trying to get rid of Shokin for personal gain. There’s plenty of evidence corroborating that fact. It sure looks to me that Trump was pushing for an investigation into Biden for personal gain.
so it doesn't matter where the corruption comes from right? so if creepy, sleepy joe is taking kickbacks, we should stop it, right?

Sure. We should stop anyone from taking kickbacks. Let’s open investigations into Trump, all his kids, his wife, his former wives, his side pieces and his doorman.

Maybe one of them is taking kickbacks. You never know.
We don't do endless fishing expeditions or KGB-style kangaroo courts, Comrade C. That's not how the US justice system is supposed to operate.

We usually require something more than the baseless complaint of some nameless "whistleblower."

You think Mueller - who had 2 yrs, $35 million, and endless power (and 19 Dem prosecutors) didn't look into Trump finances?

Your damn right we don’t. That’s why Trump shouldn’t be allowed to get away with it.
get away with what exactly? you still haven't defined the "what"
If you have to ask
so it doesn't matter where the corruption comes from right? so if creepy, sleepy joe is taking kickbacks, we should stop it, right?

Sure. We should stop anyone from taking kickbacks. Let’s open investigations into Trump, all his kids, his wife, his former wives, his side pieces and his doorman.

Maybe one of them is taking kickbacks. You never know.
We don't do endless fishing expeditions or KGB-style kangaroo courts, Comrade C. That's not how the US justice system is supposed to operate.

We usually require something more than the baseless complaint of some nameless "whistleblower."

You think Mueller - who had 2 yrs, $35 million, and endless power (and 19 Dem prosecutors) didn't look into Trump finances?

Your damn right we don’t. That’s why Trump shouldn’t be allowed to get away with it.
get away with what exactly? you still haven't defined the "what"
The same claim the loons have made for 3 full years, of course ... "Trump is a poopy-head."
so it doesn't matter where the corruption comes from right? so if creepy, sleepy joe is taking kickbacks, we should stop it, right?

Sure. We should stop anyone from taking kickbacks. Let’s open investigations into Trump, all his kids, his wife, his former wives, his side pieces and his doorman.

Maybe one of them is taking kickbacks. You never know.
We don't do endless fishing expeditions or KGB-style kangaroo courts, Comrade C. That's not how the US justice system is supposed to operate.

We usually require something more than the baseless complaint of some nameless "whistleblower."

You think Mueller - who had 2 yrs, $35 million, and endless power (and 19 Dem prosecutors) didn't look into Trump finances?

Your damn right we don’t. That’s why Trump shouldn’t be allowed to get away with it.
get away with what exactly? you still haven't defined the "what"
If you have to ask
then I don't know it. It's why I asked. so far you haven't stated the "it'
Sure. We should stop anyone from taking kickbacks. Let’s open investigations into Trump, all his kids, his wife, his former wives, his side pieces and his doorman.

Maybe one of them is taking kickbacks. You never know.
We don't do endless fishing expeditions or KGB-style kangaroo courts, Comrade C. That's not how the US justice system is supposed to operate.

We usually require something more than the baseless complaint of some nameless "whistleblower."

You think Mueller - who had 2 yrs, $35 million, and endless power (and 19 Dem prosecutors) didn't look into Trump finances?

Your damn right we don’t. That’s why Trump shouldn’t be allowed to get away with it.
get away with what exactly? you still haven't defined the "what"
If you have to ask
then I don't know it. It's why I asked. so far you haven't stated the "it'
Read the articles of impeachment.
The US has an interest in a less corrupt Ukraine, better for us to do business with. Plus, if we are going to be funding them, we have more interest in their rooting out corruption.

Abuse of power is using your the power of your office for personal gain. For example, if a sheriff opens investigations into a political opponent to harass them and not because there’s any probable cause.

Biden wasn’t trying to get rid of Shokin for personal gain. There’s plenty of evidence corroborating that fact. It sure looks to me that Trump was pushing for an investigation into Biden for personal gain.
so it doesn't matter where the corruption comes from right? so if creepy, sleepy joe is taking kickbacks, we should stop it, right?

Sure. We should stop anyone from taking kickbacks. Let’s open investigations into Trump, all his kids, his wife, his former wives, his side pieces and his doorman.

Maybe one of them is taking kickbacks. You never know.
We don't do endless fishing expeditions or KGB-style kangaroo courts, Comrade C. That's not how the US justice system is supposed to operate.

We usually require something more than the baseless complaint of some nameless "whistleblower."

You think Mueller - who had 2 yrs, $35 million, and endless power (and 19 Dem prosecutors) didn't look into Trump finances?

Your damn right we don’t. That’s why Trump shouldn’t be allowed to get away with it.
get away with what exactly? you still haven't defined the "what" or the "it"
They never will. All the liars do is accuse and run, accuse and run.

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