Russian economy worsens, explained in charts

No....... Syrian people had enough with Assad. Somebody need to stop Assad murdering his own people. Somebody need to stop Assad supporting terrorism which Putin thugs support. That will be America.
Aside from your propaganda you have not provided any link to prove your opinion.

When you have to stop ISIS terrorism... Stop them, don't talk... Why ISIS terrorists perish on Assad territories, and still live (and treat) in Turkey territory, which is member of NATO? :)

Why is ISIS still operational in Syria?

As I know, US forces promised to end ISIS in Syria...

Prove it..........
Putin is in Syria......... Why do you think ISIS still operational in Syria? And still capable of producing oil everyday by the million of gallons. Since you cannot answer this question that means you really don't know what is going on in Syria.

:)))))))) Ok, no promises, no marriage.... So, what's the deal in Syria to US? Why US special forces making operations inside Syria territory... What is the situation, when one souvereing state tried to dictate internal politic to another souvereign state, never promised anything? :)

US Special forces are looking for real state.
Obama is bringing Putin to his knees

Shows the differerence between being a leader and being a bully
You are so funny this morning Leftnutter.

Obama has the strongest economy in the world......Putin led his country into the dumps

What is the profit from it for you personnally? :)

What do I profit from?

Strongest dollar in twenty years
Low inflation
Surging stock market
Low unemployment

How you doing in Russia?

Don't laugh me :) Saudi Arabia wanted to low oil prices - so, where's your slate oil industry?

China would want to do everything - you'll lost your economics, instead of Putin and Russia existance ;)

I agree only with "low unemployment" - after your country will lost some millions of soldiers.... But all the same - it's neither good for economics nor for society...

In Russia we're great now... What worser can happen here after "democratization" and "friendship with US" in 90ths?
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Obama has the strongest economy in the world......Putin led his country into the dumps

What is the profit from it for you personnally? :)

What do I profit from?

Strongest dollar in twenty years
Low inflation
Surging stock market
Low unemployment

How you doing in Russia?
You are clearly a warmongering most Hillary lovers.

You mean President Hillary Clinton?
and another useful idiot...raises his ugly head.

How wide phrase "useful idiots" attributed to Lenin, usually used in US... But we don't use this phrase, because Lenin, in reality didn't use this phrase (it started to use by someone, who "heared it from Lenin" :)))) So, it's really one of marker, which helps to find non-native speakers (like "crimean girl - daughter of officer", or something another mems :))))
When you have to stop ISIS terrorism... Stop them, don't talk... Why ISIS terrorists perish on Assad territories, and still live (and treat) in Turkey territory, which is member of NATO? :)

Why is ISIS still operational in Syria?

As I know, US forces promised to end ISIS in Syria...

Prove it..........
Putin is in Syria......... Why do you think ISIS still operational in Syria? And still capable of producing oil everyday by the million of gallons. Since you cannot answer this question that means you really don't know what is going on in Syria.

:)))))))) Ok, no promises, no marriage.... So, what's the deal in Syria to US? Why US special forces making operations inside Syria territory... What is the situation, when one souvereing state tried to dictate internal politic to another souvereign state, never promised anything? :)

US Special forces are looking for real state.

With which target? To destroy it? :)
The numbers don't lie Tommy Boy

Have a MUCH stronger dollar than in 2009 and the inflation you have been threatening for the last seven tears never came about

Ready to compare our economy to Russia's Tommy Boy?

"Tommy boy"? You coming on to me, freak? All Obozo's numbers do is LIE and everybody knows know it but still won't admit to the creepshow his presidency has been. And why would I compare Russia's economy to ours? They have no economy to speak of after a hundred years of the same kind of socialist leg irons you'd put on ours. Coming here with your bullshit is a lost cause...all you're doing is making a fool of yourself.

You made two completely right conclusions from two absolutely wrong preconditions about Russia :)))

Russia really have no economy to speak right now, but not from socialists, but from two great attempts of "democratization", by Hitler in 40x and by US in 90x... :))

So, about Putin - you're right too, he is playing with fire here for a current time.. But not because of "losses of life level" - there are a few fools now (maybe a bit greater inside Moscow Ring Road - but a bit) who will think about percents of grow, faced to threat of physical elimination... We'll lost Putin, if he will continue to play a politic games like "Minsk agreement" (it seems they've got a great buzz before them), or crazy approval of Katyn, or any other mad things, when we losing russian people every day in Donbass... How many people in US would think about economics, if you lose Texas to Mexica, and mexicans would start to kill americans there every day?
Oh weeel as long as there's charts...

Nope. Unintelligible.

Ughm.... Hello there?
Oh ... hi.

How are you?

FIne, I'm great (AOT: in such "wasted" economics, as you know ;))) Drinking coffee, working and planning to visit St.Petersburg at 1st of May holidays.. And you?
Oh, I'm getting there. Im thinking of having dinner. The flies have gone because the sun went down.
Oh weeel as long as there's charts...

Nope. Unintelligible.

Cause you are very slow. Oil dropped last night. Poootin will not be able to invade another country for a few more months. Sounds like N Korea, huh?
Oh weeel as long as there's charts...

Nope. Unintelligible.

Ughm.... Hello there?
Oh ... hi.

How are you?

FIne, I'm great (AOT: in such "wasted" economics, as you know ;))) Drinking coffee, working and planning to visit St.Petersburg at 1st of May holidays.. And you?
Oh, I'm getting there. Im thinking of having dinner. The flies have gone because the sun went down.

It depends of sort of flies. Our flies usually roaring somewhere in heavens at nights, to teach new pilots, who don't know yet about wasting economy :)))
Americans are weak when it comes to economic downturns, inflation, unemployment etc. Russians are strong in those areas. They are able to shrug it off because of their history of dealing with these things in the past. Americans think that because of the impact of these things on themselves, it will have a similar effect on Russians. It is a miscalculation. It is probably far from the point that they have to stock up on pickled vegetables, a fifty-pound sack of potatoes and shelves of canned meats, salami's and dried fish, but if they have to they will do it, and be glad they have supplies for when extended family members may have to move in with them. In America, we panic when the price of hamburger goes up.
Oh weeel as long as there's charts...

Nope. Unintelligible.

Cause you are very slow. Oil dropped last night. Poootin will not be able to invade another country for a few more months. Sounds like N Korea, huh?

Hmmm. For the invasion to another country armies usually need fuel, not money :)

Really? Were you born under a rock? Poootin is hurting and that is one of the main reasons he retreated from Syria. If oil drops much more, the Russian economy may make a repeat of the fall of the Soviet Union. The big difference will be that Obama will not have to bankrupt the nation like RR did to facilitate the fall of the Berlin wall.
Oh weeel as long as there's charts...

Nope. Unintelligible.

Cause you are very slow. Oil dropped last night. Poootin will not be able to invade another country for a few more months. Sounds like N Korea, huh?

Hmmm. For the invasion to another country armies usually need fuel, not money :)

Really? Were you born under a rock? Poootin is hurting and that is one of the main reasons he retreated from Syria. If oil drops much more, the Russian economy may make a repeat of the fall of the Soviet Union. The big difference will be that Obama will not have to bankrupt the nation like RR did to facilitate the fall of the Berlin wall.
You have no clue. Must you believe all the lies of a lying State run media?

Do you know the national debt Russia is carrying? Clue: its a lot less than the USA...

If you are capable of reading and comprehending, this might help...
Why I’m Buying More Russian Stocks and Bonds - LewRockwell
Oh weeel as long as there's charts...

Nope. Unintelligible.

Cause you are very slow. Oil dropped last night. Poootin will not be able to invade another country for a few more months. Sounds like N Korea, huh?

Hmmm. For the invasion to another country armies usually need fuel, not money :)

Really? Were you born under a rock? Poootin is hurting and that is one of the main reasons he retreated from Syria. If oil drops much more, the Russian economy may make a repeat of the fall of the Soviet Union. The big difference will be that Obama will not have to bankrupt the nation like RR did to facilitate the fall of the Berlin wall.
Russia vs United States: Economy Facts and Stats

A reminder that these statistics come before the oil price plunge. It is like comparing the economy of the US to Podunk, Nowhere...

Yeah, it's true, but I have one small history too...

Эффективность экономики и ватная Рашка

Two almost identical manufactures of the nuclear fuel production from the military plutonium. "Almost identical" - because planning performances are the same.
Russian manufacture took 250 millions $ and already working...
American manufacture took 8 billions $ and need 17 billions $ above to complete...

Cheese :)))
Oh weeel as long as there's charts...

Nope. Unintelligible.

Cause you are very slow. Oil dropped last night. Poootin will not be able to invade another country for a few more months. Sounds like N Korea, huh?

Hmmm. For the invasion to another country armies usually need fuel, not money :)

Really? Were you born under a rock? Poootin is hurting and that is one of the main reasons he retreated from Syria. If oil drops much more, the Russian economy may make a repeat of the fall of the Soviet Union. The big difference will be that Obama will not have to bankrupt the nation like RR did to facilitate the fall of the Berlin wall.
Russia vs United States: Economy Facts and Stats

A reminder that these statistics come before the oil price plunge. It is like comparing the economy of the US to Podunk, Nowhere...

Yeah, it's true, but I have one small history too...

Эффективность экономики и ватная Рашка

Two almost identical manufactures of the nuclear fuel production from the military plutonium. "Almost identical" - because planning performances are the same.
Russian manufacture took 250 millions $ and already working...
American manufacture took 8 billions $ and need 17 billions $ above to complete...

Cheese :)))

WOW! Just Utopia! I hope you find a nice quiet apartment in Moscow. The US is just not good enough for you anymore. But I would like to give you a tip. Don't speak poorly of Poootin. You might find your dinner glowing with nuclear material or you could just die in drive-by that will never be solved, cause the courts in Russia dare not investigate their dear leader.

Have a nice trip to you Homeland, Russia!
I have more money in the bank than ever before. My RE investments have almost recovered from W's economic disaster. Employers in my area are begging for psople, And now the Republicans want another chance.

Good for you having your "investment" in crushed aluminum cans recovering from the 2008 meltdown. But it was Pelosi and Reid who bestowed that on us, not Dubya. Since the first liar in this thread doesn't stand a chance however you must defer to "rightwinger" who's already whiffed on the cause and effect of what Barry inherited and doubled-down on. He's doubled the debt AND unemployment...a feat thought impossible but he's done it. Your assertion that employers in your area are begging for "psople" is baffling that some kind of mexican chicken dish?

Trying to change history again? Everyone knows that W's economic policies which enriched the wealthy while invading the wrong country is what brought the US to its knees. I might add, we sank into the greatest recession since the great depression just in time for W to retire to his ranch in Texass, where the only remaining responsibility he has is to shine his boots. We are all grateful that this is the only thing he has to do now. Cause he really screwed the goose when he was in the White House.

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