Russian economy worsens, explained in charts

The difference? Jesus said "you will know them by their fruits" - what's wrong? Where's difference, except false words? :)

> It's been proven independently

WHAT??? Do you seriously think, there, in battlefield, independent side is really present? :)))) Do you really think so? :)))

> Assad senior and Assad junior has been killing his own people

No. If it's true, why US trying to reject election results in Syria? Do you think, people would vote for Assad, known as "murderer"? :) Will YOU vote for murderer of people, like you?

If Assad killed people, it weren't own people. Let Assad to cut Alavit territory, where he's indisputable leader - and rule other territory as you want... But I don't need to be an psychic to predict, how much ISIS oil will be extracted at this territory and sold through Turkey to the world market....

ISIS still operated in Syria because some of your candidates to president still upkeeping them... corresponding with them, using a private mail server...

We are talking about Putin and Syria not Turkey.......... Deflection is for political candidates.
Maybe your not even aware ISIS currently supply oil to Syrian government. Putin should be charge of war crimes together with Assad. So let me ask you this one more time. If Russia is doing a good job fighting ISIS in Syria...... Why do you think ISIS still capable of producing oil?

REVEALED: The oil middleman between the Syrian regime and ISIS

Nearly 1,400 civilians killed in Russia's Syria air strikes - monitor
If Putin and Assad are war criminals for their acts in Syria, then naturally you must agree so are Obama and Cankles? After all, they were responsible for instigating and promoting the civil war. Right?

No....... Syrian people had enough with Assad. Somebody need to stop Assad murdering his own people. Somebody need to stop Assad supporting terrorism which Putin thugs support. That will be America.
Aside from your propaganda you have not provided any link to prove your opinion.

The civil war has resulted in the deaths of far more people than Assad EVER did. Stop accepting the propaganda from the US government owned media.

Same as what occurred in Libya and Iraq. Both nations ruled by crazy dictators, but the wars instigated by the US government, resulted in far far far more deaths than the dictators ever caused. I guess you consider that success.

News media are far more reliable compared to your opinion. We do not control our news media here in US......If you can't provide any link. It's bogus. Assad and Putin are the only 2 killing civilians in Syria.
Libya wether we as American get involved or not civil war is unavoidable. Libyans are sick with dictator. The same with the Syrians sick with their dictator. Keep trying.

You may not control US media. Who finances media - doing it :)

Assad and Putin are the only 2 killing civilians in Syria.

Yeah, offcourse, Putin is a main world evil, like Melkor :)) He also left his wife and Kabaeva and in company of Assad took a yezidi sexual slave Nadia, to use her regularely with two trunks at the same time... Why not? Media said this, I just published a links to approve it!

The same with Gaddafi - he was a bad dictator, his project of taking water from a giant water reservoir to make Sakhara green and habitable was fully criminal! Now (Wow!) he's dead... Now Libya is a democratis ISIS wilayah and ruled by good democratic terrorists, killing a bad, evil civilians and making good, democratis terrorist strikes in EU...
The difference? Jesus said "you will know them by their fruits" - what's wrong? Where's difference, except false words? :)

> It's been proven independently

WHAT??? Do you seriously think, there, in battlefield, independent side is really present? :)))) Do you really think so? :)))

> Assad senior and Assad junior has been killing his own people

No. If it's true, why US trying to reject election results in Syria? Do you think, people would vote for Assad, known as "murderer"? :) Will YOU vote for murderer of people, like you?

If Assad killed people, it weren't own people. Let Assad to cut Alavit territory, where he's indisputable leader - and rule other territory as you want... But I don't need to be an psychic to predict, how much ISIS oil will be extracted at this territory and sold through Turkey to the world market....

ISIS still operated in Syria because some of your candidates to president still upkeeping them... corresponding with them, using a private mail server...

We are talking about Putin and Syria not Turkey.......... Deflection is for political candidates.
Maybe your not even aware ISIS currently supply oil to Syrian government. Putin should be charge of war crimes together with Assad. So let me ask you this one more time. If Russia is doing a good job fighting ISIS in Syria...... Why do you think ISIS still capable of producing oil?

REVEALED: The oil middleman between the Syrian regime and ISIS

Nearly 1,400 civilians killed in Russia's Syria air strikes - monitor
If Putin and Assad are war criminals for their acts in Syria, then naturally you must agree so are Obama and Cankles? After all, they were responsible for instigating and promoting the civil war. Right?

No....... Syrian people had enough with Assad. Somebody need to stop Assad murdering his own people. Somebody need to stop Assad supporting terrorism which Putin thugs support. That will be America.
Aside from your propaganda you have not provided any link to prove your opinion.

The civil war has resulted in the deaths of far more people than Assad EVER did. Stop accepting the propaganda from the US government owned media.

Same as what occurred in Libya and Iraq. Both nations ruled by crazy dictators, but the wars instigated by the US government, resulted in far far far more deaths than the dictators ever caused. I guess you consider that success.

News media are far more reliable compared to your opinion. We do not control our news media here in US......If you can't provide any link. It's bogus. Assad and Putin are the only 2 killing civilians in Syria.
Libya wether we as American get involved or not civil war is unavoidable. Libyans are sick with dictator. The same with the Syrians sick with their dictator. Keep trying.
That post proves you are delusional. The MSM is just about entirely controlled by the government, either directly or covertly.

The American MSM news reports on Russia and Syria are perfect examples. All we get are negative reports about Assad and Putin....the chemical attack in Syria was clearly not caused by Assad, but if you read the US government controlled media, you believe Assad caused it. You also believe Putin invaded Ukraine, stole Crimea, and shot down a civilian jetliner....all lies. We get little on the US gov's involvement in gun running from Libya to Turkey to supply Syrian rebels with American arms, thus fomenting the civil war and causing many civilian deaths...we get nothing on Ambassador Stevens CIA involvement in gun running....why the fuck do you think he was in Benghazi, with little protection???

Wake the FUCK up!!!
You claim Assad as terrorist only because Assad don't trade oil with ISIS and don't have money to wash his name, like Erdogan or Erdogan's patron Killary...

You also claim killed by russian strikes as "civilian" only because you sitting in US, behind the fleet protection. I could see changing of your opinion with interest, if you was one of kurds, or ezids, or any of real Syrian civilian...

And also I don't tell anything about "US killers" when they strike medical objects in Afganistan - we all really don't know, who is hiding under a mask of "peaceful civilians"...

Only Europe now starting to learn this truth at their skin...

I'm not sure if you know the difference. US admitted that they made a mistake in bombing the hospital in Afghanistan. It's been proven independently that Putin killed civilians but he denied all that killings. Assad senior and Assad junior has been killing his own people way before ISIS was born....... with full support of Putin. Try again you might impress me.
BTW........... ISIS still operational in Syria.

The difference? Jesus said "you will know them by their fruits" - what's wrong? Where's difference, except false words? :)

> It's been proven independently

WHAT??? Do you seriously think, there, in battlefield, independent side is really present? :)))) Do you really think so? :)))

> Assad senior and Assad junior has been killing his own people

No. If it's true, why US trying to reject election results in Syria? Do you think, people would vote for Assad, known as "murderer"? :) Will YOU vote for murderer of people, like you?

If Assad killed people, it weren't own people. Let Assad to cut Alavit territory, where he's indisputable leader - and rule other territory as you want... But I don't need to be an psychic to predict, how much ISIS oil will be extracted at this territory and sold through Turkey to the world market....

ISIS still operated in Syria because some of your candidates to president still upkeeping them... corresponding with them, using a private mail server...

What election? We are talking about Putin and Syria not Turkey. You are impressing me with your propaganda. Jesus........... What in the world are you talking about?

THIS elections: Assad calls Syria parliamentary election for April
Did you knew something about that? Offcourse, this is "tyrannic" and "unlegitime" elections, because Siryan people VOTE FOR ASSAD!!!

It seems, you instinctively afraid and hate Assad just because he is a stomatologist... :)))

The German people love Hitler.........

And what? While is was internal deal of Germany, your American government upkeeped Hitler, helped him to make annexion of Sudetenland from Chech, approving a Munich agreement... Do you remember it?

Is the Assad aggressor? So, tell me, which country he tried to annexate? :)

what made you think Syrian people are no different? Yes Syrian will vote for a murderer. And you are a supporter.

Offcourse, we are! Because he is a murderer of ISIS terrorists... Which also kills britain and US citizens - have you seen this movies????

Maybe your not even aware that ISIS currently supply oil to Syrian government.

WHAT???? What a fat??? ISIS supply oil to Syrian government, and Siryan government fights with ISIS? How do you imagine it? "Hello, ISIS, thanks for your oil, here my bullet to you? Awaiting another batch..." :)))

Putin should be charge of war crimes together with Assad. So let me ask you this one more time. If Russia is doing a good job fighting ISIS in Syria...... Why do you think ISIS still capable of producing oil?

Because Turkey still upkeep ISIS...

Election with a dictator as a candidate? Election is a joke.
You asked me is Syrian will vote for a murderer. From a dictator government.............. yes Syrian will vote for a murderer. And I gave you Hitler and the Germans as an example.
I asked you why ISIS still operational in Syria. You gave Turkey an excuse. So why cant Putin start bombing the supply line to Turkey. Sorry that is not the answer.
I provided you a link that ISIS supplying oil to Syrian government....... Which you didn't even know.
Why Syria has not annexed? To where Israel? That will be the end of Assad and the civil war. Don't you think? Assad is a big supporter of terrorism murdering his own people with the support of Putin. That has nothing to do with an annexation.
As I said repeatedly...... You have not provided any link to support your propaganda. But impressed with your support to Assad and Putin.
Bleipriester has posted quite a bit of information about Syrian elections:
Syrian Parliamentary Elections 2016

But again, I doubt you, Charwin, will read it: you just love to run your big mouth. Now let’s see where the “news” from Syria are coming from:

Since joining the fight against Islamic State, Russia’s efforts in Syria have been repeatedly attacked by the Western mainstream media, which have published many unconfirmed reports employing scaremongering tactics.

The source in all the stories the story was identified as the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which is run by one man– Rami Abdulrahman. Just recently, Abdulrahman said that the last time he had been in Syria was 15 years ago and that all the information for his reports is taken from “some of the Observatory activists” who he knows“through common friends.”
War of Words: Russian Foreign Ministry calls out MSM reports on hospital strike in Syria

One of the most widely cited ‘organizations’ in the Western media pertaining to the Syrian conflict is the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR). As Tony Cartalucci astutely noted back in 2012, in his article:West’s Syrian Narrative Based on “Guy in British Apartment”, the Western media portrays the SOHR as a group of impartial and highly skilled professionals who are based in Syria:

“One would believe this to be a giant sprawling organization with hundreds of members working hard on the ground, documenting evidence in Syria with photographs and video,while coordinating with foreign press to transparently and objectively “observe” the “human rights” conditions in Syria, as well as demonstrate their methodologies. Surely that is the impression the Western media attempts to relay to its readers.”

The SOHR was founded in 2006 by the enigmatic Rami Abdulrahman (also spelled Abdurrahman, but his real name is Ossama Suleiman), who is also the director of the one-man group.He is the only individual publicly listed as working for the SOHR, with even the New York Times admitting in a 2013 article that the SOHR is “virtually a one-man band”.

Secondly,Abdulrahman is not an impartial individual himself, and is starkly opposed to the Syrian government. He told Reuters in 2012 that he would only return to Syria “when Bashar al-Assad goes”. (It should also be noted that when he was still living in Syria, Abdulrahman supposedly served three brief spells in a Syrian jail for what Reuters called “pro-democracy activism” – you can make of that what you wish).

Furthermore, the SOHR casualty count for certain periods in the Syrian conflict often differs from the figures calculated by specialists from around the world.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights is a Tool of Western Propaganda | New Eastern Outlook

See, Charwin, I provided quite a few links, just like you always demand. So, enjoy, darling Charwin!
Last edited:
I'm not sure if you know the difference. US admitted that they made a mistake in bombing the hospital in Afghanistan. It's been proven independently that Putin killed civilians but he denied all that killings. Assad senior and Assad junior has been killing his own people way before ISIS was born....... with full support of Putin. Try again you might impress me.
BTW........... ISIS still operational in Syria.

The difference? Jesus said "you will know them by their fruits" - what's wrong? Where's difference, except false words? :)

> It's been proven independently

WHAT??? Do you seriously think, there, in battlefield, independent side is really present? :)))) Do you really think so? :)))

> Assad senior and Assad junior has been killing his own people

No. If it's true, why US trying to reject election results in Syria? Do you think, people would vote for Assad, known as "murderer"? :) Will YOU vote for murderer of people, like you?

If Assad killed people, it weren't own people. Let Assad to cut Alavit territory, where he's indisputable leader - and rule other territory as you want... But I don't need to be an psychic to predict, how much ISIS oil will be extracted at this territory and sold through Turkey to the world market....

ISIS still operated in Syria because some of your candidates to president still upkeeping them... corresponding with them, using a private mail server...

We are talking about Putin and Syria not Turkey.......... Deflection is for political candidates.
Maybe your not even aware ISIS currently supply oil to Syrian government. Putin should be charge of war crimes together with Assad. So let me ask you this one more time. If Russia is doing a good job fighting ISIS in Syria...... Why do you think ISIS still capable of producing oil?

REVEALED: The oil middleman between the Syrian regime and ISIS

Nearly 1,400 civilians killed in Russia's Syria air strikes - monitor
If Putin and Assad are war criminals for their acts in Syria, then naturally you must agree so are Obama and Cankles? After all, they were responsible for instigating and promoting the civil war. Right?

No....... Syrian people had enough with Assad. Somebody need to stop Assad murdering his own people. Somebody need to stop Assad supporting terrorism which Putin thugs support. That will be America.
Aside from your propaganda you have not provided any link to prove your opinion.

When you have to stop ISIS terrorism... Stop them, don't talk... Why ISIS terrorists perish on Assad territories, and still live (and treat) in Turkey territory, which is member of NATO? :)

Why is ISIS still operational in Syria?
I'm not sure if you know the difference. US admitted that they made a mistake in bombing the hospital in Afghanistan. It's been proven independently that Putin killed civilians but he denied all that killings. Assad senior and Assad junior has been killing his own people way before ISIS was born....... with full support of Putin. Try again you might impress me.
BTW........... ISIS still operational in Syria.

The difference? Jesus said "you will know them by their fruits" - what's wrong? Where's difference, except false words? :)

> It's been proven independently

WHAT??? Do you seriously think, there, in battlefield, independent side is really present? :)))) Do you really think so? :)))

> Assad senior and Assad junior has been killing his own people

No. If it's true, why US trying to reject election results in Syria? Do you think, people would vote for Assad, known as "murderer"? :) Will YOU vote for murderer of people, like you?

If Assad killed people, it weren't own people. Let Assad to cut Alavit territory, where he's indisputable leader - and rule other territory as you want... But I don't need to be an psychic to predict, how much ISIS oil will be extracted at this territory and sold through Turkey to the world market....

ISIS still operated in Syria because some of your candidates to president still upkeeping them... corresponding with them, using a private mail server...

What election? We are talking about Putin and Syria not Turkey. You are impressing me with your propaganda. Jesus........... What in the world are you talking about?

THIS elections: Assad calls Syria parliamentary election for April
Did you knew something about that? Offcourse, this is "tyrannic" and "unlegitime" elections, because Siryan people VOTE FOR ASSAD!!!

It seems, you instinctively afraid and hate Assad just because he is a stomatologist... :)))

The German people love Hitler.........

And what? While is was internal deal of Germany, your American government upkeeped Hitler, helped him to make annexion of Sudetenland from Chech, approving a Munich agreement... Do you remember it?

Is the Assad aggressor? So, tell me, which country he tried to annexate? :)

what made you think Syrian people are no different? Yes Syrian will vote for a murderer. And you are a supporter.

Offcourse, we are! Because he is a murderer of ISIS terrorists... Which also kills britain and US citizens - have you seen this movies????

Maybe your not even aware that ISIS currently supply oil to Syrian government.

WHAT???? What a fat??? ISIS supply oil to Syrian government, and Siryan government fights with ISIS? How do you imagine it? "Hello, ISIS, thanks for your oil, here my bullet to you? Awaiting another batch..." :)))

Putin should be charge of war crimes together with Assad. So let me ask you this one more time. If Russia is doing a good job fighting ISIS in Syria...... Why do you think ISIS still capable of producing oil?

Because Turkey still upkeep ISIS...

Election with a dictator as a candidate? Election is a joke.

Think, HOW they can be a joke?
People will really vote for hated leader by the fear of death? :) Learn the history - there's no ways to force ALL population to skip their needs and hope, by vote for unwanted candidate.

To count a votes by "special" methodics? But Assad is not like Hillary in Harlem (How Hillary Clinton Won Harlem), Syrian elections are FREE to international observers. Try to visit them to find any procedure violations, before to claim this elections as "joke" ;)

And I gave you Hitler and the Germans as an example.

Hitler wasn't a murderer till the Britain and US closed seaports (and seaways!) for jude refugees...

So why cant Putin start bombing the supply line to Turkey. Sorry that is not the answer.

Putin doing it. Btw, right now too :)

Why Syria has not annexed?

Don't pervert my question. Tell me, which country was annexed by Sirya?

As I said repeatedly...... You have not provided any link to support your propaganda. But impressed with your support to Assad and Putin.

Oh, do you know Russian? I'll give you a lot of links to prove my words :)))

But I don't want you to change the source of media - they all are just a machines of propaganda. Think logically! Ask a questions! Don't translate media blindly, as you doing!!!

I can mistake - yes, I do, why not? But let's THINK, not re-stamp a media to USMB! :)

Dictators controlled everything. Election results will be so easy for a dictator to control. Election in Syria with Assad as the candidate is a big JOKE. You are funny...... You mentioned international observer. There are international observer monitoring the civil war in Syria reporting all these atrocities committed by Putin and Assad............... which you denied.
Let me repeat........ Germans love Hitler a murderer. Syrians will vote for Assad a murderer.
Actually you are the one perverting and trying to change the subject........ Syria has not annexed any territory but that doesn't change a single bit that he is a supporter of terrorism and killing his own people with the support of Putin.
Russian media....... Tell me how many news media that Putin thug has shut off?
We have freedom speech here in America we do not control the news media................ Your opinion is just a propaganda.
Last edited:
We are talking about Putin and Syria not Turkey.......... Deflection is for political candidates.
Maybe your not even aware ISIS currently supply oil to Syrian government. Putin should be charge of war crimes together with Assad. So let me ask you this one more time. If Russia is doing a good job fighting ISIS in Syria...... Why do you think ISIS still capable of producing oil?

REVEALED: The oil middleman between the Syrian regime and ISIS

Nearly 1,400 civilians killed in Russia's Syria air strikes - monitor
If Putin and Assad are war criminals for their acts in Syria, then naturally you must agree so are Obama and Cankles? After all, they were responsible for instigating and promoting the civil war. Right?

No....... Syrian people had enough with Assad. Somebody need to stop Assad murdering his own people. Somebody need to stop Assad supporting terrorism which Putin thugs support. That will be America.
Aside from your propaganda you have not provided any link to prove your opinion.

The civil war has resulted in the deaths of far more people than Assad EVER did. Stop accepting the propaganda from the US government owned media.

Same as what occurred in Libya and Iraq. Both nations ruled by crazy dictators, but the wars instigated by the US government, resulted in far far far more deaths than the dictators ever caused. I guess you consider that success.

News media are far more reliable compared to your opinion. We do not control our news media here in US......If you can't provide any link. It's bogus. Assad and Putin are the only 2 killing civilians in Syria.
Libya wether we as American get involved or not civil war is unavoidable. Libyans are sick with dictator. The same with the Syrians sick with their dictator. Keep trying.

You may not control US media. Who finances media - doing it :)

Assad and Putin are the only 2 killing civilians in Syria.

Yeah, offcourse, Putin is a main world evil, like Melkor :)) He also left his wife and Kabaeva and in company of Assad took a yezidi sexual slave Nadia, to use her regularely with two trunks at the same time... Why not? Media said this, I just published a links to approve it!

The same with Gaddafi - he was a bad dictator, his project of taking water from a giant water reservoir to make Sakhara green and habitable was fully criminal! Now (Wow!) he's dead... Now Libya is a democratis ISIS wilayah and ruled by good democratic terrorists, killing a bad, evil civilians and making good, democratis terrorist strikes in EU...

We have freedom of speech here in America. We do not control our media.
Dictators doesn't last forever. Whether the US get involved or not in Libya people will revolt against their leader.
Marcos of the Philippines as an example ruled the country for 20 years.......... He was deposed by his own people. Shah of Iran........
We are talking about Putin and Syria not Turkey.......... Deflection is for political candidates.
Maybe your not even aware ISIS currently supply oil to Syrian government. Putin should be charge of war crimes together with Assad. So let me ask you this one more time. If Russia is doing a good job fighting ISIS in Syria...... Why do you think ISIS still capable of producing oil?

REVEALED: The oil middleman between the Syrian regime and ISIS

Nearly 1,400 civilians killed in Russia's Syria air strikes - monitor
If Putin and Assad are war criminals for their acts in Syria, then naturally you must agree so are Obama and Cankles? After all, they were responsible for instigating and promoting the civil war. Right?

No....... Syrian people had enough with Assad. Somebody need to stop Assad murdering his own people. Somebody need to stop Assad supporting terrorism which Putin thugs support. That will be America.
Aside from your propaganda you have not provided any link to prove your opinion.

The civil war has resulted in the deaths of far more people than Assad EVER did. Stop accepting the propaganda from the US government owned media.

Same as what occurred in Libya and Iraq. Both nations ruled by crazy dictators, but the wars instigated by the US government, resulted in far far far more deaths than the dictators ever caused. I guess you consider that success.

News media are far more reliable compared to your opinion. We do not control our news media here in US......If you can't provide any link. It's bogus. Assad and Putin are the only 2 killing civilians in Syria.
Libya wether we as American get involved or not civil war is unavoidable. Libyans are sick with dictator. The same with the Syrians sick with their dictator. Keep trying.
That post proves you are delusional. The MSM is just about entirely controlled by the government, either directly or covertly.

The American MSM news reports on Russia and Syria are perfect examples. All we get are negative reports about Assad and Putin....the chemical attack in Syria was clearly not caused by Assad, but if you read the US government controlled media, you believe Assad caused it. You also believe Putin invaded Ukraine, stole Crimea, and shot down a civilian jetliner....all lies. We get little on the US gov's involvement in gun running from Libya to Turkey to supply Syrian rebels with American arms, thus fomenting the civil war and causing many civilian deaths...we get nothing on Ambassador Stevens CIA involvement in gun running....why the fuck do you think he was in Benghazi, with little protection???

Wake the FUCK up!!!

Actually I thought you are the one that is delusional denying and supporting all these crap committed by Putin and Assad. Living I a dream that Assad and Putin is s nice guy.......Why do you think Assad gave up all his chemical weapons?
Show me any proof that Assad did NOT gas his own people. If not you are bogus.
And where the fuck you've been when Assad senior killing his own people and supporting terrorism which Assad junior took over.
What the fuck Bengazi has anything to do with Syrian discussion? Stay with the topic.
If Putin and Assad are war criminals for their acts in Syria, then naturally you must agree so are Obama and Cankles? After all, they were responsible for instigating and promoting the civil war. Right?

No....... Syrian people had enough with Assad. Somebody need to stop Assad murdering his own people. Somebody need to stop Assad supporting terrorism which Putin thugs support. That will be America.
Aside from your propaganda you have not provided any link to prove your opinion.

The civil war has resulted in the deaths of far more people than Assad EVER did. Stop accepting the propaganda from the US government owned media.

Same as what occurred in Libya and Iraq. Both nations ruled by crazy dictators, but the wars instigated by the US government, resulted in far far far more deaths than the dictators ever caused. I guess you consider that success.

News media are far more reliable compared to your opinion. We do not control our news media here in US......If you can't provide any link. It's bogus. Assad and Putin are the only 2 killing civilians in Syria.
Libya wether we as American get involved or not civil war is unavoidable. Libyans are sick with dictator. The same with the Syrians sick with their dictator. Keep trying.
That post proves you are delusional. The MSM is just about entirely controlled by the government, either directly or covertly.

The American MSM news reports on Russia and Syria are perfect examples. All we get are negative reports about Assad and Putin....the chemical attack in Syria was clearly not caused by Assad, but if you read the US government controlled media, you believe Assad caused it. You also believe Putin invaded Ukraine, stole Crimea, and shot down a civilian jetliner....all lies. We get little on the US gov's involvement in gun running from Libya to Turkey to supply Syrian rebels with American arms, thus fomenting the civil war and causing many civilian deaths...we get nothing on Ambassador Stevens CIA involvement in gun running....why the fuck do you think he was in Benghazi, with little protection???

Wake the FUCK up!!!

Actually I thought you are the one that is delusional denying and supporting all these crap committed by Putin and Assad. Living I a dream that Assad and Putin is s nice guy.......Why do you think Assad gave up all his chemical weapons?
Show me any proof that Assad did NOT gas his own people. If not you are bogus.
And where the fuck you've been when Assad senior killing his own people and supporting terrorism which Assad junior took over.
What the fuck Bengazi has anything to do with Syrian discussion? Stay with the topic.
Your response is absurd. I have never stated nor think Assad or Putin are nice guys. Please find where I posted such dribble.

You are a brainwashed American who thinks our media only speaks the truth and is not influenced by powerful forces in government.

Again you prove you know little about what is going on over there. Libya and Syria have much in common. Once Cankles and Big Ears got Qaddafi murdered and turned Libya into a feudal cesspool, they moved to Assad. They were running arms from Libya to Turkey to supply Syrian rebels...but you wouldn't know anything about that, since your media doesn't tell you.
We are talking about Putin and Syria not Turkey.......... Deflection is for political candidates.
Maybe your not even aware ISIS currently supply oil to Syrian government. Putin should be charge of war crimes together with Assad. So let me ask you this one more time. If Russia is doing a good job fighting ISIS in Syria...... Why do you think ISIS still capable of producing oil?

REVEALED: The oil middleman between the Syrian regime and ISIS

Nearly 1,400 civilians killed in Russia's Syria air strikes - monitor
If Putin and Assad are war criminals for their acts in Syria, then naturally you must agree so are Obama and Cankles? After all, they were responsible for instigating and promoting the civil war. Right?

No....... Syrian people had enough with Assad. Somebody need to stop Assad murdering his own people. Somebody need to stop Assad supporting terrorism which Putin thugs support. That will be America.
Aside from your propaganda you have not provided any link to prove your opinion.

The civil war has resulted in the deaths of far more people than Assad EVER did. Stop accepting the propaganda from the US government owned media.

Same as what occurred in Libya and Iraq. Both nations ruled by crazy dictators, but the wars instigated by the US government, resulted in far far far more deaths than the dictators ever caused. I guess you consider that success.

News media are far more reliable compared to your opinion. We do not control our news media here in US......If you can't provide any link. It's bogus. Assad and Putin are the only 2 killing civilians in Syria.
Libya wether we as American get involved or not civil war is unavoidable. Libyans are sick with dictator. The same with the Syrians sick with their dictator. Keep trying.
That post proves you are delusional. The MSM is just about entirely controlled by the government, either directly or covertly.

The American MSM news reports on Russia and Syria are perfect examples. All we get are negative reports about Assad and Putin....the chemical attack in Syria was clearly not caused by Assad, but if you read the US government controlled media, you believe Assad caused it. You also believe Putin invaded Ukraine, stole Crimea, and shot down a civilian jetliner....all lies. We get little on the US gov's involvement in gun running from Libya to Turkey to supply Syrian rebels with American arms, thus fomenting the civil war and causing many civilian deaths...we get nothing on Ambassador Stevens CIA involvement in gun running....why the fuck do you think he was in Benghazi, with little protection???

Wake the FUCK up!!!

All "silent majority" or Russia now hate Putin, because he still didn't invade and protect russian people in Left-coast Ukraine...He didn't forbid to volunteers go to DNR to fight with nazi, heэы making humanitarian help, he periodically does some "north wind" - upkeep rebels by artillery against superior nazi forces... But why he still playing this dirty game with Hitler's lovers? Instead of Ukraine, which absolutely don't keep any Minsk agreements - and all know it, except international observers....

And other problem of current Putin's government - they're trying to rewrite Russian history again.... Rewriting of history was one of really serious crime of communists - and today government trying to walk at the same rakes...
The difference? Jesus said "you will know them by their fruits" - what's wrong? Where's difference, except false words? :)

> It's been proven independently

WHAT??? Do you seriously think, there, in battlefield, independent side is really present? :)))) Do you really think so? :)))

> Assad senior and Assad junior has been killing his own people

No. If it's true, why US trying to reject election results in Syria? Do you think, people would vote for Assad, known as "murderer"? :) Will YOU vote for murderer of people, like you?

If Assad killed people, it weren't own people. Let Assad to cut Alavit territory, where he's indisputable leader - and rule other territory as you want... But I don't need to be an psychic to predict, how much ISIS oil will be extracted at this territory and sold through Turkey to the world market....

ISIS still operated in Syria because some of your candidates to president still upkeeping them... corresponding with them, using a private mail server...

We are talking about Putin and Syria not Turkey.......... Deflection is for political candidates.
Maybe your not even aware ISIS currently supply oil to Syrian government. Putin should be charge of war crimes together with Assad. So let me ask you this one more time. If Russia is doing a good job fighting ISIS in Syria...... Why do you think ISIS still capable of producing oil?

REVEALED: The oil middleman between the Syrian regime and ISIS

Nearly 1,400 civilians killed in Russia's Syria air strikes - monitor
If Putin and Assad are war criminals for their acts in Syria, then naturally you must agree so are Obama and Cankles? After all, they were responsible for instigating and promoting the civil war. Right?

No....... Syrian people had enough with Assad. Somebody need to stop Assad murdering his own people. Somebody need to stop Assad supporting terrorism which Putin thugs support. That will be America.
Aside from your propaganda you have not provided any link to prove your opinion.

When you have to stop ISIS terrorism... Stop them, don't talk... Why ISIS terrorists perish on Assad territories, and still live (and treat) in Turkey territory, which is member of NATO? :)

Why is ISIS still operational in Syria?

As I know, US forces promised to end ISIS in Syria...
No....... Syrian people had enough with Assad. Somebody need to stop Assad murdering his own people. Somebody need to stop Assad supporting terrorism which Putin thugs support. That will be America.
Aside from your propaganda you have not provided any link to prove your opinion.

The civil war has resulted in the deaths of far more people than Assad EVER did. Stop accepting the propaganda from the US government owned media.

Same as what occurred in Libya and Iraq. Both nations ruled by crazy dictators, but the wars instigated by the US government, resulted in far far far more deaths than the dictators ever caused. I guess you consider that success.

News media are far more reliable compared to your opinion. We do not control our news media here in US......If you can't provide any link. It's bogus. Assad and Putin are the only 2 killing civilians in Syria.
Libya wether we as American get involved or not civil war is unavoidable. Libyans are sick with dictator. The same with the Syrians sick with their dictator. Keep trying.
That post proves you are delusional. The MSM is just about entirely controlled by the government, either directly or covertly.

The American MSM news reports on Russia and Syria are perfect examples. All we get are negative reports about Assad and Putin....the chemical attack in Syria was clearly not caused by Assad, but if you read the US government controlled media, you believe Assad caused it. You also believe Putin invaded Ukraine, stole Crimea, and shot down a civilian jetliner....all lies. We get little on the US gov's involvement in gun running from Libya to Turkey to supply Syrian rebels with American arms, thus fomenting the civil war and causing many civilian deaths...we get nothing on Ambassador Stevens CIA involvement in gun running....why the fuck do you think he was in Benghazi, with little protection???

Wake the FUCK up!!!

Actually I thought you are the one that is delusional denying and supporting all these crap committed by Putin and Assad. Living I a dream that Assad and Putin is s nice guy.......Why do you think Assad gave up all his chemical weapons?
Show me any proof that Assad did NOT gas his own people. If not you are bogus.
And where the fuck you've been when Assad senior killing his own people and supporting terrorism which Assad junior took over.
What the fuck Bengazi has anything to do with Syrian discussion? Stay with the topic.
Your response is absurd. I have never stated nor think Assad or Putin are nice guys. Please find where I posted such dribble.

You are a brainwashed American who thinks our media only speaks the truth and is not influenced by powerful forces in government.

Again you prove you know little about what is going on over there. Libya and Syria have much in common. Once Cankles and Big Ears got Qaddafi murdered and turned Libya into a feudal cesspool, they moved to Assad. They were running arms from Libya to Turkey to supply Syrian rebels...but you wouldn't know anything about that, since your media doesn't tell you.

1. You mentioned election in Syria.......... Which you which you defended in support of Assad. Election coming from a dictator is a joke. Nice try.
2. You denied all these atrocities committed by Assad and Putin. Nice try.
3. Dictators doesn't last forever especially if they support terrorism. Wether the US get involved or not it's bound to happen. Nice try.
4. So far all you've given me here are your own propaganda. No support. You are bogus. Nice try.
Also I'm familiar with the flow of arms to Syrian rebels. Syrian Rebels need protect themselves from Assad and Putin. Nice deflection.
Keep trying.
The difference? Jesus said "you will know them by their fruits" - what's wrong? Where's difference, except false words? :)

> It's been proven independently

WHAT??? Do you seriously think, there, in battlefield, independent side is really present? :)))) Do you really think so? :)))

> Assad senior and Assad junior has been killing his own people

No. If it's true, why US trying to reject election results in Syria? Do you think, people would vote for Assad, known as "murderer"? :) Will YOU vote for murderer of people, like you?

If Assad killed people, it weren't own people. Let Assad to cut Alavit territory, where he's indisputable leader - and rule other territory as you want... But I don't need to be an psychic to predict, how much ISIS oil will be extracted at this territory and sold through Turkey to the world market....

ISIS still operated in Syria because some of your candidates to president still upkeeping them... corresponding with them, using a private mail server...

What election? We are talking about Putin and Syria not Turkey. You are impressing me with your propaganda. Jesus........... What in the world are you talking about?

THIS elections: Assad calls Syria parliamentary election for April
Did you knew something about that? Offcourse, this is "tyrannic" and "unlegitime" elections, because Siryan people VOTE FOR ASSAD!!!

It seems, you instinctively afraid and hate Assad just because he is a stomatologist... :)))

The German people love Hitler.........

And what? While is was internal deal of Germany, your American government upkeeped Hitler, helped him to make annexion of Sudetenland from Chech, approving a Munich agreement... Do you remember it?

Is the Assad aggressor? So, tell me, which country he tried to annexate? :)

what made you think Syrian people are no different? Yes Syrian will vote for a murderer. And you are a supporter.

Offcourse, we are! Because he is a murderer of ISIS terrorists... Which also kills britain and US citizens - have you seen this movies????

Maybe your not even aware that ISIS currently supply oil to Syrian government.

WHAT???? What a fat??? ISIS supply oil to Syrian government, and Siryan government fights with ISIS? How do you imagine it? "Hello, ISIS, thanks for your oil, here my bullet to you? Awaiting another batch..." :)))

Putin should be charge of war crimes together with Assad. So let me ask you this one more time. If Russia is doing a good job fighting ISIS in Syria...... Why do you think ISIS still capable of producing oil?

Because Turkey still upkeep ISIS...

Election with a dictator as a candidate? Election is a joke.

Think, HOW they can be a joke?
People will really vote for hated leader by the fear of death? :) Learn the history - there's no ways to force ALL population to skip their needs and hope, by vote for unwanted candidate.

To count a votes by "special" methodics? But Assad is not like Hillary in Harlem (How Hillary Clinton Won Harlem), Syrian elections are FREE to international observers. Try to visit them to find any procedure violations, before to claim this elections as "joke" ;)

And I gave you Hitler and the Germans as an example.

Hitler wasn't a murderer till the Britain and US closed seaports (and seaways!) for jude refugees...

So why cant Putin start bombing the supply line to Turkey. Sorry that is not the answer.

Putin doing it. Btw, right now too :)

Why Syria has not annexed?

Don't pervert my question. Tell me, which country was annexed by Sirya?

As I said repeatedly...... You have not provided any link to support your propaganda. But impressed with your support to Assad and Putin.

Oh, do you know Russian? I'll give you a lot of links to prove my words :)))

But I don't want you to change the source of media - they all are just a machines of propaganda. Think logically! Ask a questions! Don't translate media blindly, as you doing!!!

I can mistake - yes, I do, why not? But let's THINK, not re-stamp a media to USMB! :)

Dictators controlled everything. Election results will be so easy for a dictator to control. Election in Syria with Assad as the candidate is a big JOKE. You are funny...... You mentioned international observer. There are international observer monitoring the civil war in Syria reporting all these atrocities committed by Putin and Assad............... which you denied.
Let me repeat........ Germans love Hitler a murderer. Syrians will vote for Assad a murderer.
Actually you are the one perverting and trying to change the subject........ Syria has not annexed any territory but that doesn't change a single bit that he is a supporter of terrorism and killing his own people with the support of Putin.
Russian media....... Tell me how many news media that Putin thug has shut off?
We have freedom speech here in America we do not control the news media................ Your opinion is just a propaganda.

Ha-ha! Have your ever been a dictator? :) Try to make a business with five employees. If you think, you can control everything they doing at work - you have a strong illusion, or you paying salary to people, who doing nothing.... Assad in Sirya have 18 billion people...

If Syria has not annexed any territory - any comparisons with Hitler still incorrect. Maybe, it would be better to compare Assad with Abe Lincoln? Why not?

I see your "freedom of speech"... If you hear opinion, different from yours, you immediately claim it as "propaganda". Awesome freedom of speech, huly, what I can say else... :)

The civil war has resulted in the deaths of far more people than Assad EVER did. Stop accepting the propaganda from the US government owned media.

Same as what occurred in Libya and Iraq. Both nations ruled by crazy dictators, but the wars instigated by the US government, resulted in far far far more deaths than the dictators ever caused. I guess you consider that success.

News media are far more reliable compared to your opinion. We do not control our news media here in US......If you can't provide any link. It's bogus. Assad and Putin are the only 2 killing civilians in Syria.
Libya wether we as American get involved or not civil war is unavoidable. Libyans are sick with dictator. The same with the Syrians sick with their dictator. Keep trying.
That post proves you are delusional. The MSM is just about entirely controlled by the government, either directly or covertly.

The American MSM news reports on Russia and Syria are perfect examples. All we get are negative reports about Assad and Putin....the chemical attack in Syria was clearly not caused by Assad, but if you read the US government controlled media, you believe Assad caused it. You also believe Putin invaded Ukraine, stole Crimea, and shot down a civilian jetliner....all lies. We get little on the US gov's involvement in gun running from Libya to Turkey to supply Syrian rebels with American arms, thus fomenting the civil war and causing many civilian deaths...we get nothing on Ambassador Stevens CIA involvement in gun running....why the fuck do you think he was in Benghazi, with little protection???

Wake the FUCK up!!!

Actually I thought you are the one that is delusional denying and supporting all these crap committed by Putin and Assad. Living I a dream that Assad and Putin is s nice guy.......Why do you think Assad gave up all his chemical weapons?
Show me any proof that Assad did NOT gas his own people. If not you are bogus.
And where the fuck you've been when Assad senior killing his own people and supporting terrorism which Assad junior took over.
What the fuck Bengazi has anything to do with Syrian discussion? Stay with the topic.
Your response is absurd. I have never stated nor think Assad or Putin are nice guys. Please find where I posted such dribble.

You are a brainwashed American who thinks our media only speaks the truth and is not influenced by powerful forces in government.

Again you prove you know little about what is going on over there. Libya and Syria have much in common. Once Cankles and Big Ears got Qaddafi murdered and turned Libya into a feudal cesspool, they moved to Assad. They were running arms from Libya to Turkey to supply Syrian rebels...but you wouldn't know anything about that, since your media doesn't tell you.

1. You mentioned election in Syria.......... Which you which you defended in support of Assad. Election coming from a dictator is a joke. Nice try.
2. You denied all these atrocities committed by Assad and Putin. Nice try.
3. Dictators doesn't last forever especially if they support terrorism. Wether the US get involved or not it's bound to happen. Nice try.
4. So far all you've given me here are your own propaganda. No support. You are bogus. Nice try.
Also I'm familiar with the flow of arms to Syrian rebels. Syrian Rebels need protect themselves from Assad and Putin. Nice deflection.
Keep trying.

How a dictator can do something agains elections? :)

In cossacs regiment leader has usually a strong power. There's no democracy in cossacs life, only brute force and hierarcy of command - because it's a full army unit.
But when cossacs are making circle and vote for new leader - no one can break election by force.
How one (!) dictator can prevent a choice of 18 billion people, if they want freedom? Don't believe in dreams! :)

P.S. US have a case law. US approved elections in similar situation on Ukraine in 2014. So what? You saying, basic principles of US law practice, founded by G. Washington and others - are wrong? YOU REALLY SAYING IT???
Last edited:
We are talking about Putin and Syria not Turkey.......... Deflection is for political candidates.
Maybe your not even aware ISIS currently supply oil to Syrian government. Putin should be charge of war crimes together with Assad. So let me ask you this one more time. If Russia is doing a good job fighting ISIS in Syria...... Why do you think ISIS still capable of producing oil?

REVEALED: The oil middleman between the Syrian regime and ISIS

Nearly 1,400 civilians killed in Russia's Syria air strikes - monitor
If Putin and Assad are war criminals for their acts in Syria, then naturally you must agree so are Obama and Cankles? After all, they were responsible for instigating and promoting the civil war. Right?

No....... Syrian people had enough with Assad. Somebody need to stop Assad murdering his own people. Somebody need to stop Assad supporting terrorism which Putin thugs support. That will be America.
Aside from your propaganda you have not provided any link to prove your opinion.

When you have to stop ISIS terrorism... Stop them, don't talk... Why ISIS terrorists perish on Assad territories, and still live (and treat) in Turkey territory, which is member of NATO? :)

Why is ISIS still operational in Syria?

As I know, US forces promised to end ISIS in Syria...

Prove it..........
Putin is in Syria......... Why do you think ISIS still operational in Syria? And still capable of producing oil everyday by the million of gallons. Since you cannot answer this question that means you really don't know what is going on in Syria.

The civil war has resulted in the deaths of far more people than Assad EVER did. Stop accepting the propaganda from the US government owned media.

Same as what occurred in Libya and Iraq. Both nations ruled by crazy dictators, but the wars instigated by the US government, resulted in far far far more deaths than the dictators ever caused. I guess you consider that success.

News media are far more reliable compared to your opinion. We do not control our news media here in US......If you can't provide any link. It's bogus. Assad and Putin are the only 2 killing civilians in Syria.
Libya wether we as American get involved or not civil war is unavoidable. Libyans are sick with dictator. The same with the Syrians sick with their dictator. Keep trying.
That post proves you are delusional. The MSM is just about entirely controlled by the government, either directly or covertly.

The American MSM news reports on Russia and Syria are perfect examples. All we get are negative reports about Assad and Putin....the chemical attack in Syria was clearly not caused by Assad, but if you read the US government controlled media, you believe Assad caused it. You also believe Putin invaded Ukraine, stole Crimea, and shot down a civilian jetliner....all lies. We get little on the US gov's involvement in gun running from Libya to Turkey to supply Syrian rebels with American arms, thus fomenting the civil war and causing many civilian deaths...we get nothing on Ambassador Stevens CIA involvement in gun running....why the fuck do you think he was in Benghazi, with little protection???

Wake the FUCK up!!!

Actually I thought you are the one that is delusional denying and supporting all these crap committed by Putin and Assad. Living I a dream that Assad and Putin is s nice guy.......Why do you think Assad gave up all his chemical weapons?
Show me any proof that Assad did NOT gas his own people. If not you are bogus.
And where the fuck you've been when Assad senior killing his own people and supporting terrorism which Assad junior took over.
What the fuck Bengazi has anything to do with Syrian discussion? Stay with the topic.
Your response is absurd. I have never stated nor think Assad or Putin are nice guys. Please find where I posted such dribble.

You are a brainwashed American who thinks our media only speaks the truth and is not influenced by powerful forces in government.

Again you prove you know little about what is going on over there. Libya and Syria have much in common. Once Cankles and Big Ears got Qaddafi murdered and turned Libya into a feudal cesspool, they moved to Assad. They were running arms from Libya to Turkey to supply Syrian rebels...but you wouldn't know anything about that, since your media doesn't tell you.

1. You mentioned election in Syria.......... Which you which you defended in support of Assad. Election coming from a dictator is a joke. Nice try.
2. You denied all these atrocities committed by Assad and Putin. Nice try.
3. Dictators doesn't last forever especially if they support terrorism. Wether the US get involved or not it's bound to happen. Nice try.
4. So far all you've given me here are your own propaganda. No support. You are bogus. Nice try.
Also I'm familiar with the flow of arms to Syrian rebels. Syrian Rebels need protect themselves from Assad and Putin. Nice deflection.
Keep trying.
1. Never mentioned election in Syria...not one time.
2. Never denied atrocities...not one time.
3. Incomprehensible, so can't answer.
4. Believe what you want...I don't care.

So you admit to knowing the US gov was arming Syrian rebels. Good. We are making some progress...albeit little.
News media are far more reliable compared to your opinion. We do not control our news media here in US......If you can't provide any link. It's bogus. Assad and Putin are the only 2 killing civilians in Syria.
Libya wether we as American get involved or not civil war is unavoidable. Libyans are sick with dictator. The same with the Syrians sick with their dictator. Keep trying.
That post proves you are delusional. The MSM is just about entirely controlled by the government, either directly or covertly.

The American MSM news reports on Russia and Syria are perfect examples. All we get are negative reports about Assad and Putin....the chemical attack in Syria was clearly not caused by Assad, but if you read the US government controlled media, you believe Assad caused it. You also believe Putin invaded Ukraine, stole Crimea, and shot down a civilian jetliner....all lies. We get little on the US gov's involvement in gun running from Libya to Turkey to supply Syrian rebels with American arms, thus fomenting the civil war and causing many civilian deaths...we get nothing on Ambassador Stevens CIA involvement in gun running....why the fuck do you think he was in Benghazi, with little protection???

Wake the FUCK up!!!

Actually I thought you are the one that is delusional denying and supporting all these crap committed by Putin and Assad. Living I a dream that Assad and Putin is s nice guy.......Why do you think Assad gave up all his chemical weapons?
Show me any proof that Assad did NOT gas his own people. If not you are bogus.
And where the fuck you've been when Assad senior killing his own people and supporting terrorism which Assad junior took over.
What the fuck Bengazi has anything to do with Syrian discussion? Stay with the topic.
Your response is absurd. I have never stated nor think Assad or Putin are nice guys. Please find where I posted such dribble.

You are a brainwashed American who thinks our media only speaks the truth and is not influenced by powerful forces in government.

Again you prove you know little about what is going on over there. Libya and Syria have much in common. Once Cankles and Big Ears got Qaddafi murdered and turned Libya into a feudal cesspool, they moved to Assad. They were running arms from Libya to Turkey to supply Syrian rebels...but you wouldn't know anything about that, since your media doesn't tell you.

1. You mentioned election in Syria.......... Which you which you defended in support of Assad. Election coming from a dictator is a joke. Nice try.
2. You denied all these atrocities committed by Assad and Putin. Nice try.
3. Dictators doesn't last forever especially if they support terrorism. Wether the US get involved or not it's bound to happen. Nice try.
4. So far all you've given me here are your own propaganda. No support. You are bogus. Nice try.
Also I'm familiar with the flow of arms to Syrian rebels. Syrian Rebels need protect themselves from Assad and Putin. Nice deflection.
Keep trying.
1. Never mentioned election in Syria...not one time.
2. Never denied atrocities...not one time.
3. Incomprehensible, so can't answer.
4. Believe what you want...I don't care.

So you admit to knowing the US gov was arming Syrian rebels. Good. We are making some progress...albeit little.

Are you serious?
1. Election read your post #88. Nice try.
2. Never denied atrocities..... Yeah right. I provided you several links about atrocities and yet you denied and blamed that we control the media. Nice try.
Yes everyone knew about US supplying arms to Syrian Rebels. They need to defend themselves from getting massacred from Assad which has been going on for a long time. So what is your point?

Sure you care. If not then why are you here defending Assad and Putin?
That post proves you are delusional. The MSM is just about entirely controlled by the government, either directly or covertly.

The American MSM news reports on Russia and Syria are perfect examples. All we get are negative reports about Assad and Putin....the chemical attack in Syria was clearly not caused by Assad, but if you read the US government controlled media, you believe Assad caused it. You also believe Putin invaded Ukraine, stole Crimea, and shot down a civilian jetliner....all lies. We get little on the US gov's involvement in gun running from Libya to Turkey to supply Syrian rebels with American arms, thus fomenting the civil war and causing many civilian deaths...we get nothing on Ambassador Stevens CIA involvement in gun running....why the fuck do you think he was in Benghazi, with little protection???

Wake the FUCK up!!!

Actually I thought you are the one that is delusional denying and supporting all these crap committed by Putin and Assad. Living I a dream that Assad and Putin is s nice guy.......Why do you think Assad gave up all his chemical weapons?
Show me any proof that Assad did NOT gas his own people. If not you are bogus.
And where the fuck you've been when Assad senior killing his own people and supporting terrorism which Assad junior took over.
What the fuck Bengazi has anything to do with Syrian discussion? Stay with the topic.
Your response is absurd. I have never stated nor think Assad or Putin are nice guys. Please find where I posted such dribble.

You are a brainwashed American who thinks our media only speaks the truth and is not influenced by powerful forces in government.

Again you prove you know little about what is going on over there. Libya and Syria have much in common. Once Cankles and Big Ears got Qaddafi murdered and turned Libya into a feudal cesspool, they moved to Assad. They were running arms from Libya to Turkey to supply Syrian rebels...but you wouldn't know anything about that, since your media doesn't tell you.

1. You mentioned election in Syria.......... Which you which you defended in support of Assad. Election coming from a dictator is a joke. Nice try.
2. You denied all these atrocities committed by Assad and Putin. Nice try.
3. Dictators doesn't last forever especially if they support terrorism. Wether the US get involved or not it's bound to happen. Nice try.
4. So far all you've given me here are your own propaganda. No support. You are bogus. Nice try.
Also I'm familiar with the flow of arms to Syrian rebels. Syrian Rebels need protect themselves from Assad and Putin. Nice deflection.
Keep trying.
1. Never mentioned election in Syria...not one time.
2. Never denied atrocities...not one time.
3. Incomprehensible, so can't answer.
4. Believe what you want...I don't care.

So you admit to knowing the US gov was arming Syrian rebels. Good. We are making some progress...albeit little.

Are you serious?
1. Election read your post #88. Nice try.
2. Never denied atrocities..... Yeah right. I provided you several links about atrocities and yet you denied and blamed that we control the media. Nice try.
Yes everyone knew about US supplying arms to Syrian Rebels. They need to defend themselves from getting massacred from Assad which has been going on for a long time. So what is your point?

Sure you care. If not then why are you here defending Assad and Putin?

Post 88 is sbiker not me.
Again...never denied atrocities. In war there are always atrocities on all sides...that is one reason among many, why war should be avoided.

My point regarding the US arming the rebels is I am a non-interventionist. It is not our fight and none of our business. American interventions have ALWAYS lead to much death and suffering...and nothing good for the country. But...sadly, the warmongering a-holes in Washington DC are all about foreign interventions.
Actually I thought you are the one that is delusional denying and supporting all these crap committed by Putin and Assad. Living I a dream that Assad and Putin is s nice guy.......Why do you think Assad gave up all his chemical weapons?
Show me any proof that Assad did NOT gas his own people. If not you are bogus.
And where the fuck you've been when Assad senior killing his own people and supporting terrorism which Assad junior took over.
What the fuck Bengazi has anything to do with Syrian discussion? Stay with the topic.
Your response is absurd. I have never stated nor think Assad or Putin are nice guys. Please find where I posted such dribble.

You are a brainwashed American who thinks our media only speaks the truth and is not influenced by powerful forces in government.

Again you prove you know little about what is going on over there. Libya and Syria have much in common. Once Cankles and Big Ears got Qaddafi murdered and turned Libya into a feudal cesspool, they moved to Assad. They were running arms from Libya to Turkey to supply Syrian rebels...but you wouldn't know anything about that, since your media doesn't tell you.

1. You mentioned election in Syria.......... Which you which you defended in support of Assad. Election coming from a dictator is a joke. Nice try.
2. You denied all these atrocities committed by Assad and Putin. Nice try.
3. Dictators doesn't last forever especially if they support terrorism. Wether the US get involved or not it's bound to happen. Nice try.
4. So far all you've given me here are your own propaganda. No support. You are bogus. Nice try.
Also I'm familiar with the flow of arms to Syrian rebels. Syrian Rebels need protect themselves from Assad and Putin. Nice deflection.
Keep trying.
1. Never mentioned election in Syria...not one time.
2. Never denied atrocities...not one time.
3. Incomprehensible, so can't answer.
4. Believe what you want...I don't care.

So you admit to knowing the US gov was arming Syrian rebels. Good. We are making some progress...albeit little.

Are you serious?
1. Election read your post #88. Nice try.
2. Never denied atrocities..... Yeah right. I provided you several links about atrocities and yet you denied and blamed that we control the media. Nice try.
Yes everyone knew about US supplying arms to Syrian Rebels. They need to defend themselves from getting massacred from Assad which has been going on for a long time. So what is your point?

Sure you care. If not then why are you here defending Assad and Putin?

Post 88 is sbiker not me.
Again...never denied atrocities. In war there are always atrocities on all sides...that is one reason among many, why war should be avoided.

My point regarding the US arming the rebels is I am a non-interventionist. It is not our fight and none of our business. American interventions have ALWAYS lead to much death and suffering...and nothing good for the country. But...sadly, the warmongering a-holes in Washington DC are all about foreign interventions.

Sbiker and you are posting the same argument supporting Assad and Putin......... If you are non interventionist that's your problem. Then stay out of the way trying to justify Assad and Putin criminalities.
And what do you mean....... It's not our fight and none of our business?
1. We Americans NOT you. From all your argument with me. You belong in Russia or Syria.....
2. Syrian are getting slaughtered by Assad senior and junior......... For a very long time before even ISIS exist. We the Americans ( not you ) has to do something to stop these murderous act committed by Assad and Putin which you've been supporting.
Your response is absurd. I have never stated nor think Assad or Putin are nice guys. Please find where I posted such dribble.

You are a brainwashed American who thinks our media only speaks the truth and is not influenced by powerful forces in government.

Again you prove you know little about what is going on over there. Libya and Syria have much in common. Once Cankles and Big Ears got Qaddafi murdered and turned Libya into a feudal cesspool, they moved to Assad. They were running arms from Libya to Turkey to supply Syrian rebels...but you wouldn't know anything about that, since your media doesn't tell you.

1. You mentioned election in Syria.......... Which you which you defended in support of Assad. Election coming from a dictator is a joke. Nice try.
2. You denied all these atrocities committed by Assad and Putin. Nice try.
3. Dictators doesn't last forever especially if they support terrorism. Wether the US get involved or not it's bound to happen. Nice try.
4. So far all you've given me here are your own propaganda. No support. You are bogus. Nice try.
Also I'm familiar with the flow of arms to Syrian rebels. Syrian Rebels need protect themselves from Assad and Putin. Nice deflection.
Keep trying.
1. Never mentioned election in Syria...not one time.
2. Never denied atrocities...not one time.
3. Incomprehensible, so can't answer.
4. Believe what you want...I don't care.

So you admit to knowing the US gov was arming Syrian rebels. Good. We are making some progress...albeit little.

Are you serious?
1. Election read your post #88. Nice try.
2. Never denied atrocities..... Yeah right. I provided you several links about atrocities and yet you denied and blamed that we control the media. Nice try.
Yes everyone knew about US supplying arms to Syrian Rebels. They need to defend themselves from getting massacred from Assad which has been going on for a long time. So what is your point?

Sure you care. If not then why are you here defending Assad and Putin?

Post 88 is sbiker not me.
Again...never denied atrocities. In war there are always atrocities on all sides...that is one reason among many, why war should be avoided.

My point regarding the US arming the rebels is I am a non-interventionist. It is not our fight and none of our business. American interventions have ALWAYS lead to much death and suffering...and nothing good for the country. But...sadly, the warmongering a-holes in Washington DC are all about foreign interventions.

Sbiker and you are posting the same argument supporting Assad and Putin......... If you are non interventionist that's your problem. Then stay out of the way trying to justify Assad and Putin criminalities.
And what do you mean....... It's not our fight and none of our business?
1. We Americans NOT you. From all your argument with me. You belong in Russia or Syria.....
2. Syrian are getting slaughtered by Assad senior and junior......... For a very long time before even ISIS exist. We the Americans ( not you ) has to do something to stop these murderous act committed by Assad and Putin which you've been supporting.
This might be of interest to you, if you are really interested in what is going on over there. The warmongers in Washington are intent to causing a big war.

U.S. Now Overtly at War Against Russia
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg announced on February 2nd that he approves of U.S. ‘Defense’ Secretary Ash Carter’s proposal to quadruple U.S. armaments and troops in Europe, against ‘Russian aggression.’

However, the truth is: Russia is not expanding to NATO’s borders; NATO is expanding to Russia’s borders. The baldness of the Western lie to the contrary is an insult to Westerners’ intelligence.
(emphasis by Gipper)

The U.S. is preparing for an invasion of Russia.

“By the end of 2017,” the U.S. will be prepared to invade Russia.

Secretary Carter went on to say:

Russia and China are our most stressing competitors. They have developed and are continuing to advance military system that seek to threaten our advantages in specific areas. And in some case, they are developing weapons and ways of wars that seek to achieve their objectives rapidly, before they hope, we can respond.

Because of this and because of their actions to date, from Ukraine to the South China Sea, DOD has elevated their importance in our defense planning and budgeting.

Since he is a Secretary of ‘Defense’ instead of a Secretary of Offense, he immediately added:

While we do not desire conflict of any kind with either of these nations — and let me be clear.
U.S. Now Overtly at War Against Russia Washington's Blog
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If Putin and Assad are war criminals for their acts in Syria, then naturally you must agree so are Obama and Cankles? After all, they were responsible for instigating and promoting the civil war. Right?

No....... Syrian people had enough with Assad. Somebody need to stop Assad murdering his own people. Somebody need to stop Assad supporting terrorism which Putin thugs support. That will be America.
Aside from your propaganda you have not provided any link to prove your opinion.

When you have to stop ISIS terrorism... Stop them, don't talk... Why ISIS terrorists perish on Assad territories, and still live (and treat) in Turkey territory, which is member of NATO? :)

Why is ISIS still operational in Syria?

As I know, US forces promised to end ISIS in Syria...

Prove it..........
Putin is in Syria......... Why do you think ISIS still operational in Syria? And still capable of producing oil everyday by the million of gallons. Since you cannot answer this question that means you really don't know what is going on in Syria.

:)))))))) Ok, no promises, no marriage.... So, what's the deal in Syria to US? Why US special forces making operations inside Syria territory... What is the situation, when one souvereing state tried to dictate internal politic to another souvereign state, never promised anything? :)

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