Russian economy worsens, explained in charts

More BS. You have so much of it.

Russia did not invade.

Of course, you don't know that the US instigated the coup in Ukraine. Then blamed Russia for the violence...then lied again about the Malaysian jetliner shoot down, which the US blamed Russia for...yet to this day has offered NO PROOF.
Putin has admitted invading you fool. And there is plenty of proof the shoot-down over Ukraine was done by Russia. The UN was set to hold an investigative tribune and Russia vetoed it. The very names of the operators and controllers of the BUK are known, but Russia refuse to allow them to be questioned. The cell phone intercepts have passed inspection under scrutiny. Witnesses to the actual launch are known but kept from testifying. They are probably dead by now.

If anyone is putting out BS it is you. Putin sent armed soldiers secretly into Crimea and has admitted it. British media Russian media
Fool. Crimea was always part of Russia and when the US instigated coup occurred, Putin protected what is his...which is exactly what the US would do, if such a thing were to happen on our borders. Those people in Crimea wanted to be with Russia...yes?

Show me the proof provided by the US PROVING without doubt, Russia shot down that is it you have proof, but those investigating it do not?

Georgia, Belorussia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Tajikistan etc. was once all part of USSR.............Is that mean Putin has the right to invade these countries? No wonder some of these countries are nervous. Spare me the BS of Crimea.
Apples and oranges.

Crimea was always part of Russia. Those other nations were not. Secondly, the Black Sea Fleet is stationed in Crimea and has been since the late 18th century. Do you think the USA would give up a major military base after Russia covertly instigated a coup in the nation where it existed? Yeah right....

Putin is not the aggressor in E. Europe. The aggressor is NATO and USA.

Learn your history before posting....What of Bubba Clinton's promise not to expand NATO to E. Europe after the fall of the USSR. Convenient how some Americans forget or never knew the true. Now NATO is aggressively holding war games on the Russian border and Big Ears has placed economic sanctions on Russia (based on the lie that Russia shot down the Malaysian jetliner)...another act of war.

The American people are a great and tolerant people. Sadly, we are lead by a bunch of statist warmongers that just might get us into WWIII.

Some of propadand produces a great lulz to us. As a case with MH-17. Official western version says - Russia stroke it. What I see at skies every day - a lot of planes, bending around "not guilty" ukrainian territory and strongly flying above the territory of "Russian aggressor"... And also I heared about case, when politics tried to force international aviaraces to use "ukrainian corridor" instead of russian - and couldn't do it - because safety is more important than politic for pilots... :)))))))
And European companies (Austrian Airlines, for example), which were flying to a lot of Ukrainian cities before July 2014, suddenly have cancelled all their flights and now fly ONLY to Kiev.

Also I'd like to add: all the people of Crimea I know personally (quite a few) are very happy that Russia allowed Crimea to go back to Russia. Even those who permanently live in USA, have rushed back to Crimea to dump their Ukrainian citizenship and to become Russian citizens (one person decided not to go back to USA and to stay in Crimea for good after "the Russian spring").

The residents of Crimea voted overwhelmingly to rejoin Russia (to which it used to belong until the Communists gave it to Ukraine). The Crimean Parliament then duly announced its secession from Ukraine and re-entry into the embrace of Mother Russia, where it rightly figured the Crimean people would be a lot safer and more prosperous. Russia backed that up with military muscle just in case the strutting clowns in Kiev got any funny ideas about ignoring the will of the people in the true tradition of Western-style democracy and snatched it back again.
Steve Cook Writer: Kiev understandably embarrassed by French documentary that lets the cat out of the bag over the Maidan coup.

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Well, Putin should not have gotten into that invading his neighbor mode. The west didn't force him to invade Ukraine and occupy Crimea or turn southeastern Ukraine into a shit hole and war zone.
More BS. You have so much of it.

Russia did not invade.

Of course, you don't know that the US instigated the coup in Ukraine. Then blamed Russia for the violence...then lied again about the Malaysian jetliner shoot down, which the US blamed Russia for...yet to this day has offered NO PROOF.
Putin has admitted invading you fool. And there is plenty of proof the shoot-down over Ukraine was done by Russia. The UN was set to hold an investigative tribune and Russia vetoed it. The very names of the operators and controllers of the BUK are known, but Russia refuse to allow them to be questioned. The cell phone intercepts have passed inspection under scrutiny. Witnesses to the actual launch are known but kept from testifying. They are probably dead by now.

If anyone is putting out BS it is you. Putin sent armed soldiers secretly into Crimea and has admitted it. British media Russian media
Fool. Crimea was always part of Russia and when the US instigated coup occurred, Putin protected what is his...which is exactly what the US would do, if such a thing were to happen on our borders. Those people in Crimea wanted to be with Russia...yes?

Show me the proof provided by the US PROVING without doubt, Russia shot down that is it you have proof, but those investigating it do not?

Georgia, Belorussia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Tajikistan etc. was once all part of USSR.............Is that mean Putin has the right to invade these countries? No wonder some of these countries are nervous. Spare me the BS of Crimea.
Apples and oranges.

Crimea was always part of Russia. Those other nations were not. Secondly, the Black Sea Fleet is stationed in Crimea and has been since the late 18th century. Do you think the USA would give up a major military base after Russia covertly instigated a coup in the nation where it existed? Yeah right....

Putin is not the aggressor in E. Europe. The aggressor is NATO and USA.

Learn your history before posting....What of Bubba Clinton's promise not to expand NATO to E. Europe after the fall of the USSR. Convenient how some Americans forget or never knew the truth. Now, NATO is aggressively holding war games on the Russian border and Big Ears has placed economic sanctions on Russia (based on the lie that Russia shot down the Malaysian jetliner)...another act of war.

The American people are a great and tolerant people. Sadly, we are lead by a bunch of statist warmongers that just might get us into WWIII.

Propaganda. Any link to back up your claim? Putin is not the aggressor? That's a joke.

U.S. military returns to Iceland

Russian fighter jets close overflights U.S. destroyer -
I suppose in your small mind, you think this good news.

I guess your hero, Poootin, is having a hard time. It seems he is attempting to recreate the Russian version of the Ronald Reagan days, except he will need to increase the Russian deficit a lot more to complete with the Ronald Reagan's fiasco.

Wow. Never forgive Reagan for defeating your home team, the USSR

Says the Pootin fan.

All rumors about falling of Russian economics now are just rumors - there are no noticeable changes in economics here, but we have one good and one bad tends from them.
Good tend - a cheaper employees, which is better for starter business, startups and so on...
Bad tend - tries of some government gangs to force unfair privatization under the cover of this rumors - tidbit for troubled waters players, but possible serious fails and criminalization for some Russian businesses in future...

I understand your loyalty to your country............ any link to back your claim?
We hear all these news about high prices and other hardship in Russia. Who should we believe? You and your other comrades? Link below is from Moscow times.

The Moscow Times - News, Business, Culture & Multimedia from Russia
I suppose in your small mind, you think this good news.

I guess your hero, Poootin, is having a hard time. It seems he is attempting to recreate the Russian version of the Ronald Reagan days, except he will need to increase the Russian deficit a lot more to complete with the Ronald Reagan's fiasco.

Wow. Never forgive Reagan for defeating your home team, the USSR

Says the Pootin fan.

All rumors about falling of Russian economics now are just rumors - there are no noticeable changes in economics here, but we have one good and one bad tends from them.
Good tend - a cheaper employees, which is better for starter business, startups and so on...
Bad tend - tries of some government gangs to force unfair privatization under the cover of this rumors - tidbit for troubled waters players, but possible serious fails and criminalization for some Russian businesses in future...

I understand your loyalty to your country............ any link to back your claim?
We hear all these news about high prices and other hardship in Russia. Who should we believe? You and your other comrades? Link below is from Moscow times.

The Moscow Times - News, Business, Culture & Multimedia from Russia

Ha-ha :) It's not a topic for frying news... Maybe something like Прогноз инфляции в России на 2016 - 2020 годы or Работа, вакансии, база резюме, поиск работы на HeadHunter ( Or maybe I'll try to make photo of prices in local shops?

They say we have 8-12% inflation - I think, it a bit higher, up to 15%. We have a 2x-3x prices for all imported thing - like electronics, some cars etc., and it have influence to local prices. As for petrol - it grew up by appr. 5% Улюкаев: Рост цен на бензин в 2016 году ожидается в пределах инфляции - it seems to be a truth too, because I didn't notice petrol prices change anyhow.

A lot of hardships, you can see in press - a good reason to discuss (our people generally like to discuss all real or imagined difficulties of life :))) But also many people remember 90x - when it was really hard and unsafe to live... In comparison with 90x, "full of democracy and US friendship", what happens today - nothing significant.
People, offcourse, will whine and cry - but really they forgive to Putin anything - inflation, level of life, corruption.. - anything except surrender to western politic pressure. Because most people in Russia knows, what this surrender mean to economics and safety of civilian life...

P.S. Reading you link - first line of magazine - The Offshore Plot: How the Kremlin is Spinning the Panama Papers | Business ... Who the f** think about this panama papers here? Kremlin don't need to do anymore with this. What is really producing anger here - a media performances like this: and photoshop, removing "USSR" from helmet at the some photos of Gagarin...

As for my loyalty to Russia - yes, offcourse, but I don't have any money from Kremlin and don't oblige to write propagand for politic needs. And I don't seriously worry, if Russia is "evil" or "dangerous", or "bad" to the other world - we're not a 100$, to be pleasant to anyone... All I want to show - a logic of our thinking and our history, kill the myth of "unpredictable and chaotic russians" - btw, both on russian and foreign forums... :)))
Last edited:
I suppose in your small mind, you think this good news.

I guess your hero, Poootin, is having a hard time. It seems he is attempting to recreate the Russian version of the Ronald Reagan days, except he will need to increase the Russian deficit a lot more to complete with the Ronald Reagan's fiasco.
Oh brother...there you go again...LOL just like the fools in Ronnie's day.

Putin is no hero of mine. He is a corrupt lying politician just like pols in the USA.

Of course, you can't see what is really being done to Russia is an attempt by the West to control Russia. The artificially low oil prices, instigated by the US and Saudis, is designed specifically to harm Russia.

How did the US and Russia instigate artificially low oil prices? Are you in the oil industry, or what information are you using to claim oil prices are artificially low, how do you define artificial in this context?
I suppose in your small mind, you think this good news.

I guess your hero, Poootin, is having a hard time. It seems he is attempting to recreate the Russian version of the Ronald Reagan days, except he will need to increase the Russian deficit a lot more to complete with the Ronald Reagan's fiasco.
Oh brother...there you go again...LOL just like the fools in Ronnie's day.

Putin is no hero of mine. He is a corrupt lying politician just like pols in the USA.

Of course, you can't see what is really being done to Russia is an attempt by the West to control Russia. The artificially low oil prices, instigated by the US and Saudis, is designed specifically to harm Russia.
Well, Putin should not have gotten into that invading his neighbor mode. The west didn't force him to invade Ukraine and occupy Crimea or turn southeastern Ukraine into a shit hole and war zone.
More BS. You have so much of it.

Russia did not invade.

Of course, you don't know that the US instigated the coup in Ukraine. Then blamed Russia for the violence...then lied again about the Malaysian jetliner shoot down, which the US blamed Russia for...yet to this day has offered NO PROOF.

You are full of interesting factoids. Where can I go to learn all this stuff?
I suppose in your small mind, you think this good news.

I guess your hero, Poootin, is having a hard time. It seems he is attempting to recreate the Russian version of the Ronald Reagan days, except he will need to increase the Russian deficit a lot more to complete with the Ronald Reagan's fiasco.
Oh brother...there you go again...LOL just like the fools in Ronnie's day.

Putin is no hero of mine. He is a corrupt lying politician just like pols in the USA.

Of course, you can't see what is really being done to Russia is an attempt by the West to control Russia. The artificially low oil prices, instigated by the US and Saudis, is designed specifically to harm Russia.
Well, Putin should not have gotten into that invading his neighbor mode. The west didn't force him to invade Ukraine and occupy Crimea or turn southeastern Ukraine into a shit hole and war zone.
More BS. You have so much of it.

Russia did not invade.

Of course, you don't know that the US instigated the coup in Ukraine. Then blamed Russia for the violence...then lied again about the Malaysian jetliner shoot down, which the US blamed Russia for...yet to this day has offered NO PROOF.

You are full of interesting factoids. Where can I go to learn all this stuff?

Hmm... Do you know about Russian operation in Syria? Offcourse. Can you find a photo of Hmeimim aviabase, full of Russian planes and soldiers, from US spy satellites? Offcourse, in details! Could you find me a photo of Russian troops at Ukrainian territory from spy satellites? :)))
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I suppose in your small mind, you think this good news.

I guess your hero, Poootin, is having a hard time. It seems he is attempting to recreate the Russian version of the Ronald Reagan days, except he will need to increase the Russian deficit a lot more to complete with the Ronald Reagan's fiasco.
Oh brother...there you go again...LOL just like the fools in Ronnie's day.

Putin is no hero of mine. He is a corrupt lying politician just like pols in the USA.

Of course, you can't see what is really being done to Russia is an attempt by the West to control Russia. The artificially low oil prices, instigated by the US and Saudis, is designed specifically to harm Russia.

How did the US and Russia instigate artificially low oil prices? Are you in the oil industry, or what information are you using to claim oil prices are artificially low, how do you define artificial in this context?
It has been reported the USA and Saudi have conspired to lower oil prices to harm the Russian economy.

You need to find different sources of information, if this news to you.
I suppose in your small mind, you think this good news.

I guess your hero, Poootin, is having a hard time. It seems he is attempting to recreate the Russian version of the Ronald Reagan days, except he will need to increase the Russian deficit a lot more to complete with the Ronald Reagan's fiasco.
Oh brother...there you go again...LOL just like the fools in Ronnie's day.

Putin is no hero of mine. He is a corrupt lying politician just like pols in the USA.

Of course, you can't see what is really being done to Russia is an attempt by the West to control Russia. The artificially low oil prices, instigated by the US and Saudis, is designed specifically to harm Russia.

How did the US and Russia instigate artificially low oil prices? Are you in the oil industry, or what information are you using to claim oil prices are artificially low, how do you define artificial in this context?
It has been reported the USA and Saudi have conspired to lower oil prices to harm the Russian economy.

You need to find different sources of information, if this news to you.

"It has been reported" is as factual as "There are UFOs." Thanks for another unfounded rumor.
I suppose in your small mind, you think this good news.

I guess your hero, Poootin, is having a hard time. It seems he is attempting to recreate the Russian version of the Ronald Reagan days, except he will need to increase the Russian deficit a lot more to complete with the Ronald Reagan's fiasco.
Oh brother...there you go again...LOL just like the fools in Ronnie's day.

Putin is no hero of mine. He is a corrupt lying politician just like pols in the USA.

Of course, you can't see what is really being done to Russia is an attempt by the West to control Russia. The artificially low oil prices, instigated by the US and Saudis, is designed specifically to harm Russia.

How did the US and Russia instigate artificially low oil prices? Are you in the oil industry, or what information are you using to claim oil prices are artificially low, how do you define artificial in this context?
It has been reported the USA and Saudi have conspired to lower oil prices to harm the Russian economy.

You need to find different sources of information, if this news to you.

"It has been reported" is as factual as "There are UFOs." Thanks for another unfounded rumor.
Thank you Jimbo. We can always count on you for the statist warmonger perspective.
I suppose in your small mind, you think this good news.

I guess your hero, Poootin, is having a hard time. It seems he is attempting to recreate the Russian version of the Ronald Reagan days, except he will need to increase the Russian deficit a lot more to complete with the Ronald Reagan's fiasco.
Oh brother...there you go again...LOL just like the fools in Ronnie's day.

Putin is no hero of mine. He is a corrupt lying politician just like pols in the USA.

Of course, you can't see what is really being done to Russia is an attempt by the West to control Russia. The artificially low oil prices, instigated by the US and Saudis, is designed specifically to harm Russia.

How did the US and Russia instigate artificially low oil prices? Are you in the oil industry, or what information are you using to claim oil prices are artificially low, how do you define artificial in this context?
It has been reported the USA and Saudi have conspired to lower oil prices to harm the Russian economy.

You need to find different sources of information, if this news to you.

A harm to Russian consumers... A chance for Russian business ;)
Russia's economy maybe doing rather well. Their elites are not forcing stupid Keynesian debt ridden policies on the people, as is done in the West. This may explain why the USA and the West are trying to harm Russia. Russia is not playing by their rules and they very much dislike this.

Interesting article...Economics
Low oil prices have dragged Russia’s economy into recession for now, but this is not as damaging to Russia as most Western observers think. Here's why: the ruble's value dropped by more than oil prices dropped (until recently). Translation: this meant Russia's oil production costs went down by more than its oil revenues fell. Hence, its margins remain high while it pumps out oil at record levels. Oil-tanker trains were ubiquitous on my entire journey, moving everywhere along Siberia’s railways 24 hours a day and often sandwiching my train at station stops.

Russia has the cleanest balance sheet among the world's major countries. In other words, it has relatively little debt. Russia’s total debt-to-GDP was among the lowest of any world country at 65%, compared to 217% in China and 233% in the U.S., per McKinsey in 2015. The factor that most distinguishes Russia’s economy from virtually all others is its low debt, because debt is ballooning nearly everywhere else.

Most mainstream economists preach the twin gospels of fiscal and monetary stimulus in the face of recession—ideas rooted in collectivist economic philosophy that Russia has largely rejected. Russia has belt-tightened instead of stimulated. And its central bank has bought gold rather than sold it, again ignoring the loud calls of mainstream economists to liquidate its gold reserves to stem the ruble’s decline. In the face of Western sanctions that temporarily halted Visa and MasterCard payments in 2014 and threatened to block Russia's access to the critical SWIFT platform for interbank payments, Russia decided to begin the long task of building its own payments platform. And Russia is striking agreements to sell itscommodities in currencies other than the U.S. dollar, thus protecting itself while adding more chinks to the armor of the dollar as the currency of global trade.
Now let's play "let's find out the truth". Maybe a few projects are delayed a tad but he's been just rocking and jaking his military to an exceptional new level.

The Bear Awakens: Russia's Military Is Back


The Bear Awakens: Russia's Military Is Back

Putin may have bought some new toys but his existing military is in sad shape. They have not been maintaining the aged equipment that they have. Their Navy is a joke and can hardly leave port. Military training and morale is exceptionally poor

Paper Tiger
I guess your hero, Poootin, is having a hard time. It seems he is attempting to recreate the Russian version of the Ronald Reagan days, except he will need to increase the Russian deficit a lot more to complete with the Ronald Reagan's fiasco.
Oh brother...there you go again...LOL just like the fools in Ronnie's day.

Putin is no hero of mine. He is a corrupt lying politician just like pols in the USA.

Of course, you can't see what is really being done to Russia is an attempt by the West to control Russia. The artificially low oil prices, instigated by the US and Saudis, is designed specifically to harm Russia.

How did the US and Russia instigate artificially low oil prices? Are you in the oil industry, or what information are you using to claim oil prices are artificially low, how do you define artificial in this context?
It has been reported the USA and Saudi have conspired to lower oil prices to harm the Russian economy.

You need to find different sources of information, if this news to you.

"It has been reported" is as factual as "There are UFOs." Thanks for another unfounded rumor.
Thank you Jimbo. We can always count on you for the statist warmonger perspective.

And we can always count on you for another unfounded lie. THANKS!
Now let's play "let's find out the truth". Maybe a few projects are delayed a tad but he's been just rocking and jaking his military to an exceptional new level.

The Bear Awakens: Russia's Military Is Back


The Bear Awakens: Russia's Military Is Back

Putin may have bought some new toys but his existing military is in sad shape. They have not been maintaining the aged equipment that they have. Their Navy is a joke and can hardly leave port. Military training and morale is exceptionally poor

Paper Tiger

Your media have to choose general line of propaganda...

How can we "successfully invade in Ukraine" and "be a threat to all Europe (from Baltic conutries to Lissabon)", if our equipment is a joke and military training and morale is exceptionally poor?
Now let's play "let's find out the truth". Maybe a few projects are delayed a tad but he's been just rocking and jaking his military to an exceptional new level.

The Bear Awakens: Russia's Military Is Back


The Bear Awakens: Russia's Military Is Back

Putin may have bought some new toys but his existing military is in sad shape. They have not been maintaining the aged equipment that they have. Their Navy is a joke and can hardly leave port. Military training and morale is exceptionally poor

Paper Tiger

Your media have to choose general line of propaganda...

How can we "successfully invade in Ukraine" and "be a threat to all Europe (from Baltic conutries to Lissabon)", if our equipment is a joke and military training and morale is exceptionally poor?
You can ALWAYS count on Leftnutter (rightwinger) accepting whatever the lying US mainstream media tells him. He is a warmongering Jimbo and incapable of seeing the truth.
Now let's play "let's find out the truth". Maybe a few projects are delayed a tad but he's been just rocking and jaking his military to an exceptional new level.

The Bear Awakens: Russia's Military Is Back


The Bear Awakens: Russia's Military Is Back
Did they ever get the mechanics to stop drinking the deicing fluid to get drunk?

Do you know, drinking of deicing fluid (cleaning by flowing fluid along the crowbar during a strong frost) is making our soldiers extremely brave? :)
Now let's play "let's find out the truth". Maybe a few projects are delayed a tad but he's been just rocking and jaking his military to an exceptional new level.

The Bear Awakens: Russia's Military Is Back


The Bear Awakens: Russia's Military Is Back

Putin may have bought some new toys but his existing military is in sad shape. They have not been maintaining the aged equipment that they have. Their Navy is a joke and can hardly leave port. Military training and morale is exceptionally poor

Paper Tiger

Your media have to choose general line of propaganda...

How can we "successfully invade in Ukraine" and "be a threat to all Europe (from Baltic conutries to Lissabon)", if our equipment is a joke and military training and morale is exceptionally poor?
You can ALWAYS count on Leftnutter (rightwinger) accepting whatever the lying US mainstream media tells him. He is a warmongering Jimbo and incapable of seeing the truth.

In reality, he is partially right. Russian sea fleet and airforces are much smaller then US & NATO. We have good air defence system and good anti-ship missiles (avia-carrier killers), based on light ships (some of them can cross Russia territory by rivers :))). Because of our real permanent self-defence priority...
Now let's play "let's find out the truth". Maybe a few projects are delayed a tad but he's been just rocking and jaking his military to an exceptional new level.

The Bear Awakens: Russia's Military Is Back


The Bear Awakens: Russia's Military Is Back

Putin may have bought some new toys but his existing military is in sad shape. They have not been maintaining the aged equipment that they have. Their Navy is a joke and can hardly leave port. Military training and morale is exceptionally poor

Paper Tiger

Your media have to choose general line of propaganda...

How can we "successfully invade in Ukraine" and "be a threat to all Europe (from Baltic conutries to Lissabon)", if our equipment is a joke and military training and morale is exceptionally poor?

You are capable of picking on the little guys.....most bullies are

NATO would kick your ass

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