Russian cyber-attack on UK before Brexit


Gold Member
Oct 5, 2016
Here are some articles, it's all over the news though:
Russia Was Possibly Behind Brexit Vote Website Crash, Panel Says

Brexit: foreign states may have interfered in vote, report says

The UK voter registration site was not hacked, but bots were used for a denial of service attack to take down the site.

It is highly unlikely China was behind the attack, as it seems more like a EU trading partner at the moment.

Besides that, Russian trolls were widely used to support Brexit on the internet, like on our site, for example.
Russian cyber-attack on UK

It is simple.

Cyber-attacks are crimes.

Crimes must be investigated by the respective authorities and must be proven in courts.

Before a respective court decision every suspect is considered to be innocent.
Russian cyber-attack on UK

It is simple.

Cyber-attacks are crimes.

Crimes must be investigated by the respective authorities and must be proven in courts.

Before a respective court decision every suspect is considered to be innocent.
This is ridiculous, because even if they can trace where the attacks are coming from, there is no way a U.K. court will have jurisdiction over people in Russia. And such information (location of hackers) remains secret and is not published in the press.

Why have you not commented on the Russian trolls?
Russian cyber-attack on UK

It is simple.

Cyber-attacks are crimes.

Crimes must be investigated by the respective authorities and must be proven in courts.

Before a respective court decision every suspect is considered to be innocent.
This is ridiculous, because even if they can trace where the attacks are coming from, there is no way a U.K. court will have jurisdiction over people in Russia.

There are many international courts in the 21st century .

Go to these courts and prove the guilt of Russians there.

Or stop blaming.

A third is not given.
Russian cyber-attack on UK

It is simple.

Cyber-attacks are crimes.

Crimes must be investigated by the respective authorities and must be proven in courts.

Before a respective court decision every suspect is considered to be innocent.
This is ridiculous, because even if they can trace where the attacks are coming from, there is no way a U.K. court will have jurisdiction over people in Russia.

There are many international courts in the 21st century .

Go to these courts and prove the guilt of Russians there.

Or stop blaming.

A third is not given.
What for? Russian trolls will claim that the decision of such a court is biased and has been dictated by the globalists.
Russian cyber-attack on UK

It is simple.

Cyber-attacks are crimes.

Crimes must be investigated by the respective authorities and must be proven in courts.

Before a respective court decision every suspect is considered to be innocent.
Just as we got from arguing whether it was an international crime or not..

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