Russian Collusion ? Take a Look At THIS


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Without a shred of evidence to support claims of Russian collusion in the 2016 presidential election, liberals and their media running dogs, are going wild, even setting up a special counsel for it.

Yet, not much has been said about the REAL major story concerning US-Russia relations. The transfer of 20% of American Uranium supply to the Russians. The sale gave the Russians control of one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the United States. Since uranium is considered a strategic asset, with implications for national security, the deal had to be approved by a committee composed of representatives from a number of United States government agencies. Among the agencies that eventually signed off was the State Department, then headed by none other than, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

That’s the “deal” that Donald Trump referenced in a tweet Tuesday morning in which he essentially said that if Congress really wants to find evidence of U.S. politicians colluding with the Russians, it should investigate the $145 million in donations the Clintons’ received from uranium investors before Russia’s energy agency Rostatom secured the purchase of Uranium One.

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Russia scandal? Inside the Obama-Clinton uranium deal
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Without a shred of evidence to support claims of Russian collusion in the 2016 presidential election, liberals and their media running dogs, are going wild, even setting up a special counsel for it.

Yet, not much has been said about the REAL major story concerning US-Russia relations. The transfer of 20% of American Uranium supply to the Russians. The sale gave the Russians control of one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the United States. Since uranium is considered a strategic asset, with implications for national security, the deal had to be approved by a committee composed of representatives from a number of United States government agencies. Among the agencies that eventually signed off was the State Department, then headed by none other than, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

That’s the “deal” that Donald Trump referenced in a tweet Tuesday morning in which he essentially said that if Congress really wants to find evidence of U.S. politicians colluding with the Russians, it should investigate the $145 million in donations the Clintons’ received from uranium investors before Russia’s energy agency Rostatom secured the purchase of Uranium One.

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Russia scandal? Inside the Obama-Clinton uranium deal

Don't forget John "Skippy" Podesta taking millions from Russia to lobby for the lifting of sanctions.....
If the swamp continues this witch hunt into Trump and does nothing about democrat/Clinton/Russian/Obama deep state crime like Brennan, Rice, Clapper, Comey, Roades, Lynch, the swamp will get rolled again in 2018...In fact write these names down and send them to your representative in DC. Tell them to sick a SP on these bastards.
If the swamp continues this witch hunt into Trump and does nothing about democrat/Clinton/Russian/Obama deep state crime like Brennan, Rice, Clapper, Comey, Roades, Lynch, the swamp will get rolled again in 2018...In fact write these names down and send them to your representative in DC. Tell them to sick a SP on these bastards.

which makes me believe he is our first real president to serve the people instead of Israel and the bankers since JFK..the criminals in washington who run the country ignore the crimes of the clintons since they are in bed with the deep state and Israel.
Dear Attorney General Sessions,
I have supported you for a very long time now. I follow you on line and was happy to see you join President Trump's campaign. I have been hoping that you would clean up the corruption in our federal Government in a fair and even handed way. Sir I would like to submit a few names of people that I believe have disgraced their office and undermined the president I voted for.

These public servants need to be investigated fully...Brennan, Rice, Clapper, Comey, Roades, Lynch, and Power. They have not done right by the American people and something needs to be done about it.

If DC feels they are untouchable because of their position or political party affiliation then the people in DC need to come out and say so. That way we can know whom to replace at the voting booth.
Thank you Sir for your assumed attention to my concerns.
WTF is wrong with the Republicans? They have the power to put Democrat traitors behind bars and instead they're playing defense. And Sessions? Trump needs to fire that fucking dinosaur. Instead of going after his corrupt pals in Congress, he wants to go after pot smokers and gang bangers. There must be a thousand other people who would make a better AG than that pussy.
Without a shred of evidence to support claims of Russian collusion in the 2016 presidential election, liberals and their media running dogs, are going wild, even setting up a special counsel for it.

Yet, not much has been said about the REAL major story concerning US-Russia relations. The transfer of 20% of American Uranium supply to the Russians. The sale gave the Russians control of one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the United States. Since uranium is considered a strategic asset, with implications for national security, the deal had to be approved by a committee composed of representatives from a number of United States government agencies. Among the agencies that eventually signed off was the State Department, then headed by none other than, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

That’s the “deal” that Donald Trump referenced in a tweet Tuesday morning in which he essentially said that if Congress really wants to find evidence of U.S. politicians colluding with the Russians, it should investigate the $145 million in donations the Clintons’ received from uranium investors before Russia’s energy agency Rostatom secured the purchase of Uranium One.

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Russia scandal? Inside the Obama-Clinton uranium deal

Don't forget John "Skippy" Podesta taking millions from Russia to lobby for the lifting of sanctions.....

That's different somehow :eusa_think: is it because he's a Hillary democrat operative?
bad news blues
Mueller investigation enters new phase

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of potential coordination between President Trump’s campaign and Russia has moved into a new phase with the impaneling of a grand jury.

By taking the step, legal experts say, Mueller is indicating that he has found evidence of criminal activity and that the investigation will extend beyond Trump’s fired national security adviser Michael Flynn.

“We don’t know exactly what these developments portend, other than that there’s actually some significant criminal charges being considered,” said Stephen Vladeck, a professor at the University of Texas Law School.

“It is a more serious phase, because it suggests that the special counsel has reached a point where he is up to presenting evidence to a grand jury.”

Mueller investigation enters new phase

Have a nice day, deplorables
bad news blues
Mueller investigation enters new phase

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of potential coordination between President Trump’s campaign and Russia has moved into a new phase with the impaneling of a grand jury.

By taking the step, legal experts say, Mueller is indicating that he has found evidence of criminal activity and that the investigation will extend beyond Trump’s fired national security adviser Michael Flynn.

“We don’t know exactly what these developments portend, other than that there’s actually some significant criminal charges being considered,” said Stephen Vladeck, a professor at the University of Texas Law School.

“It is a more serious phase, because it suggests that the special counsel has reached a point where he is up to presenting evidence to a grand jury.”

Mueller investigation enters new phase

Have a nice day, deplorables
Another ploy to extend the investigation and make it look like there's something there when there isn't. Keep it going until November, in the hopes of winning back one of the houses of Congress. They think the public isn't getting sick and tired of these games but they'll find out when they lose even more seats on election day.
bad news blues
Mueller investigation enters new phase

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of potential coordination between President Trump’s campaign and Russia has moved into a new phase with the impaneling of a grand jury.

By taking the step, legal experts say, Mueller is indicating that he has found evidence of criminal activity and that the investigation will extend beyond Trump’s fired national security adviser Michael Flynn.

“We don’t know exactly what these developments portend, other than that there’s actually some significant criminal charges being considered,” said Stephen Vladeck, a professor at the University of Texas Law School.

“It is a more serious phase, because it suggests that the special counsel has reached a point where he is up to presenting evidence to a grand jury.”

Mueller investigation enters new phase

Have a nice day, deplorables
Another ploy to extend the investigation and make it look like there's something there when there isn't. Keep it going until November, in the hopes of winning back one of the houses of Congress. They think the public isn't getting sick and tired of these games but they'll find out when they lose even more seats on election day.
Until November???? You're kidding ? We're prepared to give you repub skunks the full obama hill treatment 8 years if needed ..Hopefully less than 4
The dems have less chance than the republican traitors of being elected. The republican challengers have the full support of everyone. If we cant get the sitting repub to lock up the dimshit we will get a NEW Republican to remove them once and for all.
bad news blues
Mueller investigation enters new phase

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of potential coordination between President Trump’s campaign and Russia has moved into a new phase with the impaneling of a grand jury.

By taking the step, legal experts say, Mueller is indicating that he has found evidence of criminal activity and that the investigation will extend beyond Trump’s fired national security adviser Michael Flynn.

“We don’t know exactly what these developments portend, other than that there’s actually some significant criminal charges being considered,” said Stephen Vladeck, a professor at the University of Texas Law School.

“It is a more serious phase, because it suggests that the special counsel has reached a point where he is up to presenting evidence to a grand jury.”

Mueller investigation enters new phase

Have a nice day, deplorables
Another ploy to extend the investigation and make it look like there's something there when there isn't. Keep it going until November, in the hopes of winning back one of the houses of Congress. They think the public isn't getting sick and tired of these games but they'll find out when they lose even more seats on election day.
Until November???? You're kidding ? We're prepared to give you repub skunks the full obama hill treatment 8 years if needed ..Hopefully less than 4
I'm sure that's your plan, and I'm looking forward to it backfiring on you as your party continues to shrink into obscurity and irrelevance.
The dems have less chance than the republican traitors of being elected. The republican challengers have the full support of everyone. If we cant get the sitting repub to lock up the dimshit we will get a NEW Republican to remove them once and for all.
When pigs and Palin fly
bad news blues
Mueller investigation enters new phase

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of potential coordination between President Trump’s campaign and Russia has moved into a new phase with the impaneling of a grand jury.

By taking the step, legal experts say, Mueller is indicating that he has found evidence of criminal activity and that the investigation will extend beyond Trump’s fired national security adviser Michael Flynn.

“We don’t know exactly what these developments portend, other than that there’s actually some significant criminal charges being considered,” said Stephen Vladeck, a professor at the University of Texas Law School.

“It is a more serious phase, because it suggests that the special counsel has reached a point where he is up to presenting evidence to a grand jury.”

Mueller investigation enters new phase

Have a nice day, deplorables

The grand jury impaneled TWO weeks ago, was asked to give a subpoena for evidence about Flynn during his oshitscum tenure. It seems as if he is back tracking all of the activities that were going on during the oshitass administrations direct involvement with Russia, Turkey and their treasonous behavior in both instances. The inclusion of that timeline puts the Uranium One deal directly in the middle of the investigation because it WAS tied to the interaction between Flynn and the Russia supposed payments to him. We are having a nice day as our choice for president is being cleared daily while all of your beloved communist are being implicated in treasonous activity daily.
WTF is wrong with the Republicans? They have the power to put Democrat traitors behind bars and instead they're playing defense. And Sessions? Trump needs to fire that fucking dinosaur. Instead of going after his corrupt pals in Congress, he wants to go after pot smokers and gang bangers. There must be a thousand other people who would make a better AG than that pussy.
I think the idea of transferring Sessions to Homeland Security was a good idea. I used to see him on the old Lou Dobbs show talking about illegal immigration. That's where he would be most effective.
bad news blues
Mueller investigation enters new phase

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of potential coordination between President Trump’s campaign and Russia has moved into a new phase with the impaneling of a grand jury.

By taking the step, legal experts say, Mueller is indicating that he has found evidence of criminal activity and that the investigation will extend beyond Trump’s fired national security adviser Michael Flynn.

“We don’t know exactly what these developments portend, other than that there’s actually some significant criminal charges being considered,” said Stephen Vladeck, a professor at the University of Texas Law School.

“It is a more serious phase, because it suggests that the special counsel has reached a point where he is up to presenting evidence to a grand jury.”

Mueller investigation enters new phase

Have a nice day, deplorables
The "deplorable" is Mueller himself, and you for defending him. Mueller's long track record as FBI head consorting with seditious Muslim Brotherhood organizations and leaders, should have put him behind bars long ago.
Another ploy to extend the investigation and make it look like there's something there when there isn't. Keep it going until November, in the hopes of winning back one of the houses of Congress. They think the public isn't getting sick and tired of these games but they'll find out when they lose even more seats on election day.
No matter how much it's reported that the public doesn't care about this Russian collusion poppycock, the Democrats keep pushing it. Why ? Maybe they find comfort in it as a distraction from the fact that their party no longer exosts.
This phony conspiracy is blown away by the fact that no uranium was ever transferred to Russia.

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