Russian economy worsens, explained in charts

Your response is absurd. I have never stated nor think Assad or Putin are nice guys. Please find where I posted such dribble.

You are a brainwashed American who thinks our media only speaks the truth and is not influenced by powerful forces in government.

Again you prove you know little about what is going on over there. Libya and Syria have much in common. Once Cankles and Big Ears got Qaddafi murdered and turned Libya into a feudal cesspool, they moved to Assad. They were running arms from Libya to Turkey to supply Syrian rebels...but you wouldn't know anything about that, since your media doesn't tell you.

1. You mentioned election in Syria.......... Which you which you defended in support of Assad. Election coming from a dictator is a joke. Nice try.
2. You denied all these atrocities committed by Assad and Putin. Nice try.
3. Dictators doesn't last forever especially if they support terrorism. Wether the US get involved or not it's bound to happen. Nice try.
4. So far all you've given me here are your own propaganda. No support. You are bogus. Nice try.
Also I'm familiar with the flow of arms to Syrian rebels. Syrian Rebels need protect themselves from Assad and Putin. Nice deflection.
Keep trying.
1. Never mentioned election in Syria...not one time.
2. Never denied atrocities...not one time.
3. Incomprehensible, so can't answer.
4. Believe what you want...I don't care.

So you admit to knowing the US gov was arming Syrian rebels. Good. We are making some progress...albeit little.

Are you serious?
1. Election read your post #88. Nice try.
2. Never denied atrocities..... Yeah right. I provided you several links about atrocities and yet you denied and blamed that we control the media. Nice try.
Yes everyone knew about US supplying arms to Syrian Rebels. They need to defend themselves from getting massacred from Assad which has been going on for a long time. So what is your point?

Sure you care. If not then why are you here defending Assad and Putin?

Post 88 is sbiker not me.
Again...never denied atrocities. In war there are always atrocities on all sides...that is one reason among many, why war should be avoided.

My point regarding the US arming the rebels is I am a non-interventionist. It is not our fight and none of our business. American interventions have ALWAYS lead to much death and suffering...and nothing good for the country. But...sadly, the warmongering a-holes in Washington DC are all about foreign interventions.

Sbiker and you are posting the same argument supporting Assad and Putin......... If you are non interventionist that's your problem. Then stay out of the way trying to justify Assad and Putin criminalities.
And what do you mean....... It's not our fight and none of our business?
1. We Americans NOT you. From all your argument with me. You belong in Russia or Syria.....
2. Syrian are getting slaughtered by Assad senior and junior......... For a very long time before even ISIS exist. We the Americans ( not you ) has to do something to stop these murderous act committed by Assad and Putin which you've been supporting.

Ok, Syrian are getting slaughtered by Assad. Is it a reason to take, in fact, side of ISIS, which slaugtered civilian people much more? If you think, the better salvation of bloodshed is exist, just tell us about it.

We the Americans ( not you ) has to do something to stop these murderous act committed by Assad and Putin

Yes, I agree, but how are you doing it? "Assad murdered 100 people! So, let's upkeep organization, which will murder another 10000, only to kick the Assad"? It seems, Syrian civilian lifes are really mean nothing for you...
Obama is bringing Putin to his knees

Shows the differerence between being a leader and being a bully
Obama is bringing Putin to his knees

Shows the differerence between being a leader and being a bully
You are so funny this morning Leftnutter.

Obama has the strongest economy in the world......Putin led his country into the dumps

What is the profit from it for you personnally? :)

What do I profit from?

Strongest dollar in twenty years
Low inflation
Surging stock market
Low unemployment

How you doing in Russia?

The Russian economy is the point that the efforts to modernize their military has stopped, Desperate Straights?

I think the spelling is "straits". Putin is indeed out of money for further adventures as long as oil is hovering in the $30 a barrel range. He has no sea presence, his submarines are in China, and his missile force is old and likely not much of a deterrent anymore. He's playing his cards like a guy who just bet his house on drawing an inside-straight. Once the Ivans start eating borscht 3 times a day, he'll be assassinated by his Chechen pal, poisoned by his protege, or disappear into hiding with his billion$. I give him another year, maybe two.
What do I profit from?

Strongest dollar in twenty years
Low inflation
Surging stock market
Low unemployment

How you doing in Russia?

:lol: The dollar buys less than it did in 2009, there's no inflation because there's no consumption to speak of. The stock market is now banks and institutional investors buying and selling assets from each other with free Fed money, and the real unemployment rate is between 15-18%.
What do I profit from?

Strongest dollar in twenty years
Low inflation
Surging stock market
Low unemployment

How you doing in Russia?

:lol: The dollar buys less than it did in 2009, there's no inflation because there's no consumption to speak of. The stock market is now banks and institutional investors buying and selling assets from each other with free Fed money, and the real unemployment rate is between 15-18%.

The numbers don't lie Tommy Boy

Have a MUCH stronger dollar than in 2009 and the inflation you have been threatening for the last seven tears never came about

Ready to compare our economy to Russia's Tommy Boy?
The numbers don't lie Tommy Boy

Have a MUCH stronger dollar than in 2009 and the inflation you have been threatening for the last seven tears never came about

Ready to compare our economy to Russia's Tommy Boy?

"Tommy boy"? You coming on to me, freak? All Obozo's numbers do is LIE and everybody knows know it but still won't admit to the creepshow his presidency has been. And why would I compare Russia's economy to ours? They have no economy to speak of after a hundred years of the same kind of socialist leg irons you'd put on ours. Coming here with your bullshit is a lost cause...all you're doing is making a fool of yourself.
The numbers don't lie Tommy Boy

Have a MUCH stronger dollar than in 2009 and the inflation you have been threatening for the last seven tears never came about

Ready to compare our economy to Russia's Tommy Boy?

"Tommy boy"? You coming on to me, freak? All Obozo's numbers do is LIE and everybody knows know it but still won't admit to the creepshow his presidency has been. And why would I compare Russia's economy to ours? They have no economy to speak of after a hundred years of the same kind of socialist leg irons you'd put on ours. Coming here with your bullshit is a lost cause...all you're doing is making a fool of yourself.
I know Tommy Boy.....if Obamas numbers are up, he must be making them up.
You do realize this thread is about Russia don't you Tommy Boy?
The numbers don't lie Tommy Boy

Have a MUCH stronger dollar than in 2009 and the inflation you have been threatening for the last seven tears never came about

Ready to compare our economy to Russia's Tommy Boy?

"Tommy boy"? You coming on to me, freak? All Obozo's numbers do is LIE and everybody knows know it but still won't admit to the creepshow his presidency has been. And why would I compare Russia's economy to ours? They have no economy to speak of after a hundred years of the same kind of socialist leg irons you'd put on ours. Coming here with your bullshit is a lost cause...all you're doing is making a fool of yourself.

I have more money in the bank than ever before. My RE investments have almost recovered from W's economic disaster. Employers in my area are begging for psople, And now the Republicans want another chance.

Obama is bringing Putin to his knees

Shows the differerence between being a leader and being a bully
You are so funny this morning Leftnutter.

Obama has the strongest economy in the world......Putin led his country into the dumps

What is the profit from it for you personnally? :)

What do I profit from?

Strongest dollar in twenty years
Low inflation
Surging stock market
Low unemployment

How you doing in Russia?
You are clearly a warmongering most Hillary lovers.
Obama is bringing Putin to his knees

Shows the differerence between being a leader and being a bully
You are so funny this morning Leftnutter.

Obama has the strongest economy in the world......Putin led his country into the dumps

What is the profit from it for you personnally? :)

What do I profit from?

Strongest dollar in twenty years
Low inflation
Surging stock market
Low unemployment

How you doing in Russia?
You are clearly a warmongering most Hillary lovers.

You mean President Hillary Clinton?
You are so funny this morning Leftnutter.

Obama has the strongest economy in the world......Putin led his country into the dumps

What is the profit from it for you personnally? :)

What do I profit from?

Strongest dollar in twenty years
Low inflation
Surging stock market
Low unemployment

How you doing in Russia?
You are clearly a warmongering most Hillary lovers.

You mean President Hillary Clinton?
and another useful idiot...raises his ugly head.
Obama has the strongest economy in the world......Putin led his country into the dumps

What is the profit from it for you personnally? :)

What do I profit from?

Strongest dollar in twenty years
Low inflation
Surging stock market
Low unemployment

How you doing in Russia?
You are clearly a warmongering most Hillary lovers.

You mean President Hillary Clinton?
and another useful idiot...raises his ugly head.

Try pulling your nose out of Putin's butt....
What is the profit from it for you personnally? :)

What do I profit from?

Strongest dollar in twenty years
Low inflation
Surging stock market
Low unemployment

How you doing in Russia?
You are clearly a warmongering most Hillary lovers.

You mean President Hillary Clinton?
and another useful idiot...raises his ugly head.

Try pulling your nose out of Putin's butt....
You morons always use Putin's butt and d*i*c*k , when you run out of arguments. Try to come up with something more smarter than that if you can.
Last edited:
I have more money in the bank than ever before. My RE investments have almost recovered from W's economic disaster. Employers in my area are begging for psople, And now the Republicans want another chance.

Good for you having your "investment" in crushed aluminum cans recovering from the 2008 meltdown. But it was Pelosi and Reid who bestowed that on us, not Dubya. Since the first liar in this thread doesn't stand a chance however you must defer to "rightwinger" who's already whiffed on the cause and effect of what Barry inherited and doubled-down on. He's doubled the debt AND unemployment...a feat thought impossible but he's done it. Your assertion that employers in your area are begging for "psople" is baffling that some kind of mexican chicken dish?

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