Russian economy worsens, explained in charts

But while Russian is maintaining a formidable submarine force, most of Moscow’s surface fleet is composed of aging Soviet-era ships. Those ships are not properly upgraded, maintained or manned and don’t sail very often. Perhaps the best example is Russia’s lone carrier—Admiral Kuznetsov—which is prone to breaking down at inopportune times during deployments. It actually sails with an ocean-going tug to haul it back to port—just in case. Russia is building new ships, but the pace of modernization is ponderously slow.

USS Donald Cook with recent Aegis system is newer and more effective, yeah? :)

Better than any piece of shit the Russians float

What spooked the USS Donald Cook so much in the Black Sea?

So we allowed your pilot to live...rather magnanimous of us

Sometimes just giving the finger is enough of a response to a non-threat

Ha-ha, and then 27 sailors became a "finger lovers", and also gave similar finger to their commander at nearest port to become a peace-lovers? :)))

Without any communiations, blocked by Khibiny, they've imagined and understood, how the new World War can start... I think, similar experience could be useful for you too...

We are not looking at an aircraft that was a real was only the Russians

Why waste a missile in them?
USS Donald Cook with recent Aegis system is newer and more effective, yeah? :)

Better than any piece of shit the Russians float

What spooked the USS Donald Cook so much in the Black Sea?

So we allowed your pilot to live...rather magnanimous of us

Sometimes just giving the finger is enough of a response to a non-threat

Ha-ha, and then 27 sailors became a "finger lovers", and also gave similar finger to their commander at nearest port to become a peace-lovers? :)))

Without any communiations, blocked by Khibiny, they've imagined and understood, how the new World War can start... I think, similar experience could be useful for you too...

We are not looking at an aircraft that was a real was only the Russians

Why waste a missile in them?

Americans are so tolerate to have a russian sandbag at USS deck?

I heared, american troops keep their weapon dirty - now I start to think, it's really true... :)

So we allowed your pilot to live...rather magnanimous of us

Sometimes just giving the finger is enough of a response to a non-threat

Ha-ha, and then 27 sailors became a "finger lovers", and also gave similar finger to their commander at nearest port to become a peace-lovers? :)))

Without any communiations, blocked by Khibiny, they've imagined and understood, how the new World War can start... I think, similar experience could be useful for you too...

We are not looking at an aircraft that was a real was only the Russians

Why waste a missile in them?

Americans are so tolerate to have a russian sandbag at USS deck?

I heared, american troops keep their weapon dirty - now I start to think, it's really true... :)

The pilot is Russian...probably drunk on his ass

Why bother shooting him down?
Laughing at him is enough

So we allowed your pilot to live...rather magnanimous of us

Sometimes just giving the finger is enough of a response to a non-threat

Ha-ha, and then 27 sailors became a "finger lovers", and also gave similar finger to their commander at nearest port to become a peace-lovers? :)))

Without any communiations, blocked by Khibiny, they've imagined and understood, how the new World War can start... I think, similar experience could be useful for you too...

We are not looking at an aircraft that was a real was only the Russians

Why waste a missile in them?

Americans are so tolerate to have a russian sandbag at USS deck?

I heared, american troops keep their weapon dirty - now I start to think, it's really true... :)

The pilot is Russian...probably drunk on his ass

Why bother shooting him down?
Laughing at him is enough

What do your know about real drunking? :) It seems, you still have teenager's complexes in spirit drinks consuming.. You don't have enough money to buy and drink a liter of vodka, do you? :)
So we allowed your pilot to live...rather magnanimous of us

Sometimes just giving the finger is enough of a response to a non-threat

Ha-ha, and then 27 sailors became a "finger lovers", and also gave similar finger to their commander at nearest port to become a peace-lovers? :)))

Without any communiations, blocked by Khibiny, they've imagined and understood, how the new World War can start... I think, similar experience could be useful for you too...

We are not looking at an aircraft that was a real was only the Russians

Why waste a missile in them?

Americans are so tolerate to have a russian sandbag at USS deck?

I heared, american troops keep their weapon dirty - now I start to think, it's really true... :)

The pilot is Russian...probably drunk on his ass

Why bother shooting him down?
Laughing at him is enough

What do your know about real drunking? :) It seems, you still have teenager's complexes in spirit drinks consuming.. You don't have enough money to buy and drink a liter of vodka, do you? :)

I'm an American dammit!

I drink Bourbon...straight up thank you
Ha-ha, and then 27 sailors became a "finger lovers", and also gave similar finger to their commander at nearest port to become a peace-lovers? :)))

Without any communiations, blocked by Khibiny, they've imagined and understood, how the new World War can start... I think, similar experience could be useful for you too...

We are not looking at an aircraft that was a real was only the Russians

Why waste a missile in them?

Americans are so tolerate to have a russian sandbag at USS deck?

I heared, american troops keep their weapon dirty - now I start to think, it's really true... :)

The pilot is Russian...probably drunk on his ass

Why bother shooting him down?
Laughing at him is enough

What do your know about real drunking? :) It seems, you still have teenager's complexes in spirit drinks consuming.. You don't have enough money to buy and drink a liter of vodka, do you? :)

I'm an American dammit!

I drink Bourbon...straight up thank you

I know - you drinking thimble of Bourbon, mixed with a bucket of ice :)))

Try this cocktail:

For some reason American president and Media "are forgeting" which country's army has defeated ISIS in Syria just in 5 months vs. 3 years of US led coalition questionable attempts.

A speech by the American president at the CIA’s HQ has focused on big gains made by the US-led antiterrorist coalition, but failed to mention the contribution made by the Syrian Army, the Kurdish militia and the Russian Air Force.

Yet a confidential NATO analysissaid in late February that 40 Russian warplanes deployed to Syria had outperformed 180 aircraft of the US-led coalition in bombing Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL). After Moscow announced the withdrawal of its main forces from Syria in late February, Russia’s defense minister reported to Vladimir Putin that the Russian task force had performed well over 9,000 sorties (and many more airstrikes) against IS in less than five months.
Obama praises US-led coalition for crushing ISIS, fails to mention Russian, Syrian victories

The biggest military defeat that Isis has suffered in more than two years. The recapture of Palmyra. And we are silent. Yes, folks, the bad guys won, didn't they? Otherwise, we would all be celebrating, wouldn't we?

Less than a week after the lost souls of the 'Islamic Caliphate' destroyed the lives of more than 30 innocent human beings in Brussels, we should - should we not? - have been clapping our hands at the most crushing military reverse in the history of Isis. But no.

Here are the Syrian army, backed, of course, by Vladimir Putin's Russkies, chucking the clowns of Isis out of town, and we daren't utter a single word to say well done.

Why, if the Americans hated Isis so much, didn't they bomb the suicide convoys that broke through the Syrian army's front lines? Why didn't they attack Isis?

I could not help but smile when I read that the US command claimed two air strikes against Isis around Palmyra in the days leading up to its recapture by the regime. That really did tell you all you needed to know about the American "war on terror". They wanted to destroy Isis, but not that much.

So in the end, it was the Syrian army and its Hizballah chums from Lebanon and the Iranians and the Russians who drove the Isis murderers out of Palmyra. I have written many times that the Syrian army will decide the future of Syria.

Aren't we supposed to be destroying Isis? Forget it. That's Putin's job. And Assad's. Pray for peace, folks.
Robert Fisk: Why is David Cameron silent on the recapture of Palmyra?

Cry me river......... You know very well that's crap Stratford. If Russia is so successful battling ISIS in Syria........ How come ISIS still capable of producing oil by the million gallons.
Putin concentrated killing many civilians in Syria protect Assad regime. Assad has been supporting terrorism and that makes Putin a terrorist supporter. That's a fact.

You claim Assad as terrorist only because Assad don't trade oil with ISIS and don't have money to wash his name, like Erdogan or Erdogan's patron Killary...

You also claim killed by russian strikes as "civilian" only because you sitting in US, behind the fleet protection. I could see changing of your opinion with interest, if you was one of kurds, or ezids, or any of real Syrian civilian...

And also I don't tell anything about "US killers" when they strike medical objects in Afganistan - we all really don't know, who is hiding under a mask of "peaceful civilians"...

Only Europe now starting to learn this truth at their skin...

I'm not sure if you know the difference. US admitted that they made a mistake in bombing the hospital in Afghanistan. It's been proven independently that Putin killed civilians but he denied all that killings. Assad senior and Assad junior has been killing his own people way before ISIS was born....... with full support of Putin. Try again you might impress me.
BTW........... ISIS still operational in Syria.
For some reason American president and Media "are forgeting" which country's army has defeated ISIS in Syria just in 5 months vs. 3 years of US led coalition questionable attempts.

A speech by the American president at the CIA’s HQ has focused on big gains made by the US-led antiterrorist coalition, but failed to mention the contribution made by the Syrian Army, the Kurdish militia and the Russian Air Force.

Yet a confidential NATO analysissaid in late February that 40 Russian warplanes deployed to Syria had outperformed 180 aircraft of the US-led coalition in bombing Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL). After Moscow announced the withdrawal of its main forces from Syria in late February, Russia’s defense minister reported to Vladimir Putin that the Russian task force had performed well over 9,000 sorties (and many more airstrikes) against IS in less than five months.
Obama praises US-led coalition for crushing ISIS, fails to mention Russian, Syrian victories

The biggest military defeat that Isis has suffered in more than two years. The recapture of Palmyra. And we are silent. Yes, folks, the bad guys won, didn't they? Otherwise, we would all be celebrating, wouldn't we?

Less than a week after the lost souls of the 'Islamic Caliphate' destroyed the lives of more than 30 innocent human beings in Brussels, we should - should we not? - have been clapping our hands at the most crushing military reverse in the history of Isis. But no.

Here are the Syrian army, backed, of course, by Vladimir Putin's Russkies, chucking the clowns of Isis out of town, and we daren't utter a single word to say well done.

Why, if the Americans hated Isis so much, didn't they bomb the suicide convoys that broke through the Syrian army's front lines? Why didn't they attack Isis?

I could not help but smile when I read that the US command claimed two air strikes against Isis around Palmyra in the days leading up to its recapture by the regime. That really did tell you all you needed to know about the American "war on terror". They wanted to destroy Isis, but not that much.

So in the end, it was the Syrian army and its Hizballah chums from Lebanon and the Iranians and the Russians who drove the Isis murderers out of Palmyra. I have written many times that the Syrian army will decide the future of Syria.

Aren't we supposed to be destroying Isis? Forget it. That's Putin's job. And Assad's. Pray for peace, folks.
Robert Fisk: Why is David Cameron silent on the recapture of Palmyra?

Cry me river......... You know very well that's crap Stratford. If Russia is so successful battling ISIS in Syria........ How come ISIS still capable of producing oil by the million gallons.
Putin concentrated killing many civilians in Syria protect Assad regime. Assad has been supporting terrorism and that makes Putin a terrorist supporter. That's a fact.

You claim Assad as terrorist only because Assad don't trade oil with ISIS and don't have money to wash his name, like Erdogan or Erdogan's patron Killary...

You also claim killed by russian strikes as "civilian" only because you sitting in US, behind the fleet protection. I could see changing of your opinion with interest, if you was one of kurds, or ezids, or any of real Syrian civilian...

And also I don't tell anything about "US killers" when they strike medical objects in Afganistan - we all really don't know, who is hiding under a mask of "peaceful civilians"...

Only Europe now starting to learn this truth at their skin...

I'm not sure if you know the difference. US admitted that they made a mistake in bombing the hospital in Afghanistan. It's been proven independently that Putin killed civilians but he denied all that killings. Assad senior and Assad junior has been killing his own people way before ISIS was born....... with full support of Putin. Try again you might impress me.
BTW........... ISIS still operational in Syria.

The difference? Jesus said "you will know them by their fruits" - what's wrong? Where's difference, except false words? :)

> It's been proven independently

WHAT??? Do you seriously think, there, in battlefield, independent side is really present? :)))) Do you really think so? :)))

> Assad senior and Assad junior has been killing his own people

No. If it's true, why US trying to reject election results in Syria? Do you think, people would vote for Assad, known as "murderer"? :) Will YOU vote for murderer of people, like you?

If Assad killed people, it weren't own people. Let Assad to cut Alavit territory, where he's indisputable leader - and rule other territory as you want... But I don't need to be an psychic to predict, how much ISIS oil will be extracted at this territory and sold through Turkey to the world market....

ISIS still operated in Syria because some of your candidates to president still upkeeping them... corresponding with them, using a private mail server...
For some reason American president and Media "are forgeting" which country's army has defeated ISIS in Syria just in 5 months vs. 3 years of US led coalition questionable attempts.

A speech by the American president at the CIA’s HQ has focused on big gains made by the US-led antiterrorist coalition, but failed to mention the contribution made by the Syrian Army, the Kurdish militia and the Russian Air Force.

Yet a confidential NATO analysissaid in late February that 40 Russian warplanes deployed to Syria had outperformed 180 aircraft of the US-led coalition in bombing Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL). After Moscow announced the withdrawal of its main forces from Syria in late February, Russia’s defense minister reported to Vladimir Putin that the Russian task force had performed well over 9,000 sorties (and many more airstrikes) against IS in less than five months.
Obama praises US-led coalition for crushing ISIS, fails to mention Russian, Syrian victories

The biggest military defeat that Isis has suffered in more than two years. The recapture of Palmyra. And we are silent. Yes, folks, the bad guys won, didn't they? Otherwise, we would all be celebrating, wouldn't we?

Less than a week after the lost souls of the 'Islamic Caliphate' destroyed the lives of more than 30 innocent human beings in Brussels, we should - should we not? - have been clapping our hands at the most crushing military reverse in the history of Isis. But no.

Here are the Syrian army, backed, of course, by Vladimir Putin's Russkies, chucking the clowns of Isis out of town, and we daren't utter a single word to say well done.

Why, if the Americans hated Isis so much, didn't they bomb the suicide convoys that broke through the Syrian army's front lines? Why didn't they attack Isis?

I could not help but smile when I read that the US command claimed two air strikes against Isis around Palmyra in the days leading up to its recapture by the regime. That really did tell you all you needed to know about the American "war on terror". They wanted to destroy Isis, but not that much.

So in the end, it was the Syrian army and its Hizballah chums from Lebanon and the Iranians and the Russians who drove the Isis murderers out of Palmyra. I have written many times that the Syrian army will decide the future of Syria.

Aren't we supposed to be destroying Isis? Forget it. That's Putin's job. And Assad's. Pray for peace, folks.
Robert Fisk: Why is David Cameron silent on the recapture of Palmyra?

Cry me river......... You know very well that's crap Stratford. If Russia is so successful battling ISIS in Syria........ How come ISIS still capable of producing oil by the million gallons.
Putin concentrated killing many civilians in Syria protect Assad regime. Assad has been supporting terrorism and that makes Putin a terrorist supporter. That's a fact.

You claim Assad as terrorist only because Assad don't trade oil with ISIS and don't have money to wash his name, like Erdogan or Erdogan's patron Killary...

You also claim killed by russian strikes as "civilian" only because you sitting in US, behind the fleet protection. I could see changing of your opinion with interest, if you was one of kurds, or ezids, or any of real Syrian civilian...

And also I don't tell anything about "US killers" when they strike medical objects in Afganistan - we all really don't know, who is hiding under a mask of "peaceful civilians"...

Only Europe now starting to learn this truth at their skin...

I'm not sure if you know the difference. US admitted that they made a mistake in bombing the hospital in Afghanistan. It's been proven independently that Putin killed civilians but he denied all that killings. Assad senior and Assad junior has been killing his own people way before ISIS was born....... with full support of Putin. Try again you might impress me.
BTW........... ISIS still operational in Syria.

The difference? Jesus said "you will know them by their fruits" - what's wrong? Where's difference, except false words? :)

> It's been proven independently

WHAT??? Do you seriously think, there, in battlefield, independent side is really present? :)))) Do you really think so? :)))

> Assad senior and Assad junior has been killing his own people

No. If it's true, why US trying to reject election results in Syria? Do you think, people would vote for Assad, known as "murderer"? :) Will YOU vote for murderer of people, like you?

If Assad killed people, it weren't own people. Let Assad to cut Alavit territory, where he's indisputable leader - and rule other territory as you want... But I don't need to be an psychic to predict, how much ISIS oil will be extracted at this territory and sold through Turkey to the world market....

ISIS still operated in Syria because some of your candidates to president still upkeeping them... corresponding with them, using a private mail server...
You will find that most Americans have no understanding of conditions in Syria. This is primarily due to the fact that most of the mainstream American media is controlled by the American government and spreads propaganda designed to harm Assad and Russia.

Most Americans think Assad used poison gas on his people (the so called red line that Obama issued), when it was probably a covert CIA false flag operation. Obama took a lot of flak for not acting, but he really deserves credit for not starting yet another war, based on false pretenses.

While Assad is a dictator (like Saddam, Qaddafi, Shah of Iran, etc), how anyone can say conditions in Syria have improved by this US instigated civil war, is beyond me. Assad protected minorities and Christians from harm by the radical those minorities and Christians are either dead or homeless.

One would think the US government would learn something about dumping a dictator in the ME, after all the terrible failures...but one would be wrong.
For some reason American president and Media "are forgeting" which country's army has defeated ISIS in Syria just in 5 months vs. 3 years of US led coalition questionable attempts.

A speech by the American president at the CIA’s HQ has focused on big gains made by the US-led antiterrorist coalition, but failed to mention the contribution made by the Syrian Army, the Kurdish militia and the Russian Air Force.

Yet a confidential NATO analysissaid in late February that 40 Russian warplanes deployed to Syria had outperformed 180 aircraft of the US-led coalition in bombing Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL). After Moscow announced the withdrawal of its main forces from Syria in late February, Russia’s defense minister reported to Vladimir Putin that the Russian task force had performed well over 9,000 sorties (and many more airstrikes) against IS in less than five months.
Obama praises US-led coalition for crushing ISIS, fails to mention Russian, Syrian victories

The biggest military defeat that Isis has suffered in more than two years. The recapture of Palmyra. And we are silent. Yes, folks, the bad guys won, didn't they? Otherwise, we would all be celebrating, wouldn't we?

Less than a week after the lost souls of the 'Islamic Caliphate' destroyed the lives of more than 30 innocent human beings in Brussels, we should - should we not? - have been clapping our hands at the most crushing military reverse in the history of Isis. But no.

Here are the Syrian army, backed, of course, by Vladimir Putin's Russkies, chucking the clowns of Isis out of town, and we daren't utter a single word to say well done.

Why, if the Americans hated Isis so much, didn't they bomb the suicide convoys that broke through the Syrian army's front lines? Why didn't they attack Isis?

I could not help but smile when I read that the US command claimed two air strikes against Isis around Palmyra in the days leading up to its recapture by the regime. That really did tell you all you needed to know about the American "war on terror". They wanted to destroy Isis, but not that much.

So in the end, it was the Syrian army and its Hizballah chums from Lebanon and the Iranians and the Russians who drove the Isis murderers out of Palmyra. I have written many times that the Syrian army will decide the future of Syria.

Aren't we supposed to be destroying Isis? Forget it. That's Putin's job. And Assad's. Pray for peace, folks.
Robert Fisk: Why is David Cameron silent on the recapture of Palmyra?

Cry me river......... You know very well that's crap Stratford. If Russia is so successful battling ISIS in Syria........ How come ISIS still capable of producing oil by the million gallons.
Putin concentrated killing many civilians in Syria protect Assad regime. Assad has been supporting terrorism and that makes Putin a terrorist supporter. That's a fact.

You claim Assad as terrorist only because Assad don't trade oil with ISIS and don't have money to wash his name, like Erdogan or Erdogan's patron Killary...

You also claim killed by russian strikes as "civilian" only because you sitting in US, behind the fleet protection. I could see changing of your opinion with interest, if you was one of kurds, or ezids, or any of real Syrian civilian...

And also I don't tell anything about "US killers" when they strike medical objects in Afganistan - we all really don't know, who is hiding under a mask of "peaceful civilians"...

Only Europe now starting to learn this truth at their skin...

I'm not sure if you know the difference. US admitted that they made a mistake in bombing the hospital in Afghanistan. It's been proven independently that Putin killed civilians but he denied all that killings. Assad senior and Assad junior has been killing his own people way before ISIS was born....... with full support of Putin. Try again you might impress me.
BTW........... ISIS still operational in Syria.

The difference? Jesus said "you will know them by their fruits" - what's wrong? Where's difference, except false words? :)

> It's been proven independently

WHAT??? Do you seriously think, there, in battlefield, independent side is really present? :)))) Do you really think so? :)))

> Assad senior and Assad junior has been killing his own people

No. If it's true, why US trying to reject election results in Syria? Do you think, people would vote for Assad, known as "murderer"? :) Will YOU vote for murderer of people, like you?

If Assad killed people, it weren't own people. Let Assad to cut Alavit territory, where he's indisputable leader - and rule other territory as you want... But I don't need to be an psychic to predict, how much ISIS oil will be extracted at this territory and sold through Turkey to the world market....

ISIS still operated in Syria because some of your candidates to president still upkeeping them... corresponding with them, using a private mail server...

What election? We are talking about Putin and Syria not Turkey. You are impressing me with your propaganda. Jesus........... What in the world are you talking about? The German people love Hitler......... what made you think Syrian people are no different? Yes Syrian will vote for a murderer. And you are a supporter.
Maybe your not even aware that ISIS currently supply oil to Syrian government. Putin should be charge of war crimes together with Assad. So let me ask you this one more time. If Russia is doing a good job fighting ISIS in Syria...... Why do you think ISIS still capable of producing oil?

REVEALED: The oil middleman between the Syrian regime and ISIS

Nearly 1,400 civilians killed in Russia's Syria air strikes - monitor
Last edited:
For some reason American president and Media "are forgeting" which country's army has defeated ISIS in Syria just in 5 months vs. 3 years of US led coalition questionable attempts.

A speech by the American president at the CIA’s HQ has focused on big gains made by the US-led antiterrorist coalition, but failed to mention the contribution made by the Syrian Army, the Kurdish militia and the Russian Air Force.

Yet a confidential NATO analysissaid in late February that 40 Russian warplanes deployed to Syria had outperformed 180 aircraft of the US-led coalition in bombing Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL). After Moscow announced the withdrawal of its main forces from Syria in late February, Russia’s defense minister reported to Vladimir Putin that the Russian task force had performed well over 9,000 sorties (and many more airstrikes) against IS in less than five months.
Obama praises US-led coalition for crushing ISIS, fails to mention Russian, Syrian victories

The biggest military defeat that Isis has suffered in more than two years. The recapture of Palmyra. And we are silent. Yes, folks, the bad guys won, didn't they? Otherwise, we would all be celebrating, wouldn't we?

Less than a week after the lost souls of the 'Islamic Caliphate' destroyed the lives of more than 30 innocent human beings in Brussels, we should - should we not? - have been clapping our hands at the most crushing military reverse in the history of Isis. But no.

Here are the Syrian army, backed, of course, by Vladimir Putin's Russkies, chucking the clowns of Isis out of town, and we daren't utter a single word to say well done.

Why, if the Americans hated Isis so much, didn't they bomb the suicide convoys that broke through the Syrian army's front lines? Why didn't they attack Isis?

I could not help but smile when I read that the US command claimed two air strikes against Isis around Palmyra in the days leading up to its recapture by the regime. That really did tell you all you needed to know about the American "war on terror". They wanted to destroy Isis, but not that much.

So in the end, it was the Syrian army and its Hizballah chums from Lebanon and the Iranians and the Russians who drove the Isis murderers out of Palmyra. I have written many times that the Syrian army will decide the future of Syria.

Aren't we supposed to be destroying Isis? Forget it. That's Putin's job. And Assad's. Pray for peace, folks.
Robert Fisk: Why is David Cameron silent on the recapture of Palmyra?

Cry me river......... You know very well that's crap Stratford. If Russia is so successful battling ISIS in Syria........ How come ISIS still capable of producing oil by the million gallons.
Putin concentrated killing many civilians in Syria protect Assad regime. Assad has been supporting terrorism and that makes Putin a terrorist supporter. That's a fact.

You claim Assad as terrorist only because Assad don't trade oil with ISIS and don't have money to wash his name, like Erdogan or Erdogan's patron Killary...

You also claim killed by russian strikes as "civilian" only because you sitting in US, behind the fleet protection. I could see changing of your opinion with interest, if you was one of kurds, or ezids, or any of real Syrian civilian...

And also I don't tell anything about "US killers" when they strike medical objects in Afganistan - we all really don't know, who is hiding under a mask of "peaceful civilians"...

Only Europe now starting to learn this truth at their skin...

I'm not sure if you know the difference. US admitted that they made a mistake in bombing the hospital in Afghanistan. It's been proven independently that Putin killed civilians but he denied all that killings. Assad senior and Assad junior has been killing his own people way before ISIS was born....... with full support of Putin. Try again you might impress me.
BTW........... ISIS still operational in Syria.

The difference? Jesus said "you will know them by their fruits" - what's wrong? Where's difference, except false words? :)

> It's been proven independently

WHAT??? Do you seriously think, there, in battlefield, independent side is really present? :)))) Do you really think so? :)))

> Assad senior and Assad junior has been killing his own people

No. If it's true, why US trying to reject election results in Syria? Do you think, people would vote for Assad, known as "murderer"? :) Will YOU vote for murderer of people, like you?

If Assad killed people, it weren't own people. Let Assad to cut Alavit territory, where he's indisputable leader - and rule other territory as you want... But I don't need to be an psychic to predict, how much ISIS oil will be extracted at this territory and sold through Turkey to the world market....

ISIS still operated in Syria because some of your candidates to president still upkeeping them... corresponding with them, using a private mail server...

We are talking about Putin and Syria not Turkey.......... Deflection is for political candidates.
Maybe your not even aware ISIS currently supply oil to Syrian government. Putin should be charge of war crimes together with Assad. So let me ask you this one more time. If Russia is doing a good job fighting ISIS in Syria...... Why do you think ISIS still capable of producing oil?

REVEALED: The oil middleman between the Syrian regime and ISIS

Nearly 1,400 civilians killed in Russia's Syria air strikes - monitor
If Putin and Assad are war criminals for their acts in Syria, then naturally you must agree so are Obama and Cankles? After all, they were responsible for instigating and promoting the civil war. Right?
Cry me river......... You know very well that's crap Stratford. If Russia is so successful battling ISIS in Syria........ How come ISIS still capable of producing oil by the million gallons.
Putin concentrated killing many civilians in Syria protect Assad regime. Assad has been supporting terrorism and that makes Putin a terrorist supporter. That's a fact.

You claim Assad as terrorist only because Assad don't trade oil with ISIS and don't have money to wash his name, like Erdogan or Erdogan's patron Killary...

You also claim killed by russian strikes as "civilian" only because you sitting in US, behind the fleet protection. I could see changing of your opinion with interest, if you was one of kurds, or ezids, or any of real Syrian civilian...

And also I don't tell anything about "US killers" when they strike medical objects in Afganistan - we all really don't know, who is hiding under a mask of "peaceful civilians"...

Only Europe now starting to learn this truth at their skin...

I'm not sure if you know the difference. US admitted that they made a mistake in bombing the hospital in Afghanistan. It's been proven independently that Putin killed civilians but he denied all that killings. Assad senior and Assad junior has been killing his own people way before ISIS was born....... with full support of Putin. Try again you might impress me.
BTW........... ISIS still operational in Syria.

The difference? Jesus said "you will know them by their fruits" - what's wrong? Where's difference, except false words? :)

> It's been proven independently

WHAT??? Do you seriously think, there, in battlefield, independent side is really present? :)))) Do you really think so? :)))

> Assad senior and Assad junior has been killing his own people

No. If it's true, why US trying to reject election results in Syria? Do you think, people would vote for Assad, known as "murderer"? :) Will YOU vote for murderer of people, like you?

If Assad killed people, it weren't own people. Let Assad to cut Alavit territory, where he's indisputable leader - and rule other territory as you want... But I don't need to be an psychic to predict, how much ISIS oil will be extracted at this territory and sold through Turkey to the world market....

ISIS still operated in Syria because some of your candidates to president still upkeeping them... corresponding with them, using a private mail server...

We are talking about Putin and Syria not Turkey.......... Deflection is for political candidates.
Maybe your not even aware ISIS currently supply oil to Syrian government. Putin should be charge of war crimes together with Assad. So let me ask you this one more time. If Russia is doing a good job fighting ISIS in Syria...... Why do you think ISIS still capable of producing oil?

REVEALED: The oil middleman between the Syrian regime and ISIS

Nearly 1,400 civilians killed in Russia's Syria air strikes - monitor
If Putin and Assad are war criminals for their acts in Syria, then naturally you must agree so are Obama and Cankles? After all, they were responsible for instigating and promoting the civil war. Right?

No....... Syrian people had enough with Assad. Somebody need to stop Assad murdering his own people. Somebody need to stop Assad supporting terrorism which Putin thugs support. That will be America.
Aside from your propaganda you have not provided any link to prove your opinion.
For some reason American president and Media "are forgeting" which country's army has defeated ISIS in Syria just in 5 months vs. 3 years of US led coalition questionable attempts.

A speech by the American president at the CIA’s HQ has focused on big gains made by the US-led antiterrorist coalition, but failed to mention the contribution made by the Syrian Army, the Kurdish militia and the Russian Air Force.

Yet a confidential NATO analysissaid in late February that 40 Russian warplanes deployed to Syria had outperformed 180 aircraft of the US-led coalition in bombing Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL). After Moscow announced the withdrawal of its main forces from Syria in late February, Russia’s defense minister reported to Vladimir Putin that the Russian task force had performed well over 9,000 sorties (and many more airstrikes) against IS in less than five months.
Obama praises US-led coalition for crushing ISIS, fails to mention Russian, Syrian victories

The biggest military defeat that Isis has suffered in more than two years. The recapture of Palmyra. And we are silent. Yes, folks, the bad guys won, didn't they? Otherwise, we would all be celebrating, wouldn't we?

Less than a week after the lost souls of the 'Islamic Caliphate' destroyed the lives of more than 30 innocent human beings in Brussels, we should - should we not? - have been clapping our hands at the most crushing military reverse in the history of Isis. But no.

Here are the Syrian army, backed, of course, by Vladimir Putin's Russkies, chucking the clowns of Isis out of town, and we daren't utter a single word to say well done.

Why, if the Americans hated Isis so much, didn't they bomb the suicide convoys that broke through the Syrian army's front lines? Why didn't they attack Isis?

I could not help but smile when I read that the US command claimed two air strikes against Isis around Palmyra in the days leading up to its recapture by the regime. That really did tell you all you needed to know about the American "war on terror". They wanted to destroy Isis, but not that much.

So in the end, it was the Syrian army and its Hizballah chums from Lebanon and the Iranians and the Russians who drove the Isis murderers out of Palmyra. I have written many times that the Syrian army will decide the future of Syria.

Aren't we supposed to be destroying Isis? Forget it. That's Putin's job. And Assad's. Pray for peace, folks.
Robert Fisk: Why is David Cameron silent on the recapture of Palmyra?

Cry me river......... You know very well that's crap Stratford. If Russia is so successful battling ISIS in Syria........ How come ISIS still capable of producing oil by the million gallons.
Putin concentrated killing many civilians in Syria protect Assad regime. Assad has been supporting terrorism and that makes Putin a terrorist supporter. That's a fact.

You claim Assad as terrorist only because Assad don't trade oil with ISIS and don't have money to wash his name, like Erdogan or Erdogan's patron Killary...

You also claim killed by russian strikes as "civilian" only because you sitting in US, behind the fleet protection. I could see changing of your opinion with interest, if you was one of kurds, or ezids, or any of real Syrian civilian...

And also I don't tell anything about "US killers" when they strike medical objects in Afganistan - we all really don't know, who is hiding under a mask of "peaceful civilians"...

Only Europe now starting to learn this truth at their skin...

I'm not sure if you know the difference. US admitted that they made a mistake in bombing the hospital in Afghanistan. It's been proven independently that Putin killed civilians but he denied all that killings. Assad senior and Assad junior has been killing his own people way before ISIS was born....... with full support of Putin. Try again you might impress me.
BTW........... ISIS still operational in Syria.

The difference? Jesus said "you will know them by their fruits" - what's wrong? Where's difference, except false words? :)

> It's been proven independently

WHAT??? Do you seriously think, there, in battlefield, independent side is really present? :)))) Do you really think so? :)))

> Assad senior and Assad junior has been killing his own people

No. If it's true, why US trying to reject election results in Syria? Do you think, people would vote for Assad, known as "murderer"? :) Will YOU vote for murderer of people, like you?

If Assad killed people, it weren't own people. Let Assad to cut Alavit territory, where he's indisputable leader - and rule other territory as you want... But I don't need to be an psychic to predict, how much ISIS oil will be extracted at this territory and sold through Turkey to the world market....

ISIS still operated in Syria because some of your candidates to president still upkeeping them... corresponding with them, using a private mail server...

What election? We are talking about Putin and Syria not Turkey. You are impressing me with your propaganda. Jesus........... What in the world are you talking about?

THIS elections: Assad calls Syria parliamentary election for April
Did you knew something about that? Offcourse, this is "tyrannic" and "unlegitime" elections, because Siryan people VOTE FOR ASSAD!!!

It seems, you instinctively afraid and hate Assad just because he is a stomatologist... :)))

The German people love Hitler.........

And what? While is was internal deal of Germany, your American government upkeeped Hitler, helped him to make annexion of Sudetenland from Chech, approving a Munich agreement... Do you remember it?

Is the Assad aggressor? So, tell me, which country he tried to annexate? :)

what made you think Syrian people are no different? Yes Syrian will vote for a murderer. And you are a supporter.

Offcourse, we are! Because he is a murderer of ISIS terrorists... Which also kills britain and US citizens - have you seen this movies????

Maybe your not even aware that ISIS currently supply oil to Syrian government.

WHAT???? What a fat??? ISIS supply oil to Syrian government, and Siryan government fights with ISIS? How do you imagine it? "Hello, ISIS, thanks for your oil, here my bullet to you? Awaiting another batch..." :)))

Putin should be charge of war crimes together with Assad. So let me ask you this one more time. If Russia is doing a good job fighting ISIS in Syria...... Why do you think ISIS still capable of producing oil?

Because Turkey still upkeep ISIS...
For some reason American president and Media "are forgeting" which country's army has defeated ISIS in Syria just in 5 months vs. 3 years of US led coalition questionable attempts.

A speech by the American president at the CIA’s HQ has focused on big gains made by the US-led antiterrorist coalition, but failed to mention the contribution made by the Syrian Army, the Kurdish militia and the Russian Air Force.

Yet a confidential NATO analysissaid in late February that 40 Russian warplanes deployed to Syria had outperformed 180 aircraft of the US-led coalition in bombing Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL). After Moscow announced the withdrawal of its main forces from Syria in late February, Russia’s defense minister reported to Vladimir Putin that the Russian task force had performed well over 9,000 sorties (and many more airstrikes) against IS in less than five months.
Obama praises US-led coalition for crushing ISIS, fails to mention Russian, Syrian victories

The biggest military defeat that Isis has suffered in more than two years. The recapture of Palmyra. And we are silent. Yes, folks, the bad guys won, didn't they? Otherwise, we would all be celebrating, wouldn't we?

Less than a week after the lost souls of the 'Islamic Caliphate' destroyed the lives of more than 30 innocent human beings in Brussels, we should - should we not? - have been clapping our hands at the most crushing military reverse in the history of Isis. But no.

Here are the Syrian army, backed, of course, by Vladimir Putin's Russkies, chucking the clowns of Isis out of town, and we daren't utter a single word to say well done.

Why, if the Americans hated Isis so much, didn't they bomb the suicide convoys that broke through the Syrian army's front lines? Why didn't they attack Isis?

I could not help but smile when I read that the US command claimed two air strikes against Isis around Palmyra in the days leading up to its recapture by the regime. That really did tell you all you needed to know about the American "war on terror". They wanted to destroy Isis, but not that much.

So in the end, it was the Syrian army and its Hizballah chums from Lebanon and the Iranians and the Russians who drove the Isis murderers out of Palmyra. I have written many times that the Syrian army will decide the future of Syria.

Aren't we supposed to be destroying Isis? Forget it. That's Putin's job. And Assad's. Pray for peace, folks.
Robert Fisk: Why is David Cameron silent on the recapture of Palmyra?

Cry me river......... You know very well that's crap Stratford. If Russia is so successful battling ISIS in Syria........ How come ISIS still capable of producing oil by the million gallons.
Putin concentrated killing many civilians in Syria protect Assad regime. Assad has been supporting terrorism and that makes Putin a terrorist supporter. That's a fact.

You claim Assad as terrorist only because Assad don't trade oil with ISIS and don't have money to wash his name, like Erdogan or Erdogan's patron Killary...

You also claim killed by russian strikes as "civilian" only because you sitting in US, behind the fleet protection. I could see changing of your opinion with interest, if you was one of kurds, or ezids, or any of real Syrian civilian...

And also I don't tell anything about "US killers" when they strike medical objects in Afganistan - we all really don't know, who is hiding under a mask of "peaceful civilians"...

Only Europe now starting to learn this truth at their skin...

I'm not sure if you know the difference. US admitted that they made a mistake in bombing the hospital in Afghanistan. It's been proven independently that Putin killed civilians but he denied all that killings. Assad senior and Assad junior has been killing his own people way before ISIS was born....... with full support of Putin. Try again you might impress me.
BTW........... ISIS still operational in Syria.

The difference? Jesus said "you will know them by their fruits" - what's wrong? Where's difference, except false words? :)

> It's been proven independently

WHAT??? Do you seriously think, there, in battlefield, independent side is really present? :)))) Do you really think so? :)))

> Assad senior and Assad junior has been killing his own people

No. If it's true, why US trying to reject election results in Syria? Do you think, people would vote for Assad, known as "murderer"? :) Will YOU vote for murderer of people, like you?

If Assad killed people, it weren't own people. Let Assad to cut Alavit territory, where he's indisputable leader - and rule other territory as you want... But I don't need to be an psychic to predict, how much ISIS oil will be extracted at this territory and sold through Turkey to the world market....

ISIS still operated in Syria because some of your candidates to president still upkeeping them... corresponding with them, using a private mail server...
You will find that most Americans have no understanding of conditions in Syria. This is primarily due to the fact that most of the mainstream American media is controlled by the American government and spreads propaganda designed to harm Assad and Russia.

Most Americans think Assad used poison gas on his people (the so called red line that Obama issued), when it was probably a covert CIA false flag operation. Obama took a lot of flak for not acting, but he really deserves credit for not starting yet another war, based on false pretenses.

While Assad is a dictator (like Saddam, Qaddafi, Shah of Iran, etc), how anyone can say conditions in Syria have improved by this US instigated civil war, is beyond me. Assad protected minorities and Christians from harm by the radical those minorities and Christians are either dead or homeless.

One would think the US government would learn something about dumping a dictator in the ME, after all the terrible failures...but one would be wrong.

Yes, it was not so long ago in United Nations:
Yezidi Girl Who Escaped Isis Sex Slavery: Please Help Us
You claim Assad as terrorist only because Assad don't trade oil with ISIS and don't have money to wash his name, like Erdogan or Erdogan's patron Killary...

You also claim killed by russian strikes as "civilian" only because you sitting in US, behind the fleet protection. I could see changing of your opinion with interest, if you was one of kurds, or ezids, or any of real Syrian civilian...

And also I don't tell anything about "US killers" when they strike medical objects in Afganistan - we all really don't know, who is hiding under a mask of "peaceful civilians"...

Only Europe now starting to learn this truth at their skin...

I'm not sure if you know the difference. US admitted that they made a mistake in bombing the hospital in Afghanistan. It's been proven independently that Putin killed civilians but he denied all that killings. Assad senior and Assad junior has been killing his own people way before ISIS was born....... with full support of Putin. Try again you might impress me.
BTW........... ISIS still operational in Syria.

The difference? Jesus said "you will know them by their fruits" - what's wrong? Where's difference, except false words? :)

> It's been proven independently

WHAT??? Do you seriously think, there, in battlefield, independent side is really present? :)))) Do you really think so? :)))

> Assad senior and Assad junior has been killing his own people

No. If it's true, why US trying to reject election results in Syria? Do you think, people would vote for Assad, known as "murderer"? :) Will YOU vote for murderer of people, like you?

If Assad killed people, it weren't own people. Let Assad to cut Alavit territory, where he's indisputable leader - and rule other territory as you want... But I don't need to be an psychic to predict, how much ISIS oil will be extracted at this territory and sold through Turkey to the world market....

ISIS still operated in Syria because some of your candidates to president still upkeeping them... corresponding with them, using a private mail server...

We are talking about Putin and Syria not Turkey.......... Deflection is for political candidates.
Maybe your not even aware ISIS currently supply oil to Syrian government. Putin should be charge of war crimes together with Assad. So let me ask you this one more time. If Russia is doing a good job fighting ISIS in Syria...... Why do you think ISIS still capable of producing oil?

REVEALED: The oil middleman between the Syrian regime and ISIS

Nearly 1,400 civilians killed in Russia's Syria air strikes - monitor
If Putin and Assad are war criminals for their acts in Syria, then naturally you must agree so are Obama and Cankles? After all, they were responsible for instigating and promoting the civil war. Right?

No....... Syrian people had enough with Assad. Somebody need to stop Assad murdering his own people. Somebody need to stop Assad supporting terrorism which Putin thugs support. That will be America.
Aside from your propaganda you have not provided any link to prove your opinion.

When you have to stop ISIS terrorism... Stop them, don't talk... Why ISIS terrorists perish on Assad territories, and still live (and treat) in Turkey territory, which is member of NATO? :)
You claim Assad as terrorist only because Assad don't trade oil with ISIS and don't have money to wash his name, like Erdogan or Erdogan's patron Killary...

You also claim killed by russian strikes as "civilian" only because you sitting in US, behind the fleet protection. I could see changing of your opinion with interest, if you was one of kurds, or ezids, or any of real Syrian civilian...

And also I don't tell anything about "US killers" when they strike medical objects in Afganistan - we all really don't know, who is hiding under a mask of "peaceful civilians"...

Only Europe now starting to learn this truth at their skin...

I'm not sure if you know the difference. US admitted that they made a mistake in bombing the hospital in Afghanistan. It's been proven independently that Putin killed civilians but he denied all that killings. Assad senior and Assad junior has been killing his own people way before ISIS was born....... with full support of Putin. Try again you might impress me.
BTW........... ISIS still operational in Syria.

The difference? Jesus said "you will know them by their fruits" - what's wrong? Where's difference, except false words? :)

> It's been proven independently

WHAT??? Do you seriously think, there, in battlefield, independent side is really present? :)))) Do you really think so? :)))

> Assad senior and Assad junior has been killing his own people

No. If it's true, why US trying to reject election results in Syria? Do you think, people would vote for Assad, known as "murderer"? :) Will YOU vote for murderer of people, like you?

If Assad killed people, it weren't own people. Let Assad to cut Alavit territory, where he's indisputable leader - and rule other territory as you want... But I don't need to be an psychic to predict, how much ISIS oil will be extracted at this territory and sold through Turkey to the world market....

ISIS still operated in Syria because some of your candidates to president still upkeeping them... corresponding with them, using a private mail server...

We are talking about Putin and Syria not Turkey.......... Deflection is for political candidates.
Maybe your not even aware ISIS currently supply oil to Syrian government. Putin should be charge of war crimes together with Assad. So let me ask you this one more time. If Russia is doing a good job fighting ISIS in Syria...... Why do you think ISIS still capable of producing oil?

REVEALED: The oil middleman between the Syrian regime and ISIS

Nearly 1,400 civilians killed in Russia's Syria air strikes - monitor
If Putin and Assad are war criminals for their acts in Syria, then naturally you must agree so are Obama and Cankles? After all, they were responsible for instigating and promoting the civil war. Right?

No....... Syrian people had enough with Assad. Somebody need to stop Assad murdering his own people. Somebody need to stop Assad supporting terrorism which Putin thugs support. That will be America.
Aside from your propaganda you have not provided any link to prove your opinion.

The civil war has resulted in the deaths of far more people than Assad EVER did. Stop accepting the propaganda from the US government owned media.

Same as what occurred in Libya and Iraq. Both nations ruled by crazy dictators, but the wars instigated by the US government, resulted in far far far more deaths than the dictators ever caused. I guess you consider that success.
Cry me river......... You know very well that's crap Stratford. If Russia is so successful battling ISIS in Syria........ How come ISIS still capable of producing oil by the million gallons.
Putin concentrated killing many civilians in Syria protect Assad regime. Assad has been supporting terrorism and that makes Putin a terrorist supporter. That's a fact.

You claim Assad as terrorist only because Assad don't trade oil with ISIS and don't have money to wash his name, like Erdogan or Erdogan's patron Killary...

You also claim killed by russian strikes as "civilian" only because you sitting in US, behind the fleet protection. I could see changing of your opinion with interest, if you was one of kurds, or ezids, or any of real Syrian civilian...

And also I don't tell anything about "US killers" when they strike medical objects in Afganistan - we all really don't know, who is hiding under a mask of "peaceful civilians"...

Only Europe now starting to learn this truth at their skin...

I'm not sure if you know the difference. US admitted that they made a mistake in bombing the hospital in Afghanistan. It's been proven independently that Putin killed civilians but he denied all that killings. Assad senior and Assad junior has been killing his own people way before ISIS was born....... with full support of Putin. Try again you might impress me.
BTW........... ISIS still operational in Syria.

The difference? Jesus said "you will know them by their fruits" - what's wrong? Where's difference, except false words? :)

> It's been proven independently

WHAT??? Do you seriously think, there, in battlefield, independent side is really present? :)))) Do you really think so? :)))

> Assad senior and Assad junior has been killing his own people

No. If it's true, why US trying to reject election results in Syria? Do you think, people would vote for Assad, known as "murderer"? :) Will YOU vote for murderer of people, like you?

If Assad killed people, it weren't own people. Let Assad to cut Alavit territory, where he's indisputable leader - and rule other territory as you want... But I don't need to be an psychic to predict, how much ISIS oil will be extracted at this territory and sold through Turkey to the world market....

ISIS still operated in Syria because some of your candidates to president still upkeeping them... corresponding with them, using a private mail server...

What election? We are talking about Putin and Syria not Turkey. You are impressing me with your propaganda. Jesus........... What in the world are you talking about?

THIS elections: Assad calls Syria parliamentary election for April
Did you knew something about that? Offcourse, this is "tyrannic" and "unlegitime" elections, because Siryan people VOTE FOR ASSAD!!!

It seems, you instinctively afraid and hate Assad just because he is a stomatologist... :)))

The German people love Hitler.........

And what? While is was internal deal of Germany, your American government upkeeped Hitler, helped him to make annexion of Sudetenland from Chech, approving a Munich agreement... Do you remember it?

Is the Assad aggressor? So, tell me, which country he tried to annexate? :)

what made you think Syrian people are no different? Yes Syrian will vote for a murderer. And you are a supporter.

Offcourse, we are! Because he is a murderer of ISIS terrorists... Which also kills britain and US citizens - have you seen this movies????

Maybe your not even aware that ISIS currently supply oil to Syrian government.

WHAT???? What a fat??? ISIS supply oil to Syrian government, and Siryan government fights with ISIS? How do you imagine it? "Hello, ISIS, thanks for your oil, here my bullet to you? Awaiting another batch..." :)))

Putin should be charge of war crimes together with Assad. So let me ask you this one more time. If Russia is doing a good job fighting ISIS in Syria...... Why do you think ISIS still capable of producing oil?

Because Turkey still upkeep ISIS...

Election with a dictator as a candidate? Election is a joke.
You asked me is Syrian will vote for a murderer. From a dictator government.............. yes Syrian will vote for a murderer. And I gave you Hitler and the Germans as an example.
I asked you why ISIS still operational in Syria. You gave Turkey an excuse. So why cant Putin start bombing the supply line to Turkey. Sorry that is not the answer.
I provided you a link that ISIS supplying oil to Syrian government....... Which you didn't even know.
Why Syria has not annexed? To where Israel? That will be the end of Assad and the civil war. Don't you think? Assad is a big supporter of terrorism murdering his own people with the support of Putin. That has nothing to do with an annexation.
As I said repeatedly...... You have not provided any link to support your propaganda. But impressed with your support to Assad and Putin.
I'm not sure if you know the difference. US admitted that they made a mistake in bombing the hospital in Afghanistan. It's been proven independently that Putin killed civilians but he denied all that killings. Assad senior and Assad junior has been killing his own people way before ISIS was born....... with full support of Putin. Try again you might impress me.
BTW........... ISIS still operational in Syria.

The difference? Jesus said "you will know them by their fruits" - what's wrong? Where's difference, except false words? :)

> It's been proven independently

WHAT??? Do you seriously think, there, in battlefield, independent side is really present? :)))) Do you really think so? :)))

> Assad senior and Assad junior has been killing his own people

No. If it's true, why US trying to reject election results in Syria? Do you think, people would vote for Assad, known as "murderer"? :) Will YOU vote for murderer of people, like you?

If Assad killed people, it weren't own people. Let Assad to cut Alavit territory, where he's indisputable leader - and rule other territory as you want... But I don't need to be an psychic to predict, how much ISIS oil will be extracted at this territory and sold through Turkey to the world market....

ISIS still operated in Syria because some of your candidates to president still upkeeping them... corresponding with them, using a private mail server...

We are talking about Putin and Syria not Turkey.......... Deflection is for political candidates.
Maybe your not even aware ISIS currently supply oil to Syrian government. Putin should be charge of war crimes together with Assad. So let me ask you this one more time. If Russia is doing a good job fighting ISIS in Syria...... Why do you think ISIS still capable of producing oil?

REVEALED: The oil middleman between the Syrian regime and ISIS

Nearly 1,400 civilians killed in Russia's Syria air strikes - monitor
If Putin and Assad are war criminals for their acts in Syria, then naturally you must agree so are Obama and Cankles? After all, they were responsible for instigating and promoting the civil war. Right?

No....... Syrian people had enough with Assad. Somebody need to stop Assad murdering his own people. Somebody need to stop Assad supporting terrorism which Putin thugs support. That will be America.
Aside from your propaganda you have not provided any link to prove your opinion.

The civil war has resulted in the deaths of far more people than Assad EVER did. Stop accepting the propaganda from the US government owned media.

Same as what occurred in Libya and Iraq. Both nations ruled by crazy dictators, but the wars instigated by the US government, resulted in far far far more deaths than the dictators ever caused. I guess you consider that success.

News media are far more reliable compared to your opinion. We do not control our news media here in US......If you can't provide any link. It's bogus. Assad and Putin are the only 2 killing civilians in Syria.
Libya wether we as American get involved or not civil war is unavoidable. Libyans are sick with dictator. The same with the Syrians sick with their dictator. Keep trying.
I'm not sure if you know the difference. US admitted that they made a mistake in bombing the hospital in Afghanistan. It's been proven independently that Putin killed civilians but he denied all that killings. Assad senior and Assad junior has been killing his own people way before ISIS was born....... with full support of Putin. Try again you might impress me.
BTW........... ISIS still operational in Syria.

The difference? Jesus said "you will know them by their fruits" - what's wrong? Where's difference, except false words? :)

> It's been proven independently

WHAT??? Do you seriously think, there, in battlefield, independent side is really present? :)))) Do you really think so? :)))

> Assad senior and Assad junior has been killing his own people

No. If it's true, why US trying to reject election results in Syria? Do you think, people would vote for Assad, known as "murderer"? :) Will YOU vote for murderer of people, like you?

If Assad killed people, it weren't own people. Let Assad to cut Alavit territory, where he's indisputable leader - and rule other territory as you want... But I don't need to be an psychic to predict, how much ISIS oil will be extracted at this territory and sold through Turkey to the world market....

ISIS still operated in Syria because some of your candidates to president still upkeeping them... corresponding with them, using a private mail server...

We are talking about Putin and Syria not Turkey.......... Deflection is for political candidates.
Maybe your not even aware ISIS currently supply oil to Syrian government. Putin should be charge of war crimes together with Assad. So let me ask you this one more time. If Russia is doing a good job fighting ISIS in Syria...... Why do you think ISIS still capable of producing oil?

REVEALED: The oil middleman between the Syrian regime and ISIS

Nearly 1,400 civilians killed in Russia's Syria air strikes - monitor
If Putin and Assad are war criminals for their acts in Syria, then naturally you must agree so are Obama and Cankles? After all, they were responsible for instigating and promoting the civil war. Right?

No....... Syrian people had enough with Assad. Somebody need to stop Assad murdering his own people. Somebody need to stop Assad supporting terrorism which Putin thugs support. That will be America.
Aside from your propaganda you have not provided any link to prove your opinion.

The civil war has resulted in the deaths of far more people than Assad EVER did. Stop accepting the propaganda from the US government owned media.

Same as what occurred in Libya and Iraq. Both nations ruled by crazy dictators, but the wars instigated by the US government, resulted in far far far more deaths than the dictators ever caused. I guess you consider that success.

It seems in currrent world dictator usually a bit better to local population than democratic president.

Every leader must have a power of upkeeping. If the leader dictator - he had upkeepeng inside their people, because his world image so low... Democratic president usually use power of international capital, which never interests of people life inside country, only trying to plunder them... Gaddafi spent his oil rent to finance the native libyans - they had really life like in paradise, with a lot of money and advances of civilization... and he was kicked, factually, from Benhazi by migrants, not by native citizens.... So, now this migrants made a "Lybian vilayat" of ISIS as they wanted...
In this case US - one of a few democratic exceptions, because international capital uses US as source for military power and world finance infratructure...
You claim Assad as terrorist only because Assad don't trade oil with ISIS and don't have money to wash his name, like Erdogan or Erdogan's patron Killary...

You also claim killed by russian strikes as "civilian" only because you sitting in US, behind the fleet protection. I could see changing of your opinion with interest, if you was one of kurds, or ezids, or any of real Syrian civilian...

And also I don't tell anything about "US killers" when they strike medical objects in Afganistan - we all really don't know, who is hiding under a mask of "peaceful civilians"...

Only Europe now starting to learn this truth at their skin...

I'm not sure if you know the difference. US admitted that they made a mistake in bombing the hospital in Afghanistan. It's been proven independently that Putin killed civilians but he denied all that killings. Assad senior and Assad junior has been killing his own people way before ISIS was born....... with full support of Putin. Try again you might impress me.
BTW........... ISIS still operational in Syria.

The difference? Jesus said "you will know them by their fruits" - what's wrong? Where's difference, except false words? :)

> It's been proven independently

WHAT??? Do you seriously think, there, in battlefield, independent side is really present? :)))) Do you really think so? :)))

> Assad senior and Assad junior has been killing his own people

No. If it's true, why US trying to reject election results in Syria? Do you think, people would vote for Assad, known as "murderer"? :) Will YOU vote for murderer of people, like you?

If Assad killed people, it weren't own people. Let Assad to cut Alavit territory, where he's indisputable leader - and rule other territory as you want... But I don't need to be an psychic to predict, how much ISIS oil will be extracted at this territory and sold through Turkey to the world market....

ISIS still operated in Syria because some of your candidates to president still upkeeping them... corresponding with them, using a private mail server...

What election? We are talking about Putin and Syria not Turkey. You are impressing me with your propaganda. Jesus........... What in the world are you talking about?

THIS elections: Assad calls Syria parliamentary election for April
Did you knew something about that? Offcourse, this is "tyrannic" and "unlegitime" elections, because Siryan people VOTE FOR ASSAD!!!

It seems, you instinctively afraid and hate Assad just because he is a stomatologist... :)))

The German people love Hitler.........

And what? While is was internal deal of Germany, your American government upkeeped Hitler, helped him to make annexion of Sudetenland from Chech, approving a Munich agreement... Do you remember it?

Is the Assad aggressor? So, tell me, which country he tried to annexate? :)

what made you think Syrian people are no different? Yes Syrian will vote for a murderer. And you are a supporter.

Offcourse, we are! Because he is a murderer of ISIS terrorists... Which also kills britain and US citizens - have you seen this movies????

Maybe your not even aware that ISIS currently supply oil to Syrian government.

WHAT???? What a fat??? ISIS supply oil to Syrian government, and Siryan government fights with ISIS? How do you imagine it? "Hello, ISIS, thanks for your oil, here my bullet to you? Awaiting another batch..." :)))

Putin should be charge of war crimes together with Assad. So let me ask you this one more time. If Russia is doing a good job fighting ISIS in Syria...... Why do you think ISIS still capable of producing oil?

Because Turkey still upkeep ISIS...

Election with a dictator as a candidate? Election is a joke.

Think, HOW they can be a joke?
People will really vote for hated leader by the fear of death? :) Learn the history - there's no ways to force ALL population to skip their needs and hope, by vote for unwanted candidate.

To count a votes by "special" methodics? But Assad is not like Hillary in Harlem (How Hillary Clinton Won Harlem), Syrian elections are FREE to international observers. Try to visit them to find any procedure violations, before to claim this elections as "joke" ;)

And I gave you Hitler and the Germans as an example.

Hitler wasn't a murderer till the Britain and US closed seaports (and seaways!) for jude refugees...

So why cant Putin start bombing the supply line to Turkey. Sorry that is not the answer.

Putin doing it. Btw, right now too :)

Why Syria has not annexed?

Don't pervert my question. Tell me, which country was annexed by Sirya?

As I said repeatedly...... You have not provided any link to support your propaganda. But impressed with your support to Assad and Putin.

Oh, do you know Russian? I'll give you a lot of links to prove my words :)))

But I don't want you to change the source of media - they all are just a machines of propaganda. Think logically! Ask a questions! Don't translate media blindly, as you doing!!!

I can mistake - yes, I do, why not? But let's THINK, not re-stamp a media to USMB! :)

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